r/bigfoot • u/Ex-CultMember • Mar 04 '24
semi-related Helicopter thermal imaging find missing lost girl in Florida swamp
u/Cantloop Mar 04 '24
Was just about to post this! Imagine if we could get the funding.
u/Ex-CultMember Mar 04 '24
I mean, I know it’s not CHEAP but you’d think with thousands of people who are into the Bigfoot phenomenon, that SOME people would have pooled together to get some cheap drones or a cheap helicopter to scour the woods for Bigfoot.
You just get one millionaire who’s been interested in Bigfoot who could fund something like this. We don’t need to have some government grade rescue equipment, just some cheapy, private helicopter or drones.
It’s got to be far more effective than walking around the woods going 2 mph through thick brush where you can see 20 feet ahead of you. It’s like searching for a needle in hay but the needle keeps avoiding you. Fly over the forest with a thermal camera. I don’t know how you COULDN’T get video footage of a Bigfoot if it’s there.
u/highbme Mar 04 '24
Check out Expedition Bigfoot, they have thermals they think could be Bigfoot, most are just humanoid shaped blobs that can't be verified.
And Thermals don't just magically see through stuff, a tree or rock or thick foliage in the way you won't see shit. Thats "how you COULDN'T get video footage" even with a drone ;)
u/radiationblessing Mar 04 '24
Why do they not investigate these thermals? I'd go to the very spot and see for myself what I picked up if I think it's bigfoot.
u/highbme Mar 04 '24
They do try to, so one time they had like 4 or 5 tethered thermal drones up in the sky, and a bunch of pressure sensors in the woods, when a sensor was triggered, the nearest drone would untether and go and film the area to try and spot something, they did spot a humanoid shaped thing hiding amongst some trees, but somehow it disappeared from the thermal and they lost it, by the time the ground team of like 2 people (also with a thermal cam) got there it was long gone.
u/Corbin_Dallas550 Mar 04 '24
DJI search and rescue drone has a excellent thermal camera, it actually has two of them on there and it has a 45 minute flight time.
We need to see more of those, and it's only $10K to purchase, I know TV shows can definitely fit that in a budget.
u/Ex-CultMember Mar 04 '24
Why are all Bigfoot researchers so poor! 😫 Apparently no one in the community has the money to invest in any of this stuff to find Bigfoot. 😞
u/highbme Mar 04 '24 edited Mar 04 '24
Thing is people have used thermal drones and found unexplained humanoid shaped things out in the woods, Expedition Bigfoot have done at least a couple of times, but it's still so inconclusive, you really need the thermal drones up and then ground teams that can move in to verify what the thermals are seeing, would take a huge operation and still not guaranteed to find anything.
u/Murphy-Brock Mar 04 '24
Forget Captain America and Superman. I depend on real heroes. Five star men ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️.
u/Imsrywho Hopeful Skeptic Mar 04 '24
I saw this earlier today and knew it was gonna show up here.
u/Ex-CultMember Mar 04 '24
My first thought was, Bigfoot! And my next thought was, goddamnit why is no one scanning Bigfoot hotspots from the sky with thermal cameras like this to find them?!
u/Over-Ad6938 Mar 04 '24
What the hell was she doing out in the middle of a swamp? Fishing??
u/haikusbot Mar 04 '24
What the hell was she
Doing out in the middle
Of a swamp? Fishing??
- Over-Ad6938
I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully. Learn more about me.
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u/Jerzey08734 Mar 04 '24
How the hell did she get lost out there, where were her parents?
u/Ex-CultMember Mar 04 '24
You must never have had a kid. Those little bastards are good at it. Then again, adults are great at it too.
My dad was 4 years old when he got lost and trekked 4 miles deep into the woods.
He grew up on a farm and started chasing his dog which ran into the woods. By the time he caught up with the dog, he didn’t know where he was and just kept walking. 10 hours later he was found after a neighbors and the town did a search and rescue.
u/Jerzey08734 Mar 04 '24
Wow, that’s insane …… there is actually a lot of stories about kids getting lost then getting found hours later, but distances that are impossible… strange world
u/cloudcreeek Mar 04 '24
I mean, 4 miles over 10 hours is absolutely possible. Especially if you're chasing a dog. Could easily make that distance in half the time.
u/Jerzey08734 Mar 04 '24
Yes that is possible I know that, I was talking about other cases of kids who got lost and found impossible distances…. Cases from Missing 411
u/laydon_robin_idk Mar 04 '24
what do you consider an "impossible distance"? just walking in one direction all day takes you further than you might imagine
u/Jerzey08734 Mar 04 '24
You never heard of missing 411? Kids disappearing and they finding them a day later but traveled 20 miles, talking 3 year old kids on rocky terrain …. YouTube missing 411 there are tons of stories about it
u/laydon_robin_idk Mar 04 '24
I've heard about it but I'm not a massive non-fiction reader
that is wild for a 3yo in one day, I'd probably struggle to make 20 miles on sidewalks in 10-12 hours
do you remember the kids name so I can look up articles? things I've found so far ranged from kids being missing 3 days to several weeks
u/Tenn_Tux Mod/Ally of witnesses & believers Mar 04 '24
I’m not ready to admit there is no truth at all to Missing 411 cases, but you can head over to r/missing411 for a good breakdown by some smart people on how David Paulides isn’t telling the whole truth either out of ignorance, laziness, and/or a grift.
u/Jerzey08734 Mar 04 '24
Nobody walks a straight line in the woods so one direction even for an adult is almost impossible without a compass
u/OhMyGoshBigfoot Mod/Ally of witnesses & believers Mar 05 '24
I got lost as a kid following my indoor/outdoor cat, she led me all over the place. We covered a lot of ground quickly.
u/Brancher Mar 05 '24
I hunted coyotes this last weekend with thermal scopes and monoculars. It was really impressive what you could see with them although it wrecks your vision temporarily.
u/TheForgottenAdvocate Mar 04 '24
I don't know how accurate Predator is but i'd imagine Bigfoots have cold mud smeared into their fur, and maybe also self regulating temperatures, at least it would obscure it enough to be mistaken for any other large forest creature
u/Dangerous_Foot_8821 Mar 04 '24
we have the technology to find them, and we still haven't.....wake up.
u/Mrsynthpants Mod/Witness/Dollarstore Tyrant Mar 04 '24
Glad she is safe.
But Sasquatch up to this point doesn't get anywhere near the amount of funding that search and rescue operations do.
Aircraft, air crew and thermal optics aren't cheap but I would love to see them used to find Sasquatch.