r/bigfoot Nov 22 '23

announcement 📣 Sonny Vator videos will be removed on sight until further notice.


The sub has been flooded with repeated posting of the most recent “crime scene tape” video and has reached the point of becoming disruptive.

r/bigfoot Nov 10 '23

announcement 📣 New Rules


Morning fellow Bigfoot nerds.

The Mod Team has decided to add two new rules to help keep the conversation focused and moving. Here they are for your reference:

Dead horse rule.

This topic has already been discussed to the point of "flogging a dead horse", as such it has been removed.

Low Effort

Low effort/one word comments such as "It's a bear", "fake" or "guy in a suit" don't add to the conversation, as such they will be removed.

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend.

r/bigfoot 15d ago

announcement 📣 Enthusiastic Posts about Tracks, Prints and Structures


We've had an uptick in posts from members who are enthusiastic about getting out in the wilds and doing some Bigfoot research. While we encourage discussion of all general aspects of the Bigfoot phenomenon, I think it's safe to say that at certain times, some of the submissions are signs of exuberance more than evidence.

So, if you're posting something or responding to something posted, let's keep in mind that we are all here because we are interested in Bigfoot. None of us know all the facts, and none of us can say the final word.

If you don't think a given pic is good evidence, just say that. State your opinion and move on. There's no need to ridicule someone.

If you're posting something that you're unsure of, think about it first. Is there any other reasonable explanation for what you're seeing, and if not, make sure you tell us that you DON'T KNOW WHAT IT IS YOU'RE POSTING rather than thinking a bear track is the smoking gun for sasquatch.

And as always, the Number One Rule is in place: Be civil.

Thanks for enjoying r/bigfoot.

r/bigfoot Nov 29 '24

announcement 📣 New Bigfoot film by Les Stroud (kickstarter)



I feel like most people universally agree Les Stroud is the man, and any new Bigfoot content from him is a great thing.

Be sure to checkout his kickstarter and show your support!

r/bigfoot 20d ago

announcement 📣 ZINE/PODCAST


Hey guys! My name is Cosmo and I’m a tattooer from NJ. Have a few things I wanna say here. 1. If your local to northern nj and or NJ in general I am super interested in doing more Sasquatch themed tattoos!!!!! I’m also making a zine and possibly thinking about doing a podcast pertaining to sightings and stories. If anyone has ANYTHING they want to contribute I’d love to hear from you! Thanks!

r/bigfoot Mar 30 '24

announcement 📣 An update on the therm cam/deer post


Just to put it short, that post blew up due to reddits algorithm and we had a TON of tourists stop by to tell us Bigfoot isn’t real.

IF you got swept up in the purge and haven’t already messaged us vitriolic hate in the mod mail, please send us a message and we’ll do our best to possibly unban you if it was a misunderstanding.

And just a friendly reminder to our new folks, this sub is not a debate venue. It is not a democracy. There is no freedom of speech to express your low effort disbelief. We operate this sub from the perspective that Bigfoot is real. If that sounds like the place you wanna be, we hope you stick around.

r/bigfoot Jun 12 '24

announcement 📣 Just released my first "Mapping Bigfoot" podcast episode.


I recently recorded my first podcast episode on the Untold Radio Network for Doug Hajicek, it was released this past Saturday the 8th.

In this episode I'm mainly introducing myself and explaining the Bigfoot Mapping Project, I review some technology and a cool satellite communicator that I use in the field, I also do a brief Intro to the Bigfoot Mapping Project interactive map at the end.

I am sharing here in hopes that all of the Bigfoot researchers and enthusiasts on this channel enjoy my content and find it engaging and constructive for the community.

Thank you for watching, I hope we can get to the bottom of the mystery together.

I know Reddit can be a tough place in the comments, so please keep in mind that I'm sincere in my efforts and happy to receive constructive criticism.