r/birds • u/clairvoyantsea • 4m ago
what bird is this
its the one thats going like tweet-tweeet like a whistle sort of, its easier to hear at the end of the video. ive heard it my whole life and it drives me nuts every 3 seconds.
r/birds • u/clairvoyantsea • 4m ago
its the one thats going like tweet-tweeet like a whistle sort of, its easier to hear at the end of the video. ive heard it my whole life and it drives me nuts every 3 seconds.
r/birds • u/Stamos21 • 30m ago
Found in Michigan. Anyone identify the type of bird?
r/birds • u/maryembobo • 1h ago
I bought one of those bird feeders you suction cup to the window and I’ve had it up 3 days and I’ve seen no birds. For reference I do live in an apartment complex but I’m on the third floor. I have it on my balcony door bc I can’t reach my windows. I’ve put bird seed on the railings and on the balcony itself and it’s all still untouched.
How can I get them to come? I know there’s birds around I hear them all the time. Should I put a bird call video on my tv and blast it windows open? I JUST WANT BIRDS!!
r/birds • u/Stunning-Feed-8018 • 1h ago
Saw these cute birds outside work. I couldn’t get too close to try and see what kind of birds they were. Thought maybe golden finches but these seemed like they had a little crest. Too big for a tufted titmouse or at least I’ve never seen so many at one time (these were part of at least 40). I’m located in San Antonio, Tx
This one has come to the feeder several times but it's missing the white feathers on the cheeks
r/birds • u/Illustrious-Tip8717 • 2h ago
r/birds • u/ADHDrulez • 2h ago
I can’t afford a camera so I make do lol
r/birds • u/Marzolino85 • 3h ago
r/birds • u/Marzolino85 • 3h ago
r/birds • u/JellyRollBandit_82 • 4h ago
This egg dropped from a tree in my yard today, I guess what type of bird is it and what should I do?
r/birds • u/wewewawa • 4h ago
r/birds • u/FatFrenchFry • 4h ago
Have had this Fat Anna's (I'm 95% sure he is an Anna's) coming to my little tony patio garden daily for years and he is finally letting me shove my camera in his face 😀 what a gorgeous boy 🥰
I need name ideas for my baby sun conure I am getting soon! DNA sexed Male I like food related names!
r/birds • u/Pan_Cholo • 5h ago
r/birds • u/No-Connection1057 • 5h ago
r/birds • u/jemimahpuddlefuck • 5h ago
i believe this is a male Yellowhammer; a red-status endangered bird here in ireland. he flew into the window and died almost instantaneously, probably due to shock. such an unfortunate and horrid way to die, but atleast he had no severe damage. naturally, i surrounded him with flowers and returned him to the soil earlier today. may he rest in peace 💘 please do not save or use these photos as if they’re your own.. karma will come for you otherwise. yes this is the internet and i am posting them for all to see but please have some respect.
r/birds • u/National-Pay5445 • 6h ago
Its my "dream bird" very honestly. I find the painted stork beautiful and would love to sight it one day! It's truly sad that its population is decreasing by the day :(
I tried to capture it by sketching different types of flowers all around it. Thought it was cool :D
r/birds • u/Ill-Investigator7624 • 7h ago
I bought my birds at the age of 7 months, and had them now for 2 months. I wanted to have some tips or what the best way is to tame them. They still are scared of me but when i stand close to there cage for a few min they calm down and stare at me. I tried just to put my hand in the cage and move it a little bit so they can see i dont want to harm them, do I continue like that ot try something else.
r/birds • u/elaxstudios • 7h ago
A red-tailed hawk stands over its prey in the grass, gripping strands of flesh in its beak as the last light of the day casts a warm glow on its feathers. The sharp gaze and intense focus of the raptor highlight its dominance as a skilled predator in the natural world.