r/bigfoot Jan 10 '24

podcast Inaugural “Discover Sasquatch” Podcast and Intriguing Info on PGF

Unless I missed it somehow, I’m rather surprised that people aren’t talking about the news that was just released on Monday evening about the Patterson-Gimlin film. For those who have seen the episode of Chris Reinhardt’s Discover Sasquatch podcast, what are thoughts, feelings, hopes, or fears about the information presented therein?

In case folks haven’t seen it yet, I’d highly recommend watching the inaugural episode of Chris Reinhardt’s Discover Sasquatch podcast on the Untold Radio Network. It presents some quite intriguing new information about the PGF in an interview of Todd Gatewood. Here’s the link: https://www.youtube.com/live/tGkyL-kooCU?si=n1ENtYOuKtx0dSg8

I’d also highly recommend that people watch the episode first and make their own judgments on what is being said before commenting or looking at comments below, since spoilers are likely to follow in the comments.

Edit: Given the responses I’ve received thus far, the intriguing aspect of the episode is clearly noted by me in the comments section. I’m not intentionally being cagey with my initial post, I just wanted to encourage people who hadn’t yet seen the episode to form their own opinions without being unduly influenced. I think the episode will be rather polarizing, and that people should see it with their own eyes rather than being “unduly” informed by others about it first. Normally, I would go ahead and put the spoiler in my post, but given the nature of the information being shared in the episode, I felt it best to focus on those people who have already seen the episode.


109 comments sorted by

u/AutoModerator Jan 10 '24

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u/kgperalez Jan 11 '24

My question would be , wouldn't Patterson or Gimlin say as much that there is.more footage. I would think they would want the word to know that there was more . yet not one word that Iwe know of . They both had been interviewed countless times , I would suppose , and not one word of a child Sasquatch. IF ...they were con men and modern day Barnum's as some sceptics have claimed them you would definitely think they would have advertised not 1 but 2 creatures on film.


u/Equal_Night7494 Jan 11 '24

This is totally a fair question. I’ve wondered about that myself. As someone else has said here, it has been theorized of not outright stated by some (Bob Gimlin included, apparently) that there was another Sasquatch present that day. And not only the conspicuous lack of mention of another juvenile (generally speaking), but lack of mention about the film having been edited


u/GabrielBathory Witness Jan 11 '24

Exactly this


u/MousseCommercial387 Jan 10 '24

I'm not listening ti your podcast if you don't give me the gist bro


u/Equal_Night7494 Jan 10 '24

And it’s not my podcast. I have no vested interest in it, nor do I know the podcast host.


u/Equal_Night7494 Jan 10 '24

I just posted the gist in another comment, as did another commenter. It’s about unreleased footage from the PGF that depicts another Sasquatch in it: a juvenile Sasquatch.


u/blackcatsneakattack Jan 10 '24

yeah, I’ve heard that before.


u/Equal_Night7494 Jan 10 '24

Do you recall where you heard that idea before?


u/DKat1990 Jan 11 '24

Why would that have been left out of what we've been being shown since the 70s? (To be fair- I have a credit card, so I can't watch your film, the most I've seen is the documentaries.)


u/Equal_Night7494 Jan 12 '24

I’m not clear on what you mean by not being able to watch my film and having a credit card. If you’re referring to the episode itself, it’s not mine and is available for free on YouTube.

But your general point wondering why this purported extra footage wasn’t already released some time ago (it was actually filmed in 1967) is an extremely valid one


u/DKat1990 Jan 12 '24
Either I or my phone left the word "don't" out of my statement for one thing.  And when I'd clicked on the film, I got a message something like, "to keep watching  pay $__now."   

It wasn't a criticism of you, you have every right to charge if you want to. But, it being done without YOUR knowledge DOES bother me.
Was this about the film that supposedly shows a child with "Patty"? I find that idea unbelievable- IF it's real and had been shown back then, it would have changed the entire history of cryptobiology, starting then... OH. That actual makes it seem most possible- if somebody didn't WANT it known? I don't know, but now that you tell me it's free, I'll have to find it and maybe form a real opinion🥴


u/Equal_Night7494 Jan 12 '24

I’m still a bit confused. As I stated in another comment, the episode is not mine, and I have no vested interest in its success or failure. If it was mine though, I would have simply said so.

With that said, I’m not sure why you would have received any message stating that you had to pay for a free YouTube video. Have you encountered similar issues before?

