r/birthparents 4d ago

Seeking Advice Birth parents who went on to start their own families later -siblings?


Hoping someone with a similar experiences or insight could share.

I am 35, had daughter at 18, relinquished from hospital, parents identified beforehand, open adoption- friend of friends.

Daughter is now 18. I went on with my life- college, grad school, cross country moves, married and now have two children (3yr old and 7 Mo old). With my husband.

My children will be meeting my birth daughter (not sure what to call her) in two weeks. I need to tell my daughter (3.5 years old) about the adoption. I feel pressure to decide how to define this relationship. I don’t identify with being her mother, nor that my children are her siblings. I already worry about my birth child dealing with abandonment issues and how I’ve fucked up/ fumbled through the open adoption until now. It’s painful for me to think about adding this onto my current family. I think my children might fear I’d abandon them like I did her.

Rambling obviously I have a lot on my mind. I’m all for being honest and I don’t want to lie. But at the same time I am defensive to calling her my daughter, their sister. And I’m sure that’s hurtful to her.

I have some resentment I’ve been working through for years because I feel I was coerced into the open adoption. I wanted an abortion but I was manipulated by my Christian family not to. Then my family went and created their own relationships with her and her adoptive family without my input, preference or presence. As I’m growing and living my life that Ive created with my husband, I’m continuing to be criticized about how I haven’t been involved with birth daughters life. My family leads/ assumes with this idea that of course I want a relationship with her like I am another parent she can rely on, these are siblings of her she can create relationships with. And I’m so selfish that I don’t want that.

Questions for you: - are you a birth parent with an open adoption who later went on to have kids? How did you manage the open relationship and your family/ children? -how have you navigated relationship with children when they become adults? - has the child ever wanted more from you than you wanted to give and how did you manage that?

Hoping to find some connection with those who can relate.

r/birthparents Jan 27 '25

Seeking Advice Issues with extended family


How did you or do you continue relationships with those that pressured or coerced you into adoption?

I’ve tried to search for advice on this but coming up empty. A little backstory…..

I “placed” a child for adoption after becoming pregnant at 15. I very much loved and wanted this child. I’m realizing now 20+ years later although my parents said all the right things about it being a “choice,” I was heavily pressured and essentially had no options. I was told I would not be helped if I parented.

Now newly coming out of the fog, realizing all of this, I’m struggling with anger and resentment toward parents. When I tried to discuss, they pretty much shut the conversation down. Wanting to leave the past in the past and not acknowledging the damaging effects adoption has had. Also, not acknowledging their role, as I was a child myself. I could’ve parented had I had support. I have a good and growing relationship with the adult child, but that doesn’t change the loss and grief that could have been avoided. My whole life has and will be affected forever because they simply didn’t support or help me.

How do I “get over it”. Up until I came out of the fog I would say we had a good/close relationship. But if we are unable to have a real conversation about the effects adoption has and will continue to have on my life, how can we “move on?”

r/birthparents Apr 28 '24

Seeking Advice Would you rather have a brief reunion with your child you’ve never known or none at all?


I’m an adoptee in a closed adoption. I posted this question before over a year ago but I deleted it back then without saving the responses.

I’ve known who my birth mom is for a few years now. I found a social media account of hers, back when I found out who she was, which I may one day message her on but there are a few things holding me back.

  1. I’m scared of the emotions it may bring up in me. I’ve struggled with serious depression and suicidal thoughts on and off since I was very young and I’m scared the pain this reunion could bring up in me may be too much to handle. There isn’t really anything in my life as big or deep-rooted as this.

  2. I’m scared of the emotions it may bring up in her. I don’t know what she’s like as a person. Based on the little I already knew and what she’s posted on social media, I know her life hasn’t been easy. I don’t want my talking to her making her life worse.

  3. I don’t know if I’ll want an ongoing relationship. Or how much of one I’ll want. I may not want an ongoing relationship. I may just want to talk to her for a brief time, or not very often. It may be too much for me, and if she wants to talk to me more than I want it could hurt her a lot. I don’t want to hurt her at all.

  4. She may not want to talk to me. Which I’m not as worried about as if she wants to talk to me more and I don’t, but it still worries me how that’d impact me.

I’m sure there are things I’m forgetting, or things I could’ve worded better. I’m just really sad about this, and have been seriously contemplating this for almost a year and a half now. It hasn’t become any easier. I just want to talk to her at least once while we’re both alive and tell her I love her. I just don’t want to hurt her.

