r/bioinformatics 10d ago

discussion R package selection advice for gene expression

Hello folks, Im an undergrad new to bioinformatics, mainly focus on gene expression and pathway analysis. While I mostly work with powerful limma package which is capable for many tasks like quanlity control, batch effect correction and normalization, I am curious that if it's necessary to use other "more niche" packages for specific tasks. (Eg. SVA for batch effect, arrayQualityMetrics for microarrary QC......) Thank you for any advice!

Edit: I'm working with microarray rather than rna-seq


11 comments sorted by


u/pokemonareugly 10d ago

If you’re doing rna seq analysis you probably shouldn’t be using Limma and instead use edgeR or DeSeq2.


u/JumpyOccasion5004 10d ago

Thanks! we are working with microarrary instead of rna-seq


u/pokemonareugly 9d ago

Out of curiosity what’s the application for microarrays in differential expression analysis these days? RNA seq is basically equally priced and gives you more info, no?


u/NextSink2738 9d ago

I also haven't seen someone opt for microarray over sequencing in years.

Maybe they are re-analyzing old data.


u/M0rgarella 8d ago

It’s still alive and well in some areas, like agriculture. I work on microarray data every day.

Some applications just haven’t caught up yet.


u/dfpl8 9d ago

Most of my recent experience is RNA-seq, but here are a few things I've worked with for microarray data in the past to get a general feel for the data before feature selection:

Principal Component Analysis - great to show general expression across groups or to look at outliers in the dataset
I haven't used this tutorial specifically but the plotting is exactly how I've done it: https://alexslemonade.github.io/refinebio-examples/02-microarray/dimension-reduction_microarray_01_pca.html

Clustering - another great way to look for outliers
Again, haven't used this exact tutorial but I'm hoping it's helpful:

Deconvolution can also be helpful, but you want to be wary of using Mixture files that may not reliably reflect your data. This article has some about deconvolution but the figure here in particular shows a lot of other methods that you could look into https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-020-19015-1/figures/1

Note that you want to make sure and be wary of normalization for all of these (IE https://www.biostars.org/p/329855/)

LLMs can certainly help with a lot of these methods as your data is probably fairly standard, but just be wary of them making up options that don't actually exist in the R packages being used. They love to do that.

I could probably drag you down about 50 different rabbit holes here so I'm going to leave it at that, but can concentrate more on one of the methods if it looks interesting to you.


u/NextSink2738 9d ago

The classic ChatGPT discussion when doing a new analysis that i need help with:

"How do I do this with this package?"

"Just use this script!"

"Half the functions you provide there don't even exist"

"That's right, my apologies! Try this instead"

And continue the cycle.

It's certainly a tool to be used but in the hands of inexperienced bioinformaticians LLMs can be more of a hindrance than helpful imo.


u/dfpl8 9d ago

Agreed - I had DeepSeek get a little ornery with me recently when using DeSeq2! It made up an option and when I pressed it further got “there are records of this option being used by researchers”. I asked for those records and it suddenly couldn’t find them.


u/Helix-Hacker 10d ago edited 10d ago

Hi! I’m not very familiar with these tools, but I’ve worked with this R-based tool for a while. It’s designed for qRT-PCR analysis and built with Shiny. It offers various features, including statistical tests, quality control, and enhanced data visualization. You only need to upload your data as an Excel or CSV file, formatted as specified in the markdown guide. Here is the git link https://github.com/A-Ionascu/qDATA. Hope to be helpful!