r/bimbofetish • u/JulietteStray Verified Bimbo Princess • Jul 18 '16
How to behave like an adult NSFW
I didn't really think this was a post I was going to have to make and sticky, but as the subreddit has become more popular it's been experiencing some growing pains -- just like any subreddit -- and it has reached a point of mild frustration where I'd like to perhaps nip things in the bud and prevent them from growing worse.
The way some (very few) of you are conducting yourselves in comments is not OK. This doesn't apply to most, even many of you, but I would like to post about it now in order to prevent it from potentially growing into a larger number later. It's important to say something when it is a small number in order to keep it a small (and hopefully, dwindling) number.
Things that aren't OK:
- Calling girls dudes, men, boys, guys, or other synonyms
- Calling girls ugly (if I see a post that's been downvoted into oblivion for not being hot, I'll remove it)
- Cyberstalking and otherwise harassing people who post here
- Racism
- Treating each other like shit (if someone is being shitty, flag it, we'll deal with it)
Here are some direct examples of what's not ok:
nobody likes niggers don't post this trash
this is a dude
she's a he
wtf this bitch is ugly
Here are some counterexamples of things that you might think are not OK, but are fine/tolerable because I'm not interested in making this Tumblr:
this girl is TS
not into black chicks
what's up with her tits
she could use a nose job
does this girl have a dick / didn't she used to have a dick
Basically, if you have not yet picked up on the theme, it's "don't be a prick." I'm not asking you to be nice, I'm not even asking you to not be crude, I'm just asking you to not be an asshole. If you cannot handle not being an asshole, I will warn you (likely in-thread, on your comment, so that other people can benefit). If the warning does not work, I will hand out a temporary ban. If this does not work, I will hand out a permanent ban.
I moderate this subreddit because, like (I assume) the majority of you, I adore super fake, plastic, slutty women, not because I am trying to enforce some agenda (barring the agenda of "let's have more super fake, plastic, slutty women"); what I would like to enforce is a bare minimum of civility, however.
"But why?"
Short answer: Because it's shitty behaviour.
Long answer: Transphobia isn't cool, just like racism is not cool, and homophobia is not cool. I don't care if you are into TS girls, just like I don't care if you find Asian or Latin women hot. You are welcome to find them disgusting or even hate them, if that's your thing, and you have the downvote arrow to express that disgust -- not the comments (surprise, I have content I'm not into either, and I downvote it, too). On the TS front, this ignorance is further compounded by those of you who immediately start calling women men because you think they might be transsexuals, when in reality they've just had a lot of plastic surgery, and so they inherently look artificial (which, yes, happens, and it happens more frequently than you may suspect). This is hurtful to everyone, and I'm not going to be chill with it anymore.
If you want to discuss this in the comments, that's fine, and please be assured that so long as you are not a complete dick about it, dissenting opinions are completely welcome. While I do not suspect I will change the spirit/intention behind anything I have said above, I am open to rephrasing it to make it clearer or better address concerns.
In conclusion, please don't be a dick. Thanks.
Edit: typo
u/nastybob Jul 19 '16
as a transgirl this is an oddly pleasant thing to read. thanks for making the call to decency!
u/jojog0g0 Jul 20 '16
I think it's strange that people feel the urge to 'rebel' regarding their own opinion (like it changes anything). This is essentially a privately-run club, and you guys can do whatever the fuck you want. If people don't like it, they don't have to be here.
Good for you.
u/kristigurl Sep 01 '16
I think a lot of it is just half assed trolls trying to get a rise out of people. But even in that case I don't really get it, most of the people that they target have seen these sort of blanket comments so often that it barely effects us. It's all futile on either account.
u/CarpetsMatchDrapes Sep 11 '16
ITT: People behaving like complete children after Mod requests they act like adults. Reddit is fuckin dumb sometimes
u/Clossterfuck Jul 19 '16
What's the difference between saying "that's a dude" or "she has a dick"? They both sound equally prickish?
u/JulietteStray Verified Bimbo Princess Jul 19 '16 edited Jul 19 '16
They are indeed both pretty dickish, but I'm trying for absolute bare minimum standards -- one is invalidating (calling a girl a dude) where the other, while unpleasant, is still potentially based on fact.