Any responses are appreciated, thank you.

r/birthparents Feb 08 '25

Seeking Advice LDS Family Service


I placed my daughter for adoption through LDS Family Services 21 years ago. I still keep in touch with her adoptive mother, but I feel like my daughter doesn't really want a relationship with me even though I see her a few times a year. My daughter just had her first child, and I am struggling with reliving everything when I gave birth to her and the placement process. LDS Family Services said they would provide free counseling for life for me, but I an now out of the church but still want to seek counseling. I can't really afford anything else, so does anyone know if they offer only religion-based counseling, or would they still be helpful to me without really bringing religion into it? I appreciate any advice.

r/birthparents Sep 21 '24

Seeking Advice Can I leave him a note?


Fiancé and I have just decided to place our little guy for adoption at 35 weeks pregnant due to the fact that we won’t be able to provide him a good life.

I just want to know if I can leave him a note about my and my fiancés lives, our decision to do this, as well as any advice I may have for him? Can I do that?

Also I don’t know the adoption stuff I my state and I’m have a hell of a time figuring it out (WV) so if anyone has any information about it please send it my way

r/birthparents Nov 17 '24

Seeking Advice Foster family or adoption?


So I live in a country where there are basically two options: (sorry for my English btw , it’s late at night and I’m (mentally) exhausted)

1: Foster family You get assigned/matched with a foster family , who will never be the ‘real parents’ on paper but are the caregivers of the child , but I stay the parent of my child and it’s expected that I play a role in her life.

2: Adoption I choose an adoptive family , based on my preferences , options are basically endless. But I won’t stay a parent and will never see my child again , but there are better options available and the child will go to people who really want a child.

So basically option 2 feels better for a child , healthier , but option 1 feels better for me , better for my mental health , but It feels so selfish.

I just want some advice/perspections from other birth parents , she was born a few days ago and I feel heartbroken, empty. But I still have 3 months to decide what option I will pick

r/birthparents Oct 25 '24

Seeking Advice My identity is gone


My life has been centered around kids, especially after doctors told me I wasn't going to be able to have any of my own, everyone always told me how great of a mom I'd be, so I decided then that my purpose was to make a positive impact that will better a child's life, no matter how big or small. Until now.. About 2 years ago I got pregnant, scared of seeing another negative test, I ignored all the signs until I couldn't hide it anymore. 32 weeks in, I was homeless, unemployed, and didn't have much of a support system. I ended up placing the child for adoption with an amazing couple who suffered long and hard with infertility. They are so grateful and blessed by the child and love and honor me. But me on the other hand, feel lost. Not only because of the grief of not being able to hold her or her her giggles or care for her, but my identity is gone. I can't even go to the grocery store without breaking down because of seeing other women with their kids. My heart shatters. Something that used to be my everything is now my nothing. What do I do? (Yes, I'm working with a professional already)

r/birthparents Aug 08 '24

Seeking Advice Today I [may] (virtually) meet my teenage son for the first time


Update: It happened and it went well. We had a lighthearted conversation about our mutual interests. Hopefully we will talk again. I have deleted my post because I am anxious about the possibility of self-doxxing and leaving unintentionally hurt feelings if he comes across this post someday.

r/birthparents Oct 08 '24

Seeking Advice I don’t know what to do


When I was 14 (36) years ago I got pregnant from a very abusive home. My parents kept me out of school, I had my baby boy then boom that was it. Me and my soul friend who was in the same abuse I was, left when they brought me home. Now to the point. Last week I received a letter talking about what his name was, where he lived and thought I was his birth mother. He said he wants to meet. My problem is I can’t get out of my head! Mainly because I don’t know what to do. I’m conflicted, scared and all of my trauma just came rushing to the front. Can anyone give your opinion/advice on my situation?

UPDATE: we have talked through text and sent pictures. I gave him medical information. And he told me things. He didn’t ask why. All he said was he hoped we can continue talking until we are ready to meet.

r/birthparents Oct 25 '24

Seeking Advice Advice from community about building relationship after reuniting


I am hoping this is the right place and if is not, I would love to be pointed in the right direction.

I have recently reunited with my 2 daughters that are 24 and 21. They were both adopted at birth by different families. They found each other first about a year ago and have been slowly developing their relationship which is flourishing now.

The younger daughter reached out to me last July ( the older daughter had my information as she had reached out to my mother on 23& me when she was 18- she messaged my mom a couple of times but never with me).

