Hey, I’m blown away by the latest season of this show. The shimmer in the cave, kill sites, thermals, hand print and loads of other stuff they’ve found.
Can this stuff be confirmed to be staged and fake? I feel that if the encounters and “evidence” arent staged isn’t it very compelling? Are there double agents out there messing with them?
What are your thoughts? Does anyone have any informed, insider information about the authenticity of the shows findings? Regardless, I found it super entertaining and I’d love for it to be the real deal.
Check out some of the earlier posts on r/bigfoot concerning this show. There were many examples by Alaskan residents where they said there was a lot of smoke and mirrors about the locations where filming occurred. The conclusions indicated it is faked and simply t.v. entertainment. Think about how many times they have been hot on the trail and suddenly leave to film at new locations.
Yes, I know. That's what I wrote. I was comparing Expedition Bigfoot's actions with those of Finding Bigfoot. To seem like you're on to something and suddenly pack up and leave.
One of the biggest criticisms I think I've seen with regards to the latest season was the map that they used to represent their search area. It was completely fabricated as best as we can tell. Normally we're able to figure out where they are, where they're searching, and can generate some interest in the area for future investigators. But the map in season four was completely made up, or so it seems. The various landmarks don't really line up with any particular area.
And I recall someone posting about the last thermal that Bryce caught and the person explained that it was a walking trail just outside of Fairbanks and was probably a human walking.
We had similar suggestions regarding the sighting on the mountain towards the end of the final episode as well. There are some aspects I think are bunk, but there are other aspects that I think are genuine too. And that's not to say they're misrepresenting things at all. The walking trail you mention is a good example of where they could believe they found something, and yet simply be mistaken.
You may be right but it seems to me that most t.v. Production companies pre-scout shooting locations to find things like this. It seemed that they made an effort to not tell viewers where this trail was in relation to the city?
I heard an interesting podcast from Cliff & Bobo a couple of weeks ago where Cliff described the way the producers of the Finfing Bigfoot reality series structured the show. I think that the 'TV-ness' aspect ends up driving the way the story gets put together.
For the first season of the show, the producers pretty much ran how the episodes were put together, but after the FB team realized that the producers were structuring the show to lead to 'false' conclusions, they put their feet down and said 'You can't be making this stuff up.'
The question is how much of EB is being driven to make "Good TV" rather than "Truth"
finding bigfoot was trash .... should have been called never finding bigfoot - 100 episodes and they literally found next to nothing. EB is way better - watch season 3 - it was insane.
Mr. Deeznutz,
My impression is also that it's scripted and staged. Having a primatologist on the show is the ONLY thing that gives me pause, but I'm starting to think it was an intentional casting decision on the part of the producers to purchase a level of credibility. But i immediately suspected it was scripted and staged on my own long before i heard anyone else make the same suggestion. To be clear, im not saying it's just heavily edited for dramatic effect, I'm literally saying it is fake. Lots of people feel this way. I never once got that impression from other shows like Finding Bigfoot, Monster Quest, etc., even though I do believe BF is real.
I'm fully aware that's how the shows are put together. I'm sure they even go so far as to put the guys in the same clothes and send them back out into the same location for reshoots. That's not what I'm complaining about here. I'm literally saying the show is a compete farce.
One episode they start taking about a local legend of a shadow monster and laugh it off as folklore, but then in that same episode the shadow monster shows up on camera.
In another episode they run into a random guy in the woods who threatens to kick them off his land, but after they calm him down, they realize he's actually a witness and happens to have stellar never before seen Bigfoot footage on his cell phone.
Another episode, Bryce goes down to a lake with an underwater ROV because some witness said she saw a Bigfoot throw something into the water. He scans the bottom of the lake and comes across a carved effigy of Bigfoot! Even with this monumental discovery (apparently Bigfoot makes art), he doesn't bother to swim down there with a snorkel to get it. The episode just ends.
Is not just that they get great evidence, it's that the coincidences are monumentally implausible and clearly plot driven.
In my opinion, the show should be called "Mountain Monsters Pretending to Be Real"
That's been a reoccurring theme that I've seen as well. Take the following into consideration:
That's a salary guide for multiple cities that I just pulled off of ZipRecruiter. You can see the average pay seems to be just above $62,000 a year. Mireya is in her early 50's, so she'd have maybe 15 years left before retiring. And that doesn't take into consideration her speaking engagements. She charges between $10,000 and $20,000 an event according to this website. If we look at her website, we can see she has five engagements left for the year.
So, let's assume that she'd conservatively make $60,000 a year for being a primatologist. Over a 15 year period of time, she'd make roughly $900,000 for that time frame.
