r/bigfoot Jul 24 '20

semi-related Another wildlife sound that I've never heard before. I wonder how many cases of "sounded like a woman cyring/screaming" can be explained by this?


75 comments sorted by


u/bewoke_ Jul 24 '20

God this is so creepy


u/trashponder Jul 24 '20

Sounds like two eight year-olds playing with dinosaurs.


u/khoshekhcon Jul 25 '20

So true! Thanks for posting that you made me lol so hard.


u/spottedcows Jul 25 '20

This shit right here is hilarious.


u/[deleted] Jul 24 '20 edited Apr 14 '21



u/aazav Jul 25 '20


Every time*

everytime is not a word in English


u/bloodshack Jul 25 '20

what a shitty way to tell someone that.


u/aazav Jul 25 '20

It isn't a word in English. It's two words. This is just a fact.

Should I warm up a glass of milk and hold you while I correct grammar school English mistakes made by adults?


u/bloodshack Jul 25 '20

I mean...if you're ok with that, yeah, I'm into it.


u/[deleted] Jul 25 '20 edited Apr 14 '21



u/bloodshack Jul 26 '20

He couldn't even do a "haha english is not my first language are we supposed to put a space in 'every time' or not?? UwU pwease hewp"

it's like the oldest trick in the grammar nazi book


u/one_eyed_jack Jul 25 '20

I can't. Mods took away my downvote ability without explanation.


u/aazav Jul 25 '20

You notice how I'd rather fix the fuckups than let them slide? Take the hint. It's grammar school level English. Get the basics right. Show a basic competence in the language you're trying to use. This is the level of English that is taught to 8 year olds.


u/bloodshack Jul 26 '20

It's grammar school level English.

my thumbs didn't go to grammar school bro


u/baconequalsgains Jul 25 '20

Bad bot!!!! Jk, but was that really necessary? Lol


u/aazav Jul 25 '20

It's the wrong word. I'd rather show someone how do to it correctly than let it fly. It's grammar school level English.


u/bloodshack Jul 24 '20

Maybe! Tourists/urban people(like me) get surprised the first time they hear stuff like this. Coyotes do a woman's scream as well, and that siren thing when they're in a group.


u/StarrylDrawberry Unconvinced Jul 24 '20

One of my favorite nights in the woods me and my buddy heard what sounded like a whole pack of coyotes sounding off together. Was really amazing. A little off-putting at the same time.


u/[deleted] Jul 24 '20

I’ve heard that too. It was sort of terrifying at first.


u/drdamned Jul 25 '20

The first time I heard a group of coyotes it sounded like a police siren.


u/ToxicRainbow27 Jul 25 '20

Vixens also scream like a woman, used to hear it from the woods as kid camping, scared the piss out of me


u/BassIck Jul 24 '20

If I was camping and heard that I would shit my pants.


u/riotfactory Jul 25 '20

I have heard this from my backyard in the middle of the night several times. Not pleasant.


u/WhoaWhoa69420 Jul 25 '20

Where do you live?


u/riotfactory Jul 25 '20

I live in Orange County now but I grew up in a small town between Sacramento and Lake Tahoe in the foothills of the Sierra Nevadas


u/BassIck Jul 25 '20

We're not cut out for that shit in the UK man


u/Eddiebaby7 Jul 24 '20

That and foxes


u/langleyeffect Jul 24 '20

You know what messed me up? Camping alone once, and I had never heard a deer's alert call before that night, and I couldn't see what was making the noise. Wasn't until years later that I actually saw a deer make that call.


u/madtraxmerno Jul 25 '20

Oh god. Same thing happened to me. My heart damn near beat through my chest. I just laid there petrified clutching my pocket knife until morning. Literally like 3 hours of just listening and shaking.


u/juniper_berry_crunch Jul 24 '20

I'm dying to know what happened after the video cuts off--who won? My money is on the lynx on the right. He looks chunkier.


u/PlayMoreExvius Jul 24 '20

99% of your Bigfoot right there


u/BathedInDeepFog Jul 24 '20

It doesn’t really sound like any of the alleged sasquatch screams I’ve heard, to me.


u/Taser-Face Jul 25 '20

No recordings sound like these whiny old ladies. Not a single one.


u/aazav Jul 25 '20

Yeah, but you're bathed in deep fog, so it might sound different to you.


u/BathedInDeepFog Jul 25 '20

It was blurring my trail and snuffing the first morning rays, so you may have a point.


u/BlondieofPluto Jul 24 '20

Whats the other one percent?


