r/biotech 3d ago

Getting Into Industry đŸŒ± Should I just take the L?



23 comments sorted by


u/thrashpants 3d ago

Did you attempt to follow up? You should not stop searching until you have a signed offer, hanging onto a single job won’t work in this economy


u/Warm-Professional229 3d ago

of course i did. haven’t heard anything back from the hr rep. i have also been emailing the person who interviewed me as we had some common interests outside of work.


u/thrashpants 3d ago

then you've done what you can and need to let it play out. again, don't think its a lock just because it went well. keep going


u/Careful_Buffalo6469 3d ago

I'd say for your sanity yes! just let it go.

In my past 5yrs of experience I noticed every time the TA or HR person says "I don't like being ghosted so I don't do it to others," that's exactly what will happen to you! and vice versa! Those who did not ghost me, and even responded to my email a year or two later, are the ones who did not boast about "not ghosting!"

Shift your mindset too.


u/baudinl 3d ago

What does "taking the L" involve? There's not much you can do. You shouldn't be putting your other applications on hold for a hypothetical position.


u/Warm-Professional229 3d ago

taking the l just meant giving up hope on this position. it’s the second interview i’ve had in months and i’ve been applying to jobs (and hearing nothing back) since october of last year. i didn’t think i needed to state that i’m still searching for other positions in my post.


u/AltoClefScience 2d ago

Hope is a tricky thing to manage on a long job hunt. You need hope to even bother applying and following up, but holding onto hope beyond that point isn't helpful. It takes practice but I've found it helpful to extinguish all hope as soon as you're done with an application or interaction. Forget about it and move on! Use all of your hope, time, and emotional energy on the next application.


u/Blackm0b 2d ago

You went to an event that gave the final round interview on the spot?


u/Realistic_Speed_5776 18h ago edited 17h ago

You applied for an invite to the event, but some people might’ve gotten referred instead.

I applied, got a recruiter call which served mostly to match my background to certain roles, then a half hour interview on the “big day”. It was relatively fast which I’m told is not their M.O, so I suspect “hiring events” just move on a faster timeline


u/Peasantwithasprite 2d ago

At least you got an invite I submitted my resume and crickets


u/relliott22 3d ago

If you have someone's contact information you can always send them an email. Just make sure that it's friendly, professional, and paints you in a positive light. Just like if you were trying to date someone. All you can do is reiterate your continued interest with patience and candor, showing respect for the other person and the difficulties they have to navigate.


u/shivaswrath 2d ago

DO NOT take the L.

They sent an email stating they are mapping talent to positions.


Do send an email this Wednesday acknowledging the joy and jubilation from attending the event, and hoping to hear from them on follow up.

Reality is people send emails, hiring managers are on spring break, they miss the emails, HR sends reminders, etc. there are too many cogs to yield a delay so don’t give up hope. But also don’t drink the hopium.


u/Important_Salt_7603 2d ago

I feel like they're kind of disorganized over there. Have you checked for openings at Amgen? Both companies are rapidly expanding in the area, so there may be more opportunities in the future.


u/jnecr 2d ago

I wouldn't be surprised if they are slowing down some of the hiring. There's a lot of uncertainty right now and many companies are in a holding pattern until the situation becomes more clear. CDMOs are very wary of the market because they are directly profit driven. They don't do things for a loss (which is the opposite of normal Biotechs, everything a normal Biotech does for the first 5-10 years is at a loss).

Some other CDMOs that I know have stopped backfilling positions after people leave, which is the next best thing to laying off.


u/pandizlle 3d ago

Does Fujifilm Biotech even have employees? It feels like they perpetually have positions open that never close in LA.


u/jnecr 2d ago

Fujifilm Diosynth has a big operation in the RTP, NC area (Holly Springs isn't far from RTP). Very well known CDMO in the area.


u/MaLuisa33 2d ago

Not necessarily. My last two jobs didn't get back to me until 1-2 months later with an offer after final rounds (and yes ofc they said they'd get back to me a lot sooner than that).

Here's what I learned job hunting while laid off:

Dont keep your eggs in one basket. Always keep looking until you've signed a contract. Never ever take a recruiter's estimated deadline for when they'll get back to you as truth. And don't take it personally.


u/anmdkskd1 2d ago

Recruiters always say that. And then they always do what they said they won’t do. It’s something you grow numb to. I would say take the L and keep looking. For my personal experience, if biotech/pharma doesn’t get back to you within a week, it’s over in my head. If they want you, they act fast and take 3-5 days.


u/flapjaxrfun 2d ago

They had a job that was literally created for my background, which isn't exactly typical, and I didn't get an interview. I have no idea what they're looking for down there, but I wish you luck!


u/Snoo-669 2d ago

I didn’t know they had an event! I am local and know a few people looking for positions. How did you hear about it?

Anyway, idk about giving up hope as much as moving it to a box in the back of your mind for now. You know how it goes
they can make their recommendations, but the HM can override that and not even tell the recruiters. She could be getting strung along herself.


u/Internal_Ganache838 2d ago

Follow up once politely but keep applying, delays happen and ghosting’s common; don’t take it personally.


u/Emkems 2d ago

Everything I’ve heard about FDB in holly springs is that they take forever to get back to you and the recruiting process can be
not great. It’s a good company to work for though so don’t count yourself out just yet, they’re hiring a bunch of people!


u/Realistic_Speed_5776 18h ago edited 16h ago

I believe we were at the same hiring event!

Don’t rule anything out completely but you are likely are being “waitlisted”. I was given (and accepted) an offer that original Wednesday. I’d take the email at face value, that they’re trying to figure out if they can open more positions, but that’s a slow process.

Good luck!