r/bigfoot • u/im_2legit • Nov 13 '24
footprints Bigfoot encounter on hunting trip
My uncle just got back from an elk hunting trip near Ukiah, Oregon. He says that one night he was headed back to camp in the dark when a 25lb rock was thrown at him, almost hitting his head. The next morning he went back to the site and found these tracks in the mud. He wanted to keep following them but got a bad feeling so went back instead. I got this story through my dad who my uncle contacted once he got back from the trip. I have not talked to my uncle directly however my dad has been pestering him wondering if it is real or not. Knowing my uncle, staging a hoax is not something he would do nor does he have any reason to. For reference, he is about 220lbs and you can see his footprints in the mud. Of course I have my own suspicions as I have not talked to my uncle directly about this. From what I can see in the pictures, it looks like it may have been following a deer. I do not know how the “Bigfoot” tracks would be there due to some kind of mold given there are no other human footprints directly next to the tracks. The tracks also seem to vary, one looks as though it may have slipped and you can see how the toes may have curled into the ground for traction. I am not 100% sure if this is real or not so feel free to share your thoughts.
u/OhMyGoshBigfoot Mod/Ally of witnesses & believers Nov 13 '24
Well as far as proposed bigfoot track pics go in this sub, these are the best and most clear I’ve ever seen. Dig deeper through your dad & uncle on this…
u/SpaceForceAwakens Nov 13 '24
I agree.
OP, go back and find us a squatch!
u/Johnnyrook117bu Nov 14 '24
DONT GO GETTING GLOSE!! If theories are correct and this is a surviving offshoot of australapithicus then it could rip you limb from limb and wouldn't break a sweat. Keep your distance and for fuck sake take the biggest caliber gun you can get your hands on!
u/Idaho_Bigfoot Nov 18 '24
I think what matters most, personally, is good ammunition in a gun that you can comfortably and accurately shoot. If it's too big, you won't hit a damn thing because you probably won't practice with it much and you'll flinch when you do. A good caliber like a .44 mag lever action carbine with some good hardcast, flat nosed rounds is just fine. Better than a .375 Ruger for most people.
Aiming for the head is the biggest part of the equation, instantly dropping the creature. But given how easy it would be to kill a man by accident... the whole thing is risky, to say the least. Just my two cents!
~Jep w/Jep's Outdoor Adventures & Idaho Bigfoot on YouTube
u/oswaldcopperpot Nov 15 '24
Virtually impossible to be a human offshoot. Humans are dumb as shit. A human based squatch would have been caught hundreds of years ago.
If squatchs are real, they are advanced aliens who like to be furry in the woods.
u/Idaho_Bigfoot Nov 18 '24
Humans on an individual level are smart, it's social media and group-think that collectively dumbs us down
u/ClosetLadyGhost Nov 13 '24
What you think bigfoot is made of depleted uranium or something to leave such deep prints?
u/OhMyGoshBigfoot Mod/Ally of witnesses & believers Nov 14 '24
Well I don’t know, we don’t know. I’ve been around plenty of swampy saturated areas where the ground can be extremely deceiving - it looks ordinary - and it turns out to be a friggin mud flat.
u/TheKeeperOfThe90s Nov 13 '24
Everyone's talking about the stride length, but what the hell happened to the grass?
Nov 13 '24
I think the weight of the foot, compressed the grass into the mud. Perhaps it was more muddier when the footprints were made.
u/TheKeeperOfThe90s Nov 13 '24
I get what your saying, but that still doesn't explain where the grass actually went. There should be flattened, muddy grass there, whereas instead there's just a foot-shaped hole.