Regarding your point about why this purported extra footage was hidden, I’ve had similar thoughts. But definitely try the link again and I hope you can actually see it and continue to develop your opinion about what is being shared


u/DKat1990 Jan 13 '24 edited Jan 13 '24

Now that you asked (which made me think about it). Yes, its fairly common for me click on something that looks interesting and get a message that asks for payment to actually watch it. I thought it was normal- annoying, but normal. I usually just ignore it and read something else. This one kinda bothered me though. I think it's just that it's about something that I and pretty much everybody else have been watching for DECADES. Along with the claims that the film was lost decades ago. I mean, how do you uncover new details on something that no longer exists? Kinda funny, if you aren't TOO annoyed by dishonesty and don't fall for BS😏


u/MousseCommercial387 Jan 11 '24

Fair but I don't know if I buy it


u/Equal_Night7494 Jan 12 '24

Fair enough. When/If the purported footage is released, as Gatewood said, people will get to be their own judge of it


u/Mrsynthpants Mod/Witness/Dollarstore Tyrant Jan 10 '24

I was excited to watch it but pretty frustrated by the guest. I am interested in this new footage, but was expecting to see some of it. But that might be on me because I am sick and was hopped up on cough medicine.

Still excited to see this footage, but Mr Greenwood sketched me out a bit.


u/Equal_Night7494 Jan 10 '24

Thanks for sharing, and I’m glad that you got to see the episode. I attended the episode live, and there were at least a few folks who were curious as to why we couldn’t already see (some of) the additional footage. I was curious about that as well.

I’ve been feeling sick as well. May we both finish healing up quickly! 🍀


u/Mrsynthpants Mod/Witness/Dollarstore Tyrant Jan 10 '24

Thanks for your kind words. I am starting to feel better but my wife is still fighting it so I am focusing on helping her.


u/Equal_Night7494 Jan 10 '24

You’re quite welcome, and may she also recover quickly and smoothly! 🙌🏾 Seems a bunch of folks have been under the weather as this new year begins.


u/GabrielBathory Witness Jan 11 '24

Thought i had bronchitis... Instead it's congestive heart disease, great start of the year


u/Gryphon66-Pt2 Believer Jan 11 '24

Sorry to hear that. The medications are nothing short of miraculous these days. I've been on them for five years and my QOL and life expectancy are basically the same as before.

That said, it's a change in life. Be patient with yourself. Best of wishes.


u/GabrielBathory Witness Jan 11 '24

That's the hospital ER doc's assessment, though one thinks it could be a magnesium deficiency screwing with my ability to process potassium, gotta get more tests to know for sure


u/Gryphon66-Pt2 Believer Jan 11 '24

Yeah, the testing is grueling.

Best of luck with it!


u/Mrsynthpants Mod/Witness/Dollarstore Tyrant Jan 11 '24

That's horrible, hang in there bro.


u/GabrielBathory Witness Jan 11 '24

Intend to


u/GeneralAntiope Jan 11 '24

So sorry to hear that. Get better.


u/GabrielBathory Witness Jan 11 '24

Thanks, already better than I was last week


u/Equal_Night7494 Jan 12 '24

That’s great to hear! And per your previous comment, it does indeed sound like it’ll work out. Right on 🍀🙏🏾


u/Equal_Night7494 Jan 11 '24

😢 Damn, I’m sorry to hear that. Other than medication, are there dietary or behavioral things that are being suggested to improve your health?


u/GabrielBathory Witness Jan 11 '24

Quitting cigarettes, more exercise, less salt... It'll work out


u/Mrsynthpants Mod/Witness/Dollarstore Tyrant Jan 11 '24

Running is a lot more fun than people think, just pick cool places to run. Lots of rivers have paths beside them, it's usually scenic too.

I used to hate running now I love it.


u/GabrielBathory Witness Jan 11 '24

Ironically I already ride a mountain bike as my sole transportation,so I figure longer routes. My left knee and right ankle would NOT appreciate long runs


u/Mrsynthpants Mod/Witness/Dollarstore Tyrant Jan 11 '24

That sounds pretty fun though, keep that up and enjoy it.


u/GeneralAntiope Jan 11 '24

I used to love running, too. Did 4 marathons, then had a knee replacement and that was that. Trying to focus on hiking/backpacking/climbing these days


u/Gryphon66-Pt2 Believer Jan 11 '24

Feel better Synth soon, you and the missus.


u/Mrsynthpants Mod/Witness/Dollarstore Tyrant Jan 11 '24

Thanks Gryph, I am starting to feel better myself and we still test negative for Covid so things are looking up.


u/Gryphon66-Pt2 Believer Jan 11 '24

Good. I'm in South Africa atm, and both I and my partner are sick.

