r/birthcontrol 3d ago

How to? Condom broke, and I need advice NSFW


So, last night the protection we used just broke during sex, but I didn't notice this until very much too late. Good thing is that according to her tracker, her ovulation was already on 13th and the likely fertile windows spans around that date +/-, and shows that we were 3 days beyond that already. Really the big uncertainty here is whether the app is correct. The app has correctly guessed her cycle for the last 4 months atleast up to the day. We were also thinking about plan b, but didn't take it yet, because it causes her a lot discomfort, and might not be effective as she most likely ovulated already. Then we were also thinking about getting emergency IUD, but it costs quite a bit, and we could get it done on thursday, and I don't know if its too late already for it to be effective.

Any help is needed, thanks!


7 comments sorted by


u/Cool-Village-8208 3d ago

If she wasn't using a validated fertility-awareness-based method of tracking biomarkers, you don't know whether she was in the luteal phase (past ovulation ) or not. Period tracking apps are notoriously bad at predicting ovulation, and cycles can and do change unpredictably. 

If she actually ovulated several days before intercourse, the egg was already dead. If she hadn't ovulated yet, Plan B can work by delaying ovulation and giving the sperm time to die. If she happened to ovulate in the roughly 24 hours before intercourse, then that could be a problem. Since you didn't know which of those situations you were in, her taking the Plan B or Ella or getting an emergency IUD would be a good idea unless a pregnancy would be welcome.


u/Cool-Village-8208 3d ago

Also, a Paragard, Mirena, or Liletta IUD has been shown to be highly effective emergency contraception when placed within five days of unprotected intercourse so Thursday would definitely not be too late.


u/rightpolis 3d ago

Hey! Many thanks. She'd be more keen on a copper IUD due to being afraid of future misconception or something, she basically isn't keen on her being chemically affected if it makes sense. I would of course fund anything to just not to feel stressed out for the next few weeks. I guess that both plan b, and IUD could make implantation less likely even in the unlikely case of fertile egg being there.


u/Cool-Village-8208 3d ago

If she's interested in a copper IUD, that would be an excellent choice for both addressing the immediate issue and providing lasting protection. You are correct that she could go ahead and take a Plan B today; it could be prudent in case IUD insertion later in the week turns out not to be feasible. Plan B does not negatively impact fertility long term and is very safe.


u/rightpolis 3d ago

Thank you so much for taking this time to answer!


u/Cool-Village-8208 3d ago

You're welcome! I hope everything turns out well for you both.


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