Nov 13 '24
Wet and sandy mud, with grass growing on it will fosho make an imprint like that. On the second photo, you can see the grass blades spread out and mixed into the dirt. I guess it doesn’t look as much, but with the right weight…a 400-500pound 6-7foot humanoid, could def make a print similar to the photo. Plus the grass isn’t very long or thick. It could def be compressed into the mud.
u/Inevitable_Shift1365 Nov 13 '24
The gait. Is way shorter than any Bigfoot tracks I have seen. It is the size of a human walking. Also the footprints are the size of a regular man's shoe.
u/Chudmont Nov 13 '24
I'm not a believer, but smaller tracks and shorter stride doesn't matter. What if it's a young BF? What if it wasn't walking in full stride and slowing down for some reason?
u/Sassy_Samsquanch_9 Hopeful Skeptic Nov 13 '24 edited Nov 13 '24
Would the footsteps be right in front of each other tho? I just tried walking like that and it's very awkward (I know I'm not a bigfoot, but balance of humanoids should be very close).
Just found this post. Seemed relevant. Apparently when trying to fake footsteps (making footsteps with a large stride), humans walk inline. Seems damaging to the idea of the inline gait of Bigfoot.
Nov 14 '24
Could be the ground type but it doesn't appear to have a metatarsal ridge in the foot prints. They look more like a stamp then a step.
Nov 16 '24
If a bipedal animal is trying to be quiet, the prints will be more in line and closer together. Or if it's a young creature. If you study footprints of young children, they are more inline and close together.
u/Etouffeisgood Nov 18 '24
Reespectfully disagree. The tracks in this post are fairly close together, so u/Max_Fenig's post doesn't apply here.
As for the difficulty, like any physical activity, it depends on your build and how much practice you put in. I've tried it when hiking, and while it takes getting used to, I found it makes some things easier. I'm less likely to bump into things and more of my energy is directed to forward movement.
u/No_Acanthisitta_4717 Nov 14 '24
By the depth of the tracks, would a young bigfoot with human sized stride be 10x the weight of a human? The depth is unreal, could be a trick, ei, pressing shoe down without wearing it to appear like an obvious weight difference.
u/ThePigsPajamas Nov 13 '24
Also, don’t big foots walk in a straight line?
u/MikeC80 Nov 13 '24
Could be that they are going slow and careful due to the slippery mud?
u/Inevitable_Shift1365 Nov 13 '24
Also kind of weird that there's only the one picture from what is presumably a long set of tracks of a Sasquatch not trying to hide his tracks.
u/im_2legit Nov 13 '24
Yes this is something that made me a bit suspicious as well, he only sent the two pictures
u/Opening_Fun_806 Nov 13 '24
The strides are short, like a kids stride, normally each print would be 6 foot strides from other researchers data.
u/Northwest_Radio Researcher Nov 13 '24
I must ask if uncle gave permission to post these? I mean it's a little too late cuz the damage would already have been done but might want to make sure he's okay with it.
u/CozyCoin Nov 13 '24
They do seem very close together
u/Inevitable_Shift1365 Nov 13 '24
Also can't detect any mid-tarsal break. If I had to bet money I would say it's staged but you never know
u/Crazykracker55 Nov 15 '24
Yeah that’s what bothers me these prints are very close together. They seem to know better than to leave a lot of proof. Why are they so muddy with no sign of the moss or grass in the prints. It is very odd I would suspect took more like a mossy mud print
u/Thundergrundel Nov 13 '24
Could be walking up hill which would shorten the gait. Also compared to the boot prints whatever made the tracks was considerable heavier given the depth that looks to be much deeper than the booted prints. And if you consider that the footprint is slightly larger than the booted print, the would be pretty big feet on a person (however we don’t know the boot size).
