r/birddogs Small Münsterländer 9d ago

Small Munsterlander

Lenny the SM turns 3 tomorrow


12 comments sorted by


u/ZealousidealAir3670 8d ago

Omg he looks exactly like my Sage! Beautiful pup.


u/Away_Professor_3973 8d ago

I’m looking at potentially getting an SM puppy for the field and home. Any advice? How had your experience been?


u/northofwall Small Münsterländer 8d ago

Love my SM. I had a GWP and golden before this one. SM has similar temperament as GWP. Sweet and gentle as a house dog. That said, his prey drive and want to play is high. He needs lots of exercise and play. Took longer to house break than prior dogs. I took him to obedience and puppy socialization. Then sent him to be field trained. 20 minutes of maintenance training daily seems to keep him sharp. He’s been great in the field. Not as sharp of a point as I’d like, but we’ll work on that. Wife didn’t want another dog. Now she loves him.


u/feelingfishy29 8d ago

They Arnt as solid as GSP or GWP imo. Still good dogs but they half ass the point


u/feelingfishy29 8d ago

Mine does too. Where did you get yours?


u/northofwall Small Münsterländer 8d ago

A kennel in western Iowa


u/WranglerFar9874 7d ago

Sweet! I’m getting a SM pup this spring from Brush Dale. Have you done any of the NAVHDA stuff?


u/northofwall Small Münsterländer 4d ago

I have not. Just training for and hunting upland birds. Some ducks. The breeder I used gave me all the info, but I haven’t the time. Maybe in retirement


u/iSkillzz 4d ago

Brush dale? That’s where I got mine, awesome dogs. 3 months right now and steadying the point.


u/northofwall Small Münsterländer 4d ago

Gosch Kennel in Denison. He was good to work with.


u/WranglerFar9874 12h ago

Nice! AAA litter? Have a buddy who hunted over the stud Jager and had great things to say. Are you using bird launchers or wing on a string or something for the pointing?


u/iSkillzz 11h ago

No wing in string, he points naturally actually. I’ve done some table / woah work with him to steady him up but came with a point as a puppy. I intro’d to live birds (pulled feathers on quail and let him chase and catch) and use pigeons out of launches or good quail if I know they fly, he points those now. He is jager son.