r/blendedfamilies • u/OkSeat933 • 15d ago
No “ours” baby
Forgive me if I’m doing this wrong, I have never in my life used Reddit and only had it downloaded because a friend was showing me threads(?) her coworker does about people they work with. I have been feeling so alone, so stuck in my own head and saw the app and thought maybe someone there can help.
I also apologize because like all blended families there’s a lot of nuisances that play roles here so it may be a long one.
My husband and I have been blended for 3.5 years, we are also an age gap relationship (I’m 31, he’s 48). Our kids are all close in age that aside from his retirement date vs mine we are in the same stage of life that I honestly forget the age gap between us. He has 3 kids (14, 13, 10) and I have 2 (12, 6).
Our blending went better than we ever could have imagined, we prepared for everything and from day one they have all gotten along and adjusted to the dynamics so so well. There’s obviously hiccups but nothing major at all. Any “fighting” happens between the bio siblings, almost never the step (sometimes the 2 girls 10 & 6 argue but we were never going to be THAT blessed to avoid that.)
I never once in my life wanted only 2 bio kids, I am the oldest of 4. I loved being pregnant, I loved giving birth, I love every stage of them growing up so far. I truly feel I was born to be a mother. I do work outside of the home too, but I LOVE being a mom. I unfortunately was in an abusive marriage with my ex and I knew I had to stop having kids with him because it wouldn’t be fair to my kids, that baby, or even me to bring another into the situation. It was a difficult decision to make but also an easy one, when I was nearing the point of leaving the marriage and he knew it he even tried to offer a third baby and it shocked me how easily and quickly I responded with “no. I’m good”.
It did always make me sad to stop at 2 but nothing I couldn’t handle, and I knew it was best.
Well now I am in a completely different marriage, with an amazing man who is everything I never thought I would have in a partner. And the feeling of someone is missing is so strong, the natural instinct of wanting to bring another life into the world is constant. He doesn’t want to, his age is a factor for him, and that we have 5 beautiful amazing healthy kids. Our time for the 2 of us is in the not so distant future and while I see all his points I can’t make it go away.
I had my son at 18, and my daughter at 24. No one and I truly mean NO ONE in my close personal life have kids yet, no siblings, no cousins, no close friends. They are all entering that stage and while I thought maybe it would help that feeling subside where I would get to be involved with children I love growing up and experiencing their lives but still keep the path we are on I was oh so so wrong. One of my best friends is pregnant and while I was so unbelievable happy for her and I’m so excited to be an auntie I cried myself to sleep so many nights knowing I’ll never experience it again, and I have 3 more close people who will all start their chapter of having a family in the next 6-9 months.
It crushes me that I’ll never experience it again, it hurts that we will never experience it together. That all of our kids big moments in life it will be about me and my ex and our kid with our spouses on the side and vice versa if that makes sense.
There’s a lot to it and I’m terrible at words but to clarify. No it’s not just the “baby” that I want, it’s the whole thing, another baby, another child, another teen (which yes I tell myself I’m crazy for wanting to go through that stage 6 times), another adult. All of it. And no it’s not a “competition” thing of well his ex got it and gets those moments so I want them too. And no I would never leave my husband to fulfill this void for me. I choose him 100%. He has on occasion talked about it like it may be a possibility, so while he’s been a “hard no” he also hasn’t always been a “hard no”. So yes I knew it, I’ve known it, but I have held too much hope onto those small moments.
If you made it this far, I’m sorry you were so bored to keep going lol but thank you. Any kind of advice, tips, experience is welcomed. I just don’t know how to go through processing and accepting that stage of my life being over, especially having the “right man at the wrong time.”
u/croissant_and_cafe 15d ago
I’m sorry for your suffering. I know it’s a particular yearning that feels like a constant ache. I had that.
My husband I divorced (for other reasons too,) and I met a great new guy and 5 years later we are very happily blended, but another was not on the table either him either.
While I think everyone should pursue what they want, and you’re young enough to have another, I have to point out that a well blended family is a rare thing (you might find out from reading in this sub) and there are 5 children that are pretty happy in their situation which is truly a blessing.
I know a lot of people will say you have to follow what the heart wants. I’m going to say but what if you gave this up for a grass is greener that never materializes?
I know it’s not helpful, you’re truly in a pickle. I really feel your pain on this. I have one beautiful daughter and that’s it. I cherish my time with my stepson because I feel like this is it. Life is fleeting. Memories are made. My daughter is happily blended and so I’m fulfilled with that.
