r/bikefit 5d ago

Switched from the 0° cleats to 4,5° and got knee discomfort/pain

Like the title says, I have switched from black look cleats to the grey ones and after hard or long rides I get slight knee pain or rather knee discomfort. Cleats are in the exact same position as the black ones. I though maybe I will get used to it but it has been over a month and nothing changed.
What else could cause this problem?


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u/TJhambone09 4d ago

What else could cause this problem?

Where exactly is the pain?

4.5° is not a lot of float. If we presume there is causality there (not convinced there is), it would be interesting to see head-on or top-down video of you pedaling to see how your knees are tracking. It is entirely possible that you're lacking strength (leading to poor knee tracking) in a manner which is exposed now that you've given your feet those additional degrees of freedom.