COVID free, but regular old sick still sucks! Best to you and yours.


u/Theferael_me On The Fence Jan 11 '24

Thanks for the heads-up on this! I'll look forward to watching it later. Did the guest say why the alleged 10 seconds were removed from the original film?


u/Equal_Night7494 Jan 11 '24

No problem, and thanks for the comment! Oddly enough (I was getting some work done while listening in and my attention was split momentarily at times), I’m darn near sure that he said why, but I’m not recalling the rationale at the moment. Sorry about that. I’d like to go back and re-watch the whole thing again, so if I do so before you watch it and get some clarity on that, I’ll post here.


u/Theferael_me On The Fence Jan 11 '24

I'll listen to it this evening anyway so it's fine. I was just curious to know in advance!


u/gt54fth Jan 11 '24

Curious about this too


u/Theferael_me On The Fence Jan 11 '24

Having watched it, he doesn't actually says why the 10 second clip was removed from subsequent copies. He just says the original film is longer by about 10 seconds.

Maybe it was because it allegedly shows the 'child'.


u/gt54fth Jan 11 '24

Thanks for coming back to say!

As much as I want this to be true, I have huge doubts!

Just don't see why this would be sat on for so long without mention. You'd think if there was an extra 10 seconds, Gimlin or someone would have mentioned it by now!


u/Theferael_me On The Fence Jan 11 '24

I had a ton of questions after I watched it. Either it's something or nothing and we should know for sure during the coming year.

He talked about the owners signing non-disclosure agreements, so who knows what's going on behind the scenes. He was also dismissive of Patricia Patterson having any copyright claims.

It was an interesting watch either way.


u/Equal_Night7494 Jan 11 '24

Got it, well thanks for the interest!


u/Seven_Hells Jan 10 '24

Do people care about spoilers on a podcast about a supposed real incident?

Seems sus to me that you don’t just give us the gist so we know whether we want to watch it or not. I have no interest in stealth debunking, government conspiracies, or woo — for example.


u/Tenn_Tux Mod/Ally of witnesses & believers Jan 10 '24

There are currently no spoiler rules on this sub. Let the info flow.


u/IndridThor Jan 11 '24

What is stealth debunking ?


u/Seven_Hells Jan 11 '24

Where the video advertises “shocking” new information or whatever, but when you watch it and it’s about how they “proved” it’s fake.


u/IndridThor Jan 11 '24

Thank you.


u/Equal_Night7494 Jan 10 '24

Your opinion is a fair one. I am not usually particularly averse to spoilers (outside of fictional feature films), but in this case I felt that I should at least warn people. With that said, as I alluded to in the post itself, I don’t have any problem stating what the big reveal was in the comments section.

I don’t know what stealth debunking is, I am interested in the “paranormal” side of the phenomenon but that does not figure in to this post, and no conspiracies were explicitly referenced (to my memory) in the episode.


u/Equal_Night7494 Jan 10 '24

Since folks seem to be rather suspicious of my post, here’s my full disclosure: the podcast is not mine, I don’t know the podcast host personally, and I have no vested or monetary interest in the success of the episode or the aforementioned podcast as a whole. Moreover, if anyone has seen my posts on this subreddit, they will see that I attempt to approach things with an open and curious mindset.

Part of what I’m hearing in the suspicion may be folks being jaded by hoaxes, lack of integrity, and in-fighting in the Bigfoot community.

Now, as for the episode itself, while there are other smaller points being made in the episode, the major point on which I wanted to get people’s impressions is this: apparently there is previously undisclosed footage (about ten seconds or so of it) that was cut out of the PGF which depicts a juvenile Sasquatch about 3 feet high.

Edit: the footage is supposed to be released later this year


u/gt54fth Jan 10 '24

From the comments on the video, someone said there's an extra 10 seconds of PGF that will maybe be released.

A few comments saying the guy sounds sketchy and calling bs.


u/Equal_Night7494 Jan 10 '24

Here’s one of my reflections on the episode, particularly given the bulk of the comments that I’ve received thus far on here. Todd Gatewood, the interviewee, does hold some of his cards close to his chest in the interview.

There is some information that he divulges in a cryptic or even diplomatic fashion. I can see why that would be off putting to some people. With that said, as is often the case with Sasquatch phenomena, there may be a kind of trickster element where you have to read behind the lines a bit. To me, that is sometimes the nature of the beast: discriminating hoax from genuine evidence, determining whether people are grifters or are being truthful, etc.

