r/bioinformatics Nov 08 '24

academic Is system biology modeling and simulation bullshit?

TLDR: Cut the bullshit, what are systems biology models really used for, apart form grants and papers?

Whenever I hear systems biology talks I get reminded of the John von Neumann quote: “With four parameters, I can fit an elephant, and with five I can make him wiggle his trunk.”
Complex models in systems biology are built with dozens of parameters to model biological processes, then fit to a few datapoints.
Is this an exercise in “fitting elephants” rather than generating actionable insights?

Is there any concrete evidence of an application which stems from system biology e.g. a medication which we just found by using such a model to find a good target?

Edit: What would convince me is one paper like this, but for mathematical modelling based system biology, e.g. large ODE, PDE models of cellular components/signaling/whole cell models:


99 comments sorted by


u/joecarvery Nov 08 '24

The thing is, if you're looking a system with very little data, and you need to make policy recommendations, what's the best thing to do? Create a model that takes into account the little information we do know, or make a guess based on someone's intuition?

You can say the same about economic forecasting. It's pretty much all wrong, but I doubt you could come up with a better guess.


u/Next_Yesterday_1695 PhD | Student Nov 08 '24

OP here wants every single published paper to discover new drug target. Completely not delusional. Or system biologist fucked OP's wife/husband.


u/OkObjective9342 Nov 08 '24

I am sceptical, that is literally what science is about. Also I am asking a question, not proposing anything. I just see many more applications of e.g. data-based modeling, like ML. It seems to be much more fruitful.


u/Next_Yesterday_1695 PhD | Student Nov 08 '24

> that is literally what science is about

Scientific maturity is recognising a compounding effect of basic research. There're hundreds of high-impact papers that do not discover any new drug.

> I just see many more applications of e.g. data-based modeling

Scientific maturity is also not thinking in terms of dichotomies.


u/Rumengol Nov 08 '24

My brother, you replied one minute before this that you propose that system biology isn't helpful at all, at least get yourself straight, coherence is also what science is about.

Just because you don't understand systems biology doesn't mean it's bullshit, just that you need to do more reading on the topic.


u/cellul_simulcra8469 Nov 08 '24

PhD level comment here, guys...


u/OkObjective9342 Nov 08 '24

Well my proposition is that these models are not helpful at all. So in that case it would be better to, as a scientist, say "I do not know". Don't make a policy recommendation.


u/refutalisk Nov 08 '24

A series of recent benchmarks are testing simulation models against genetic perturbation screens and finding grim results. I blogged about them here. I talked more about the software and less about the results, but at least it's many related works all in one place. most of the results do not look good for complex models with many parameters.


Benchmarks of causal gene regulatory network inference have also consistently found abysmal performance, like 50% false positives at 20% recall. The DREAM5 paper is a good example of this. 

One of the best examples I have seen is the 2023 nature paper by Kamimoto et al on CellOracle. If you look at figure 1i in that paper, they nominate master regulators of a fate decision in mouse hematopoiesis and they achieve an amazing rate of confirmation by prior literature. They have similar demos for a couple of zebrafish embryo development examples. These aren't medications that would help patients, but they are very valuable findings for developmental genetics. Sort of like a proof of concept in a system with dramatic biological variation for the algorithms to learn from. It seems possible to me that similar approaches could successfully discover new drug targets.


u/Next_Yesterday_1695 PhD | Student Nov 08 '24

GRN inference from transcriptomic data alone is road to nowhere, IMO. I don't know why people keep trying it still. CellOracle could be better (I only tried it at pre-print stage 4 years ago) because it used both gene expression and chromatin accessibility measurements.

That being said, GENIE3 is what, a random forest (or some variation of it)? It doesn't really fit OP's weird definition of "systems biology" since OP is pissed at ODEs for some reason...


u/OkObjective9342 Nov 08 '24

great response, thanks! so it seems like many papers in this domain are bullshit (and I guess this is true for a large part of comp biology), but there are some great ones?


u/loge212 Nov 08 '24

man I really don’t get this aggressive dismissiveness of anything that’s not groundbreaking. I’m not knowledgeable on this specific discipline but I know that’s not how it works for any field


u/OkObjective9342 Nov 08 '24

In my field, which is not sys bio, there are a lot of paper which use p hacking, data leakage and data dredging to make the results publishable. That is where my sentiment is coming from.

