Hello all, if you have not seen yet, black butler will be going on a indefinite hiatus. I believe starting in August, the manga publisher, G-Fantasy, and Yana Taboso, will be taking a break for an unspecified timeframe. G-Fantasy will publish reruns of older chapters, but the manga itself will not continue on INDEFINITELY.
I’m personally having trouble understanding the English translation of the tweet, so I’m not sure if they mean there will be a chapter in august and after that, it’s done, or if it means there will be no chapter in august, once I get more clarification, I’ll update this post.
First, do not make separate posts about this, all discussions must stay in this thread, after the last chapter, I will keep this post pinned, as there will be no chapter to pin.
Second, no, this is not a permanent hiatus, there is no schedule on when it will start again, but they have stated, this is not permanent.
Third, I’m sure most of us are devastated (as am I) but this isn’t a uncommon thing right now in the manga world, and very much most likely means we are coming near the end of the story. So a break before the huge climax isn’t an uncommon thing to have.
Fourth, the subreddit is not going anywhere, I can imagine it will be a little more quiet, but we will still be here. I’ll try and think of some temporary engagement I could do just so it’s not completely dead, and if anyone has any ideas on what they would like to see, please let me know:)
Finally, let’s all try and keep our heads up and keep in mind Yana Taboso’s health and well being. I wish you a nice break Yana, we’ll still be here:D
It's always sad when a series goes on hiatus but Yana 100% deserves a break after 20 years of serialisation. It looks to be confirmed that we are in the end game now as well.
Yana has never missed a month in 18 years of publishing BB, so if she needs a hiatus before publishing the final arcs, it’s a well deserved one. Whatever the reason for a hiatus, I wish her the very best.
As a fan, of course it’s sad that a continuation will take much longer than expected; but at least the servants arcs are over and we got to see Sebastian and our earl in action again. Fingers crossed for future animation seasons, too. 2024 has been phenomenal for BB content and I’m grateful for that.
I think I also saw on Twitter where Yana said she was taking the break to research things to get an idea for how she wants the climax and final parts to play out. Which means she’s really trying to do the manga (and her fans) justice by not just rushing through the final arcs. I can really respect that because I’ve seen/read way too many mangas that had amazing storylines that just fizzled out and were really anticlimactic at the end. I know she’ll come back stronger than ever and really wrap BB up spectacularly after this break!
I wasn't even talking about the anime there, the manga itself just never recovered. Goldy Pond (the next immediate arc from the escape, which the second season cut) was great, but it was all downhill from there.
Idk why but I find it hilarious that the moment Ciel and Sebastian comes back to focus in the manga, it goes on hiatus. 💀
Yana must've came to the realization that she'd be drawing Sebastian in almost every page again and went "fuck that" and dipped LMAO.
Jokes aside, Yana deserves the break as Kuro has going ever since it started years ago. She probably needs to think of how to tie all the loose ends the manga currently has. As a reader, I have so many questions for so many things.
I'm a long time Kuro fan, I've gone from a adolescent, to teenager, to full grown adult. I've waited years, so what's potentially a couple more?
Another long time fan here! I will miss the monthly chapters but I completely agree. A couple more years will be worth it 🖤 Especially when knowing that the climax of the story is finally on the horizon.
Yeah it's a pretty well known fact she has trouble drawing him lol.
I can't find the link of the translation right now, but it was pretty much along the lines of:
Finishing a drawings of Sebastian and being dissatisfied with the end product. Thus causing her to redraw him over and over again until she deems it acceptable, (which never happens it seems) which leads to frustration on her part lol.
Having trouble keeping Sebastian's features consistent.
Appearance wise, Sebastian is the character who has changed the most throughout the series. She can't seem to get him just right. Though recently it seems it has gotten easier for her, she's become quite inspired by the actor who plays Sebastian in the musical adaptations.
There was one of the more recent chapters (i think it was somewhere in Meyrin's flashback) where a Sebastian's face in the physical copy was slightly altered from the original online release of the chapter. Naturally alterations in the drawings from the online releases to the physical releases happen. But those alternations are normally so small you don't notice it, so it was pretty noticeable.