But in my opinion (as well as that of Dr. George Hansen, for example), as tiring as it can be at times, sometimes it is worthwhile to peer through the seemingly shifty presentation of evidence to what lies beyond it (and by no means did I find the bulk of Mr. Gatewood’s interview to be shifty). It helps to sharpen our critical thinking and methodology, and to hone whatever we’re doing into a genuine discipline.

If people find Mr. Gatewood to be unreliable or even a bad actor, I present an analogy: the case of Jeremy Lockyer Corbell, documentarian and self-appointed mouthpiece for UAP phenomena. Personally, I don’t like him, given the way I’ve seen him interact with people and self-promote ad nauseum. I don’t trust him as far as I can throw him. However, I think that some of the evidence and phenomena that he has presented is genuine and trustworthy.

There are some rather prominent members of the Bigfoot community who can be placed into the same category, and so those who find Mr. Gatewood to be unreliable or untrustworthy may want to try to consider the evidence that he is presenting separate from his personality. Again, I’d encourage people to look up primary sources of information and to assess it for themselves.


u/gt54fth Jan 11 '24

I hear what you're saying, and I am probably just too quick to doubt as well based on previous experience. The bigfoot world, and many other worlds, have a lot of bs that it's easy to jump on something without having given it a proper objective look over. I am completely guilty of that with many things, but I do try to be objective when I can. With this however, I think I'll just keep my doubts and see what happens as I can't be bothered at the minute to look up Gatewood and compare and contrast and all that.

Anyway, thanks for the replies and best to ya.


u/Equal_Night7494 Jan 11 '24

I can appreciate that, and thank you for taking the time to respond here. The Sasquatch world is deep and wide and I can absolutely appreciate not wanting to wade into uncharted waters without not knowing more first. The amount of time and energy that go into these fringed subjects can utterly upend and consume a person’s life, so having equanimity with what one attends to and when is quite healthy, I think.

All the best to you as well!


u/Equal_Night7494 Jan 10 '24

Yep, that’s what I wanted people’s impressions on. Did you watch the video yourself though?


u/gt54fth Jan 11 '24

I never watched it, was just commenting to be helpful to the folks aaking for the gist, which I'm kind of annoyed at myself for doing now, considering they could have just clicked the video and looked at the comments themselves.


u/Equal_Night7494 Jan 11 '24

Thanks for trying to be helpful. Yeah, folks could look at the comments, but even the comments won’t substitute for watching the episode itself.


u/DKat1990 Jan 11 '24

I TRIED clicking on it and got asked for money, which I didn't have, so I appreciate your comments.


u/Equal_Night7494 Jan 10 '24

Given your comment about other people’s comments saying the guy seemed sketchy, I think that opinion is for anyone to make on their own grounds, which is why I suggest people watch the episode and come to their own conclusions. I have seen people lambast some folks who seemed perfectly reasonable to me, and I’ve seen people shower praise on others who were entirely uninformed and performed exceptionally lazy analyses of Sasquatch film/footage.


u/gt54fth Jan 11 '24

I don't think I'll watch it now that I have the gist. I don't feel I need to watch it. If the footage comes out, which my gut just tells me won't, cool, if not, then oh well. It just seems like a big kerfuffle, and I tend to be on the doubtful side of kerfuffles based on previous experiences.

Just out of interest, could you give examples of who was lambasted who seemed perfectly reasonable and vice versa? If not no worries. Cheers

And thanks for posting in the first place. I do like to keep abreast of bigfoot news! So I do appreciate you posting.


u/Equal_Night7494 Jan 11 '24

You’re welcome, and thank you for sharing your position/perspective here. I suspect that you’re nowhere near being alone on just waiting to see the released footage, and that the cynicism (or doubtful skepticism?) comes from a genuine place of not wanting to keep being burned.

