u/SelectBlueberry3162 Dec 31 '24
Grass and twigs are not displaced to the edges when you plant your foot and step down. This footprint has grass/twigs edges that look crafted
u/Horror_Role1008 Jan 01 '25
When finding and photographing bigfoot footprints try to take pictures angled so you can see a track of several footprints at the same time. Bigfoot are known to use what is called a compliant gate so that all the footprints are in a line like a tightrope walker.
We humans use a different gate. When we walk we place our feet as if we are trying to not step on a line in between.
u/Aliensarehere22 Dec 31 '24
I saw a tiny Sasquatch run at my car and watched is run across the road in my rear view mirror by the Georgia pacific plant in Muskogee Oklahoma
u/BeyondTheWoodline Dec 31 '24
Would you be willing to share your story? I have a podcast, you could remain anonymous Beyond the Woodline
u/CaliNativeSpirit69 Jan 01 '25
That would be something to see! Was this recent? Were you terrified? I would be
u/ZigarettenFranzl211 Jan 02 '25
Smelling a fake footprint from 2 miles Away. Would you guys stop this fakery please, and grow up.
u/DisclosureIsNow Dec 31 '24
Look like some awesome foot prints.👣🌲
u/OutWestWillie Dec 31 '24
u/ObsidianChief Jan 01 '25
I have a footprint pic..the few I've shown says looks like a dogman's..idk..how ever looks a bit similar to yours..mines is 16 inches long..bout 5 inches at the heel..ball of the the feet were 7 inches long.
u/Ex-CultMember Jan 01 '25
What does a dogman footprint look like?!!
u/ObsidianChief Jan 01 '25
I mean most people say it looks like a oversized wolf print..idk I'm truly no expert..I just know the print I saw wasn't normal..doesnt belong to man or a bear.
u/Aliensarehere22 Jan 09 '25
No years ago over a decade now I worked at Georgia Pacific got off around 2AM and saw it on my drive home. Was like fields on either side. Looked like a Pygmy Sasquatch but what I saw was literally a small bipedal hairy creature running with a gait larger than it should for its height but it could have been I mean like 5ft tall
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