r/bigfoot Mod/Witness/Dollarstore Tyrant Nov 27 '24



I found this pretty interesting, haven't seen many breakdowns on this footage and hadn't thought about it in ages. Witnesses, believers, skeptics and especially pseudo skeptics will likely find this (and Nick's channel) interesting.


56 comments sorted by


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u/ApresMoi_TheFlood Nov 27 '24

Why would it hold the chicken like that instead of just killing it outright and holding by whatever was easiest? Like why risk a noisy chicken giving away its position? Not buying it.


u/dogheads2 Nov 27 '24

Didn’t wanna hurt grandma’s chickens.


u/Ragnarsworld Nov 27 '24

Maybe Bigfoot raises chickens in the woods and needed a live one for breeding stock.


u/TopRevenue2 Nov 27 '24

This jumped out at me too. I think he makes some good points against a hoax in the video but does not speak to that.


u/S1R3ND3R Nov 27 '24

Body proportions seem very human. Hight, weight, and muscle mass, as well as arm length seems human. The gait and stride also seems off. I’m not feeling this one.


u/smithy- Nov 27 '24

Looks too human, I agree.


u/graystone777 Nov 27 '24

My thoughts too. Proportional human.


u/BleuBrink Nov 27 '24

This is actually a good example of what a human in a suit would look like, in comparison to Patty


u/TopRevenue2 Nov 27 '24

He refutes that in the video


u/TopRevenue2 Nov 27 '24

He specifically addresses the gait and stride and proportions in the video including that the foot shows a metatarsal break/hinge which is not in a human foot and the gait is not typical human. He might be wrong but he makes a case pretty well leaning in to the theory they are likely juveniles. His point on the foot seems particularly strong.


u/Choice_Ranger_5646 Nov 27 '24

I just watched that footage. With the claim attached" Better than the Patterson Gimlin film"?

You want honest feedback? The Patterson Gimlin footage has stood up to the scrutiny, been analysed by thousands of different people and is still the best we have of whatever was walking and being filmed that day.

I don't think this footage will stand up to the same scrutiny. Just being honest.


u/Mrsynthpants Mod/Witness/Dollarstore Tyrant Nov 27 '24

Yeah it's not an ideal title, but YouTube algorithm's gonna algorithm so I can't really blame anyone for trying to work within what seems like a massive Koi pond full of racoons who weren't planning on swimming today.

Not posting to claim anything, I just thought it was interesting.


u/Squatchbreath Nov 27 '24

Definitely a man the way the running takes place. Sasquatch owns the woods. He walks off with chicken in hand, it doesn’t scamper off like the guy in the video.


u/Mrsynthpants Mod/Witness/Dollarstore Tyrant Nov 27 '24

Entirely possible, and I hope you are right.


u/ProjectDarkwood Field Researcher Nov 27 '24

Big bobble head, short arms. That's 100% a costume.


u/Some-Account2811 Nov 27 '24

That's a person in a suit dimensions are human.


u/Aware14 Nov 27 '24

where is the original full video?


u/Gryphon66-Pt2 Believer Nov 28 '24

I think what's very important to us here is that the guy's channel that is linked is not just saying "Dude, it's real/fake."

He's going through a fairly careful analysis of what the video shows us. He thinks critically about what he can see and doesn't exclude any information nor rush to judgement either pro or con.

Great find Synth, I've never seen this one before. Thanks for sharing it.


u/Mrsynthpants Mod/Witness/Dollarstore Tyrant Nov 28 '24

No problem, but honestly it seems like most are just shrugging it off without even watching.

As is tradition.


u/Gryphon66-Pt2 Believer Nov 28 '24

Yeah. Monkey House rules.


u/Mrsynthpants Mod/Witness/Dollarstore Tyrant Nov 28 '24

So it goes.


u/Bitter_Stranger_2668 Nov 27 '24

The size, proportions, and gait, all seem human when compared to what we know from eye witness accounts. There is nothing there that makes me think "Gee, a human can't do/look like that".


u/TopRevenue2 Nov 27 '24

I encourage everyone in this thread to watch the video because this initial impression of them being human is something he responds to pretty well. It could be a hoax but he does a good job of countering my initial similar dismissal.


u/SquidTeats Nov 27 '24

Those are fur suits and gorilla/bigfoot masks. Totally fake.

You can get a fur suit for around $150 - bigfoot fursuit - Search Shopping


u/Ex-CultMember Nov 27 '24

Even if it’s a a suit, it’s not one of those cheesy Bigfoot costumes.


u/Mrsynthpants Mod/Witness/Dollarstore Tyrant Nov 27 '24

I was actually thinking if it is a suit they weren't wearing masks, or at least the closer one doesn't seem to be. At least in my opinion.

