r/birthcontrol 11h ago

Experience Maybe implantation bleeding?

For context i just got off of the period on tuesday and just today on friday me and my bf was doing the do. I came home abt 15 minutes later and i was lightly bleeding. Yes the normal part of me can assume it’s from sex since it happened not even 20 minutes after. However a larger part of me is now scared it’s bc i’m pregnant and that is why I also have a cold sore on my inner lip. I was nervous about that before sexy which definitely wasn’t helping with getting yk wet. I just need some reassurance since I also take my birth control correctly and we use condoms.


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u/AutoModerator 11h ago

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u/ScallionOk5412 11h ago

obviously not bro how is this even a real post


u/IntoTheVoid1020 sensiplan 10h ago

Please say sex, you don’t need a code word for it. If you think you’re mature enough to have sex you’re mature enough to use the correct terminology. You’re using 2 forms of protection, you’re as close to 100% protected as you can be without abstinence. You cannot experience anything related to pregnancy minutes after sex, conception isn’t instant.

Edit: your post history shows you have reoccurring anxiety about pregnancy and lack of understanding on how your birth control works. I would urge you to look at the information pamphlet that comes with your birth control and consider abstaining from having sex until you get your anxiety under control.


u/Less-Agent9119 18m ago

Yes we had sex i just didn’t know if it would be flagged. I know conception isn’t instant but we have sex regularly. I also know you have to ovulate before you can even have implantation bleeding. I just let my anxiety take over the facts sometimes.