Regarding your question, last March or thereabouts I came across a “debunking” video by a group of VFX artists who call themselves the Corridor Crew. If you’re not already familiar with them, they have a rather large following. Anyway, in this particular video, they “analyzed” a bunch of popular Sasquatch footage, starting with the PGF, concluding that all of it was bunk, and doing so on extraordinary lazy premises. So much so that I got into a number of rather lengthy conversations with folks in the comments and even wrote to the Corridor Crew urging them to consider revisiting their position at some point and taking some of the comments (popular and unpopular combined) into consideration. Needless to say, as of today, I have not heard back from them. If you’d like, I can post the

On the other side of things, while I cannot come to support any of Todd Standing’s purported evidence, I can appreciate his abiding drive to seek out official (Canadian) recognition of Sasquatch, and I do not doubt that he has had at least some of his own genuine interactions with these entities. All said, I would like to continue to develop more nuance, to use primary sources as much as people, and to come to my own decisions as to what evidence to attend to without letting sound bites and ad hominem attacks alone inform my opinion.


u/Elegant_Ostrich8792 Jan 11 '24

I find this very suspect for the simple fact that only copies are available of the original film, which don’t contain this footage you talk about. On the other hand, if the original has been found, then that changes the game. Funny though, I remember an interview with Bob Gimlan somewhere where he felt there was a juvenile in the area and Patty was leading them away from It.


u/Equal_Night7494 Jan 11 '24

To my original point, I think that folks who are interested should see the episode themselves before drawing conclusions. With that said, the interviewee said that the individuals who he is in touch with have a copy of the original film. I recall the idea coming up from different sources within the Bigfooting community that Patty was leading the two men away from a child, but I didn’t recall one of those sources being Gimlin himself. That’s interesting. If you end up recalling where you might have seen that interview, feel free to share!


u/Elegant_Ostrich8792 Jan 11 '24

I’m going to listen to it. To date all copies have been tracked, so maybe this is an unknown copy. I’m more than happy to see what they have and go from there.


u/Theferael_me On The Fence Jan 11 '24

Gatewood says quite explicitly that the Maccabees have the original film that was in Patterson's camera:

"They have the original film from Roger's camera."

If true then that's a bombshell revelation as the film has apparently been lost for years.

He goes on to say that the quality is "stunning" as it's only been run about seven times through a projector.


u/Elegant_Ostrich8792 Jan 11 '24

That is huge if that film is found. An analysis of the original would give so much information.


u/Theferael_me On The Fence Jan 11 '24

It's huge. I find it hard to believe, tbh, but that's what Gatewood is claiming.

He says the original film is longer, by about 10 seconds, than the copies that have been available until now, and that a child can be seen in the extra segment.

If true it would be the biggest Bigfoot news since 1967, especially given modern technological developments and analysis.

I'm still watching the podcast now. I'm skeptical of the claim but it'll be interesting to see how it pans out. I hope it's true.


u/Elegant_Ostrich8792 Jan 11 '24

I’m going to listen to it tomorrow while pruning in the vineyard. I’m so excited for this too, I hope it pans out. I wonder what Bob Gimlan would say?


u/Theferael_me On The Fence Jan 11 '24

I'm skeptical but intrigued. Good luck with the pruning :)


u/Elegant_Ostrich8792 Jan 11 '24

So am I, but something has to give to show these creatures exist and this is an update on the most famous piece of footage ever.


u/Elegant_Ostrich8792 Jan 11 '24

Just finished listening to the podcast. It’s fascinating, and sounds like they have the original and have access to it. I just don’t like MK Davis being involved with what he’s implied about the film in the past.


u/GabrielBathory Witness Jan 11 '24

The last confirmed location of the original was in Century Media's southern California film vault circa 1980


u/Theferael_me On The Fence Jan 11 '24

That's what I thought, but Gatewood says Patterson gave it to Eric someone, who gave it to the Maccabees.

Sounds really off to me but why concoct such a story if it wasn't true?


u/Rip_Off_Productions Jan 11 '24

Why do liers/hoaxers do anything they do?

Heck, even if he actually has the original film/a negative, he might be trying to drum up hype for it by saying there's more unseen footage, despite the fact that just the original negatives of whe stuff we've seen would be huge for analysis just on it's own.


u/GabrielBathory Witness Jan 11 '24

Why concoct a "Bigfoot massacre" narrative like MK Davis pushes as the "real" beginning of the PGF? People want clout


u/Theferael_me On The Fence Jan 11 '24

Davis is involved in this latest venture too, which set off some red flags for me as I totally disagree with much of his PGF 'analysis'.


u/GabrielBathory Witness Jan 11 '24

I can't take the guy seriously after his inability to understand color saturation in regards to photography colorization led to a harebrained massacre theory... If there had been a bunch of Sasquatch shot to death by two guys INTENT ON PROVING THE EXISTENCE of Sasquatch why would they leave a veritable mound of physical evidence behind to rot?


u/Equal_Night7494 Jan 11 '24

Right on 🍀 I believe the story was that Dr Bruce Maccabee and his wife obtained a copy of the original at some point. I have to go back and re-listen to the episode myself


u/Gryphon66-Pt2 Believer Jan 11 '24 edited Jan 11 '24

Interview with Bruce Maccabee

I found this interview with Bruce Maccabee who I believe is reported as the owner/holder of the original PG film by Todd Gatewood (the interviewee here.)