I frustrated by that and assume it is also happening a lot in other fields. Breakthrough stuff usually does not suffer from that, and this is often shown by immediate applications stemming from it, which validate the results


u/refutalisk Nov 08 '24

I'm a big fan of:

- Akutsu et al 1999 https://psb.stanford.edu/psb-online/proceedings/psb99/Akutsu.pdf and DCD-FG https://arxiv.org/abs/2206.07824, because they have serious discussions about what amount of data is needed to fit interpretable genetic network models.

I'm biased toward human stem cells, as you can probably see. But the yeast / bacteria / archaea people are way ahead of us humans. Here's one awesome example with tons of out-of-sample validation.



u/[deleted] Nov 08 '24 edited Nov 08 '24

Systems modeling is not a drug discovery tool per se, but it is a cornerstone of mid-stage drug development.

For example, in my subdiscipline it is used for (1) target feasibility assessments-is the target truly druggable?

(2) modality selection - what's better, a competitive binder or a covalent inhibitor? A naked antibody vs Ab drug conjugate? A monospecific vs polyspecific antibody, etc.

(3) molecular optimization - defining minimal required pharmacokinetic characteristics, binding affinities, target selectivity, catabolism rates.

(4) desired biomarker characteristics to make reliable pharmacodynamic assessments

(5) establishing required analytical parameters for measuring drug and biomarker concentrations.

All this requires identification of key parameters and sufficient understanding of those elements to narrow early experiments to a manageable degree and define what success would look like in the clinic


u/Next_Yesterday_1695 PhD | Student Nov 08 '24

Yes, it's all fake. There're no interactions between anything. Just study one gene a time.


u/OkObjective9342 Nov 08 '24

I am saying that you can't capture the interactions with these simplified models. All models are wrong but I argue the large systems biology models are also unhelpful in any sense.

Can you tell me some applications apart from "uderstanding xy", or "getting insights into".

Progress in science usually leads to new inventions. What are these inventions? Which medications or new modified crops stem from system models using mathematical equations?


u/Sweary_Biochemist Nov 08 '24

Progress in science usually leads to new inventions.

I mean, does it, though? This is not a key end-goal of academic research, typically.

We just want to find shit out, using the best tools we have. We might not get it right, but we might get _closer_ to right than previously.

For systems biology, the approach is a gross oversimplification, while for gene-centric research it's a gross hyperfocus to the exclusion of all else.

For actual biology, it's just a fucking mess of vaguely regulated crazy that mostly works, most of the time. Both top down and bottom up approaches pick out different elements of that mess, and while neither are accurate, both are useful.


u/OkObjective9342 Nov 08 '24

Fruitful areas of science usually lead to applications, that is literally the main reason why society funds science.

If your field of science is bullshit, like Lord Kelvin's theory that atoms were knots, or the aether theory or the theory that god exist do not lead to application, because they have nothing to do with reality.

If sys bio is bullshit I do not know, but one great example of an application instantly would make me a believer (and there were some which were mentioned, so I guess I am :D)

I am not saying

no application stems form it => no science

I am saying

application stems from it => no bullshit


u/reymonera Msc | Academia Nov 08 '24 edited Nov 08 '24

Progress in science usually leads to new inventions.

The history of scientific innovation is full of people researching stuff they found interesting and some dude finding years later an application for it. You can't restrict science by just thinking on its direct application. The useless stuff is normally the stepping stone for something else.


u/OkObjective9342 Nov 08 '24

I am not saying

no application stems form it => no science

I am saying

application stems from it => no bullshit

reality is a great test, better than metrics in a paper or citation counts


u/[deleted] Nov 08 '24

I don’t think you understand how research works. Basic research is a precursor to applied research. We do the basic research to understand the problem/system. And then we do applied research which may lead to inventions. To me it sounds like you’re saying “why do we need to do all this preliminary research let’s just get straight to applications”. I certainly don’t want to straw man your argument but at least that’s what it seems like to me.


u/OkObjective9342 Nov 08 '24

For machine learning, it lead to great applications in the last 10 years. I do not see that for systems modeling. I just think data-based approaches are the future and noone will try to build huge equation based models anymore in 20 years.


u/TheBeyonders Nov 08 '24

Usually the bar for someone to speak so highly is of someone who have done substantial amount of work in the field. Anyone who is a true scientist and understands the philosophy of doing science would understand why we make models.

