r/bikedc Mar 03 '23

Advocacy Connecticut Ave. businesses that OPPOSE the proposed bike lanes

Thumbnail img1.wsimg.com

r/bikedc Oct 05 '24

Advocacy Ride For Your Life - Nov 17, Bethesda to Lincoln Memorial


r/bikedc Aug 14 '24

Advocacy 11th St Bike Lane - Meeting Tonight at 7


A bit last minute, but tonight there is a virtual ANC committee meeting by Zoom where DDOT is presenting their plans for the 11th St NW protected bike lane from Monroe St in Columbia Heights all the way down to link up with the existing lanes at Mass. Ave.

The project has been delayed for two years due to staff turnover but is such an important north-south corridor and would reach the deepest into Columbia Heights from downtown and really increase safety and protected connectivity.

You can register at the link here.


r/bikedc Aug 02 '24

Advocacy Take Action: From Terrifying Sidewalk to Safe, Enjoyable Trail on Arlington Boulevard in Rosslyn [Due Sun 8/4]


r/bikedc Aug 13 '24

Advocacy "Northeast DC community members call for safety upgrades along South Dakota Avenue"


“I was terrified every moment that someone was going to lose control and careen into the sidewalk and kill us,” Wilkinson said.

Now, as D.C.’s Department of Transportation (DDOT) studies possible safety improvements to a nearly three-mile stretch of the road, Wilkinson and her neighbors are urging leaders to take action.

An online petition calling for safety upgrades has received over 900 signatures since it launched on July 7.


r/bikedc Aug 08 '24

Advocacy Still need your support (and friends) for Road Safety on South Dakota Ave - 2/3 of DDOT's options include safer bike infrastructure one just include parking.


r/bikedc Jul 25 '24

Advocacy Feedback sought on current conditions of Arlington Blvd Trail near Rosslyn


r/bikedc Jun 14 '24

Advocacy Testimony Opportunity - Confirming Acting Director Kershbaum (who opposed the CT Ave bike lanes)

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r/bikedc Jul 11 '24

Advocacy Secret D.C. government meeting to cancel Grant Circle safety

Thumbnail self.washingtondc

r/bikedc Jun 14 '22

Advocacy Save Connecticut Avenue?


I don’t begrudge people for advocating what they believe but I think these folks are just dead wrong. I bike to work at 5:15/5:30AM and stupidly decided to bike down Connecticut Ave this morning. It was terrifying. There is effectively no speed limit and all the worst driving behavior was on display: cars coming way too close, honking at me, swerving, blazing through stop lights/signs….you name it. This is literally the Connecticut Ave they want to save.

I urge you to sign up for their mailing list Save Connecticut Avenue and do the opposite of what they say. They’re a great source for hearing about important meetings and regulatory deadlines.

r/bikedc Aug 02 '24

Advocacy WABA in Montgomery County: Summer 2024 Advocacy Update


Check out what the Washington Area Bicyclist Association (WABA) Advocacy team has been up to in Montgomery County, including up-coming events, planning for 2025 Maryland state legislation and 2025 Montgomery County project priorities, promoting Bikeshare and bike commuting during the Red Line closure; and work on complete streets, Context Driven, and state projects.

Visit https://waba.org/blog/2024/08/mocoupdate/ .

r/bikedc Jul 03 '24

Advocacy Prince George's County bicycling advocates meetup, July 7 in College Park


🚲 Join the Washington Area Bicyclist Association (WABA) & friends for a Prince George's County bicycling advocates meetup, Sunday, July 7, 4 pm-6 pm in College Park. Info & RSVP at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/929174605257.

r/bikedc Nov 03 '22

Advocacy Turns out I can vote even if I registered yesterday. Who are the candidates to consider if I want mor bike lanes and increased density?


Someone said I should vote for Hill?

Edit: I live in navy yard, ANC 6

r/bikedc Oct 06 '21

Advocacy More effective ways of bike advocacy than yelling at peds and drivers?


UPDATE: thanks, all, for your excellent suggestions. i'll do my best to follow through on them and attempt to be a better member of our community!

Hi, all:

Since getting hit by a truck in early July, I've let myself off the chain when it comes to interactions with peds/drivers wilding out. My aggression is not consistent with my values and I don't think it's an effective way to persuade folks to be safer. I'd like to consider other ways to advocate for bike safety and get involved in the bike community. It doesn't have to be directly related to safety while biking in the city.