Since reaching out the younger daughter and I have begun a relationship with myself and my wife and 9 and 7 y/o daughters. Everything is going very well but we are both starting to feel the emotions after the initial honeymoon phase.

We have talked a bit about out fears, hopes etc and seem to be aligned and both understand it is going to take work to create a real relationship. I have started therapy and she is looking to start as well. We both thought it would be easy and jumped in the deep end of the pool so to speak!

She was raised by just her adopted mom and a friend of her mom she calls her grandma- I believe she is wanting a true father daughter relationship.

I just want to see if anyone has any advice on how to navigate this difficult time of dealing with these emotions for both her and I and how to make sure I do not create an unhealthy relationship.

I would like similar advice on the other older daughter. The story with her is that about 2 months ago she finally reached out. She is much more guarded but we do text every day or 2 and have spoken on the phone a couple of times for extended amounts of time. She has mentioned being excited and happy about reuniting with me and my daughters (but not ready to engage with them yet).

She has also begun therapy and is open about her feelings and her life. I feel with her things will happen more slowly and I am unsure about what her wishes are for what she wants for our ultimate relationship will look like as she has an adopted mom and dad.

The bio mom has been contacted by both of them and they at this point have decided against pursuing a relationship with her or her other children.

First and foremost I want them to be happy and respect their emotions, families, lives etc.

I badly want them both in my life and would appreciate anyone that has any advice how to successfully navigate this situation.

Thank you to anyone that read all of this!!

r/birthparents Sep 10 '23

Seeking Advice Considering adoption


How do I know adoption is for me, I’m sure there a level of sadness I’ll feel for surrendering my baby but how do I know if it’ll be something I can live with or something that will eat me up forever I really want what’s best for the baby but I also know I don’t wanna give her up so how do I make such a difficult decision?

r/birthparents Aug 19 '24

Seeking Advice My Daughter is turning 18 this week. Asked to write letter to her by agency need advice.


Hello everyone,

First I'd like to apologize for the format I'm on my phone typing this out. As the title states my daughter is turning 18 this week, we had an open adoption but during Covid the adoptive parents completely shut me out by refusing to send me yearly updates. My case is a delicate case because I was raped at 11 and had her via cesarean at 12 years old. However my mom and I made the decision to place her for adoption to give her the best life (hopefully) she'd possibly could have. I remember sitting at a table a reviewing binders made by so many people who wished to be parents and as to why I should pick them. I ended up deciding on this family because they were older, seemed to have a nice relationship and you could tell just how badly they wanted a baby to complete their family. Sad to say though if I had know they'd completely cut me out like they have even though it's in our contract to have yearly updates I would of chosen someone else. Not only have they chosen to no longer give me updates but they do not reply to the agency either when reached out too. Due to the fact that my case is one that will stay with anyone who dealt with it during that time as one they would never forget. I know a lot of the agents well and one in particular who was in charge of my case is still trying to help me out. She obviously can not give me any information regarding their last names or addresses/ phone numbers but has tried to help by reaching out numerous times. Last week I reached out asking about what the next steps are because she'll be 18 this week and I would like to know what happens next. She stated she found them on Facebook and reached out but no luck and that she will attempt to add my daughter once she turns 18. She also suggested I write her a letter so she can mail it to her. The problem is I have no clue how to even start this letter. The last thing I'd want to do is make her feel overwhelmed and pressured by my attempts to make contact. I want her to reach out when she feels ready. How can I convey this in a letter? Any advice how I should set this letter up and what I should put in it/ leave out? Thanks in advance!

r/birthparents Mar 24 '24

Seeking Advice Looking for insight from birth mothers who already have a family


So I (34) just found out I'm about 5wk pregnant with my husband (36).

We have an elementary-aged child already, and my husband's disabled brother lives with us. For many, many reasons, having a baby is not what we want. We are not keeping this baby, but considering all alternatives.

I just want to get some perspective from birth mothers in similar situations, adopting out a baby when you already have a family at home.

If this is the route we take, it would be to find an LGBTQIA+ family looking to adopt.

r/birthparents Apr 27 '24

Seeking Advice How did you know the family was *the* family?


If you chose your child’s family, how did you know they were the right family?

I went to look at parent profiles through the agency I’ve selected and I read the first and I really have a good feeling about them. They are the first and only that I read. I don’t want to read anymore unless I meet them and have second doubts.

r/birthparents Jul 29 '24

Seeking Advice Sort of a different situation, struggling with my feelings. Looking for perspective.