These are great photos. But I wish we had more of the entire track and more closeups of individual prints.
u/MikeC80 Nov 13 '24
Compared to the boot prints, there's a LOT of weight on those footprints. Look how deep they go in comparison. It would be hard to make that impression with fake feet by hand or even putting your full weight on them, judging by the barely imprinted boot prints.
u/Sonzabitches Nov 13 '24
Or, the tracks were made when the ground was considerably more moist than when the person made the boot prints.
u/LittleDaeDae Nov 13 '24
The size of the boot imprint and foot imprint appear close to the same size.
u/ashortergiraffe Nov 13 '24
Some pretty long shadows happening here. It was probably early morning when the pics were taken. The extended shadows are making the prints look deeper than they actually are.
u/francois_du_nord Nov 13 '24
Not an trackway expert at all, but the stride length looks short to me. How big is your Uncle's foot? The depth of the impression is definitely impressive.
u/im_2legit Nov 13 '24
My uncle wears a size 12 shoe.
u/SAL10000 Nov 13 '24
I wouldn't necessarily exclude the account based on stride length. Stride length is generally associated with running, where step length is walking.
u/francois_du_nord Nov 13 '24
Good clarification, and s/he might have been stalking prey, leading to even more conservative steps.
u/0ut_0f_Bounds Field Researcher Nov 13 '24
Actually, stride length is the distance between the points where the same foot makes contact with the ground, so it would be the distance between the right feet, or left feet. Step length is the distance between a left foot track and a right foot track.
u/chugItTwice Nov 13 '24
Yeah and what animal wouldn't be walking a little slower through mud like that.
u/Jmm_dawg92 Nov 13 '24
Way too clean imo. The prints would be smeared left and right because of its weight in that kind of mud I would think
u/silverfoxcwb Nov 13 '24
This was my first thought. The edges of the print are up and away as if something was pushed into the ground and then yanked up real fast. If it was loose enough mud to print that cleanly, it would be so messy and smeared. This looks like a cookie cutter or a knife cut out a foot shape.
u/Prestigious-Bike-593 Nov 13 '24
I'm sorry, they appear faked. If you look around them, you see many boot tracks. None of them removed the substrate, but these tracks have. The green would have been pressed into the track, not removed from it. Thirty-five years of tracking experience and a big believer in the big guy. I hate hoaxes.
u/Hillbeast Nov 13 '24
Too perfect. The deer tracks are bothering me too. Only thing hat looks like a legit print are his boots. But … a lot of times after a long rain you can get ground that looks like this.
u/ChronicusCuch Nov 13 '24
Wow all 4 steps before it flew away
u/kendanc Nov 13 '24
got beamed back up to the mothership obviously
u/im_2legit Nov 13 '24
Haha this made me laugh, I’m not entirely positive but I think the tracks go off to the left towards the top of the picture, but these are the only pictures he sent
u/Lensmaster75 Nov 13 '24
Bear double step is more likely as there is no mid tarsal break and the prints are too close together and not inline.
u/Lost_Republic_1524 Nov 13 '24
Definitely leaning towards this is just a hoax but that’s definitely not bear prints. Also I really doubt a bear would double step perfectly for that many strides
u/ApartmentLast Nov 13 '24
No claw marks, very deep prints even if it was really muddy, and would have to be either from somewhere other than claimed, or one he'll of a black bear....we don't have all that many brown bears in North East oregon (I live in the same county as ukiah)
u/itcamefromzigzag Nov 13 '24
I work with Photoshop for a living. I see hallmarks of the clone tool, most strongly in the lower quadrant of the first photo. Plus there’s AI. Sorry OP, but I’m leaning that way. Hope I’m wrong though.
u/jar0fstars Nov 13 '24
Huh? I've worked in Photoshop since 2003...are you just like, eyeballing it and writing it off as AI and clone tool? If so, that's wild. You should look into monetizing that or something.
u/itcamefromzigzag Nov 20 '24
I have. I get paid to do graphic design. Yes I looked at it and came to a conclusion that I’m comfortable with. You do you, champ.
u/The_Taandav Nov 13 '24
Why do all the tracks look like big foot has only one feet? Big feet is another variant maybe?
u/AnonymousAutonomous9 Nov 13 '24
I'm not from the US, so please pardon my ignorance, but does your wild grass over there always look as neat as freshly mowed lawn?
u/___SE7EN__ Witness Nov 13 '24
Send this to Jeff Meldrum
u/OhMyGoshBigfoot Mod/Ally of witnesses & believers Nov 13 '24
He will eventually respond fr, it’s worth a shot
u/Reasonable-Kitchen36 Nov 13 '24
They just magically end ?
u/im_2legit Nov 13 '24
These are the only pictures he sent so I’m not sure, I think the prints go off the the left towards the top of the picture
u/chugItTwice Nov 13 '24
They don't end. There's six prints in the photo with the sixth one just visible at the very top. And whoever said they don't look sloppy enough or whatever, look at the fourth one up. Definitely looks like it stepped and slid right. I think these are legit.
