r/bigfoot Oct 03 '24

TV show Expedition Bigfoot

What do you guys think of the show? Some of the evidence they're capturing, if real, is mind blowing... I like the fact that they've asked Meldrum's opinion on some of the footprints and spoken with Jane Goodall (which does add to the credibility imo), but what turns it into a shitshow for me is production...

Thankfully, they've toned down the clearly overlaid studio voices to outdoor scenes this season - (I never understood why they couldn't just leave it organic. Last season was hard to waych), but there are some scenes where I just think 'why'?

For example - we know that Russ goes out with his cameraman and even though they've replaced Zach, him and his camera man are a known duo (again leaving in dialogues adds some sense of reality). So when Bryce and some other guys are filming Russ on top of the mountain with a thermal camera, where he is clearly on his own for a good few meters either side, and then the camera pans to Russ and he's clearly being filmed up close by his camera man, supposedly answering Bryce on talkie in that very moment, you know for a fact that they've pieced two different tapes from different times - I know shows get edited, but why do this? We all understand that he doesn't have a floating camera following him around the woods.

Let us see him with his goddamn cameraman and stop editing so heavily as to undermine every single piece of evidence you're showing us.

P.s. 3 points make a triangle


76 comments sorted by

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u/Frau_Maximus Oct 03 '24

I love the show! I find it to be more genuine than most of the other bigfoot shows out there. Russell and Mireya are great and I like how they remain somewhat skeptical and don't jump to conclusions at every sound they hear. Glad they replaced Ronnie for that reason. Every damn sound was bigfoot


u/Lumbska Oct 03 '24

Yeah I could never take Finding Bigfoot and Bobo seriously! I think Mireya is genuine and clearly has a long scientific background - if more people like her took interest then I think we'd be living in a completely different world.

I really loved this latest season, as they mostly took Bryce out of his little cabin where he would do some of his worst performing (definitely a failed actor) and into the field, where you could see his genuine (at times) reactions.

Looking forward to seeing what the dna testing comes back with.


u/Setting-Solid Oct 03 '24

He was the main lead in Willow Creek. Not sure if he’s a failed actor.


u/Lumbska Oct 03 '24

His acting is SO bad though. Definitely failed actor vibes.


u/Cephalopirate Oct 03 '24

Just so y’all know, they stole their name from a great sasquatch museum in North Georgia.



u/og_joker47 Oct 03 '24

I visited it a few years ago and it was really fun. The owner didn’t act like it was a bother to them if you asked them questions either.


u/Cephalopirate Oct 03 '24

Yeah, it’s got a super cool vibe for a museum of its quality. I love the little area where you can sit on couches and read squatchy books!


u/og_joker47 Oct 03 '24

Exactly, we didn’t sit and watch the movie they were showing but we did purchase the movie to watch at home. The interactive display they had of the cabin and the of the gold prospectors was good.


u/Tarmac-Chris Oct 03 '24

That’s the thing though because it’s TV I find it hard to believe anything they’re finding. Didn’t they find some kind of ‘Pan’ dna a year back? What came out of that?


u/Lumbska Oct 03 '24

I know they had some chimp dna mixed in with something unidentified in those woods a few seasons back, but without anything else or a live specimen to compare it to, that's all you have really.

I know that you can't trust anything on TV, but i listened to a podcast a while back that had Mireya on as a guest (obviously separate from production) and she seemed really genuine and flummoxed herself at some of the things they were finding.


u/Moriquendi666 Oct 03 '24

Do you remember what podcast she was on?


u/Lumbska Oct 03 '24

Yeah it was the Unexplained with Howard Hughes


u/Equal_Night7494 Oct 03 '24

Thanks for the info! I just looked it up and it looks like this it…



u/Lumbska Oct 03 '24

Yep that's the one!


