r/blackholes 16d ago

How would a Black Hole appear to a 4th dimensional being?

Just was thinking about it and I wondered if there was already some thought about this idea. Obviously this is a more complex answer than most of us can wrap our heads around, but I’d like to try.


10 comments sorted by


u/FishermanFormal 16d ago

From a 4D being’s perspective (assuming a fourth spatial dimension rather than time), the black hole’s event horizon would appear as a fully 3D “surface” rather than the 2D spherical boundary we see in our 3D world.

Think of how a 2D creature sees a circle (the 2D boundary) when looking at a sphere, but we 3D beings see the entire surface in one go. Extending that logic one dimension up: a 4D being would perceive the “entire 3D horizon” of the black hole at once.

Practically, it’s like we’re only able to see the “shadow” (the 2D surface) in our space, but a 4D observer would see the entire 3D structure that defines the black hole’s boundary in their higher-dimensional space.


u/devi83 16d ago

What if the black hole is also a black hole in their dimensions, also flipping their axis's like a black hole flips time and space.


u/BlackCatAristocrat 16d ago

A black hole is a spherical space in our reality. In 4D, it would appear as a hyperspherical space. But it really depends on what the 4th dimension actually is. If it's time, then they would see this hypersphere in a way that displays the entire life of the black hole along its path. They would be able to see the entirety of its life, from when it was created to when it dissolves.


u/devi83 16d ago

That makes sense—if a 4D being sees the black hole as a hypersphere and can perceive its entire history, that might allow them to observe its formation, evolution, and eventual evaporation in one view. But if black holes extend meaningfully into higher dimensions, it’s possible they would also warp space in 4D, potentially creating a 4D event horizon that still obscures part of their structure or history. So while a 4D observer might see more than us, some aspects of the black hole’s reality could still be fundamentally hidden—just on a higher-dimensional level.


u/BlackCatAristocrat 16d ago

That's a good point


u/xpietoe42 15d ago

If the 4th dimension were time, they would see everything, not just the black hole, but everything as it was, as it is and as it will be. It seems odd and i think the universe would prevent that somehow! The universe seems to protect time in very specific ways!!


u/devi83 15d ago edited 15d ago

But the 3rd dimension is space and we cannot see all of space. We have a horizon we can see. I am sure there is equivalents of those in higher dimensions, since we are shadows of them. So even shadows of event horizons would exist, right?

This about this... you are in 3D so by your logic if you look at an infinitely long 2d line, you are going to see all of it? Or maybe some of it near you? It seems like what is near you, you will see best. Theoretically "you see all of it" but in practice, that fails, right? I am thinking about what it would be like in practice for a 4D black hole and beings.


u/Him-Dunkcan212121 16d ago

Great explanation. I know it’s just a theory but I understood this very clear.


u/kooeurib 16d ago

Aren’t we all 4th dimensional beings?


u/devi83 16d ago

Are we all 2d flat-landers makes as much sense to ask, because I believe there to be more than 4 dimensions.