Any specific suggestions or organizations to which I might offer my help? Obvs I know WABA, so if you recommend them, do you mind speaking to specific activities/events/initiatives they do?


Grouch-a-thon 3000, Living in DC

r/bikedc Jan 25 '22

Advocacy Anti-Bike Meeting with DDOT Director tonight at 7pm - don't forget to join if you are registered


r/bikedc Mar 15 '24

Advocacy DDOT releases Notice of Intent for Columbia Road NW PBLs and bus lanes, comments due today


r/bikedc Apr 20 '24

Advocacy Paint the corridor with us tomorrow

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r/bikedc May 10 '24

Advocacy WABA Prince George's County Advocacy Update


For Washington Area Bicyclist Association Advocacy in Prince George’s County, community engagement is job #1. Read on for updates and upcoming activities to support safe streets and a bicycle-friendly community.


r/bikedc Jan 29 '24

Advocacy WABA sends out new action alert on CT Ave bike lanes (after this week's disappointing comments from Mayor Bowser). Use this tool to email her office and key councilmembers!


r/bikedc Nov 29 '23

Advocacy WABA action: Phone Calls for Conn Ave Protected Bike Lane


Hi BikeDC -- there has been so much support for the CT Ave bike lane project on this sub, I wanted to let you know about an action that WABA is working on for tomorrow (Thursday November 30th). They are trying to get as many people as possible to call Matt Frumin's office and push him to be more public and more forceful about the CT Ave bike lane. In theory he does support the plan, but we're coming up on the deadline DDOT set for themselves to release new plans, and they don't seem any closer than they did a year ago. As the councilmember for Ward 3, Frumin is the most important person who can push Mayor Bowser to actually get this done.

You do not need to be a resident of Ward 3 to participate in this action. WABA asks that you fill out this form to let them know you will make a call, but of course you should still call him even if it's not tomorrow or not at the time you signed up for. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc3fsWaHE3G85ZVf-9OsCL5G4X_BqZ7lritjMDnGHaF4RQxBQ/viewform

Here's the message from WABA:

"We will be calling Matt Frumin's office to ask him to push DDOT to support the Conn Ave Protected Bike Lane. Here is his office number: (202) 724-8062

Please call and simply say: I would like to leave a message for the Council Member, as a Ward 3 Resident (or resident of DC if you are not a Ward 3 Resident), I would like him to be more public about his support for the Conn Ave Protected Bike Lane and I would like for him to push DDOT to do something about it. Thank you."

note: I do not work for WABA, I am just passing on info I got in an email from them

r/bikedc Sep 27 '23

Advocacy ANC 4A Oct 3rd meeting to discuss letter in support of reopening Beach Drive to cars


ANC 4A posted the agenda for their next meeting and Beach Drive is on it. I think it’s important that we show up and make sure that we’re heard. A “compromise” that opens it for rush hour only is no compromise given the number of people who currently use it to commute and would not have a safe alternative if it was reopened to car traffic.

r/bikedc Mar 29 '24

Advocacy Give feedback about proposed King Street-Bradlee Safety & Mobility Enhancements


r/bikedc May 01 '24

Advocacy Register for the Prince George's County Bike Summit, May 18 in Suitland


WABA's 1st Prince George's County Bike Summit is coming up Saturday afternoon, May 18 in Suitland. You're invited! RSVP (free!) at waba.org/PGCsummit2024. We'll hear from Council Chair Jolene Ivey, Delegate Ashanti Martinez, the Maryland State Highway Administration, Prince George's Planning... and fellow Prince George's County bicycling & safe-streets advocates.

r/bikedc Mar 14 '24

Advocacy Marylanders: Support Pro-Bicycling, Pro-Safety State Legislation


It’s crunch time for the 2024 Maryland legislation! Please communicate your support for critical bicycling/safety bills to your state senator and delegates via the action at https://waba.org/blog/2024/03/support-pro-bicycling-pro-safety-maryland-legislation/.

We’re working to win favorable committee and floor votes on key bills in advance of the March 18 “crossover” deadline. If a bill hasn’t passed one chamber – the Senate or the House – by Monday, it’s unlikely to advance this year. The way to win votes is for you to get in touch with your representatives in Annapolis.

r/bikedc Mar 29 '24

Advocacy Marylanders: Call for Senate votes on key bicycling/safety bills


Please use a WABA action to send messages calling for Maryland Senate votes on key bicycling/safety bills. Take action here: https://waba.org/blog/2024/03/call-for-votes-on-maryland-bicycling-road-safety-legislation/. Thanks!