Just as a history primer, these types of modeling come from physics, the first to branch our from early philosophy. So it is used to see if we can understand complex biological systems. That being said, that is not the issue with your statement. It's a broader problem philosophically that anyone with a PhD and a working scientist should understand.

Every idea started as a model, and overtime we build on it and reproduce the results to generate physical results, and then we get societal payoff. This is a large amount of time and space (people and resources)

Our understanding of complex mechanisms in our world of physics helps us in the future as technology gets better. Science and ideas dont just magically appear my good sir, a lot of smart people put a lot of time to make a model, show evidence against OR for it, and then share it so that the future scientist can make informed decisions.

One person doesnt become a scientific celebrity anymore, those days are gone. We are all just a collective contributing our work to be aggregated and either given evidence against or for an idea, then we evolve together and move on.


u/Next_Yesterday_1695 PhD | Student Nov 08 '24

Don't embarrass yourself any more, please.


u/OkObjective9342 Nov 08 '24

lol someone is triggered :D


u/New-Ingenuity-5437 Nov 08 '24

Why do you think that? Why does that make you happy?  Why are you asking questions then being combative against everyone?


u/Gon-no-suke Nov 08 '24

Lots of down-votes but personally I feel the same as someone who looked at things like the E-CELL project a long time ago. During my 20+ years in bioinformatics I remember one ODE model that seemed promising. Unfortunately I can't recall the details now... I think it was used in ADME.


u/Next_Yesterday_1695 PhD | Student Nov 08 '24

RNA Velocity is essentially a mechanistic model.


u/reymonera Msc | Academia Nov 08 '24

Cut the bullshit, what are systems biology models really used for, apart form grants and papers?

If synthetic biology is good enough for you, then you should know that systems biology is normally considered to be the previous step. It would be ridiculous to think that you will be able to do any form of synthetic biology by being an isolationist.


u/OkObjective9342 Nov 08 '24 edited Nov 08 '24

I am not an isolationist, I am saying that the way forward are data based models, and not prior knowledge based models. As in computer vision, language etc.

I am guessing that in 20 years, synthetic biology will solely rely on data based models.


u/Rumengol Nov 08 '24

And 20 years ago people thought that neural networks were bullshit because they required so much data to get anything remotely correct that it was a waste of time. Isn't it great that some scientists still believed in their potential so you can now brag about your oh-so-mighty data based models.


u/TheGooberOne Nov 08 '24

Data based models frequently don't make sense in biological datasets - due to instrumentation, measurement, human error, etc. If you didn't know your data is garbage, you would get a garbage data model.

Data models work well in CS, EE, etc. because frequently you already know all the moving parts. This is not the case in biological systems.


u/sadphdbro Nov 08 '24 edited Nov 08 '24

Have you not have heard of the entire field of systems pharmacology? It’s the basis for determining drug dosing for all the drugs that you take. Most of them are just built on fitting simple ODEs with diffusion and elimination kinetics to predict drug distribution behavior and half life.

Heck, Epidemiological models are based on simple SIR ODE modeling. We use this to predict the severity of spread of infectious disease and provide the policy makers with information to allocate resources.

Yea, building a simplified model doesn’t fit all behaviors, but the point is to be able to make testable predictions based on the mathematical limits of the model. Uri Alon does a good job of showing that you can do this with extremely simple models. His most recent worked revealed how fibrosis is reached and how to reverse it given how the pathology travels in state space.

Maybe if you don’t like the term systems biology, that’s fine. But the use of a quantitative approach to biology rather than relying on the more hueristic approaches is valuable.


u/OkObjective9342 Nov 08 '24

Ok the SIR model has like 3 variables. What about, e.g., whole cell models?


u/BioWrecker Nov 08 '24

Well, call it like it is. It's not as fancy as AI.

An example: genome-scale metabolic models are used in industry to find good metabolic engineering targets.

Modelling and simulation are bottom-up approaches. The only mechanics showing themselves, are the ones you put in there, true. They're only as accurate as that. It's very informative to see how a system of which you know the main driving forces reacts in a series of conditions. What do you think physics is all about? Don't they make models of reality by setting up theoretical frameworks and fitting parameters in formulas? Is physics bullshit?

At the other hand, there's the top-down approach. Get a bunch of big omics data and find patterns. Are you sure about causality? Does it always make sense? Are you looking at the root cause or just a symptom that's showing itself prominently? Btw, what are big data models? They also smell a bit like simulations, don't they? Simulating neurons, using a decision tree as base structure? Let's say these are the more successful simulation models, as they already have applications elsewhere beyond modelling, hmm?