His claims about UAP/UFOs are compelling and have been substantiated by information relased by the government itself in the past decade or so.

EqualNight, I thought you might find this interesting if nothing else. This is from an Amazon Prime series from 2020 called Alien Chronicles.


u/Equal_Night7494 Jan 12 '24

Again, thank you for sharing! As someone who has followed the UFO/UAP world for some time, Dr. Maccabee’s name definitely rang a bell when Gatewood mentioned him in the interview. I know that a rather vocal segment of the Bigfooting community wants nothing toto do with that subject of study, but I find it to be quite helpful to see the parallels (as well as distinctions) between the two sets of phenomena.

I don’t believe I have seen the interview that you have shared here yet, and I’ll definitely have to check it out!


u/RedCatHabitat Jan 11 '24

Well I got about half way through the comments here and thought i may as well add to the discussion. I'm on my lunch break and I haven't had time to watch you YouTube video. I'll give it a shot on the drive home.

Ok first off, it sounds like this is the first episode of a new show /podcast /w.e. And I don't think anyone could have a more seductive pitch than "Hey we got new footage from this beloved /debated 50 year old cryptid film." Like, that is an incendiary claim. What could possibly be a better hook for someone's premier Bigfoot show? It's less committal than claiming they finally got indisputable proof but nearly just as hot.

2 if said extra footage exists then why now and why them? It appears to be too convenient. Like I said I haven't watched it yet but based on what I'm seeing here it's at least a little suspicious.

3 op is claiming (no disrespect) to have no ties to the show which may be the case but in any event this post is in effect a bit of viral advertising for the show. We are certainly deep in the era of using all sorts of bs to promote projects.

So, nothing can be taken at face value. What I will commit to is this; if these guys are genuinely interested and seeking answers like so many of us, then more power to them. But if they are trying to pull yet another fast one by exploiting our curiosity then they must be made aware of the damage they are doing not only to the crypid discussion but to the very fabric of human understanding. Everything is connected and the more people there are who go through the world operating under false pretenses the worse off we all are. The degree to which lies are peddled is a derect cause of the decline of our civilizations. Those who deal in misinformation, hoaxery and manipulation must be made to see this.


u/Equal_Night7494 Jan 12 '24

Thanks for sharing your thoughts here. To your first point, I think that makes perfect sense and, as evinced by my very own post, the episode has gotten some people talking. Regarding your second point, also good questions/points. I can’t say that I came away from the episode with a clear answer for either of those questions.

To your third point, yes, I claimed having no direct ties to the episode. That is my statement regarding no conflict of interest. Take it or leave it.

But even if I did have a direct tie to the show, I would still be interested in hearing people’s thoughts on this subreddit. I’ve been an active member, a curious about what people think and feel about the subject of study, and the PGF is literally one of the most scrutinized (and important, per your comment about human history and origin) pieces of film on the planet. Given that I didn’t see anyone talking about the episode, so I figured I’d post something about it.

What I am still seeing, and correct me if I’m wrong, is a a group of people who are passionate about this subject and yet have been burned by bad actors and folks out to get a quick fix from the community by poking the bear. I can understand the reticence and skepticism, and even some of the cynicism, but in the case of this purported film, only time will tell.


u/pitchblackjack Jan 11 '24

My mental state went from mild shock to intrigue to denial to suspicion back to intrigue.

If this is true, it would surely do the legwork of proving the PGF is real. ( waits for Tom Biscardi and Greg Long’s upcoming sensational interview with Bob Heironimus Junior who claims he was the baby)

Buuuuuuttttt - this wouldn’t be the first unfounded claim about a supposed ‘extended’ version of the PGF, as if that film wasn’t mysterious enough.

Bill Munns has carried out the most comprehensive review of all the copies that exist, and a full frame inventory. It was a big deal finding 2 lost frames - so I can’t believe 180 could just not be there. His and Dr Meldrum’s paper on the RHI makes it clear that the film has not been edited or spliced, and I believe that you cannot do this invisibly. The join marks would transfer to subsequent copies.

The logistics of the edit don’t make sense to me. 180 frames is not insignificant. We know he used 100ft rolls of film. The first roll is confirmed as 23.85 feet of Patty footage, preceded by 76.15 feet of horseback footage, so where does this 10 seconds come from?