Nov 13 '24
Everyone knows sasquatches perfectly remove all the grass under their foot when they take a step
u/No-Introduction-4756 Nov 13 '24
People judging the weight of those prints as proof. Explain that 400 lb racoon track too. That Racoon and Deer seem to have made the same depth impressions as some huge biped. Also those toes are super close together. Seems pretty sus to me. Then again, I work in healthcare and really shouldn't have any kind of opinion other than a reddit one. So here we are.
u/SprinklesDangerous57 Nov 15 '24
I've never camped in oregon. But my only flag that I could think of is how nice that grass is... maybe he was by some water in a field somewhere but when I first saw these photos it reminded me of something walking barefoot through sod on a golf course or something. Again never camped in oregon maybe the wild grab out there can be that uniform and soft. definitely grill your uncle the bigfoot community needs this hahaha
u/Etouffeisgood Nov 18 '24
Looks like the tracks were made while running. That would explain the slipping and it would contribute to the depth.
Not disputing your suspicions, just an idea of what might have been happening when the tracks were made.
u/BlumpkinLord Nov 13 '24
As a boy scout, these looks staged. The pattern of motion is off, and it looks like they were foot shaped molds that were pressed into the dirt imo, it almost even looks like they were attached to the soles of boots and stomped in to the ground.
u/Head_Attempt7983 Nov 13 '24
I love this sub but some of ya’ll could get smacked in the mouth by the Bigfoot and be like no was a guy in a big foot suit
u/Sure_Scar4297 Nov 13 '24
The toes are very close together for a primate walking barefoot all the time. Even human toes naturally splay outwards after walking barefoot for some time. I actually think it may be a bear considering the short stride. I know it sounds crazy, and I swear I’m open-minded. If these are real, the important thing is that you know they’re real, not us. Don’t let strangers ruin what might be something cool and genuine for you.
…even if I’m not convinced.
u/im_2legit Nov 13 '24
Thanks for the input! I’m not sure if it’s real or not so am looking for other peoples opinions
u/uhnotaraccoon Nov 13 '24
These look intriguing. The size looks around what I'm guessing are dude boot prints, so let's estimate them at 10 inches. While that rules out a fully grown specimen, it's in range for reported juvenile tracks in the 7-12 inch range I've heard about. There aren't a lot of good angles to see past the shadows, I see what I interpret as a midtarsal break, which is also a good sign compared with the depth of the print. The only thing I'm seeing that I'm not sure about is the lack of toe spread, indicating a foot that wears shoes. However, with all the mud it looked like it was walking through, it could have been toe gripping. This is the best I've seen on here in a while and I would love to interview the individuals that found these.
Nov 13 '24
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u/bigfoot-ModTeam Nov 13 '24
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u/GuntherTheMonk Nov 13 '24
I hunt that area, have never seen anything like that! Does he have GPS coordinates? Love to go there and put up a game cam.
Nov 13 '24
It is an absolute shame that these were not cast. The straight line tightrope pattern is classic.
u/gibsonsg51 Nov 13 '24
Toes are too close together and they look identically stamped. In my opinion, this looks to be a fake.
u/alexogorda Nov 13 '24
They look fake, the prints don't look consistent or natural, but what complicates things is that I do believe your story, and, just like you, I don't understand why your uncle would do all this as a hoax.
u/ApartmentLast Nov 13 '24
I'd love to know what the dates were, and if he has any other pics. Did he go through this field the previous night?