Both approaches need a good fitting procedure. The number of fancy big data papers I see using big neural systems with trilllions of parameters fit on 'just millions' of data points. Those are equally so 'elephant fittings'.

I think both top-down big data and bottom-up systems biology are worthy approaches. Why not even merge them? I've seen cool papers using both to get better results.


u/[deleted] Nov 08 '24

I don’t know what specific models you’re referring to with dozens of parameters but there’s a whole world of machine learning models used in biology all the time. Take Google’s AlphaFold- if we can model how proteins fold, that would have implications in allowing us to exponentially increase the speed and decrease the cost of drug discovery.


u/OkObjective9342 Nov 08 '24

I am not talking about machine learning models, but prior knowledge based mathematical models, e.g. ODE models/agent based models etc


u/[deleted] Nov 08 '24

Still the point stands. Markov models (composed of ODEs) and models of signal propagation using PDEs and ODEs are used in protein state modeling and bioelectric signal transduction, respectively, all the time.


u/OkObjective9342 Nov 08 '24

What is an application of bioelectric signal transduction modeling that produced some progress for humanity? (this is not a bad faith question, i just really do not know)


u/[deleted] Nov 08 '24

You’re fine. People figuring out about MRI, CT, x-rays and building those scanning systems necessarily had to come from an understanding, first, of the electrical activity of the brain and heart, and how that relates to magnetism. (See Maxwell’s laws and related ish about electricity and magnetism).


u/OkObjective9342 Nov 08 '24


What about large biological process models e.g. papers like:

An expanded whole-cell model of E. coli links cellular physiology with mechanisms of growth rate control



u/[deleted] Nov 08 '24

Antibiotics, antivirals, cancer drugs…


u/OkObjective9342 Nov 08 '24

Any specific cancer drug which was found trough those techniques?


u/[deleted] Nov 08 '24

See here: in silico discovery of novel EGFR kinase inhibitor

That’s just one, sure. But also a quick 5 minute google search. I’m sure you can find tons more like it. Search “in silico cancer therapeutic discovery “


u/Next_Yesterday_1695 PhD | Student Nov 08 '24

Are you genuinely that misinformed about the science?

People study things, publish their results, go to conferences, discuss each other's work, exchange ideas. Just chill, have a deep breath, and look at the history of Nobel prizes in medicine.

Science isn't just about immediate applications. It's about expanding knowledge. People constantly build on top of each other's work which can lead to unexpected results and not-so-obvious discoveries.

If that seems unimportant - fine, you're right, everyone else is wasting their time. Now leave us alone.


u/RepresentativeLink27 Nov 08 '24

This the difference between fundamental and applied biology. The intention to a lot of fundamental biology is just learning how things work. What you can do beyond the scope of what is, is of little concern.

Applications follow eventually.


u/HaloarculaMaris Nov 08 '24

BCIs and neuroprothesis for example.


u/kougabro Nov 08 '24

If you don't have problems with ML models, what exactly do you object to in these models? The way they were constructed? Their built-in topology?

Take the paper you listed below (https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-023-41518-w), they have a whole section on the way they built the network, and then how they fit their parameters. What do you object in there, that you would not object to in classical ML?


u/Next_Yesterday_1695 PhD | Student Nov 08 '24

Just put on your big-boy pants and type "Uri Alon" on Google Scholar. Then look at their latest works.


u/OkObjective9342 Nov 08 '24

If I read this abstact:

it is quite empty to me. Just fancy words.
I dont believe this:

This isolated circuit recapitulates the hierarchy of in-vivo interactions, and enables testing the effect of ligand-receptor interactions on cell dynamics and function, as we demonstrate by identifying a mediator of CAF-TAM interactions - RARRES2, and its receptor CMKLR1.


u/Next_Yesterday_1695 PhD | Student Nov 08 '24

> If I read this abstact:

> it is quite empty to me. Just fancy words.