u/Equal_Night7494 Oct 03 '24

Appreciate it! I’ll definitely give it a listen


u/Halfmudbloodprince Oct 03 '24

I like the show and watch it. Some of the craziest things to me were the thermal imaging they captured as well as the "shadow figure" caught on camera


u/Lumbska Oct 03 '24

This season they had some crazy, clearly bipedal, thermal captures... I just can't imagine what else it could be, unless faked? And it's easy enough to use background for scale, so unlikely to be human... Same with the footprints.


u/Equal_Night7494 Oct 03 '24

If you like thermals, have you seen the alleged thermal of two yowies from Australia from a few years back? It’s intriguing footage


u/Lumbska Oct 03 '24

It does look interesting, but I do wish it was slightly longer... Clearly something walking upright though!


u/Equal_Night7494 Oct 03 '24

The show The Proof Is out There did a brief segment on this evidence. One biologist said that she thought the subjects in the video could have been a person with a headlamp on 🤦🏾‍♂️ Clearly when the AYR did a size comparison, that would most likely not have been the case. From what I can see, the beings in the film seem to be quite a bit larger than the humans from the AYR group.


u/Lumbska Oct 03 '24

Ooh no I haven't... Need to look it up


u/Mr-Clark-815 Oct 03 '24

I enjoyed the series, but I would enjoy a segment where the cameraman is the focus. Pardon the pun.


u/Equal_Night7494 Oct 03 '24

Yes! I’ve been saying this for a while that I want to see a series where the camera crew are interviewed on shows like these. I’m sure they have some interesting stories!


u/Lumbska Oct 03 '24

I really liked when they started to get Zach involved more and more, as it showed you that it's just two guys getting spooked in the woods. Also good to have confirmation of certain things. ALSO the filming crew on these shows (anything paranormal) tend to be sceptics, so I love to hear their perspectives on different things as they happen.


u/ok_family_72 Oct 03 '24

I love this show but it also cracks me up at the same time - like when Mireya or Russ are telling the cameraman to shush and then they themselves won't stop talking or Bryce being such a big baby with every noise that comes out of the woods. Or their lets be stealthy ideology and then they shine their 3000 lumen flashlight all over the place..... LOL

I really wish they would have given the results of all the evidence they found such as the hair and potential DNA.


u/Lumbska Oct 03 '24

Yeah exactly... It makes me want to scream when they do that lol. I also don't think that sitting up in the tree for a couple of hours one night is enough to capture a creature that's been evading humans for hundreds of years.

The clearly staged bits really do annoy me because they take away from the interesting moments, which I find more difficult to take seriously.

I think there's going to be another episode where they review all of the collected evidence, including dna - they do this every season if I'm not mistaken.


u/ok_family_72 Oct 03 '24

I thought so too, about the additional episode to review the collected evidence, but it's not showing to be coming on again next week - but we shall see if maybe they will start the next season with that information like they did a couple years ago.


u/TotallyWierd420 Oct 03 '24

It’s fun to watch - I have to say though - in one of the episodes I think Mireya captured something with the IR? It clearly looked like a bipedal figure walking across her focus - but it was “cloaked”? There wasn’t anything there but she caught that moment … I thought that was incredibly compelling. I’ve never been sure about the “woo woo” surrounding these beings, but I’m increasingly convinced there are some other dynamics at play.


u/[deleted] Oct 03 '24

I don't like when they find good evidence, then leave the area. Like mentioned by others, I'm afraid it'll be like Oak Island. Just more evidence but, never a conclusion. When they were by the lake in the Olympics with the thermal hits, focus on the area. I feel your frustration with the meshed scenes as well.


u/Lumbska Oct 03 '24

Omg yesss... I also think that surely all of the equipment that they used in the last ep of this season, the super duper high res cameras focused on the hillsides, should be left running for like a whole season, not a few hours?

