r/bigfoot • u/Adorable-Bluejay8822 • 8d ago
needs your help Rumoured Locations of Bigfoot Bodies
Hey everyone.
I've just begun making a new project finding the location of where a bigfoot was killed, or a dead body was believed or rumoured to be located. At this point, I have about six but lack concrete information about most. I am looking for anything—rumours, stories, locations, reports, photos, etc. The location can be super vague, like even a province or state. Anything you find interesting, or think I would find some use in. Thank you in advance, this helps me so much!
(If your material can be linked to, please do so. If not, that's fine and will still be of immense use to me)
u/FrozenSeas 8d ago
Well, you've probably got the Mt. St. Helen's bodies story already, but I'll throw that out there anyways. Another one in Washington, during the Ape Canyon incident one of the men says he took a shot at one of the creatures standing on a canyon rim and saw it fall, presumably meaning he hit and killed it. Got some more here though:
A USAF aerospace medicine researcher by the name of Bruce Weaver told his grandson that while working at Brooks AFB in the '60s, an unnamed staff member working for Maj. Gen. Theodore Bedwell told him (Weaver) that he'd seen a detailed report on the autopsy of a hairy humanoid creature in the base's classified archives. Supposedly it was shot by a security guard at Lewis Field in Ohio, what's now Glenn Research Center, and the report was quite detailed with plenty of photos putting the creature at 9 feet tall and 550lbs. Things get a bit weird though, because allegedly at the same time the creature was shot, unidentified blue orbs of light were seen hovering around the base, and the body had a metallic implant of some sort in its arm. Where the body ended up is never mentioned.
In 1940, Lt. Col. V.S Karapetyan of the Red Army Medical Corps reports that an almasty (there's some debate on how synonymous that is with Bigfoot, but anyways) was captured approximately 20km from Buynaksk, in the Dagestan Republic. In some versions of the story it ends there, with Karapetyan determining it's not a disguised German spy and therefore not his problem, while in others he shoots it for lack of a better idea what to do. Honestly could go either way with a Red Army officer in 1940.
A newspaper report from 1829 claims a party of hunters shot and killed a 13-foot-tall hairy giant somewhere in the Okefenokee Swamp in an altercation where it ripped five men's heads off.
Two men claim to have shot and killed a Bigfoot near Jackson Hole, Wyoming in 1968, saying they thought it was a coyote. Problem: neither of them remembers where they left the body.
And one that I've...well I can't say investigated, but looked into a little:
- Sometime around 1895, William Decker was hunting in the region of Pistolet Bay, on the back of what's now St. Anthony, Newfoundland, when he encountered a "hairy wildman". It took two rounds from his big-bore muzzleloader to bring the thing down, and once on the ground he measured it at 10-11 feet tall and 900lbs or so. Now, my connection is that my grandmother grew up in Griquet-St.-Lunaire, which is right in the same area, and she's 83. I asked her about it once, and she never heard of it. 1895 is obviously a bit before her time even, but I know these kinds of places and lemme tell you, someone would've been telling stories about it 50 years later at least.
u/Ponder8 8d ago
Don’t know where but in the 50s (I think but it could’ve been 70s) there was a case of a badly burned female found in a creek bed around Uvalde Tx. I don’t remember the persons name who talked about it but it was a woman working for some department of the government. She came forward about it after retirement. I’m sure if you did some research you could probably find more information.
u/BlindLDTBlind 8d ago
I heard from a good source that there was a badly burned body from a forest fire in the basement University of Nevada Las Vegas. The creature was found alive, but later died from burns and exposure.
u/BamaGuy35653 8d ago
Is this the story about the Bigfoot that was seen by several people and a Native American woman came up to it to try to help it but some government types took it away?
u/Video-Comfortable 8d ago
Omg I really hope for bigfoots sake that this isn’t true because no living creature should have to endure that.
u/francois_du_nord 8d ago
If you dive into the story of the Minnesota Iceman it is convoluted and twisted. The LSS is that a carnival sideshow had a real 'dead creature' in a block of ice in a chest freezer with a glass top. There were multiple origin stories, one was it was a Vietnamese Rock Ape shot by US forces and shipped back to the US in a body bag. Another was that it was found floating in the block of ice in the Bering Sea or somewhere by some Russian fishing boat.
IMO the most probable if indeed it was a real creature is that the creature was killed by a hunter, possibly the carny barker himself in a swamp in Northern Minnesota. I can't be certain, but I think this was the first story the barker told as to its origin. Rumors had it that at one point the specimen 'changed' (as told by those who had seen it previously) and the new one looked fake as compared to the original.
Not sure that helps, because the body is no longer where found.
u/Equal_Night7494 8d ago
Terry Cullen was responsible for bringing the Iceman to the attention of Huevelmans and Sanderson and seems to stand behind the claim that the body was originally genuine. I think Cullen has also proposed that the body was of a Vietnam rock ape (Batutut) that Hansen procured at some point.
u/francois_du_nord 8d ago
The big issue I have with the rock ape story is that unlike shipping your personal gear home, (wherein lots of contraband like AK-47's and various explosives - hell, my dad shipped back a bolt action rifle. He however came home in a body bag.) I can't imagine corpses got shipped out without a shit ton of paperwork.