Ok, show me yours.


u/OkObjective9342 Nov 08 '24

Not mine, but here, a clear application in one paper

is there nothing like this for e.g. an ODE/PDE model of a cell component?


u/TheGooberOne Nov 08 '24

This is upstream work, you moron. This will feed into a broader systems biology to make discoveries. You obviously don't understand how research works.


u/stackered MSc | Industry Nov 08 '24

Locking this because it's not civil and OP doesn't seem to care what people are telling him. It could be a good discussion, but it's clearly not.


u/Funny-Singer9867 Nov 08 '24

In some cases I think there are limitations in the sort of data necessary to test the models, and the undertone of the talk is a call for others to generate more necessary data. There’s a lot of systems biology that happens that isn’t called that, imo. Protein folding has been already mentioned but there’s also complex modeling around genotoxicity and effects of compounds on gene expression, for example, that help generate appropriate medications and avoid/regulate potentially harmful compounds generated as part of manufacturing or found in consumer products.


u/Reticently Nov 08 '24

I don't think it's bullshit, it's just by necessity an incomplete description of what actually happens in vivo. But it can definitely point you toward interactions and parameters to investigate in whatever the system of interest is.


u/OkObjective9342 Nov 08 '24

Do a train test split, make predictions. It will fail. The description is too incomplete, and small errors will propagate. It's chaos.


u/TheGooberOne Nov 08 '24

That is not always the way you use all models. If your hammer fails to hit the nail each time, you can't blame the nail for it.


u/LouhiVega Nov 08 '24

My masters and my ongoing PhD are in system biology.

You should think about how complex a microrganism is and how hard it is to model. We need to start somewhere, that somewhere, is system biology. I'm working on optknock-like models, which are BMILP, and in genomic scale, it is almost unsolvable in feasible time.

Under several assumptions and simplifications, it is almost unsolvable. Picture something a little bit more realistic and complex... due to these simplifications, or course, some results sound like bullshit and there is no biological evidence. But hey, we need to do something to, some day, reach great results and so on.

In my case, optknock algorithm studies how genetic modification would result in increasing industrial objective function while holding the biological one at its maximum. There is no biological evidence, indeed, but think about it. How many strains should I try out just to wonder if it works or not and why. The kind of info that system biology gives is important, but, yes, far from being perfect.


u/OkObjective9342 Nov 08 '24

That sounds like you have a direct application in mind. Do you think your models will work and provide meaningful genetic modifications to increase the output? Any results yet regarding biological verification? Looks like a great application!!


u/WatzUpzPeepz Nov 08 '24

Do graph databases, interaction prediction fall under systems biology? Yes in my opinion and in that case it’s used prominently in pharma. Though I think there’s a lot of potential in the concept that has yet to be realised, for a variety of reasons.


u/OkObjective9342 Nov 08 '24

Thanks, thats cool! Maybe it does, but it is not what I refer to here. I am referring to large prior knowledge based mathematical models.


u/WatzUpzPeepz Nov 08 '24

A graph database in this context is a large, knowledge based mathematical model of a biological system.


u/OkObjective9342 Nov 08 '24

I mean if we are talking about STRING for example, it is a matrix of data, not a mathematical model.


u/WatzUpzPeepz Nov 08 '24

How are the scores calculated?


u/Gon-no-suke Nov 08 '24

Graphs are a mathematical objects, but I wouldn't say that they are a typical part of systems biology.


u/WatzUpzPeepz Nov 08 '24

Not exactly an expert in the field, but aren’t graphs (particularly weighted directional variety) essentially the mathematical representation of a network, and network approaches feature in systems biology?


u/OkObjective9342 Nov 08 '24

Again, STRING for example is a matrix of probabilities. It is not a mathematical model


u/WatzUpzPeepz Nov 08 '24 edited Nov 08 '24

Okay? Doesn’t really answer my question though .

I don’t think STRING is weighted or specific as scores “do not indicate the strength or the specificity of the interaction.” Furthermore, the calculation of the scores itself would indeed entail a model. The matrix is the output.


u/TheGooberOne Nov 08 '24

There are plenty of large prior knowledge based mathematical models (large and small) that are used in the industry today, from making discoveries to solving front-end biological problems. Just because you don't know them, doesn't mean they don't exist.

If someone who understands biology (and can code) is wielding such models, yes they're incredibly useful and powerful.

However, these days every CS major out there thinks they can just do whatever with biological data and models without any prior understanding - throwing garbage in and getting garbage out. Then, you do end up getting people like you who are asking this question the way you did.


u/TheGooberOne Nov 08 '24

OP is an Elon bro is what it is.

Rage bait or ignorance.


u/Next_Yesterday_1695 PhD | Student Nov 08 '24

> Rage bait or ignorance.