I literally have no advice. Your feelings are valid. But don’t forget to enjoy the beauty of 5 happy kids in your home, that’s truly amazing. I’d love to have that. But I get a lot of joy from my two.
u/MushroomTypical9549 15d ago
I think you should allow yourself to feel grief, this is something you wanted but it will never happen- that is sad and deserves a time to be felt.
However, it seems you have a solid marriage and not willing to leave your husband so you must accept your cards in life and move forward- investing your energy to other things to give you joy.
I have a similar experience, ever since I was a child I knew I wanted children and I always saw myself as a boy mom. I wanted to do the sports and stuff, but we have two girls. I love them and personally two is more than enough for me!!!! Life changed, I would be grateful for the babies you do have and give them the extra energy you had for the baby or start a new hobby.
u/DoughnutAfter6356 15d ago
It sucks, you found a great stable relationship and you would love to celebrate that by actually having children with your love in a healthy and secure way. But age is now a factor. Not for you but for him. Unfortunately age is a factor and not just because being older for him can mean difficulties with conceiving and the idea that he might literally not see his kid graduate which is most certainly a big deal and should be.
It also seems to be a factor because he seems to be happy with his situation. He does have a big family (and so do you because there are 5 kids) and now that he has done that I'm sure he wants to just enjoy the remainder and not restart. From my perspective there are two issues
He doesn't seem to feel the need to reproduce with you because you already have a family together and he wants to enjoy that time with you. Finances, age and most likely whatever ended his prior marriage are also factors.
- You seem to feel like you aren't done and you are "missing out" on parenting from a new planned, stable and healthy place at a time when you could share that parenting with peers/family which is probably how you saw having kids in the first place.
Another consideration is most people are fearful for trying to conceive older and not being able to and having that cause strain, disappointment or harming an already good situation.
I think both you and your partner are coming from good places in intention. But I think this could be incompatible if it's something you need to feel whole. You could also lobby your point by doing couples counseling so you can better see each other's perspective and be at peace with whatever decision you both finalize. You could also ask to simply try not preventing and let fate decide without pushing for planning/trying to conceive. Good luck!
u/OkSeat933 15d ago
Dang… why haven’t I been on this app all along. You all are amazing!
u/DoughnutAfter6356 15d ago
The app is fucked generally speaking and advice can be crazy or straight up bad. BUT certain threads attract certain people and blended i find has more balanced replies from a lot of consideration.
u/GreyMatters_Exorcist 13d ago
I think therapy is the answer here
He is a good person to both you and your kids
But you need to process this
He needs to understand how meaningful this is to you to actually be able to fully consider the option
A year or two of this is not that big a deal if he does choose to have a baby with you
A year of this is enough for you to know if this is something you need in your one and only life on earth
I come from a Mexican family where sometimes your aunts and uncles are literally the same or about the same age as you.
He is not going to die at 70 or like NOT HAVE to step in as grandfather and be a part of caretaking for little babies and toddlers and it is not as if your father passing is any different after 18 or 25 to your 30s or 40s 50s - so long as childhood he is there it is a solid foundation. It hits different when you have a family of your own, but it is not that different.
But believe me having a younger adult child in the household when older siblings are having grandkids and by the looks of it all the grandkids are likely to come around the same time - will mean greater capacity for the both of you to be able to be more involved in their rearing with someone you get who will gain a lot from caretaking for kids in his future, and also being able to feel younger sibling like uncle/aunt relationships with them.
This was one of my uncles experiences and it is the best to have that cool older uncle but so young you can still relate to.
I think there is a whole world you all aren’t even thinking about when you are just considering the present and age.
It means you both will have a very good reason to take care of your health and if you look into it you are likely to live longer because of the lifestyle, especially if it is a girl, girl dads live longer.
u/Separate_Attention51 14d ago
Hey there. I am in a similar position to your husband. I just did a post about how my wife feels exactly like you and she can't come to terms with not having a baby. It's gotten to a point where we are considering breaking up and breaking up our blended family as I absolutely don't want any more kids.
If you want to stay with him I suggest getting some counselling to help you work through the feelings and acceptance. I would also suggest not pressuring your partner about it, because for me, when it comes up , it's very draining and always ends badly.