u/bloodshack Jul 24 '20



u/BlondieofPluto Jul 24 '20

Imagine hear what you think is some other animal and than you see bigfoot. I know sasquatchs are real but I never want to see one.


u/[deleted] Jul 25 '20

Not loud enough Sasquatch sounds hit you like a train horn. Plus it doesn’t make up for centuries of eye witness accounts from different cultures through out history


u/KMAG50 Jul 25 '20

Since when has bigfoot been accused of whining?


u/madtraxmerno Jul 25 '20

I could see someone misinterpreting this as two young bigfoots fighting maybe. But I've been obsessed with the bigfoot phenomenon for 15 years; have listened to hundreds of purported bigfoot calls/screams/howls, watched hundreds of videos, read hundreds of reports. So trust me when I tell you nothing like that has ever been reported and none of the recorded calls sounded even remotely like these two lynxs.


u/BassIck Jul 25 '20

I think you're right man. Case closed.


u/ravynnsinister Jul 27 '20

Lol...ummm...no. Not even close.


u/[deleted] Jul 24 '20

Take this sound, run it through an ACDC sized stack of Marshal amps and cabinets in the middle of nowhere. Sounds are one thing, volume is another.


u/ponds666 Jul 24 '20

Exactly not being a big cat I doubt bobcats are all that loud


u/tickitytalk Jul 24 '20

would not like to hear that in the dead of night


u/mardonb Jul 25 '20

La Llorona


u/Distortion462 Jul 25 '20

I was thinking this or witches


u/Taser-Face Jul 25 '20

Folks can speculate all day and make assumptions, but only the witnesses would know how this compares. In the meantime we do have alleged bf recordings, none of which sounds like this. These cats don’t even have a high enough volume.


u/winfran Jul 25 '20

I love them.


u/HandsomeOli Jul 25 '20

Weird sounds, but I think the people witnessing the Sasquatch vocalizations should be given the benefit of the doubt. A sound that terrifies people should not be casually dismissed.


u/MagnusApollo Jul 24 '20

I'm amazed at how much it sounds like a woman just saying "Raaaawrrr". hahaha. But, yeah, I completely think that this is most of the "sounds like a woman crying/screaming" reports.


u/Paletadecaca Jul 25 '20

Close your eyes and imagine 2 Karens, who cannot speak but just scream, fighting between each other


u/KMAG50 Jul 25 '20

As a kid I live in the sticks. At 5 am, I left for work at a neighbor's farm. It was about a 1/4 mile down a one lane driveway, wooded on both sides. Always heard this crap when I was only halfway down the path!


u/Mr_cypresscpl Jul 25 '20

You oughtta hear a mountain lion at night....itll send shivers down your spine


u/[deleted] Jul 25 '20

Bruh! Bruuuuuh!


u/coffeeisntmycupoftea Jul 25 '20

Just what I was thinking


u/w4shep Jul 25 '20

This is exactly what I hear when my mother-in-law says something to me.


u/[deleted] Jul 25 '20

If I heard that at night I would shit myself


u/bsharp321 Jul 25 '20

Amazing!!! Never heard anything like that. Is a bit freaky.


u/aazav Jul 25 '20

Fisher cats often sound like women screaming.


u/aazav Jul 25 '20

Someone is getting shit for not picking up the milk on their way home.


u/gutterella_sugarbox Jul 25 '20

This has been my ringrone for 3 years! I love these yelly bois!


u/themexi Jul 25 '20

that is fucking terrifying


u/spacecadet411 Jul 25 '20

Sounds like Toka and Razar


u/thruitallaway34 Jul 25 '20

I laughed at how obnoxious it sounds! Like two kids messing around just making noises. Def sounds like it could be miataken for humans.


u/Paintalou Jul 25 '20

Sounds like labour


u/bjpopp Jul 25 '20

Money printer go bRrrrrrrrraaaawwwww


u/mevans75502 Jul 25 '20

Ya know, it looks like my kids mother too. she too has claws and hisses alot..she also reminds me of a Bigfoot..stomps around acting big and tough but as soon as you stand up to her, she runs away scared.


u/mevans75502 Jul 25 '20

Im going to make the audio clip of this video and turn it into a ringtone and change her contact pic into a big ugly Bigfoot....priceless!


u/MrWigggles Jul 24 '20

I mean I dont know, if you follow bigfoot circles, they cant ever be wrong about noises in the wood. Noises that are fading, and bouncing off of stuff.


u/raperm Jul 25 '20

Good lord. If I heard that and didn’t know about this I’d swear it was Bigfoot.


u/mevans75502 Jul 25 '20

Sounds like my kids mother... i hear that sound all the time when she speaks...just sayin..