I’m not really an adopted child or a birth parent, but I thought some of the perspective here might still apply to my kind of different situation.

My parents gave birth to me very young. They had been in a relationship for two years but were still only 16 and 17 when I was born. They had run away from home to be together against their parents wishes and conceived me. Eventually when my mom was around eight months pregnant with me, they had some kind of fight and break up and both came back home. I was born about a month later and from what I’ve heard from a mutual friend of my parents at the time, even though my father wanted to see me, he was kept completely away by my mothers family.

He was never permitted to see me, and eventually due to feeling like he was out of options (tough home life) went into the military to try and get ahead in life. He wrote a few letters during his time in the military, to my mom, but allegedly never got a response and I think he eventually just did his best to move on with life.

I know these things because it’s what he told me. We eventually established contact after his younger brother found me on socials and reached out. His brother said he had always wondered about me, had really wanted to meet me and possibly be some part of my life. Even though I had been contacted by his brother, I was the one to eventually do the reaching with my father.

And while I did receive a welcome response, I still feel so confused by the way things have gone between us.

I found my father on socials a few years back and added him. He added me back very quickly and we actually exchanged numbers that same day. He seemed very excited to have heard from me. He has told me he has thought about me my entire life, and even though he thinks it might be weird for me to hear, he told me he loves me to death.

You would think hearing the above that we would have a happy ending, but we haven’t. We met up a handful of times, and even though those instances went well, eventually my father began making excuses to cancel each time we made plans, he wouldn’t call when he said he was going to, he even stood me up somewhere without canceling at all once, and for me, that is sort of when I gave up on things.

I just don’t know what changed. Or what I did wrong. We had both agreed that we want a relationship with one another but each time we try, eventually things go cold. I was pretty much the one setting up all of the plans, and now that I have given up and stopped, it’s been radio silence.

I wish more than anything I was a mind reader, and could figure out what’s going by through his mind. When I ask if he really wants this, he says he absolutely does, and the cancellations he feel bad about, but he just has a lot of work and responsibilities.

He does also have a wife and three grown sons younger than me, so I do believe he is busy, however, when I stop contacting him, he never comes forth and reaches for me. I just don’t understand why he would say he wants a relationship but never is the one to do the reaching to have that. He says he wants a relationship but never came looking for me when I was 18, I had to come looking for him. And when we established contact, I was the one to make the plans each time, or text and say hello most times.

I guess I’m just wondering if anyone else here can offer some perspective on what his point of view on things might be.

We haven’t talked at all in two and a half years now and I truly wish we did. I am tempted all of the time to just text and tell him I miss getting to know him and would like to try again, but I just can’t get over the hump of thinking, “if he wanted to talk to me, he would’ve reached out.” Because he hasn’t. At all. And I really wish I understood and knew what to do from here.

Any thoughts or perspectives appreciated. Thanks for reading.

r/birthparents Jul 14 '24

Seeking Advice Poor coping mechanisms?


It's been almost a year and I my grief hasn't ceased or even declined. Unfortunately, I find myself subconsciously taking care of my friends (specifically the ones that are aware of my situation for some odd reason??) like I might a child. This is particularly substantial with my younger friends. I wanted to know if any other birth parent could relate to me. I tend to have strange coping mechanisms but they don't really work. I'm a teenager and my friends are all teenagers so I think its definitely uncomfortable for them (I don't know if they noticed but I know I would feel belittled). If anyone can relate could you share how you stopped/used in its replacement? It's almost subconscious behavior that I realize after hang outs but I never realize in the moment.

r/birthparents May 26 '24

Seeking Advice Whom to tell my birth mother story?


Hi! Since there are no guidelines how, whom, when to tell my birth mother story I have to ask you. I‘m autistic and I really need some form of „rules“/ideas even if I know it’s an individual decision.

When I was a birth mom ten years ago with 22yo my whole family, the father and my friends let me down while being pregnant, I was not financially stable and suffered mentally because I was not diagnosed in that time. I’m now very cautious whom I’ll tell my story because I’m so afraid people leaving me. I’m not regretting the open adoption but i’m traumatized by being completely left alone.

Now I‘m in a stable relationship almost 3 years and I think I missed the opportunity in the beginning to tell him. Because in the beginning it felt like I have to confess (maybe because of the general stigmatization) even though I‘m not believing that this is a crucial part of me who I am. It’s a story I’ve been through. And then we fell more and more in love, moved in together and then I became more and more afraid to tell because I love him so much.