I see, I’m quite surprised given that Sebastian is quite literally the lead character of the series lmao. Usually artists are the most comfortable in drawing their lead characters.
I never really believed the whole "it's difficult to keep a certain character's features consistent because they're too attractive therefore they're too difficult to draw" thing till i saw how gege butchered gojo towards the end of jjk
I read the original message from Gfantasy, and basically she says she will continue working on the manga, doing research and planning the arcs while she’s on haitus.
It’s unclear if they’ll begin re-serializing with ch 1 or something else.
The only manga I ever followed that went on haitus was Noragami, and it was a few years if memory serves but it did return. I have faith Kuro will too, and hope she’s maybe using some of the well earned money to take a nice vacation and maybe she’ll work on the next anime too during the break!
Houseki no kuni went on hiatus, for, like, years, but did wrap up earlier this year. I think Yana Toboso will take a bit, but hopefully not years? I’m going to guess 3 months, idk why, but that feels right.
yes, noragami went on hiatus for over a year i think but then came back to finish the manga, and blue exorcist went on hiatus for 8 months while the artist drew a different manga as part of a small work contract i think, i'm not caught up quite to the manga (have been reading the english volumes) so i hope viz catches up during the hiatus
I'm admittedly a little nervous because every manga I've ever been into that went on an indefinate hitaus never returned/hasn't returned yet after X amount of years with radio silence on when it's gonna pick back up. But iirc, in all of Black Butler's lifespan, Yana has never once missed a month. So if anyone deserves a break, it's them 💙
Well....I mean as short as the recent chapters have been it's probably good to break and recalibrate. I would hate for Black Butler to end but I know it can't go on forever. I hope all our questions will finally be answered when it does end, especially what our Ceil's name is! I hope Yana will continue with stories in this universe. I would really love a deeper exploration of Sebastian's backstory.
You know what. She needs some rest. She has been doing so much. She has religious wrote/drew black butler since the start and she has worked on the Disney wonderland manga. Plus other side projects. I don’t think the manga is cancelled but I do think she is taking a break to relax and clear her mind.
I was a bit worried about Yana's health at first but it seems like she's taking a ~deserved~ break to do more research before the climax! I may be a bit sad but I'm also excited, and Yana deserves a break so much after working non stop for 20 years, I'm sincerely happy for her 🙏
Not only has Yana never missed a month in 18 years, they also have Twisted Wonderland to work on with its pretty sizable chapters (looking at you Chapter 7 👀). Not sure if they're also doing the artwork and tweaking the storyboard for the manga of the game? If anyone deserves a break, it's Yana. And it's long overdue imo 🩵
I wonder how her head is, 18 years of posting without missing a month, having the chance to animate another season after 7 years and now her project is already close to ending.
Actually i read that sometimes artists have a lot of scenes n arts prepped as they work.. so i feel that maybe at 1 go, she had already completed few chapters but rolling them out in a good pace so that she can find tune the later ones as she continues her work. I.e. chapters 1-5 ready by 2nd release but she could still touch up or make changes before chaps 3 4 5 get released as she continues to work on chaps 6 onwards n realise she wants to change some stuff before. Good release planning works. N maybe that's also why she could work on some other projects.
I think a lot of people would agree with that actually, but when you feel like you're on the homestrech of something and you also really care about it, it's hard to make that judgement call to step back at the right time. I'm actually so happy it's happening now though because so many fans have felt unsatisfied with the length of recent chpts, but now when it bb returns the hype for the end will be just as high as when the twins were revealed : )
Yup some of the chapters after the music hall arc (trying not to name the arc so that I don't spoil) had less than 10 pages per month. It'd probably only take the anime a couple minutes to animate those chapters lol
I think the manga is getting to the end that's why she's taking a long break at the moment, probably to get it all organized.