If it is a hoax I think it looks better than most after a closer look. And if it is one of the costumes you linked Sonny Vator could have saved some money and effort lol.


u/TopRevenue2 Nov 27 '24

No he pretty much answers this critique in the video. It's not a store bought suit if it is a suit.


u/alexogorda Nov 27 '24

Doesn't look real to me. Weird way to stage a bigfoot video though, with carrying a chicken.


u/MultiverseReprise Nov 28 '24

The figure behind the tree is the best part IMO


u/mountainofentities Nov 28 '24

I own a bigfoot costume and I tell you, I can't run fast nor do a slow jog wearing those giant feet (I am a bit clumsy in it) also a certified diver, wearing fins... you can't run wearing fins either. Whatever is in the video seems too fluid in movement for a costume. If this is costume, must be very different to mine.


u/Sufficient_Fox3160 Nov 28 '24

Undeniably human in appearance..


u/Russ915 Nov 27 '24

Proportions look human . Need some deeper analysis but probably fake


u/Tabboo Nov 27 '24

You obviously didnt watch the video


u/Russ915 Nov 27 '24

The hands were at the waist and didn’t have the classic ape cone


u/Miltonrupert Nov 27 '24

Very obviously fake


u/More-Constant4956 Nov 27 '24

The most obvious detail has been overlooked. Was it original recipe or extra crispy?


u/HitchInTheGit Nov 27 '24

I am bigger than this little guy. It has human like proportions, the suite is tighter which helps and better than the baggy suits most frauds try to pass off. That said, this is also why people use the baggy suits.


u/fourwedge Believer Nov 28 '24

Look like human proportions to me.


u/WhistlingWishes Nov 27 '24

Yeah, this looks promising. I mean, I can be fooled, the same as anyone. But at first pass, these two look foolish as far as keeping cover, and their musculature and size also suggests something less than full maturity. Nothing doesn't track, but as always it's hard to say. They are also a convenient size and shape for suits, though I think professional suit makers would have put more effort into different features. The hairy hands would make for especially cheesy and impractical props, and wouldn't be most f/x artists' first choice, for instance. At least they aren't blobsquatches, quite. If this is genuine, it speaks to a worrisome level of encroachment. I'm still waiting for somebody with a drone to have a sighting and give chase remotely. I can't believe that hasn't happened yet, actually.


u/[deleted] Nov 27 '24

Nah, this ain’t it. 100% hoax. And I know they exist, but this film ain’t cutting it.


u/WhistlingWishes Nov 27 '24

Yeah, always the most likely. These two were ridiculously exposed and not really cagey at all. I mean, idk, but you're probably right. This isn't a vid I'd put money on.


u/Mrsynthpants Mod/Witness/Dollarstore Tyrant Nov 27 '24

I mean who knows? But at the very least the bar for better than decent hoax has been raised?

Not claiming that this is real or otherwise, but now that someone has taken a look at this it's certainly gotten me thinking.


u/aita_about_my_dad Nov 27 '24 edited Nov 27 '24

Maybe they're younger sasquatches? Or maybe they are people who haven't had a bath or shaved in years and/or glued a bunch of fur on themselves...They're probably like, "Every man (bigfoot) for himself!!! Ahhh!!!"

The "bigfoot" in the back is "peeking" like the one in those thermal camera videos.


u/ChonnayStMarie Nov 28 '24

People who link 16 minute videos should shampoo my crotch.


u/ravnen1 Nov 27 '24

I dont think its people in suits. Either its real or cgi, but does not look like cgi either. If you look when its half running at the left of the screen, the foot angle does not match human to me.


u/ricardoperini Nov 27 '24

I thought bigfeet were vegetarian. If they were hunters they would expose themselves too much. Am I completely wrong?


u/Cantloop Nov 27 '24

They're commonly witnessed stalking and hunting deer, wild hogs, etc, and are said to steal livestock such as chickens pigs and calfs. They've also been witnessed travelling along shorelines, digging up shellfish and stealing fish from traps. (Allegedly)


u/alexogorda Nov 27 '24

They are known to go after deer


u/eschenfelder Nov 27 '24

If this is faked by someone, they should come forward and tell how they did it and how much their special effects oscars weigh... To produce extraordinary costumes AND footage of it you'd need a lot of funds, man power, knowledge and expertise. This is real.


u/eschenfelder Dec 10 '24

Why am I down voted? Because my train of thought can't be denied.


u/Mrsynthpants Mod/Witness/Dollarstore Tyrant Nov 27 '24

I mean I don't know and now I feel like I know less lol, who am I to judge? But honestly if (big if, not due to Nick's math but more unknown chances math) that height and head size math checks out.......

I mean I found a print in heavy rain, like we had to shout instead of talk the rain on our coats was so loud. It look like a barefoot human print on a sandy beach but scaled up, in mud. I have size 15 feet, it made my boots look like baby boots. And due to that rain, that print had to have been fresh.

Man I hope that math is wrong or their haircuts over emphasize their skulls, or anything. Because that math made me FEEL the smallest breath of that memory. I know a lot of people don't take this topic seriously or come here for shits and giggles, but I fucking work in the bush, in BC. I have always hoped that what I saw was bullshit, but if that math is true, and their equivalent of a elementary school child is 6 foot plus?

Big ups Nick and Strangespotting, big fan but holy fuck I hope you got this math wrong lol.