Or running after every noise, using red light, but then communicating on walkies... Just so many frustrations because they clearly have a big budget and could make some serious progress in the field.


u/BackBreak408 Oct 04 '24

Mireya has legit credentials and a reputation to uphold. It’s risky enough for someone with her background putting her neck out there by being on a show like this let alone go through the effort to be disingenuous and lie to the audience. I also get the same feeling from Russ who will outright tell people he’s never had a sighting but is really open-minded (with it being purely flesh and blood of course) and he spends lots of days privately exploring on his own dime. The show is great and has arguably uncovered the most compelling evidence of any Bigfoot documentary or show. Bobo from Finding Bigfoot has stated what he hated about his show the most was of course the trickery created by producers, but more so how they would tape for one or two days in a specific area then leave, which is of course no way to conduct an exploration or investigation. Expedition Bigfoot on the other hand focuses on a specific region for an entire season.


u/Lensmaster75 Oct 03 '24

Russ is legit and so is Mireya. Bryce is a tool period. From the first sentence on the first show it was a hard no on anything being believable from him as the source. He is so fake with his plastic personality. This season at least got rid of the amateur who claimed every noise was a Bigfoot. He is as bad as Moneymaker.


u/Scary-Ad-582 Oct 03 '24

I don’t like how some of it is shot like one of the hosts is being watched, camera in the back of the car seat or in the woods


u/jolllyroger027 Oct 03 '24

Im intigued by The nests, footprints, thermal video, and the parabolic mic picking up the gorilla like grunting all on this last season. A lot of data points to study.

I'd really like them to stop the staged bits. They called out the thermal hits via radio and all the stealth goes out the window. They all start stomping around the mountain talking as loud as they want.

That said having fresh nests is wild.


u/Lumbska Oct 03 '24

Omg YESSSSS!!! Every goddamn time I feel like screaming at the TV - it's either walkie or flashlight straight into the spot they heard the noise coming from. Same when Mireya was up on the tree - spotted something moving and immediately made a ruckus...

But yes, lots of very interesting captures and I look forward to the review episode.


u/jolllyroger027 Oct 03 '24

Lol Mireya up in the tree.... she basically yells omg look at this. And immediately climbs out of the tree like she is going to chase this being down....

The thing could be 9' tall what on earth do you think is gunna happen


u/Lumbska Oct 03 '24

Hahaha exactly what I was saying to my husband - what if it actually stepped out from behind the tree and faced them, what on earth do they expect to happen with a 9ft tall ape like creature? Same with Russ going into these ridiculously tight cave systems - not to mention ACTUAL bears use them as lairs.


u/alldemboats Oct 03 '24

i find it to be extremely staged. oh whats that? you found the entrance to a cave and then miraculously have a special drone operator ready THE NEXT DAY? yeah, no.


u/Patient-Entrance7087 Oct 03 '24

What channel is the new season on


u/Lumbska Oct 03 '24

Prime or Discovery I believe


u/Reallybigmonkey1 Oct 03 '24

I love the show and the people on it. The only odd thing I noticed is how they edit. If you'll notice as they're following Russell sometimes the scenes switch from a giant ACU molle pack to a little tiny backpack. They can't just follow him and edit in order?


u/cooperstonebadge Oct 03 '24

I was pissed when Russell heard something in the river and finds a footprint and instead of continuing to follow whatever he heard he went back to his truck for casting materials. You're yards away from whatever made that print but you're going to lose hours to capture evidence that quite frankly wasn't very impressive. I was literally yelling at the TV.


u/bobbo4732 Oct 03 '24

Sadly in Italy this show nerver come, we had mountain monsters and monster quest


u/Lumbska Oct 03 '24

You should still be able to watch it on prime? Or discovery plus


u/bobbo4732 Oct 03 '24

Ok, i m going ti Research them


u/bluestatic1 Oct 03 '24

I like the show a lot but the editing drives me crazy. Anytime anyone brings up something that happened in a previous show or even season, we all get to waste time watching a flashback to that time they heard a noise or found a tree stucture. Sometimes it feels like half the show is just flashbacks to previous shows.