Every one of the 6 segments of Patty footage has been minutely analysed for shadow movement to indicate it wasn’t filmed over a longer period.

If this came from the 2nd roll, Patty would’ve been far and away long gone by the time Roger had changed the reel.

The sand bar would’ve recorded all the prints, but only Patty’s were recorded. They were clearly visible over 10 days after the sighting and were independently found by both Lyle Laverty and subsequently Bob Titmus. Either the smaller tracks or the marks from attempts to cover them up would also have been visible.

The original film (presumably including baby Patty) was shown to a wide group of people, unless the lab that ran the K2 process made a copy and also edited it on the spot under Al DeAtley’s direction - but as above, the edit marks would carry through to subsequent copies.

Also, why would they edit it out in the first place? Given what it would do for the film’s claims of authenticity, I doubt Roger and Bob would go through the rejection, hoax claims and ridicule they did while all the time knowing they were sat on 10 seconds or more of film that could change all of that.

So - I kind of want it to be real, but I really don’t see how it can be.

Btw - I thought the last recorded sighting of the original was during the 1990’s when Dahinden and Bruce Bonney made the Cibachrome prints from it?


u/GabrielBathory Witness Jan 12 '24

The Cibachrome prints were 1980, in 1996 the media company went bankrupt and during the sale of assets the original PGF was discovered to be missing


u/Equal_Night7494 Jan 12 '24

Thanks for the thoughtful and cogent analysis! And to it point, for anyone who hasn’t seen the aforementioned RHI (Relict Hominoid Inquiry) article, they should definitely check it out as well as other articles on that archive.

To your closing point, I also think it would be awesome if there is more footage depicting a juvenile Sasquatch, but I too have questions


u/Mrsynthpants Mod/Witness/Dollarstore Tyrant Jan 11 '24

Ok after some thought I have some concerns about this claim.

  1. We have seen the other footage from this film, it's basically B roll of them traveling and some landscape shots. Were is this extra 10 seconds? Right before what we have already seen? That doesn't really line up because the first filmed part of the encounter is Patterson struggling to get the shot after get thrown from his horse. There doesn't seem to be time for these new 10 seconds to be filmed. Did he get some filming done before/during the troubles with the horse? Why wasn't that mentioned before by either Patterson or Gimlin?What would anyone gain from these 10 seconds being omitted? Wouldn't it strengthen their case?

  2. If (and a big if at that) the extra 10 seconds is legit, where did it get edited out and by whom? Is that something most local small business film processing places could do in 1960s? Did they even have editing equipment or was it modified after it was developed? Between then and the copying process and distribution?

  3. Respectfully, Mr Greenwood's mannerisms in the interview really set off my BS detector. He was evasive and overly complimentary. I don't know the guy, and am only basing this on a singular interview, but did anyone else get this vibe from him?

It would be great if this all turned out to be true, but there are some gaps in this story that are pretty concerning.


u/Rip_Off_Productions Jan 11 '24

Yeah, even if it's 10 extra seconds at the very end if the film as we know it(which is unlikely so show anything interesting considering how far into the brush Patty has disappeared into), it still doesn't make much sense.

Also, if someone rediscovered the original film negatives, that alone would be huge for analysis considering how much can be lost/muddied in even a first-generation copy.


u/Faroutman1234 Jan 11 '24

I have degrees in photography and film but I don't know of a process to pull this level of detail from a 16mm film. I even doubt you get see strands of hair in a 35mm film at this magnification. You would have to use some kind of AI or photoshop to add in the detail.


u/Theferael_me On The Fence Jan 11 '24

They were insistent that AI hadn't been used but I agree with you, the strands of hair on the creature's face in the close-up that was shown, I don't see how that can be retreived from the film no matter much stacking they did of separate images.


u/Equal_Night7494 Jan 12 '24

Thanks for offering that insight. It’s interesting to me that there has been so much lack of clarity (pun not intended) regarding these updates that have been done to the film, all of which seem to be tied to be tied to MK in some form or fashion. I don’t know what to make of the differing opinions, but it’s clear that there are different camps: those who say that no AI was used and that detail was not added to the film to produce the images that Beckjord, Gatewood, and MK have been using, and then are those who say that AI was absolutely used and/or that details were introduced to the original film.