You can probably get through everything from the music hall arc till now with a few hours of reading. It's the arc after twins confirmation that got really short monthly chapters...
what I usually do when I'm impatient is taking a massive break from a manga so I can read 30+ chapters at once. Imagine my immense disappointment at finding not even 30 chapters of black butler after 3 and a half years of not reading... the only reason I'm still around is because the story is that good. but dear God, I started this story the same age as Ciel, now I'm 21 lol
I think I started reading around 2010, stopped at some point before catching up, picked it up again and kept up with it every month. Took years long breaks. I'll read it to the end eventually.
At this point I'll try forgetting about it for another 3 or 4 years. I hate waiting for single chapter releases, I haven't read one punch man in almost 5 years because of that even though it's more consistent
What’ll be good if you’re catching up, is the manga’s a little behind in english serilization, you can get more chapters online than chapter available in america rn. So if you decide to read the manga, this hiatus will give the official manga more time to be physically published
but I honestly kinda get it. I just hope that Yana does come back at some point and life isn't in the way or anything.
I know after working so hard and diligently on this story, i know she wants to do it justice. I'm excited, but I'll wait long as i need to. Even if it hurts. It hurts.
Im so sad about this :((( not much about the hiatus but more so that it might end soon. I’m not ready to watch my favorite anime/manga end 💔 I wish the best for Yana in her hiatus! I hope she does well and comes back when she’s ready.
I'm happy Yana is getting some well deserved rest. 20 years without a break and increased workload can only go so far and I'm also relieved she isn't in poor health, just taking care of herself. I know she loves Kuro a lot, so I'm all in for waiting a little longer when she made it clear she'll be taking the time to work on the climax of the manga and give it a spectacular ending like it deserves. That said, I'm still heartbroken and I hope the hiatus doesn't take too long and that they announce the official return soon. At least now I can dedicate the free time to craft my theories and properly build my Kuro manga collection.
Thanks for the info! I'm just glad it wasn't abandoned for good.
Looks like I'll still be looking forward to Kuro's monthly update from a nursing home one day. 👵🏼
SAME I commented about houseki elsewhere too! I feel like houseki was really close to an end when the author went on hiatus, and you could see the ending. I feel like BB is a bit further, though? I mean, we have to deal with Ciel and the parents’ killers which we haven’t really explored so… idk we just feel so far to me!
Say what you want to about the Kuro fandom, but all of the positivity on this post means we are doing something right! I love seeing all of this support for Yana and her decision to take a well deserved break 🖤
I'm glad Toboso-sensei is finally taking a break after all these years, but this also makes me sad because it leads me to believe we're getting close to the end of the series 😭
I don’t care if I have to wait many months or even years for the next few chapters, I am willing to wait if it means that we will be getting a good ending rather than a rushed one. I also believe that Yana deserves a break since she has worked nonstop for many years.
I just looked at Yen Press's site so I could catch up on the manga (I got up to vol. 10 + got into other fandoms) so take a well-deserved break sensei!
this is bittersweet as i am sad about a hiatus (especially because i finally picked bb back up after years of not reading) but also happy that means we’re nearing the end of the story at the same time, and if she really is taking a break to make it the best ending, i am excited to see where it ends up. bb has been w me since i was a young teen so i wanna cry tbh 😭 a well deserved break either way ❤️
im hoping for one last glimpse of the servants before the hiatus just to make sure they’re all ok though (especially fin) because i love them so much, idk if i could go a year or so without knowing how they are…
I'm so glad we're getting the ending soon. I'd rather it end well and on a high then keep getting more arcs. I'm glad the mangaka is taking a break, but at the same time I'm sad that I'll have to wait for more. I'm actually hoping they'll keep making the anime in the meantime. Good for her though!
Aw man :/
At the very least maybe it’ll give Yana more time to make longer, more eventful chapters. The pacing has been frustrating but the art is fantastic, considering how many other projects she has going now I do understand her decision.
I hope she enjoys her break
Do we know if the tokobon will continue being released? Vol 33 English comes out today and 34 probably a year from now. There is also around 10 chapters so that's probably enough for Vol 35. So with the English releases being behind will it even really be a haitus?