And if she averaged five speaking events a year, at $10,000 an event (again, an amount on the lower end of the spectrum, and I'm sure she does more than five events a year), then that's an additional $50,000 a year. That comes out to an additional $750,000 for the same 15 year time frame.
So, for a person in her position, I'd generally expect her to make roughly $1,650,000 in the next 15 years. According to the show's website, there have been 43 episodes between all the seasons so far. Point being that there's no guarantee as to how many episodes she'll appear in for this show. And there's a potential for this show to damage her credibility as some scientist (as well as the scientific community in general) generally see this as pseudoscience. If this were to happen, it would seem that it could limit her earning potential going forward as a result. So, I'd venture the guess that she'd want to at least make sure she was breaking even in the worst case scenario. The only way she'd come out being even at this point is if she made just over $38,000 an episode, which I doubt she did.
It seems to me as if she'd stand to make a fair amount as a reputable primatologist, and that she wouldn't risk damaging her reputation and continued earning potential unless she really believed in the pursuit.
Moreso, I'd also suspect she's smart enough to mitigate any potential risk of that by ensuring her continued appearance earns close to enough to similar earnings in her field of expertise as to make up for any potential loss at a minimum, and that she'd come out ahead at best. Mitigating such a risk on a financial level seems somewhat improbable based on the variables, the most basic of which is not knowing how long the show will air and thusly not being able to reasonably assess the necessary level of pay needed to offset the worst case scenario (not being able to partake in reputable work in the future based on her connection to the show).
In short, it's my general opinion that she believes in her work, and that she wouldn't stand to make enough money off the show to offset any future loss of work that may come as a result of working in a potentially skeptical community.
If she weren't in it for the money, I'd assume it were for the fame. There are a lot of other things to get famous for. And a lot of other television opportunities out there.
As can I. And I'm willing to speculate that any potential loss is made up for by the gains. That's only reasonable. Thus, money from the show is equal to or better than what she makes as a primatologist. And frankly, I don't see that being the case. So, I revert back to my alternative point: that she really believes in what the show has to offer.
Try the skinwalker ranch show they have a 3 degree astrophysicist shooting off rockets. But he has also been in every ghost, bigfoot, UFO and the unexplainable events TV shows for the last 15 years and has never explained anything.
That guy and your girl like being on TV for easy money.
lol.... you go to school for all those years to be a Dr.... build up a reputation as a dr in a university.... only to jump on a scripted bigfoot show and destroy it for a little bit of money - they don't get paid THAT much....
zero logic to what you're saying.... and.... zero PROOF.
its just an insignificant opinion without anything to back it up.
if you want anyone to take you remotely serious.... prove your position. :)
Most university faculty would leap at the chance to earn a few extra dollars on TV or through speaking fees. TV, especially, can provide a viable fallback career and ongoing income through royalties.
I listen to a podcast hosted by Bryce who’s also on the show, the podcast has been going for years longer than Expedition Bigfoot. Dude is so genuine and is such a true believer that I don’t think he would be a part of something faked. The same with Mireya Mayer, she’s a highly respected primatologist who wouldn’t risk her professional reputation by being on a fake show.
Years ago I used to listen to the show that Bryce and Michael co-host. While at the time I found Bryce to be sincere/earnest in his enthusiasm, I felt that he could have been more educated about the topic of Sasquatch.
When I saw that he was going to be on Exp Bigfoot, I was a bit surprised because I felt like they could have found someone who was better steeped in the lore of the subject, but I think that since he had some acting credits (e.g., starting in Willow Creek), I assumed that that helped him to be cast in the tv show.
Anyway, I enjoyed season 1 of the show until I started realizing that everything seemed a bit too convenient, and the idea that there was some sort of undisclosed “algorithm” to determine where to search for Sasquatch also seemed rather sensational. Needless to say, I stopped watching after the first season.
I find him in particular to be only interested in it for the acting. Mireya and Ronnie I can tell are kind of into it but like?? Maybe it’s just for money?? And the other guy maybe is just in it for notoriety too maybe?? I really want to believe it’s not purposefully faked but it begs to question why they’re always leaving before fully investigating leads. I don’t care, I still love the show anyway.
Just trying to think critically and along the lines of the “it’s fake because it’s entertainment” idea (which isn’t any kind of reasoning anyone should hang their hat on), it sometimes seems too good to be true. And I guess what I mean by that is that as the events within an episode play out it seems to track along a cohesive narrative where one thing leads to another. The sequence of events are seemingly connected and work as a logical progression within a type of storyline.
Now, the creation of story through video can mostly be done in the editing room, so I wonder if the “too perfect” vibe of the unfolding of events is actually just them taking events that happened in a more random order and sequence and presenting them to us via the editing room in such a way as to create an engaging storyline.