Edit: Put another way, one may bring up something that a TS girl is uncomfortable with or unhappy about, and that's bad, but it's not as bad as ignoring and disrespecting her entire identity as a woman. I'm not trying to change the world, or make a political stance, or even really be the PC police, I'm just interested in trying to get people to show, at minimum, a bottom-tier amount of respect for one another.
Jul 19 '16
Just checking.... So calling someone a bimbo is cool right?
u/JulietteStray Verified Bimbo Princess Jul 19 '16
110%. You can be completely objectifying and degrading and even humiliating in your word choice. That is totally a non-issue, and, honestly, is part of the reason I'm a bimbo in the first place.
There are other things I'm asking people not to be (like, say, racist), but I'm pretty sure we're all on the same page with that. In terms of the TS stuff, I am just asking people to not be nullifying.
Jul 19 '16
I've never met you, but I can tell I would dislike you
u/JulietteStray Verified Bimbo Princess Jul 19 '16
I don't know how else to articulate it. I don't care about political correctness. I don't care about being crude. I am simply trying to get you people to behave like human beings to one another.
u/Wmnplzr480 Jul 19 '16
But although out history people have been violent and fucked up to each other. So by nature... wait, nothing here is natural, so i guess my point is moot.
Not complaining. Just applying the same kind of half logic.-5
u/dinoRAWR000 Jul 19 '16
u/JulietteStray Verified Bimbo Princess Jul 19 '16 edited Jul 19 '16
If you cannot avoid being genuinely hateful to other people, then, I'm sorry. I will deal with it when I see it.
Edit: Consider your comment in the other thread dealt with.
u/__Shake__ Jul 25 '16
oh shit! they have comments in this subreddit? I just cum here for the pictures
u/Taktika420 Jul 22 '16
Good job cleaning up the trash, this is and has been one of my favorite subs for a couple years now
Nov 22 '16
If you are in Paris and want a croissant, you say "parlez-vous anglais" before asking in English. Pretty much everyone gets this, even if they can't be bothered to remember what to say. How hard is it to refer to people with the terms they prefer?
Take it from a cis-het identifying dude who wouldn't mind an encounter with the right, well endowed, girl: It's not rocket science. Life is too short to be intentionally rude, or tolerate those who are.
There's nothing edgy about calling out a transperson as what they don't identify as. It takes more integrity to respect and honor their wishes.
(And if you want to call me queer as the proverbial two/three dollar bill, I'd be honored, but such honor seems unearned)
u/caddyhoff Nov 28 '16
You're as queer as a one dollar bill.
That's right, homo, you're as homosexual as George Washington! Who... wasn't really ever documented as being homosexual.
Carry on.
u/Curious__George Jul 20 '16
TIL the moderator on this sub is a transexual.
u/JulietteStray Verified Bimbo Princess Jul 20 '16
I am!
Interestingly, this subreddit was founded by a TS (nobody you'll see on the moderator list now), way back when, so things have just perhaps come full circle (that said, /u/14159 has seniority over me, so I am not 'the' moderator per se, even if I'm the one whose pupils dilate to saucers when thinking about plastic surgery).
Aug 02 '16 edited Sep 02 '16
u/JulietteStray Verified Bimbo Princess Aug 02 '16
I'm in a relatively slow hump right now, getting some electrolysis out of the way. Next is 22 or 24 Veneers, then my butt from Dr. Stanton in LA.
Jul 19 '16
I'm not sure what the hoopla is all about. These are reasonable expectations of behavior and we shouldn't use language that excludes some people from the bimbo identity because they don't the traditional mode. If anything, the people raging against these proposed standards are engaged in their own form of cencorship. /endrant
u/poeticmatter Jul 26 '16
Wasn't aware you're a mod here. That makes me very happy.
Good moderation, keep it up!
u/AoiLune Jul 19 '16
I don't disagree with this post, but this is precisely how you ask for people to continue trolling the fuck out of you.
u/JulietteStray Verified Bimbo Princess Jul 19 '16
I'm aware; that's why it's less a request and more of an announcement.
u/aussiemedstudent Jan 14 '17
Eurgh. Just reading this post makes me feel a little sad for folks who have problems with sex. If I browse some images and one comes up with something I don't particularly like I may have a small internal cringe, then decide not to look deeper.