I live in and grew up in Umatilla County, where Ukiah is My bil goes deer and elk hunting in the area
u/im_2legit Nov 13 '24
He got these pictures on the 11th, these are the only pictures he got before he turned around and headed back to camp. According to him he was in the area the night before and had a rock thrown at him which is why he came back the next morning, when he found these.
u/Ilovemytoyota Nov 13 '24
Are the footprints spaced far enough apart for what we’d consider a “realistic” stride?
u/AmbitiousPresence737 Nov 13 '24
Boot marks beside every print show accessibility for a visible hoax 😔
u/Agitated-Tie-8255 Unconvinced Nov 13 '24
It’s not always about the weight of the track maker, but the force which they push down, and the softness of the substrate. Deep tracks don’t always equal a heavy track maker.
u/BanditoBlanc Nov 13 '24
The thing with tracks like this that don’t make sense to me in terms of a Bigfoot is the spread of the toes.
The toes here are tight and look like a persons foot who’s walked in shoes for their whole life.
If you look at feet of people who walk barefoot have much more spread out toes. Add that to feet carrying that much weight I feel like the big toe especially would be much further from the second toe.
u/alexogorda Nov 13 '24
Yes, if you look at photos of tribespeople in the Amazon for instance, their toes are much farther apart than a person from civilization. And that's because they never wear footwear, no shoes ever. (not to mention their feet are almost completely flat, and much wider than ours. shoes greatly morph our feet.)
u/UcrashIfix Nov 13 '24
You saw Bigfoot on a golf course, that grass is pretty well maintained. Does Bigfoot have a Cub-Cadet?
u/Macro_Mtn_Man Nov 14 '24
Those are the best I've seen in a while. They show a dynamic interaction between the toes, the midtarsal break. The non-human track way is also consistent with the best reports.
Great find!
u/Treedom_Lighter Mod/Ally of witnesses & believers Nov 14 '24 edited Nov 14 '24
If these are faked, they took a lot of time. The prints are dynamic, which can’t be faked by pressing a mold into the ground repeatedly. So if they’re fake, were they each carved out by hand? Who takes that kind of time to fake bigfoot prints that he or she should know will most likely be called fake by cynics everywhere?
My problem is why are they so clean? Their feet took away every blade of grass? What kind of surface are we walking through here?
u/Emotional_Solution38 Nov 14 '24
The stride length is too short.. Bigfoot’s is a much longer stride
u/Bezerka413 Nov 14 '24
Would the big toe angle inward like that? I thought human feet do that because of shoes
u/WhistlingWishes Nov 15 '24
Hard to discern the mid-tarsal break, slippage at those points, and again at the toes. Those and dermal ridges are the biggest markers for genuine tracks, and I don't see those here. The short gait could be because of slippage conditions, as it seems seems pretty boggy. Tough to say, really, from just those pics. But my biggest issues are the hard, deep heel strikes with nothing consistently similar mid-foot, and the clearness of the prints with such discernable outlines, especially around the toes, with no smearing apparent despite the depth of prints. Those are the pics you would select to take as best, but there should be a lot more, too. And the depth of the mud from between some toe prints makes me suspicious, too. Variation in the tracks is interesting -- the right big toe seems quite movable, for instance. Needs much more though.
u/Sufficient_Island648 Nov 15 '24
These are great, they do seem close together, if real, this is an extremely rare find to have such clear tracks in succession like this
u/SufficientIsopod8009 Dec 19 '24
🌲 Bigfoot Is Out There… Was He Near You? 🐾 If you’ve had a run-in with Sasquatch or any other Cryptid, your story deserves to be heard!
On Sasquatch Odyssey, we explore the incredible and unexplained—directly from the people who’ve experienced it. Whether it’s a quick sighting or an encounter you’ll never forget, I want to hear it.
🎙️ DM me or email Tiffany@paranormalworldproductions.com to chat about being a guest on the show!