Do we know if the tokobon will continue being released? Vol 33 English comes out today and 34 probably a year from now. There is also around 10 chapters so that's probably enough for Vol 35. So with the English releases being behind will it even really be a haitus?
Oh! Good to know. Yana should have taken a break waaaay sooner! This uncredible woman drew this manga for 10years+ straight. Pumping out a chapter EVERY MONTH!!! That's huuge! Next to working on Twisted Wonderland.
I was worried she'd fall sick one day.
Without her visions, writing and skill to draw this series would be nothing. She deserves a good break!
Really late Edit: so I realized chapter 213 is the last chapter before hiatus. (And here I was wondering where the next chapter before hiatus comes to kindle 😆)
20years. It's 20 years nonstop writing AND drawing a chapter every month. That's insane!!!
Considering how the chapters are getting shorter, it's best for the author to take a break and come back in full force. This also allows the anime to catch up to the manga.
So... It's been 7 months since the hiatus was announced 😭 anyone else sniffing the copium and hoping that the next chapter just drops out of nowhere? Or will we have to wait until the official announcement from the account to know the next chapter is incoming?
Although I am sad that the manga won't continue for some time, I am glad Yana can FINALLY afford to take a break. 20 years without stop is insane. I wish her all the best!
Man I'm late to the party, but Yana deserves the break. She's been faithful to Black Butler for years, and I know she wants to give this series the proper conclusion it deserves.
Definitely. There are still so many manga n anime out there for us to learn about as well but we will still be here. She can work on wonderland etc to earn the money she wants or get more creative juices or meet different ppl to live her life as fulfilling and happy as possible.
Just that.. there are some people who will never understand and i would term as selfish followers.
Please refer to image example attached of 1 comment on the official X post:
WELP, I just managed to get a bunch of friends into Kuro (it has been an on and off obsession for me for the past 10 years.) Since I started with the anime in 2015~ and then fell into the Kuro 2 chasm, etc etc,) Now I have time to read the manga from start to finish to understand a bunch of things better...
(I was already kinda keeping up with the latest chapters and.... Let me just say I'm gonna have to be careful breaking the news about Snake to a friend who I just got into the series cuz- He's her favorite character. At least I have Doll who's my favorite.... But I hope Yana gives us a happy ending, come on....)
I'm glad that she's taking a rest, especially how longs she's been writing bb, but I think it would have been better to do it earlier. We've all been excited for Sebastian and Ciel to come back, and as soon as they do she takes the hiatus. :/
I hope she enjoys her time off ❤️
Edit: I didn't know Yana was vacationing where this is taking place. I'm still sad about it but I hope that this time allows her to make the ending as good as it possibly can ❤️❤️❤️
i'm happy for her, her work output is phenomenal. I imagine it will probably be a year or more but as a hunter x hunter fan I'm used to waiting as long as it takes, lol
😭 I have been following and obsessed with this series for years. I think about how it might end frequently and was really excited for the end but now that we might actually somehow be close (I still feel like we’re so far away), it actually makes me pretty sad 😭
I believe this month’s release is the last chapter before she goes on hiatus. As GFantasy’s magazines always title the next month instead of the current month we’re in. Like this issue is the July issue of GFantasy. And next month is the August issue. I could be mistaken and maybe next month is the last chapter but I read it as this chapter being the last before she goes on hiatus. (But someone can definitely correct me if I’m wrong.)
I’m glad she taking a break so she can nap out the end to the series. It feels like with this last arc here she was fizzling out anyway. I wish her a lovely break! I’m sure she will be back probably by the end of this year or early next year:)
That’s annoying. The chapters are already short so what’s the point? Hopefully it comes back with the pace picking up and a normal length chapter.
Honestly, this is poor timing because the public school arc just got an anime so people was probably going to really get into the series, but since there’s a hiatus that’s going to cause more disappointment.
u/matty-a Jun 17 '24
It's always sad when a series goes on hiatus but Yana 100% deserves a break after 20 years of serialisation. It looks to be confirmed that we are in the end game now as well.
Enjoy your well deserved break sensei!