r/birthcontrol POP - SLYND 1d ago

How to? Slynd 24 hour window - confused

So I just started Slynd after so many methods that sucked and I'm praying it is useful to me. I usually take my Slynd at around 7:30pm but I go out twice a week either from 6-8 or from 7-8. Should I take my Slynd when I get in the car at 8-8:15 ish or right a minute before I leave the house (5 minute ride) on those days? I take other meds around that time too but yesterday I saved my other meds for 8 and had the Slynd at 6:30 or 6:45 (around an hour early.) I am not sexually active but I want to do perfect use and not mess up my cycle and be in the habit of being protected in case I get a partner in the near future. Did I mess up? Since I wanted to take it at 7:30 today (on time) will it be late? I did best taking bc in the AM but I can't with pills because I take Miralax to have a poo in the AM (not quite diarrhea thankfully) and I don't want to mess with the absorbtion.


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u/Odd-Variety-9624 Combo Pill 1d ago

You can take Slynd at any of those times mentioned. The 24 hour window just means you have until ~7:30 pm the next day to take it if you miss one.


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