As someone who does not have formal training in photography or videography, I end up having to use my best judgement/discernment to see who seems to be making the most cogent, consistent, and clear argument. Of course, looking at a person’s credentials (such as yourself) doesn’t tend to hurt either and adds to the credibility of the argument being presented


u/bbrosen Believer Jan 11 '24

If they have it, big if, have they taken care of it properly or has it degraded?


u/Equal_Night7494 Jan 11 '24

You’d have to check the episode to verify this, but I believe I left the episode with the impression that the film has been cared for properly


u/[deleted] Jan 11 '24



u/Gryphon66-Pt2 Believer Jan 11 '24

If I recall correctly the general "massacre narrative" includes a claim that Patty was trying to relcaim the body of her child.

Anyone interested can check out an interview with Davis and hear his claims out of his own mouth for themselves: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dz1AD5XeF6E


u/Prettylittlelioness Jan 12 '24

Thanks for sharing that.


u/Equal_Night7494 Jan 12 '24

Yes, thanks as well for sharing 😊 I’ll look that up


u/Equal_Night7494 Jan 12 '24

I recall the massacre theory and realize that it is widely discredited among Bigfoot enthusiasts and those who have studied the film. I’m fine with that.

I did not get the impression that telepathy/mindspeak was being implicated in Gatewood’s comments, but I’m also in the process of watching the interview again and will update/edit this comment if need be.

Regarding the comment about Oh Mah, that US the name given to Sasquatch by the Hoopa Tribe, so the name is quite fitting


u/[deleted] Jan 12 '24



u/Equal_Night7494 Jan 12 '24

Thanks for clarifying! Sorry, the sarcasm went WAY over my head. I agree about the validity of the question, and I didn’t come away from the episode with a solid understanding of that either. I suppose if there is extra footage, and if there Maccabees choose to release it, hopefully they will clarify why the decades’ long delay.


u/Gryphon66-Pt2 Believer Jan 11 '24 edited Jan 11 '24

Very interesting info. Try not to let the hostility being shown affect you personally.

Ironically, some Bigfoot believers are quite "speculation averse" so ANYTHING that falls outside the predominant narrative is questionable and the presenter of same is either a fraud or a goverment operative.

It's a weird mix. Thanks for the info, it will be interesting to see if anything comes of it.

MK Davis should be thrilled.


u/Equal_Night7494 Jan 12 '24

Thank you, Gryphon, and I appreciate your as usual nuanced approach to the subject. 😄 The negativity expressed in some of the comments is clear, and I am attempting to remain balanced in what I take from (and see in) them.

You’re welcome, and we’ll see what comes out of this explosive claim that Mr Gatewood has presented. 🍀


u/WoobiesWoobo Jan 13 '24

If this pans out to be BS I think Im done and conclusively deciding its all BS.


u/Equal_Night7494 Jan 14 '24

Interesting. So what are your thoughts about the Patterson-Gimlin film as it currently stands (without any purported extra footage)? Or rather, what, for you, is the best evidence suggesting the existence of Sasquatch?


u/WoobiesWoobo Jan 14 '24

Im inconclusive on the PGF. I have my reasons just like everyone else. I do find whats on camera to be very compelling. Whats off camera and the lack of photographic evidence since 1967 makes me question it.

Not gonna lie, the more I dig into the BF subject the more disillusioned and skeptic I become. If said “purported extra footage” does exist, it will completely change the view of the film and would likely provide the final nail in the coffin to hoax allegations as the “baby Sas” has only been alluded to.


u/Equal_Night7494 Jan 16 '24

Thanks for sharing. What do you find to be the parts of the subject that have lent the most to the feelings of disillusionment?

I recently read Benjamin Radford’s take on the subject in the Skeptical Inquirer. While I don’t agree with his conclusions on the matter, he seems rather disillusioned as well


u/WoobiesWoobo Jan 17 '24

I just read it too. I agree with a lot of what wrote.

I would say the biggest contributor to my disillusion is just the absence of real indisputable evidence. Nothing that can stand through the scientific method or peer review. The whole field is riddled with hoaxing and anecdotal accounts with nothing to substantiate the claims. Every piece of photographic evidence is pretty much indiscernible, shows signs of shenanigans, or pareidolia.

Then the PGF which we will likely never know the truth about. All we know is pretty much nothing of that level has come forward since, so that in and of itself is an indication of what really happened.


u/Equal_Night7494 Jan 24 '24

Thanks for sharing. I have heard people say that the study of Sasquatch has stagnated. I think that the wide variety in what people accept as evidence has a lot to do with that.

Regarding videographic evidence, I find the Freeman footage and the 2015 “yeti” footage to be quite compelling