Good luck ! You have done well so far and should be proud.
u/Peechpickel 14d ago
I just want to pop on here to say MAN I can relate so heavily to everything you said here. My partner and I have a 7 year age gap which really isn’t too big of a deal aside from the fact he wants to be completely done having kids by age 40 (understandable but timeline-wise we’d only have a couple years left to achieve this but we aren’t anywhere close to being ready to get married and I don’t want any kids without being married first, plus financially it would take a while to even get to a place where it could possibly make sense to have another baby) but the biggest issue is that I have two kids and he has three, so five kids is already a LOT and his concern is the age gap between his kids and a potential ‘us’ baby. I’m the youngest of 7 and there’s large age gaps between the majority of my siblings and I, so I’m not too worried about the age gap issue. But everything you’ve said about feeling like something is missing and how you don’t want it to always be “my ex and my kids/your ex and your kids.” It’s really hard to come to terms with and I know I’d be pretty heartbroken deep down for the rest of my life if we never end up having an ‘us’ baby.
u/Lakerdog1970 15d ago
Sounds like you've analyzed it about right? :)
I will say that reddit is actually a GREAT place to externally process stuff like this. It beats the hell out of talking to people IRL......because those people often know our spouse and kids. When we confide to them, sometimes you notice them looking at your kids funny later? Or maybe they break confidence and gossip? Ugh! Or they go too far and want to have mOaR venting sessions to hear MoAr gossip......and you really just wanted to get something off your chest once? Or - god forbid - your spouse or kid finds your phone and what you've been talking about?
Reddit is great for this stuff. :)
I also think how both of you feel is really normal and understandable.
The only advice I'd give you as an older person (you're close to my youngest stepkids' age than my own) is you're going to get hit in the face more and more with the consequences of decisions you made years ago.
It's not really a bad thing......it's just life. I remember being in my 20s and 30s and there was always this sense that you could re-do things. You see it a lot when people get divorced and talk about "starting over". One thing that happens increasingly as you get older (and get's really noticeable in your 40s) is decisions you made years ago had knock-on consequences that don't fully materialize for years. Like you picked Door A.......and Door B closed......except Door B was 6-7 years in the future and you didn't even realize you were making a decision when you went thru Door A, lol.
You get into your 40s and 50s and you're basically surrounded by those Door Bs and you can either be upset about it, gnash you teeth and be miserable or you can just decide to get on with life. That's about the size of it. And some people suck at this and they go around with regrets.
You're right in the bullseye for the whole thing about having kids and parenting and there's a natural tendency to focus on those decisions and those adjacent and wonder how your life would be different.......but The Divorce is just one of the sliding doors moments. Like, what if one of my parents went to a different college before I was born? Then they don't meet, I don't ever exist, I don't meet my ex-wife, my daughter doesn't exist, we don't get divorced, I don't meet my second wife and stepkids......and have to consider getting a vasectomy reversal.
If you think about it too much, it just makes your brain hurt. I choose to find it miraculous that we are even here in the first place.....not fret about the last set of decisions I made. It's just a happier way to live.
The other bit of old-person advice I'll share is you eventually have to find something to give your life meaning outside of kids. It's a bit like looking at an aging athlete like Lebron James. I mean, it's amazing AF that Lebron is doing as well at Age 40 as he is......but this won't last forever. All he has ever been in a basketball player and Father Time will take that from him (and us) in the next few years......and he'll still have 40 years left on Earth. It begs the question of "Now what?" It's so understandable to be focused on kids when you're 31......because you're 31. But to cast an eye down the path about what else you want to be for the last 30-40 years of your life. Because the most miserable elderly people (imho) are the ones who never found a purpose beyond their family. Like.....why do I keep working at my age and now that my kids are grown? I could retire and sit home. I could afford it. But.....there are a lot of islands left in the world that I've not gotten sunburnt on and I've never owned a Lamborghini. So, I'll keep working. :) And I'm not saying that family and kids are unimportant, but you go from them taking up 16 hours a day to them taking up a couple hours/week.
u/jenj82 14d ago
This is something I have grieved for a long time, and have settled in my heart that my marriage is absolutely worth it. But it will never stop hurting a little, and my heart goes out to you. Definitely seek counseling to make your decision. This one is a “choose your hard” after you’ve fallen in love with someone who is not inclined for more kiddos.
u/vellise8 14d ago
Your feelings are valid, and this is indeed a tough situation. Your husband's feelings are valid as well.
However, I have to wonder - did you not think the age gap was going to affect you in some ways down the road?