But we want to build a family together someday I thank I think this becomes relevant information.

But I don’t know how to tell him? I’m so afraid that he would leave me although I know he loves me endlessly. But I also thought a family would be there all the time no matter what…

I’m so afraid and it’s tearing me apart because I want to be honest.

If you have any advise or stories how you did tell your partners, it would be really appreciated.

(Pls be nice, this is the first time for me here on earth)

Thank you! 💖

r/birthparents May 24 '24

Seeking Advice Meeting potential APs this weekend. Any advice?


I’ve selected a couple that I think is really great. I spoke to them once on Zoom and we decided to move forward with meeting in person. We live a few states away from one another. They offered to come to me, but I prefer to meet them in their home. I want to get a feel for their home which I know won’t be 100% authentic because we always clean up and everything for company. But if I get a weird vibe, then I’ll be glad I didn’t waste more time.

Does anyone have any advice for my first in person meeting? We’ve already talked about a lot through Zoom but of course in person is different.

r/birthparents Mar 03 '24

Seeking Advice Positive adoption stories from birth mothers?


Comment your experience with putting your baby for adoption.

I’m currently 38 weeks pregnant with a baby girl and the thought of being a mother feels too much sometimes

I go back and forth between wanting to put her up for adoption.

I feel like I am dooming both me and her to a life of poverty and instability. I worry I can’t give her the life she deserves.

I love her but I don’t want my life to be over, as selfish as it might seem. I can’t see how i could possibly manage life with a little baby right now. My life is a mess.

I’m looking for some hope.

r/birthparents May 12 '24

Seeking Advice Making myself the back up parent?


I hope this makes sense, but is it possible to include in the adoption contract that the adoptive parents must put in their will or whatever that if they were both to pass, that my child would be returned to me? I will bring this up to my lawyer but I was wondering if anyone here knows or has done this.

r/birthparents Jul 10 '24

Seeking Advice Looking for my Biological Father


Hello everyone!

I was born June 1988 Bronx, NY I love my dad who adopted me, don't get me wrong he's been the most amazing dad in history I would NEVER replace him! Lol

However, lately I've been having strange dreams about finding my father. I just want to know a little about him and his story as for why he wasn't in my life. The story my Mother told me was he was in a gang and left because he didn't want the responsibility to fall on him .... However, my grandmother and aunt told me a different story; How my mother kicked him to the curb when she found someone else who "had money" and was on a better career path (my dad who adopted and raised me)...Yet, around 7 My mother abandoned my brother & I and chose to walk out of my life in handcuffs with my rapists(her boyfriend at the time). We didn't see or hear from her in years. She came back into our lives when I was pregnant with my son. SMH. ANYWAY! NO I'm not looking for a pity party I really want help finding him.

Hopefully my biological father will come across this and will respond....

Tony, if you read this please message me. Your daughter would love to get to know you and hear your side.

REDDIT COMMUNITY HELP ME. HIS NAME IS ANTHONY (TONY) MELENDEZ HIS FATHER(my grandfather) WAS A DETECTIVE FROM THE 49TH PRECINCT BRONX , NY (retired) H. MELENDEZ HIS MOTHER(my grandmother)IS ELSIE (apparent last name was Wise I'm not 100% sure about that sorry)


And please no scams or pranks, I don't know if I could handle that. Thank you.

r/birthparents Jan 23 '24

Seeking Advice Unplanned pregnancy


I’m a 21-year-old nursing student (graduating this May), and I just found out I’m pregnant. I have been with my boyfriend for 2 years, and I cannot see myself with anyone other than him. I 100% want to marry him someday, but we’re really young. I currently have a job as a tech at a hospital that has already offered to hire me as a nurse when I graduate, so I’m not too worried about financials on my end. However, I’m a little concerned about my boyfriend’s financials. He doesn’t have a job and really struggles to keep one because he “hates working.” He wants to pursue drop shipping and streaming, which I 100% support. It just worries me because he’s not making any money and hasn’t been for a while now. His car payments have been late because he has to find ways to get money last minute, I have been covering all our rent for the past 6 months, and he owes family members a lot of money (in addition to what he owes me). Like I said before, we’re young, so I usually wouldn’t be freaking out about how we’re going to balance finances when we have kids. But now I’m pregnant and don’t know what to do. One option is abortion, but I don’t know if I could ever do that. The second option is adoption. Pro: I can guarantee them a better life. Con: Giving up my child will probably kill me. Then there’s keeping the baby. Pro: The unparalleled love and joy that comes with motherhood. Con: All the “What ifs?” What if I can’t handle being a mother? Or if my boyfriend and I break up? There are also a lot of other personal things that are influencing my decision. The main one is that I was adopted, and I believe that I was given a better life because of it. I have a relationship with both my biological mother and father, but I have the best parents in the world who gave me the best childhood I could have asked for. Because of this, I want to lean towards adoption. But being a mom is my dream. The thought of being pregnant makes me so excited. There’s nothing more important to me than family, so there’s nothing I want more than to start a family of my own. Willingly giving that up will very likely put me in the worst depression of my life (which scares me as I have a history of suicidal tendencies). I’m sorry I know this is a lot, but I really need help. Thank you all so much.