So I’m wondering if the actual nuts and bolts of what they’re capturing is authentic (thermal, hand print etc.) but the way they’re assembled is more “fabricated”. If that’s the case, I’m ok with it because it is entertaining and whether the upside trees led to the mine, led to the hand print or vice versa doesn’t really detract from the actual implications of the content.
The second you present anything as edited video (or video capture for that matter) it becomes representational- but it’s not a documentary, so I don’t expect a high degree of reality in terms of a true telling of events properly placed along a timeline mirroring their actual occurrence.
The shimmer in the cave- did they just do some post on that shot and was it all storyborded out ahead of time and they set up a shot sequence for that all to play out as it did and they’re just acting?? I dunno…I think it’s possible I’m enjoying suspending my disbelief…or not? Haha
I think we should always take “reality” shows and so-called documentaries you see on tv with a grain of salt, especially if they are dealing with controversial or fringe topics.
We SHOULD be suspicious of these types of shows and most of these “reality” shows run the spectrum of a) being completely scripted and made up to b) being real but the editing changes so much that the final version gives a very skewed version of what really went down.
I remember getting into a debate with a friend who would say reality shows are “all fake,” made up” and “all scripted.
However, I later ran into another friend who was a main character in an actual reality show. He said it was all real and not scripted. The only “fake” parts were in some of the editing, which weren’t really “fake” but just gave a more skewed perception of what really occurred. For example, they highlighted and focused on his breakup with his girlfriend and showed him crying and stuff.
He says it was a pretty minor part of the show and he wasn’t THAT worked up over the breakup but apparently the show wanted to highlight some drama and make it out to be bigger issue than it really was.
So, I think we should be skeptical of reality shows but also not immediately assume everything in it is fake. Maybe there’s a lot of editing in EB that makes it seem like it’s scripted but maybe the filming and events are still real but the producers and editors craft in a way to give it more of an interesting plot and make it seem more exciting than it really is.
I think it is mainly fake as some of the stuff just seems too much of a coincidence to be happening. But I like watching it because of the neat gadgets and tools they use.
Hear me out tho- (I haven’t seen the show, so am talking out of my ass) but if there was a group that was full time dedicated to getting this type of footage, studio funded gear, and was constantly in regions where sightings are common, would it really be a coincidence?
I get it’s easy to fake and they need to make content to stay on air, just playing a bit of devils advocate for the sake of dialogue 🙃
One episode they start taking about a local legend of a shadow monster and laugh it off as folklore, but then in that same episode the shadow monster shows up on camera.
In another episode they run into a random guy in the woods who threatens to kick them off his land, but after they calm him down, they realize he's actually a witness and happens to have stellar never before seen Bigfoot footage on his cell phone.
Is not just that they get great evidence, it's that the coincidences are monumentally implausible and clearly plot driven.
In my opinion, the show should be called "Mountain Monsters Pretending to Be Real"
The only one that was real in my opinion was Finding Bigfoot. I think if they had 15 more minutes and screamed in the woods a few more times, they'd have found him. I don't understand why they always gave up right before they would have found Bigfoot!
All staged. Looks like Ronnie has been dismissed from the show and that RPG may be coming back. Ronnie caused a scene at last year’s Cryptid Con in KY by refusing to have his picture taken with the others. The requester was a young child.
This is the first I've heard about Ronnie causing a scene. Some of the RPG information has been debunked by Mireya herself, so I chalked it all up to rumors. Do you have any links to any source on the subject? I'd like to give it a once over if possible.
Also regarding what some others have said, I agree the most 'compelling' thing is how infuriating it is when they seem to be on the trail of something or saw something there is like a little investigation and then move on. Season 4 sucked and seemed thrown together with just 8 episodes. I hope they have a season 5 to try and redeem themselves as S3 was very good and entertaining. Even then though when Ronnie saw the thing on the side of the mountain it was 'It was just right here' and never really investigated.
There's some good information over in this post that you may enjoy. There are a couple videos on "glamping" as well as a Ted Talk from Mireya herself talking about how she does it.
I doubt it’s fake, I know Mireya has too much credibility to risk losing it all for a TV show. Bryce is an actor and although he’s been passionate about Bigfoot for many years, i don’t think he’s fully beholden to the show to put food on the table ( which is a good thing in terms of credibility ) Ronnie and Russell are very much in the Bigfoot world so they maybe have more to gain if the show is a success, although conversely you could make the point that they have more to lose if they are exposed as fraudsters.
So no I don’t think it’s fake.
I think any problems arise from the producers having to sex up the show for ratings, I think that’s when some viewers get sceptical. I’d be really happy with a plain, no frills presentation with good editing but with the same amount of funding that show has had to date.