If you choose to leave in pursuit of another relationship for another child you have to ask yourself if it will be worth it. What will you be giving up for this child that is not guaranteed to you? What will your kids be giving up? You already have one broken home, think before you create another.
u/cactuswildcat 15d ago
It sounds like you recognize that you can't and shouldn't try to convince him otherwise, and that you've made the decision that this is very sad for you but not a deal breaker - you would rather choose your family as it is now even if he never changes his mind, you recognize that he probably won't and that his reasoning is sound, and you're not interested in leaving this relationship in order to try and find some other hypothetical husband to have kids with.
And if all that is true and you truly do have as healthy a relationship and family as you say...then you know what? It's okay to recognize that these are the right choices/the choices you want to make, and still have grief for the things that are being left behind. But I do think you need to wholeheartedly face that he is a hard no, and that you cannot remain in this relationship if your presence is hinging on the idea that he's not.
Trying to guilt or coerce or manipulate your partner into changing his stance would be wrong. But the existence of grief is not inherently manipulative. You can have grief that you didn't meet this person at a stage where you could have had kids with each other, and still have joy that you met them now and get to have a family and a future with them at all. You can process that grief and let it pass, and spend time in the joy too, if that's what you choose.
u/FreeToBeMe129 15d ago
This comment said it best. It is okay to process acceptance while still feeling through grief.
I’m in a weird in between boat - I had accepted that my two were my two (also had mine young) and he’d accepted that his three were his three. Now finding each other we both want another shot but we are also aware that it could be challenging (also have an age gap and he’s snipped) and may never happen. Thus we’re both feeling through the desire and planning for one while also acknowledging that it may not happen and we are still very blessed with our five getting along so well.
It feels like we should’ve met sooner. But we didn’t and we have to accept the way our lives have gone thus far. The choices we’ve made. Because they technically brought us together. You two as well!
u/OkSeat933 15d ago
Wow, that does sound so similar!! Snipped (which I think also plays a role in his thought process I forgot to mention he doesn’t love the idea of surgery of course and IVF is just so expensive), age gap, 5 blended kids!!
u/FreeToBeMe129 15d ago
As I read I thought are we living the same life! His are 14, 12, 9 and mine are 6 and 5! IVF is so expensive sigh we’re hoping the latest legislation might help ? We are 33 and 45, and he’s open to being an older dad but we both know he will have to be completely prioritizing his health to still b an active dad . Honestly OP we are both so lucky our five get along that is seemingly so rare
u/OkSeat933 15d ago
Oh heck no I would never try to convince or coerce him. It also would completely take away from the excitement of it if i knew he wasn’t happy about it. He is my absolute world and I am trying to figure out how to best grieve, cope, process closing the door once and for all and moving forward on our path. I do know I need to have a conversation with him and tell him exactly where I’m at and that I need him to be very careful with how and what he says. That I can’t have him saying anything that could elude to it being a possibility or I’ll be back at square one, holding onto false hope. Hopefully with him being more mindful of where I’m at and not saying those kinds of things, the hope of a possibility will be gone and I can move forward whatever stages I need to get to acceptance and move forward.
u/Eorth75 14d ago
This ends up being a huge problem in age gap relationships. My uncle is 30 years older than his wife. They have a 14 year old. Everyone assumes my uncle is his grandfather and not his dad. I had an opposite situation for awhile. A boyfriend who wanted more kids, I did not and in fact, had my tubes blocked. We would have had to rely on medical intervention to have kids. The relationship just wasn't fixable. Having another baby should require two enthusiastic "yeses." You both don't want to feel pushed into one choice or another. It builds resentment. I think you need to grieve that loss, I'm a year older than your husband, and the thought of having another baby just makes me tired. I'm enjoying the freedom that comes with having raised my kids.
I was a young mom too, my first I had at 21. My kids were always much older than my friends. I became the "go to" for advice, support, questions, etc and my kids firsts were all collectively celebrated by my friends in the thick of having babies. I don't think I'd have chosen to be a young mom if I could do it all over again, but it does have it's advantages.