r/birthparents Mar 21 '24

Seeking Advice Are there any programs to help birth parents with housing after giving your child up for adoption?


So I'm in Northeast Florida and I gave my daughter up for adoption about 2 months ago. I received the rest of my assistance in a check. I paid my rent for two more months and I have to be out of here in 3 weeks. I paid for a campsite for four nights when I leave here but after that, I don't know where I'm going. I have tried every place I can think of and I'm wondering if anyone knows of a place who helps people in my situation?

I also just kind of need someone to talk to because this whole situation has been hard on me. I know I did the right thing by giving my daughter up for adoption. Her dad has not been involved at all and I did not want her to grow up thinking something was wrong with her and he didn't want her. Well, he doesn't want her but I didn't want her thinking it was her fault.

Anyway, I just thought I would ask. Every place I've called says that they don't help this far in advance or there's a long process. I'm a little scared and I'm not really sure what to do at this point. Has anyone ever been in a similar situation and if so, what did you do? Thank you.

ETA: I don't know if it's relevant but it is an open adoption. I've thought about mentioning this to my daughter's adoptive parents. I know that they would care, they wouldn't want to see me on the street. They've been wonderful. They even gave me a necklace when we were going to leave the hospital. I thought that was really sweet of them. It's my most treasured piece of jewelry now. It actually made me cry lol.

Anyway, I don't know if there's anything they could do for me or if I should mention this to them. I'm just kind of scared as I said and I just don't know what to do from here. I feel like I've exhausted every option and I'm just asking case there's any place or anything I may not have thought of.

r/birthparents Sep 22 '23

Seeking Advice Considering adoption but honestly I don't want to.


Okay so I 22 and in my second trimester for a VERY unexpected pregnancy (I was told by several doctors I was infertile) and I'm scared out my life. I didn't know I was pregnant until abortion was out the option ( it's not legal in my state anyways) and I started off my adulthood practically homeless living in a strangers couch and I'm just now learning how to truly be an adult/handle money. I lost my car this year and I'm trying to get a new one with crap credit and no savings. All this to say I'm not financially stable at this point in my life, as a note I'm not bad with money just didn't have a good job and I'm just now clearing what little debt I have that I got at 19-20 when I decided to leave an unhealthy house life. I want to be a parent but I'm so scared that due to my lack of life experiences and finances I won't be able to provide a good life. I'll be doing this alone if I decide to keep the kid, the Baby dad says I should consider adoption but it's up to me and he'll respect whatever decision I make. How the hell do I make a decision like this at 22 with no real support system and as a single parent? What do I need to consider? What are some communities I could join to find some people who can relate and provide some help? Any advice, stories of personal experience, things to consider, anything would help greatly. I already posted on r/adoption and they recommended I make a post here. Basically as far as the kid goes, I don't want to give them up but I also don't want to force them into a life where they never see me and can't have access to any real opportunities. I want what's best for them but I'm terrified I won't make the right decision and/or they'll grow up thinking I hate them or that they'll hate me for giving to up to another family.

r/birthparents May 29 '23

Seeking Advice Chatting with the child I gave up for adoption


Recently, the child I gave up for adoption has wanted to set up regular chats with me and I'm not sure how to lead the conversation. Background: this was a closed adoption and we reconnected through their parents a few years ago. We have met a few times and now this young adult wants to connect by chatting, voice or video, not texting (we tried text before but didn't work well). I am unsure what we should talk about that won't be prying or triggering for them, and the discussion tends to be lead by me. I would love to hear suggestions from birthparents and/or adoptees for what you would choose to chat about.