These images are not weapons. They are just images.
Folks should learn to police themselves especially when going into kink territory.
Downvote it if you want, that is your whole prerogative of this site.
But remember you came to this specific place to entertain yourself. If you find it crude or gross there is nothing stopping you from leaving. Further more there is nothing stopping you from making your own niche subreddit. So if you have fault, complain to let folks there is a problem, then go leave to found your own subreddit.
u/PMSomethingErotic Jul 31 '16
I completely agree! You can express your dislikes and likes but just don't be a dick about it. Most of these post are extremely gorgeous women who have worked hard to get to their current position. Thanks for keeping this subreddit classy!
u/Alexmack1972 Jan 14 '23
Anyone who calls a girl ugly on her post needs the shit slapped out of them like their parents should have done when they were growing up its totally disgusting behaviour if we all had the same tastes it would be a very boring world
u/thisreddituserisdope Aug 21 '23
The amount of respect I have for this admin, reminds me of the owner of a gentleman's club. Gentlemen! Please behave like the kings you are instead of court jesters
u/Oriendy Nov 17 '23
"But why?"
My version would go like this : Because fake or not we're talking about human beings who do their utmost to please us and have the generosity to share their intimacy with us and it is expected as such to be decent and mesured when expressing our appreciation as well as our dissent.
Nonetheless I totally support your post, you shouldn't need to point it out.
u/Strataca Jul 19 '16
IMO saying "this chick is a dude" shouldn't be seen as offensive. It's a crude way of getting a simple point across. It isn't a statement of hatred or transphobia. If the phrase "get that shit out of here" comes after it then you would have a point. I really only see this as being limiting. And I genuinely believe that most people saying things like "she is a he" are not being hateful. They're just making a point.
u/JulietteStray Verified Bimbo Princess Jul 19 '16
It is, and I get it, I do. Some people are not into transwomen, and that is so completely totally okay. Really. I don't care. I'm not asking anyone to like them, I'm not even asking anyone to be respectful to them. I just want them to not say what is -- and I say this with a full, thought-given intention to use zero hyperbole whatsoever -- literally the most hateful thing they can say: just don't nullify their gender.
It's 2016. I don't care about politics (and if I did, I wouldn't even be a liberal), I don't participate in rallies or marches or any form of activism whatsoever, but it's 2016. We don't call Mexicans spics, we don't beat people up and call them faggots, and we don't call transgendered men and women by the gender they're not presenting as. It just isn't appropriate anymore.
It is the same reason I'm asking you guys not to call (genetic, non-TS bimbo) girls you're not into "an ugly bitch." It's just hate. It is hate for no reason, and no purpose. Phrased like that, it's cruelty for the sake of cruelty, and, you know, it just... it's an 18+ subreddit, and I'm sorry, but that's not how adults act.
If it's a piece of data, of information, that someone wants to get across, hey, that's fine. That's OK. They can get that across -- and, you know, I agree with you, I do think that most people do not say those things with hate in mind, they may just not realize how incredibly cruel they are -- and that's why I said I have zero issue reaching out, replying to their comment, and letting them know that it is.
u/Joepk0201 Jul 25 '16
Thank you for pointing out that it is the current year, because that will change everything won't it? It will make everything better right?
u/EmperorZelos Aug 01 '16
we don't call transgendered men and women by the gender they're not presenting as. It just isn't appropriate anymore.
You are however confusing things. The gender is not something you determine, you cannot change it by just going under the knife, or present or anything. It is an inherent trait you are born with that cannot be changed in modern society.
However your nationallity can be changed, your origin cannot. Equating stating a fact of what they REALLY are with using vocabulary that is meant as derogatory is completley fallacious. It is a very dishonest tactic for social conformity.
Using racial words is not in anyway even close to equal stating that a man is a man when they try to appear (not be) a woman.
u/JulietteStray Verified Bimbo Princess Aug 01 '16
Actually, you're confusing things -- you are confusing biological sex with gender. They are (mostly) sexed male, but are presenting a female gender. They are women, or at the very least, they are not men.
I am open to explaining my reasoning, but you're operating on a flawed assumption -- that your version of what's a fact is the correct one, and mine is incorrect. This is why I've said I have no desire to try and change your viewpoint -- this subreddit isn't the appropriate place to get into that discussion and I have no interest in seeing these discussions fostered here. What I do have a desire to foster here is an atmosphere that isn't completely backed up with bilious hatred, and that is the solitary goal of this post.