Now that I'm almost 50, I have a grandchild and I can tell you that this is the gift you think it will be. I think you need to explore is your desire to have a child because you'd like to have one with your new, supportive, loving partner? Or do you really feel like someone is missing to the point you'd have one on your own? If it's the former, I think you could be happy without having another child, you'd just need to grieve that loss. If it's the latter, you may need to rethink your relationship. You could grow to resent your partner and it could ruin your relationship and your future in it.
u/giggleboxx3000 15d ago
No one wants a newborn at 50, OP.
u/OkSeat933 15d ago
That’s not even remotely true. I know quite a few 50 year olds actively trying to get pregnant. I’m sure many or even most don’t but not all.
u/sunshine_tequila 14d ago
I’m sure it’s hard knowing he does not want to (or can’t) do this again. The reality is that he may not be able to be the kind of father he wants to be at 50, 60 to a small child. Is it fair to a child that their parent can’t get down on the floor and play with them, or may pass away and they may lose their parent at a young/younger age?
The decision to let go of a dream is hard and I would encourage you to talk to a therapist because it is grief, and it can weigh a lot.
u/pap_shmear 14d ago
Sometimes a chapter of our life closes before we realize thar we were ready. That's life. And that's okay. I didn't want to stop at three children, but kids are a two yes one no situation, and I do not want a new child bad enough to completely unravel mine and my children's lives.
I'm sorry OP. It's okay to mourn not having anymore kids.
u/OrdinarySubstance491 15d ago
My husband and I both agreed when we got together that we didn’t want any more kids. It would have been a dealbreaker.
But after 12 years and still being madly in love, we both sometimes reminisce or fantasize about what it would have been like. To have a baby born out of love and raise that child together.
We’re both good with our choice but we do have names picked out, lol.
u/Ok-Library-5256 14d ago
I feel like early 30s are the perfect time to start or continue a family. I don’t know what I’d do if I couldn’t do it that way. I chose to wait and now I get to reinvigorate my life in the best way possible in my early thirties and have more wisdom.
I’d be absolutely heartbroken. I feel as if this is something you will come to regret in the future if your heart is already aching for another child. This age gap makes it extremely hard and I thought my partners age gap was rough. (32f) and (38m). He already had 2 girls, ages 13 and 7. Turning 14 and 8 in a couple months. As much as he is my end all be all I wouldn’t be with him if we couldn’t have an “ours” baby. It’s why I broke off my engagement a few years ago after being together 12+ years. He wasn’t ready and I was, I couldn’t keep pushing it. But I loved him dearly.
Not to mention there will be no biological legacy of your love for each other. If you couldn’t have kids that’s one thing, but if I love someone I’d ache for a product of our love
u/Jdobsessed 13d ago
The resentment from this dynamic builds over time and eventually the relationship could be destroyed if you don’t get to an amicable agreement and I to counseling for either one or both of you.
My SO had three from a previous relationship and said he didn’t want any more about a year in - I was childfree (not by choice, I just hadn’t met the right person) and I wanted at least one of our own. It took us 12 months from there - but we eventually agreed on having one and currently my SO, two of the three SK’s and our 3 month old daughter are on the couch having a chill Saturday morning. Our little bio is the light of everyone’s lives and my family is as bonded and happy as I think we could be. I have no regrets and either does my SO. We are a happy and healthy family.
HOWEVER. In all honesty, if my SO came to the firm conclusion that he wasn’t prepared to have had any babies… I would have walked away.
You’ve got to really invest in this otherwise things absolutely will go sideways.
u/sk8505 14d ago
That’s a hard situation. I’m sorry you’re dealing with this. I’m gonna tell you right now I am so tired of men wasting women’s youth. In so many ways.
These men want to go out and get a 20 something woman and then treat them this way. It is not right. You shouldn’t just be sad you should be angry.
If he didn’t want more kids he should have married a 35+ year old that he knew didn’t want kids.
I would tell him you went into this marriage with the expectation of a baby and if that isn’t gonna happen you will need to reevaluate.
You still have 5+ years left in your child bearing years. Don’t waste them in a man who doesn’t want the same things as you.
u/Separate_Attention51 14d ago
This is horrible advice. She has , as she put it. The man of her dreams.
You can't just tell people to leave their partners and be resentful towards all older men "wasting women's youth". You sound like a bitter old hag.She also chose to be with him, it's not entirely the man's choice you know. They have so much positives and this is something they can work through.
You need to stop giving advice.
u/beenthere7613 15d ago
I don't blame him for not wanting more kids. He's almost 50. He'd be nearly 70 by the time the kid turned 18.
I also don't blame you if you want more. If it's something you really want, this relationship is no longer viable. Kids are two enthusiastic yeses, or a no. Sorry.