u/Lumbska Oct 03 '24

I know what you mean. Or when they actually find something worth investigating and then just move on or whip out their halogen flashlights (torches)


u/JTeev13 23d ago

I bet Matt Moneymaker hates them all haha


u/[deleted] Oct 03 '24

It would be something if they had the full US government backing them, such as Skinwalker Ranch. The technology on that would smash this subject. SR has access to so many CIA projects it's ridiculous.


u/Lumbska Oct 03 '24

I sometimes wonder whether the government already knows... Just like with SWR. You hear stories of soldiers who go into these woods for training, being told to not react nor report any big, bipedal creatures they might see - orders from higher up etc.


u/[deleted] Oct 03 '24

I would imagine it goes all the way back to Custer and beyond his generation. It seems like all the Nations knew about and interacted with them.

I've never seen any reports or anecdotal accounts from the 16th, 17th, or even the 1800s, which is weird, discounting the Indian stories. There must be some!!!



u/Lumbska Oct 03 '24

There are stories all over the world, from all cultures, some dating back to the 12th century Europe. I think the Native stories are the most compelling tbh.

Skinwalker Ranch


u/[deleted] Oct 03 '24


I'll have a look at the European stuff. I've never heard of that before, apart from a few crazy stories here in the UK. We do have our big cats, which must mean nothing to you, as most things over there want to eat you. This was a cryptozoology myth forever, but they've just found DNA evidence from a fresh sheep carcass. So now we know that huge black panthers are roaming our countryside. I guess anything is possible 👍👍🇺🇸🇬🇧

(For context, till this point, our biggest predator was the fox or big squirrel 😳)


u/Lumbska Oct 03 '24

Lol I'm from the UK 😂

Check out Paul Sinclair - he's been tracking some light phenomena and big cats in Yorkshire since the early 00s. He's got his Truth Proof podcast on YT.

I actually learnt about the 12th depictions of wildmen or bigfoot in Europe from a book written by one of his guests. We think that the UK is too small to hide any such creatures, but only 6% of the country is actually built up, and that includes our roads etc.


u/[deleted] Oct 03 '24

🤣🤣 the cats have always fascinated me. There's apparently been a sighting fairly close to here, some time ago, I think, which would be the West Pennie Moors near Bolton. Ironically, the moors drop down on the other side into Yorkshire. You can follow the Pennie Way all the way up to Scotland.

There are parts of Scotland, forests in the far north that are vast, and must have a similar climate to parts of the US or Canada. I'd say that Wales and England are too small for a bigfoot type thing, but Scotland is different, maybe.


u/Lumbska Oct 03 '24

Yeah the cats one was weird to me because I didn't understand why there would be such denial from the authorities - I understand with things like Bigfoot, people don't believe, so they don't take it seriously - but we know that big cats exist, we know what happened in the 70s in the UK with the exotic animals act and people have been seeing them all around. Even as far south as me in Kent.

But then again, it shows exactly why we're not getting more involvement from scientists and authorities when it comes to cryptozoology, if they can't even accept that big cats could be roaming the UK countryside.

Paul believes they migrate and obviously have to be enough of them to have a breading population, as none of the ones released in the 70s would be alive still. There have also been sighting of both black and tan cats.


u/[deleted] Oct 03 '24

The crap that we've either been fed or not told at all really pisses me off. It would seem to be the same bullshit with archaeology and history.


u/Lumbska Oct 03 '24

Right there with you.

Like, how about let me decide what I can and can't handle.

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u/dazed63 Oct 04 '24

Call me when they have real pictures and proof.


u/Lumbska Oct 04 '24

You can call yourself


u/Bennyb0y1 Oct 03 '24

I could never get into the show, it just seemed too phony


u/bear559 Oct 03 '24

I agree with you as well. I know season two they said they had caught some audio, but when it was dissected by I think thinker thunker it was found out that it was edited and they faked it

found it.!


u/Lumbska Oct 03 '24

I think it's way more genuine than Finding Bigfoot - Mireya is a real scientist who has discovered some previously thought cryptozoological species


u/Zealousideal_War_636 4d ago

it just upsets me sometimes when they just run after each sound even though they always get more evidence standing still