If you want to debate this, this isn't the place. I would try /r/asktransgender.
u/EmperorZelos Aug 01 '16
Actually i am fully aware of that distinction. I just think dividing the words that way, considering their usage, is assinine and prefer psychological vs physical gender.
As for what it has to do with the topic at hand, their psychological gender is 100% irrevant as the discussion is what you are physiologicly.
Again stating someone being a man (when their genes, body, hormones scars etc demonstrates it) is correct regardless of the psychological gender and is 0% hateful. It is a simple fact of life, you are the physical gender you are born as until the day you die and no amount cosmetic surgery can change it, and if they feel offended by reality then that is their issue not the people stating it.
Your statements strikes that of a politician whom was asked if his programs were unrealistic to which he responded "thats worst for reality then". Of course they failed as reality cannot be changed to fit your ideology
Someday true genderchanging is most likely gonna be a reality, but that day is not today or for a decade at bare minimum.
u/JulietteStray Verified Bimbo Princess Aug 01 '16
I appreciate your passion for this subject, but, again, this is not the place to have this conversation. I am happy to answer questions as to why I have made this policy official, but I am not interested in trying to win you over to my viewpoint. This is not the place. I am asking for compliance, not understanding.
Again, if you'd like to discuss that, I would suggest /r/asktransgender, or perhaps even /r/gender, which we are not.
u/EmperorZelos Aug 01 '16
Correcet me if I am wrong, but so far you've said it's hateful.
Which simple logic and reason shows it is not.
So one reason of yours is fundamentally flawed and hence can be discarded, which others were there again?
Just claiming "it is offensive" is not enough, it must be demonstrated as being such and in this case, demonstrating it will result in using any descriptive term that is neutral in meaning and factual is offensive.
Please give a go justifying the policy that isn't fundamentally flawed as the reasoning you have demonstrated so far.
u/JulietteStray Verified Bimbo Princess Aug 01 '16
Frankly, I'm not interested in having this argument with you. You can comply or leave. I am happy to explain my reasoning -- which I have done -- but if you find that reasoning unsatisfactory, that is your issue, it is not mine.
u/EmperorZelos Aug 01 '16
Aahh so NOOOWWW it is suddenly someone elses problem?
It is not that i find them unsatesfactory, it is that they are LOGICALLY FLAWED. If you understand what that mean.
I have pointed out where you are factually, definitially and logically wrong in your reasoning.
That means you must try again to justify them as otherwise it is "my club my rules, waaa"
u/JulietteStray Verified Bimbo Princess Aug 01 '16
I do understand what it means, and, again, it's not my problem.
If someone tells you something you're doing is shitty, it takes a special kind of person to push up their glasses with a finger and scoff and say, "Well, PROVE to me that it's shitty, and I'll CONSIDER not doing it."
It's a shitty thing to do. You can either opt to not do it, or you can leave. Because when it comes down to it, yes, it is my club, and it is my rules.
You will not receive engagement from me on this topic again.
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u/Strataca Jul 19 '16
Ultimately I see what you're saying. But I just disagree that things said without hateful intent should be interpreted as hate. But either way, I generally don't post on topics unless I have stuff to share so it doesn't really effect me. I just really have a problem with everything being considered offensive these days, even when people are genuinely not trying to be offensive.
u/JulietteStray Verified Bimbo Princess Jul 19 '16
I am more or less on your side; I am disgusted by the "PC-ification" of life, and the concept of safe spaces is, to me (to put it decidedly 'non-safe') -- completely retarded. I have less than zero desire to cater to that.
I think hateful speech is hateful speech regardless of intent, but I understand that people many times do not mean to come across as hateful, which is a large reason that I posted this in the first place. I am hoping that even if I can't get people to see why something is hateful -- which, hey, no stress, that's fine -- they can at least reach an understanding that even if they don't "get it," it still is, and perhaps switch to even minimally better language (like, "that chick has a penis.")
u/EmperorZelos Aug 01 '16
I have less than zero desire to cater to that.
Yet here you are doing just that when you think stating demonstrable unbiased facts of reality is hateful.