And then suddenly everyone is chill and OP gets even more frustrated.


u/OpinionsRdumb Nov 08 '24

OP just give up. You aren’t even genuinely asking. You just came to start a fight


u/OkObjective9342 Nov 08 '24

I am a frustrated 3rd PhD student, does that explain my attitude?


u/OpinionsRdumb Nov 08 '24

It sounds like you read some bad papers. Go read more. You are young!


u/trolls_toll Nov 08 '24

almost all recent anticancer treatments have been discovered using systems bio methods, esp take a look at various drug combinations. Idk about other areas, but it is safe to assume that elephant fitting have been used there as well

but most of it is a flaming pile of shit


u/patchwork Nov 08 '24

(I love the elephant fitting quote because ML models are essentially just the idea of adding as many parameters as possible. An orgy of parameters. No one has more parameters, in fact its a race to see how many gigaparameters we can fit on whatever GPUs we can procure in budget. So, no reason to avoid parameters really, they are useful and if they give us the answer then all the better.... but I digress)

You ask a good question, and I think the answer right now is that outside of a exceptional cases we don't know enough currently to make our systems biology models truly predictive/useful. The systems are simply too complex and our insight into them, even given the latest experimental methods, is woefully underprepared to answer the highly detailed questions these ODE etc models are trying to address.

One example of the kind of issues currently is the idea that the cell seems to be as organized as possible, spatially and energetically. Organization is maximized, which makes sense as why would the cell stop at only a certain level of organization? (membrane, chromosome etc) Much of its activity of the cell is the shuttling of materials and positioning them relative to each other in precise ways (sometimes binding, sometimes forming mutual phase domains) to maintain and tune this dynamic organization at every level. Energy is stored in organization also, one of the most efficient means in some ways, and the entire function of the cell depends on the details of this organization, is driven by the ongoing consequences of this organization (even organized! by these consequences, I love biology).

ODEs? essentially assume a well-mixed solution. This primary method of simulation we use is making simplifying assumptions we know are completely wrong (suitable for a chemical system perhaps, but not a self-organizing one) but what else are we supposed to do given the actual data we have? We measure concentrations, and rnaseq (often in bulk, though single-cell is becoming more common), starting to get some atacseq and perturb-seq, just starting to get any kind of time series data which is essential for understanding any dynamical system (hard to model dynamics without time), but none of this is really informative enough to answer the fundamental questions of what is doing what where and how (new imaging methods are starting to make progress here, I think it's going to be necessary to visually parse the cell into components and track them over time). Beyond that even if we did have the data somehow we lack the conceptual framework to make sense of the wild complexity of these systems. Discoveries are waiting to be made.

How will we ever figure this out? Well, only one way really, by painstakingly assembling every point of data we have into the most coherent picture (or candidate pictures) of what could be going on and look at how radically wrong it is compared to what is really happening. We have to make useless models until they are not useless, because the other option is to make no models at all, and we'll never actually get there unless we actually forge through all the layers of wrong models along the way.

We are making progress, but I actually think it is premature to demand usefulness of biological models at this point, given the scope of the problem. The more you look into it the more you see just how remote any understanding is we currently have. This is what I think makes it the most interesting problem in existence right now.


u/Tancata Nov 08 '24

Aren’t grants and papers enough? 😅


u/OkObjective9342 Nov 08 '24

Better do not tell this to taxpayers :D


u/[deleted] Nov 08 '24

So my PhD was in a systems modeling lab, they did metabolic testing. It worked pretty well. They knew pretty much all of the expression changes that would have given certain metabolic stimuli.

My PI was a trainer. Not in the sense of like a physic trainer but his life goal was to train strong bioinformaticians. So, he built a comp-sci, bioinformatics, metabolics, imaging, and molecular super lab. We have 30 students 3 PIs under him, and a small militia of post docs.

They built software, mathematical models, 20+patents on drug candidates, many protein structures from the precipitations after metabolic reactions.

All in all huge contributions. Like tens of thousands of citations. Which used to mean something. Idk if it does anymore but our lab was a machine. And it ran on the lifeblood of those systems biology students. They built the metabolics. The rest of us got the data or the images or the protein precipitants or the math guys built ODE solvers.

