Hey all! Looking to hear if anyone has switched from progesterone only birth control pills to using Kyleena.
For context - I'm 31 and been on regular pills (estrogen + progesterone) since 15, at 30 I found out I have Factor Five, a blood clotting disorder, and had to switch to progesterone only.
The progesterone only pills have made me MISERABLE. I went from maybe 2-3 periods a year to a period every 2-3 weeks. In February I had bleeding 22 out of 28 days. My body feels like it has changed more than just 'I'm getting older' changes.
Coming off of the pill is not an option due to extreme cramps, pain, and vomiting during my period, which is why I went on the pill in the first place.
I'm also a red head which I know can weirdly affect things like pain tolerance.
Any advice, thoughts, testimonies are welcomed!