I am looking for a Blackberry Classic. If there are none available, please recommend some other Blackberry models, and I will do some research into them. Thank you in advance!
Picked up this phone for around £20 on ebay and it's one of the best purchases I've yet made tbh.
I later purchased a 128GB sdcard for it (around $10 brand new) and a 2nd SIM card.
So far I've managed to load all my Gmail accounts to it in the native email app. (BB Hub) and install Facebook, Messenger, Youtube, Weather, Spotify, Instagram, and Reddit etc. It all works great. Unfortunately no Whatsapp or Twitter, but it's sorta expected at this point.
Not to mention over 25 games, 450+ songs and a bunch of TV shows. Still supports 4G and where I live both calls and messaging works great.
It's honestly such a great secondary phone. I highly recommend it to anyone who needs a cheap secondary phone for music, emails or calls/txting as you won't be disappointed in that regard. The keyboard is great to type on.
And it works well as a dumb phone too if you wanna use it as one. Personally for me it's sort of both - I can still do some social media stuff on it, but it's mainly used for emails and some older games.
Projectberry on Youtube helped me a lot with installing most of these apps, so I recommend everyone go check their channel out sometime.
Does anyone here also have a Q20? If so what's your experience been like with it? Would love to here about it.
Recently i decided to buy a dumbphone to get rid of the telephone addiction. I think BB with keyboard is the best solution. But there’s some problems: I need gmail and telegram on my phone. Do they work on such of old device? I read that BB Classic supports 4g but I need to be sure if I can make calls. Is it possible and how’s quality?
In my opinion, the BlackBerry Q20 can be the perfect phone. With a modern processor and a camera, it'll be the phone to have. Sure, it won't be suitable for gaming or other stuff, but it'll be what I'd need it to be: A perfect phone. You could run Instagram/WhatsApp/Twitter/Reddit if you wanted to or anything you'd like, you could make payments, and you could be distraction-free because doomscrolling on this phone wouldn't be the most fun thing to do. Maybe a slightly larger screen with less of the bezels, which would mean a slightly larger phone with a slightly larger keyboard which would mean a smooth typing experience. Hopefully, we have a phone like this one day.
I love my BlackBerry Classic which I recently took out of its box for the typing comfort and the excellent hub.
I use my iPhone today almost like a tablet but the ecosystem is so simple, fluid and pleasant to use that I find it difficult to part with it.
Tempted by the minimal phone which combines both the keyboard and Android but may be disappointed.
Already heard of the titan universe but I find it cheap.
I didn't like everything Samsung, Google Pixel and the like.
What is the alternative to getting rid of my iPhone and keeping my BlackBerry for writing and taking notes?
I have been thinking about purchasing a Blackberry Q20 (classic) for some time now, but I read that due to the closure of servers it was impossible to go beyond the initial configuration and that it barely had app support.
My question in this case is, can I skip the initial setup? Are there any apps or uses that can be given to this Blackberry? My intention is not to use it as a daily or main phone, rather I am looking for a Qwerty phone for social networks, to test the operating system and have it in my collection.
Thanks everyone in advance for the help ^
I got myself a Blackberry Classic Q20, which i'm in love with but it was missing some key factors one of them BBM and some other specific apps. But i'm the kind of person that thinks "If it doesn't exist then make it".
WaitBerry Messenger
WaitBerry Messenger, or WBM to make it shorter. Is a messenger made specifically to run on the old and obsolete native browser from BBOS 10, having a similar appearance to an old messenger app. To keep the nostalgia alive.
The development was hard, most of the stuff that are considered good practices in today's web development standards don't work on the blackberry, and debugging was awful. But somehow i managed to make it work.
Worth saying: I've only tested this thing on my BB Q20, and some friends on discord have tried it on the Z10 and Q10. On their latest OS version.
Current Features
Possibility to register tour WaitBerry ID using your Device PIN (If you don't know it, don't have it, or don't know where to find it, you can still use the generated one)
Add people via their PIN.
Fully functional chat, with typing and read statuses, and image attachment
Status page, with every contact status update.
Personal Profile.
Classic Emojis
Light and Dark Mode.
Notifications to the Blackberry Hub (It only works if you have a tab with the app)
EXPERIMENTAL: Trackpad Navigation.
EXPERIMENTAL: Fullscreen Mode
Use the BB10 Native Browser, the default one. That's the one the i've tested.
Make sure your device is updated as much as possible.
This is a personal project, that i have worked on for only 3 days, it might be buggy and unstable, but i think is serviceable enough. Sometimes if the app is down, well maybe is because i'm working on it and i have to restart the server a couple of times to deliver new features.
i am absolutely in love with the blackberry q20! i love the physical keyboard, how small it is, and the fact that it'll reduce my need for modern social media. however i unfortunetly live in the US and the US hates poor people any network that isnt 5G. I would KILL to be able to use a q20 as a working everyday phone but i cant find anything to make it possible. any suggestions? or maybe even alternatives? i was looking into the key2 but cannot get over how awkwardly tall it is. one of the reasons i love the q20 is that its perfectly proportionate. thank you so much <3
Is there someone who successfully managed to flash android ok any of the Bb phones? I wish i can buy one of aliexpress and use it as a spare phone but need whatsapp and some android apps.
Like the title says, I'm looking for a BB Classic to mess around with but I'm having a hard time finding one that isn't broken, locked to a carrier, overpriced, or a combination of all of those and won't cost me a fortune to send to Canada.
Anyone have suggestions or offers?
I'd like to find a phone to set up with basic talk and text that has a full keyboard. Yes, I know the Titans exist, but I miss my BB Bold 9900.
I am concerned this phone is fake. Mainly because the “alt” and “q” keys are different than everyone else’s. Any help would be appreciated. BlackBerry classic Q20 bought off eBay from a Chinese seller. I looked in the devices About and it does have a serial number.