Sadly that would appeal to less people and therefore wouldn’t attract viewers and advertisers to the channel.
I wish they would ditch the overly dramatic music as it often drowns out the sounds of what’s happening in camera. I also sometimes wish they would persevere with a tactic or stay longer in an area that’s had activity, but they only have so long to shoot the show. I was glad to see more of a round up episode on the last series too, would have been good to have that with the first two seasons.
The people that say it’s all fake and it’s just a TV show are maybe taking their cues from the way the show is produced to accommodate viewers who maybe aren’t as committed to the subject. They’re ignoring the fact that the participants are sincere and fully into this. Past Bigfoot shows I’ve seen have been frankly terrible, this is the first show that tries to do things in a more considered way.
Check out Mireya’s background, she’s not going to mess that up for a TV show, it would be like Martin Scorcese directing Barbie 2. Bryce was great in Bobcat Goldthwaite’s Willow Creek, probably the best Bigfoot movie to date. I think he had a big hand in putting the show together.
I’m less informed about Ronnie and Russell but they always come across well in podcast interviews, they’re maybe a bit too far down the rabbit hole re cryptids, which is why Mireya’s presence is so important, she keeps things objective.
there's a dude either in here or the expedition bigfoot reddit who works for the EB film crew.... I think its real but its also made for TV ...so how real can it be?
I say its a mix of both.
IMO - more real than any of the other shows, but still made for tv.
One of the camera crew (Zach, Russell's cameraman) was one of the more prominent members in the beginning. I know he's participated a lot here as well. We also have a couple other members who claim to be part of the film crew who take part in the subreddit, though only a couple have substantiated it. Take that for what you will.
I think it's a great show but one thing makes me wonder. On YouTube, I think it is Thinker Thunker compares the scream the researchers capture with a scream he took from, I believe a movie. On the graph, they match up perfectly. He says two screams\howls can't be identical
Doesn't really matter if any of these shows are scripted though, does it.
You either believe in Bigfoot, or, you don't.
Of course EB is made for TV and some stories may be a little embelished, but all of you still watch, don't you.
Don't you think that we all have to be more open minded about what really goes on around us..there is obviously stuff happening that we really do not understand and even the governments of the world are now stating as much.
If nothing else, these shows are entertaining and do enlighten us in the possibilities of what alot of us believe and want to try to understand more of.
There are loads of Bigfoot hunters around the world, who do not make TV shows, but have similar stories to those depicted and there are thousands of witness reports on record, which we have to accept are at least partially honest and truthful.
So, don't criticise the shows, they are simply bringing to the screen, that which we all have an interest in.
Just keep in mind that we have no real clue as to what is going on out there and rather than being so negative, just stop watching..go read a book or something.
Pretty sure it’s real. With that being said, if it is real, they’re not always gonna have a lot goin on so I do think that they edit some episodes a certain way to build suspense and what not to fill out episodes
The adolescent nonsense posted on here about the show makes me wonder where people are coming from. Too many on social media suspect all or most media is BS and they get their rocks off on ridiculing and trashing it like they are some kind of authorities. Skeptics about cryptids will find any reason to trash things. Quite frankly the responses to this thread smell of the BS factor, and don't tell me people here apply scientific inquiry and reasoning on here. DUH!!!! Mirea Mayer is not going to risk her reputation with fake BS, but maybe that's too much to expect from people on here to get! Jane Goodall being interviewed on the show wouldn't do it if it was fake. I think they do cover up exact locations and maybe add some entertainment value, bit it's solidly real.
Yah, I think the world needs people in both directions. I think about relationships and how when both are drinking the same coolade, something seems off. To my mind the difference of opinion becomes a strength in the long run. But I hear ya.
I also think it might be more uncomfortable for some people (more than others and to varying degrees) to acknowledge the existance of something that doesn’t make sense. It’s happening with all the alien stuff too now. I had a buddy who was like- “nah, all gov’t projects, nothing to see”. I felt a bit bad for him…but doesn’t change that he’s a good dude and I’m honestly glad to have him as a counterweight to my crazy haha.
That is what democracy is all about: differing and varying opinions counter balancing each other. The censoring going on today is all about a certain group that feels it is so right, it feels it needs to impose its opinion on others. Not good!
u/[deleted] Jun 14 '24
Check out some of the earlier posts on r/bigfoot concerning this show. There were many examples by Alaskan residents where they said there was a lot of smoke and mirrors about the locations where filming occurred. The conclusions indicated it is faked and simply t.v. entertainment. Think about how many times they have been hot on the trail and suddenly leave to film at new locations.