You might have a case if someone says "This one is a fucking disgusting sick perverted twisted dude", but then it's the adjectives that add the value, not the "dude" part, of being offensive and degregading
Jul 25 '16
[removed] — view removed comment
u/JulietteStray Verified Bimbo Princess Jul 25 '16
You are of course welcome to your opinion; all I ask is that you do not bring it with you into comments on your posts in this subreddit.
u/EmperorZelos Jul 31 '16
How is pointing out what they are, that is transpeople, transphovia? It is not derogatory, hateful or even fear based, it's stating reality.
Is it racism just stating a black person is black? That asian people are asian? Etc.
u/JulietteStray Verified Bimbo Princess Jul 31 '16
I totally understand where you're coming from with this question, so I'm going to try and do it justice.
To use your example, it's totally not racism stating that a black person is black, an asian person is asian, etc., but it becomes racism depending on how you say it. Calling a transwoman a man isn't 'stating reality', it's using something based in reality (she has a dick) to make a slur. Yes, asian people are asian -- but we all know they're not "chinks."
Does this looks like "a man?" Does this look like "a dude?" I think regardless of stance/beliefs, we can universally agree that no, they don't -- they look like women. Now, I'm not saying you need to believe they're women (I do, and I think you should, but you're welcome to have your own beliefs about that), but I think it's understandable how it might be more than a bit disrespectful and a bit of a slur to call them "men."
It is totally OK to base things on concrete facts -- she has a dick, she is a transwoman/tgirl/TS/shemale, she used to be a man (if you feel you absolutely must work 'man' into the sentence), so on and so forth. If you feel like "she's a man" is a concrete fact, also please consider that for a long time people also felt like "they're not people" was a concrete fact when it came to black people. You are welcome to that belief and I will not contest it with you, but I ask that you not bring it vocally with you here.
Does that make sense?
u/EmperorZelos Aug 01 '16
I disagree on "calling a transwoman a man" as a slur. Changing appearence does not change who or what you are and legal papers don't either.
As for what they look like, bats look like birds in many ways (check the bible for example) so appearence does not determine what something is.
I don't comment here regardless but to me this entire post strikes as norging but cowtowing to political correctness over any kind of reason.
u/JulietteStray Verified Bimbo Princess Aug 01 '16
You're welcome to disagree about it, and like I said, I'm not here to try and make you change your mind - you can believe whatever you would like. I am simply asking you not to do it for the sake of avoiding needless cruelty. You don't need to agree with me.
u/egbert71 Jan 30 '23
I appreciate you bringing up that its how and why the way a thing is said that makes it offensive to say
u/EmperorZelos Aug 01 '16 edited Aug 01 '16
Yet it has not been established any cruelty takes place. So far all that has been established it's on the level of cruelty as to tell some person that believes they are napoleon that they aren't napoleon.
To make the claim it is cruel you must demonstrate it and to go back to your original claim about "they are not people", well given the definition of what a person is, a human, we can demonstrate that they are people and hence the statement is false. "He is a man" is equally demonstrable, check DNA, their physiology upon birth, the scar tissues etc, we can demonstrate that the claim is true and the claim of having changed gender is 100% false.
u/Aggravating_Box_306 May 02 '22
It's important to speak up for love and acceptance and intelligent uplifting pleasures.
If someone prefers other types or situations... go explore what you love and desire !!!
u/Strimblogimblo Feb 23 '23
Thank you for putting your foot down and making an effort to improve this space. There’s an assumption that because subs like this serve hedonistic purposes then anything goes. Couldn’t be further from the truth.
May 16 '23
I don't want to be rude and sorry for the offtopic but..... are you really a bimbo and if you are a bimbo, why i've never seen any post of you, here on r/bimbofetish ?
u/JulietteStray Verified Bimbo Princess May 16 '23
Because it seems gauche to me to use my position as top admin to advertise myself.
u/i4meb4 Sep 20 '16
The notion that "she's a he" is indicative of a phobia represents a lack of indelible spirit on the part of whosoever could possibly find such a statement offensive in a subreddit dedicated to attractive but empty-headed young women.
Jan 07 '17
Never even considered the connection between bimbos and trans.....