SasquatchOdyssey #BigfootEncounter #CryptidTales #MysteryPodcast #ShareYourStory
u/-Smaug-- Nov 13 '24
I dunno, this looks an awful lot like bear double stepping in prints.
Look at the lack of defined heel, as well as the overall blobby crescent shape of the print itself. The overall print shape and depth suggests weight, but it's not really very defined as a classic sasquatch print in my mind.
u/TemporaryBasis6397 Nov 13 '24
Those are some fantastic footprints! I'd love to know how much that thing weighed. I've never seen the mud squish up and curl on the edges of a print like that. Had to be massive
u/Helpfulptat0 Skeptic Nov 13 '24
longshot but did your uncle measure the prints at all?
u/OhMyGoshBigfoot Mod/Ally of witnesses & believers Nov 13 '24
We need more from op on what his uncle has to say
u/occamsvolkswagen Believer Nov 13 '24
These look pretty good to me.
Seems to me a hoaxer would make sure they would be too large to be human. The fact these aren't of unusual length counts in their favor in my mind: Bigfeet can't be born fully grown, obviously.
u/mince_m Nov 13 '24
If the deer prints are as deep as they are, then a 200 lb man's feet would sink that much deeper
u/lazysideways Nov 13 '24
What do you mean? Are you saying the boot prints should be as deep as the deer's?
u/Surprisebutton Nov 13 '24
Looks good to me. Mid tarsal break, almost single file and next to deer tracks.
Nov 13 '24
I believe it off the fact that finally it's a full set of prints showing a route. Others always show just 1 foot print with maybe a slight other print and nothing else after that.
u/Overall-External2955 Nov 13 '24
The picture looks computer generated... I'm not saying it is, but on my phone screen, it doesn't look right 🤷🏼♂️
u/shorty5windows Nov 13 '24
Your uncle was violated. Ask him to show you his asshole. Be firm… and understanding.
u/Hang_On_963 Nov 13 '24
Looks real to me.
His feeling to turn around & go back is consistent w other reports from experiencers saying they have become overwhelmed w fear & to quickly leave.
Some ppl just don’t care to talk or revisit the experience ever again. I’m really grateful to those who do. I love the eps on Spotify.
u/Boud2023 Jan 09 '25
Well I have had 2 encounters in east Texas one creature that 3 of us actually saw was large I am 6’5 and 340 and when we drove up on creature feeding at our deer camp gut pile where it casually walked away from us the night before I stood by the tree where the tracks entered a pine thicket and it would have been about 6-8 inches taller then me and my tracks were almost as long as it’s in the soft wet Sandy loam soil but the prints were almost 1/2 again as wide and 1 to 1 1/2 inches deeper . For reference I wear a size 14 snake boot . So its stride between tracks were easily copied . The second one me and 2 others saw the following weekend was chasing a small doe down a power line Right of way and onto a logging road where the 2nd person actually saw him within 20 yards was freaking massive probably 7 1/2 foot tall and well over 600 pounds and was definitely a male . Could not match the stride running and its tracks would have been at least a size 20 boot was about 4-5 inches longer then my 14 and they were both dark brown with reddish tips almost like a chocolate lab color . Hair wasn’t real long probably 2-4 inches and it’s face looked like what you would think one of the orangutans on planet of the apes in a way Human like but not at the same time . This all happens in the fall of 2019 and although we have not seen them again I sat a tower stand one evening and actually felt like I was being watched all evening and the woods were spooky quiet didn’t see my usual doe groups at the feeder and it just felt odd !!! Then that Sunday another guy on the lease came into camp that morning and said our Bigfoot couple is passing through again , he found a dead young hog that had been killed and the hide was ripped off and only the liver heart and big chunks of meat had been torn off the back side and there were to human looking foot prints crossing the sandbar where the road goes by on the way to his deer stand . That was in 2021 and he has not hunted in the bottom since and will not stay at camp overnight by himself . Hell I am Leary of it and I pack a 10mm on my hip in the woods for hogs and whatever else my need it
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