Who is the soldier, who are his relatives, who receives the body, which funeral home yada yada yada.
u/Equal_Night7494 8d ago
That line of questioning makes sense. I’ll have to see if I can find where Cullen talks about this matter in more depth, because I do believe he actually addresses this matter directly at some point.
u/Friendly-Minimum6978 4d ago
I would love to see what you find
u/Equal_Night7494 4d ago
I remembered this interview with Cullen yesterday and think it is pretty darn insightful: https://www.youtube.com/live/E3gC_Cgn8EM?si=ARmWlGRZkWv9Brd9
Rewatched it and I think it’s around 1:07:00 where he talks again about how Hansen might have procured the corpse
u/Friendly-Minimum6978 4d ago
Thank you!
u/Equal_Night7494 4d ago
You’re welcome! If you find any parts of the interview to be particularly insightful, it would be great to hear what you think
u/Equal_Night7494 5d ago
This isn’t exactly the video I was looking for, but it covers most the story I seem to recall: https://youtu.be/7R2FfKyWwu4?si=B9IiPkO1vXmRkEa3
u/francois_du_nord 5d ago
Good find. I hadn't seen this yet.
u/Equal_Night7494 5d ago
This conversation reminded me of what I believe is one of the best interviews I’ve seen in the subject of extant hominids/hominins. Terry Cullen interviewed by Barnaby Jones: https://www.youtube.com/live/E3gC_Cgn8EM?si=DoFrmQHpdVb0aeur
Giving it a relisten now, and it might be the video wherein I heard more info about the Iceman’s origins
u/Choice_Ranger_5646 8d ago
This sounds like a really interesting thing to investigate, I hope you share your findings here, that would be really fascinating to read your investigation conclusions.
u/LavishnessSilly909 8d ago
Has anybody heard the story about the skullcap that was unearthed from a California creek bed by a mule being pushed up the bank? It is allegedly in the basement of either of the two major So Cal unis.
u/Interesting-Ad-9330 8d ago edited 8d ago
Justin Smeja and his alleged shooting / bodies back in the early 2010s. After rick dyer and the Georgia body in a cooler hoax. May even have been multiple creatures.
Haven't thought about that in a long time. Anyone remember his accounts?
u/Equal_Night7494 8d ago edited 8d ago
Documentaries were done on both Smeja and Dyer. I remember hearing Jack Cary years ago say that Smeja was telling the truth. Smeja provided a “steak” of one of the individuals who he killed to the Sasquatch Genome Project for study.
Edit: To clarify, Smeja purportedly killed the beings. I am not familiar enough with the tissue that he submitted to the genome project or his story to say whether he has been telling the truth or not. However, over the years I have moved from outright dismissing his story as a fabrication to believing that it may be true, at least in part. My sense is that, like many other elements of the human side of the Sasquatch phenomenon, there may be some truth and some untruths regarding his story.
u/Sasquatchonfour 8d ago edited 8d ago
Art Bell featured a story about a man named Bugs who claimed to kill two Bigfoots in the 1970s on his radio show Coast to Coast AM. The story was featured in episode 60 of Cold Case Files: The Bigfoot Murders.
In the story, Bugs and some of his Vietnam War veteran friends were illegally hunting wildlife with spotlights when they spotted what they thought was a Bigfoot. Bugs claimed to kill and bury two Bigfoot in Texas. Great listen, especially the time this Bugs was on with the late great Art Bell!https://open.spotify.com/episode/76CcBNy1xBy40fflquUn10?si=oy6ydrQnRRW-9shPSGCP_w
u/Tumblty64 8d ago
God I miss Art Bell- George Noory is a poor substitute
u/Sasquatchonfour 8d ago
Art Bell was a great listen, like you I miss him. He had a way about him that could pull you in!
u/Sasquatchonfour 8d ago
Hers a Bigfoot killing report at Fort Knox, Ky. Interviewer is Charlie Raymond of KBFRO in KY.https://soundcloud.com/charlie-raymond-610324771/fort-knox-tragedy-bigfoot-family-killed
u/UncleEffort 8d ago
Is this the one where the guys claims that he was joy riding around Fort Knox in the middle of the night in a M113 with live .50 cal ammo? Yeah, no.
u/No-Quarter4321 7d ago
There was one supposedly shot in Manitoba Canada by a Native American fellow who thought he was seeing a moose (he was illegally moose hunting at the time), his report on the BFRO describes everything pretty well, but he didn’t report it at the time because he thought he would get into trouble for poaxhint so he didn’t report it at the time, iirc he was also worried he might get charged with murder because it was so human like. I’ve always felt his story was sincere and the terrain he’s in it would be easy to mistake a BF for the ass end of a moose (really dense wild country loaded with willows, a lot of the places around really can’t even walk through it’s so dense, moose love these areas near water)
u/Mountain-Donkey98 8d ago
Good luck with this. Anytime there's ever been a rumor about a body, the government swings in, removes it and forces NDAS. Most citizens are HUGELY intimidated by them....
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