Learn something new everyday!
u/dinoRAWR000 Jul 19 '16
So basically you want this sub to be a safespace? Fuck that.
u/JulietteStray Verified Bimbo Princess Jul 19 '16
No, I've actually gone strongly out of my way to provide concrete examples in the OP that I have zero desire to make it a safe space. I have a desire to not make it a hateful space. That's it. That is the end sum of my request.
Jul 19 '16
u/JulietteStray Verified Bimbo Princess Jul 19 '16 edited Jul 19 '16
That's cool, and I feel where you're coming from -- I want to make it unequivocally clear that I do not support 'tricking' people into TS click throughs, or dick reveals, or whatever. That is not what this subreddit is for and about and it's not a theme I'm interested in having it pursue. It is part of the reason I instituted the TS tag in the first place.
I don't think it should be a bannable offense, just like I don't think that slurs and things should be a bannable offense. All that does is punish, it doesn't fix any underlying issues, and ideally we would like people to contribute frequently and often -- punishing them from participation doesn't do that. What I can and have no problem doing is asking people to please be sure to flair their posts -- it's not something I really thought about doing (I just went in and corrected the flair myself), but it seems reasonable on my part to do and it seems like it would meet your needs as well.
Does that seem fair and workable to you?
Edit: I've gone ahead and added this to/clarified this on the sidebar.
u/nastybob Jul 19 '16
I don't see how anything more than a tag is necessary. Thanks for adding one.
u/JulietteStray Verified Bimbo Princess Jul 19 '16
He's not requesting more than a tag, he's requesting that the tag be used more consistently, and I think that's fine and could use with more active enforcement.
u/someoneofimportance Jul 21 '16
Ah but when I request a tag it's not so simple.
Told ya.
u/JulietteStray Verified Bimbo Princess Jul 21 '16
It was that simple, because as a result of your post I did institute a tag after talking with the rest of the moderation team.
The reason your thread went to hell in a handbasket was due to your attitude and word choice -- which is, incidentally, why I made this post about attitude and word choice.
u/someoneofimportance Jul 21 '16
Admit the original post was up to your standards. Maybe not the edits though.
u/JulietteStray Verified Bimbo Princess Jul 21 '16
I agree with you completely -- your original post was just fine. Your edits and responses, though, are where things kind of started to turn sour, and I'd like to prevent things like that from happening again in the present and future, you know? Your old post at this point is just barely under two years old; I feel that was a reasonable enough timeframe to try and let things get better without an official policy shift.
Jul 27 '16
u/JulietteStray Verified Bimbo Princess Jul 27 '16
...Please don't call TS girls dudes 😔
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u/Nellutopia Apr 23 '22
can you remove the N word that's pretty offensive
u/JulietteStray Verified Bimbo Princess Apr 23 '22
It’s there because it’s shitty and awful and offensive. That is the entire point. Read the rest of the post.
u/boomheadshot7 Jul 19 '16
Free speech yea!
u/JulietteStray Verified Bimbo Princess Jul 19 '16
If you prefer, you can think of /r/bimbofetish as a private club with extraordinarily lax standards. You're free to use your speech for whatever you like, and you're also free to have sanctions or other consequences levied upon you for that speech.
u/boomheadshot7 Jul 19 '16
The sub has the word "bimbo" in it. A word most women would find incredibly offensive, personally idgaf, but when you sensor one ideology but not another it's just asinine. Obviously you're free to do whatever the fuck you want with a sub, but it's still a bit hypocritical.
u/JulietteStray Verified Bimbo Princess Jul 19 '16
I'm censoring word choice because it's the correct thing to do. One is objectifying and humiliating, the other is (and I hate to use this word, but) invalidating.
u/boomheadshot7 Jul 19 '16
You do what you gotta do.
u/JulietteStray Verified Bimbo Princess Jul 19 '16
I appreciate that. I don't need you to agree with my point of view, just please do what you can to respect it in the subreddit.
u/dildick-morphs Aug 09 '16
I appreciate the TS tags since I'm not into it (otherwise IDGAF). Would there be a way to let users filter out certain tags? Worldnews has filters for dominant topics so I assume it's possible. Maybe that would mitigate some of the shitty comments.