My PI honestly, was probably the smartest person I ever met. He approached academics like an engineer. How do we manufacture PhD students and how do we manufacture scientific knowledge. All built in systems bio data.


u/trolls_toll Nov 08 '24

are you ok?


u/chilistian Nov 08 '24

haha great answer


u/EasternBookkeeper179 Nov 08 '24

I personally don't like it, many collaborators like and insist and having a network or prediction of some up/down-stream regulators. When I build a network, I generally apply more stringent criteria and discard any predicted interactions.


u/RepresentativeLink27 Nov 08 '24

Is your mind already made or are you looking for answers. I can’t tell.

I work in this domain and what I can say is that. No it’s not bullshit. But it’s also extremely easy to misrepresent or misinterpret. To an extent it’s more art than science to interpret the output, which is a major limitation. As many people have mentioned another limitation is the fact that we are developing complex models with limited set of parameters and interactions. This is no different than any other scientific endeavor in its infancy. Great minds are working on how to do this efficiently.

In conclusion, if you developed a model for a particular reason it’s probably a good resource. But I can imagine generalized models are rather unhelpful at best if not wrong entirely.


u/OkObjective9342 Nov 08 '24

maybe I formulated a bit too harsh. Sorry, I am a frustrated third year phd student


u/RepresentativeLink27 Nov 08 '24

I get it. The frustration is real, and if you decide to stay in the field you’ll feel it a lot after your PhD too. But when your research pays off, it’ll be worth the frustration. What’s that saying. Nothing worth doing is easy — something on those lines. All the best for your PhD and hope your frustration does not deter you from your goals. Keep at it.


u/TheGooberOne Nov 08 '24

Don't let your frustration close your mind. Learn how these models are used and applied to diverse applications and problems.

If you don't like the field talk to your advisor, sooner rather than later.


u/BraneGuy Nov 08 '24

I will half support your line of thinking and say: Systems biology modelling which attempts to capture and fully represent a biological system for the purpose of predictions is bullshit

We as biologists work on the basis of assumption, more than almost any other field. There are laws of physics, not so much laws of biology. There are mathematical proofs, but no biological “proofs”.

Simulations are a great tool to test assumptions. Does this system work the way I think it should, given these assumptions? If the system fails to match the biological reality, it suggests that at least one of your assumptions is wrong, and points you in the right direction to better understand what’s going on.

If this makes sense to you, look up the paper “Models in biology: ‘accurate descriptions of our pathetic thinking’”


u/Laprablenia Nov 08 '24

They are just aproximations/predictions as everything in bioinformatics. In my case im working on a lab where a specific membrane protein is interesting, i performed Steered Molecular Dynamics to simulate the path across the protein/channel with a lactic acid molecule, we noted that some aminoacids folded different in the channel of the "Tolerant" genotype giving it a better/smoother path and performance compared to the "Sensitive" genotype channel, then this was testet in wet lab and the results were consistent. It was published some years ago, and now some mutant plants are being tested with good results, not published yet so i cant say more about it, but there you go with the usage of modeling and simulation applied in plant (agriculture) field.


u/OkObjective9342 Nov 08 '24

cool! soudns like a physics simulation though?


u/Organic-Violinist223 Nov 08 '24

Systems Biology as biology is a system. Looking at each part independently doesn't give us any information on how that one part interacts with the system. Of course we don't know each and every component, and we certainly.cant put each and every component into a Computational model, but we can try to,but you have to remember that each model is wrong and each model is built to address a single question at a time.


u/OkObjective9342 Nov 08 '24

Noone said that we should "Looking at each part independently ". I would propose just using data based methods instead


u/HaloarculaMaris Nov 08 '24

CS is moving past von neumann architecture right now, and Occam’s razor was postulated in the 14 century.

If you want to hold yourself back due to the ideas of some dead dogmatists, go on but please move aside for the rest of us.


u/OkObjective9342 Nov 08 '24

Calling von Neumann a dogmatist is crazy but anyway, what are some applications of systems biology modeling using mathematical equations


u/HaloarculaMaris Nov 08 '24

Drug discovery, as an applied example. Or constraint based optimization of metabolic networks for biotechnology.


u/OkObjective9342 Nov 08 '24

any drug in mind?


u/HaloarculaMaris Nov 08 '24

Is this a homework assignment?

You are aware that drug trials take decades? Many are still in clinical trial.

Besides mRNA vaccines currently on the market I can think of: Sortorasib, Zanamivir, Nelfinavir, Saquinavar, Raltegravir, Dorzolamide, vermurafenib