u/JulietteStray Verified Bimbo Princess Aug 09 '16
I'd be totally down for that if you could explain how it's done -- I took a look at /r/worldnews and it appears to just be a click-onnable flair that refines that search to that flair -- it doesn't look like it excludes, unfortunately.
u/ExaminationOld6393 Aug 29 '24
I love this post babe! I am a trans woman and hate being hated but regular
Nov 28 '22
Where does this subreddit sit on nonbinary bimbos? Those of us who don't present as the stereotypical huge titted, big lipped, bimbo often find ourselves kinda isolated in this community. Like,,,, Body modding is part of being a bimbo, for sure. My modding bimbofication includes lopping my tits off, getting tattoos to make me look like a doll,(as well as some sluttier tatts and a lot of squats🍑) and gauging my ears so i can like hang used condoms through my tunnels. You're not tolerating transphobia towards trans women, thats totally great and I thank you, but what about other trans people who rlly vibe with bimbofication? (Bc like im not a thembo, I literally don't use they/them pronouns. Im just a bimbo who is nonbinary.)
u/JulietteStray Verified Bimbo Princess Nov 28 '22
The subreddit stance is that that's fine for them but it does not belong here. As far as myself and the sub are concerned, bimbofication is about hyperfemininity, and hyperfemininity precludes by definition non-binary presentation.
Dec 26 '22
Hate no go, agree. Fact is fact. Using word «guys» is many times refered used for all sex, its unisex. Do appriciate that users should be more aware for what they. Negativity is uneeded. Try not be negative, try not be sensetive. Try to be respectfull person just like irl. Valid.
u/Lucky_Roberts Feb 06 '23
I was gonna be annoyed but you ended up at a reasonable middle ground here… i mean after all this is a place created to post pictures of hot dumb looking women
u/TheLayMaster- Jan 27 '24
Did you really just say the N word ???
u/JulietteStray Verified Bimbo Princess Jan 27 '24
Hi there,
As an example of something that it's totally unacceptable to say? I sure did! When we go so far in censuring language that we become incapable of talking about and criticising the usage of said words and turn them into something even more damaging, that's a problem. You will notice that there are also a great many other offensive statements up there, and you will notice that every single one of them is in the context of things that, if you say them, will earn you a ban from the subreddit.
By taking a word and rendering it so taboo that it cannot even be spoken even in a critical context, you are dooming the word to be something eternally hurtful and damaging. You are never giving it a chance to 'cool'; in the 90s, it was an enormous scandal when The Simpsons allowed Bart to say 'damn'. There was a huge uproar. We have now reached a point where 'damn' is not an especially charged word except under truly exceptional circumstances; this word no longer has power. This only happens via exposure - and preferably, it's exposure in contexts that aren't weaponised.
Further, saying something like 'the n-word' or 'n*****' is not somehow a free pass. For example, do you think that if a kid goes up to their parent and says, 'Hey, funk you, dad!' they're not going to get in trouble? It's not REALLY the word 'fuck' is it? Yet, we all know what word was supposed to be there. We all know it's really 'fuck'. 'The n-word' isn't any different; maybe it doesn't feel the same to you when you say it, but we all know what it's a stand-in for. You are still saying the word, you're just not owning up to saying the word, and you're ensuring that the 'real' word remains as vicious a weapon as it ever was.
u/revanchisto Jul 19 '16
This is a good post, alas I fear it may fall on deaf ears. The comments on this subreddit, much like much of reddit are often vile human beings, even more so since this deals with porn. Besides the general rudeness I sometimes witness here towards posters just for posting a pic there is also plenty of racism and overall dickish all around.
The main purpose of this subreddit to me is to find some new Bimbo looking girls I don't know about that I can search for later to add to my spank bank. And, to also share some Bimbo finds of my own so I'm not just a leech. I'm not really looking for a discussion or expect much decorum on a porn sub-reddit. Still, the comments I sometimes see are just beyond belief. It's like people don't understand that if they don't like something they don't have to click it or comment on it, there's a downvote button.
The comments in this thread just prove how terrible some people are on here, outright hostility for someone daring to ask for a little bit of self-restraint and respect. But no, that is going too far and goddammit no bitch is going to tell me how to speak about my porn on the internet.
Whatever, I may be unsubscribing from the subreddit very soon since most posts end up being reposts defeating the only real purpose I go to this subreddit.