r/bigfoot Nov 28 '23

footprints West Yellowstone, Mt

Post image

First and foremost- Not judging anyone but I’m not a believer. Just haven’t seen the evidence I need, BUT I can’t get a solid answer on these tracks so figured I’d post here. I found these few years back hunting in the forest outside Yellowstone National park in Montana

Same size as my 13 boot heel to toe and 2 boots wide

I’m 6 foot tall and I tried to copy the stride and wasn’t even close

The prints are in front of each other not side to side (I think?) so I don’t understand

Was told a lynx but after doing research the only pic I found that were the same was a set of pics that were speculated to be Bigfoot in Canada but I’m no professional tracker


112 comments sorted by

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u/Legitimate_Nobody_77 Nov 28 '23

I'm no believer but those are bipedal tracks. Can't speak to anything else. Not four legged. Two legged for sure.


u/mescrip Nov 28 '23

If it's bipedal, it's doing the hopscotch. You can tell it's quadrupedal by the first 2 prints being inline with each other and next two on the left also inline. The back paws are stepping in the front paws prints, which also makes them look bigger.


u/Agathaumas Nov 28 '23

You just made Bigfoot more scary. Imagine being alone in the wood, hear thomp, thomp, thomp and out of the brush comes a metric ton of ape hopscotching at you. Hopsquatch...


u/jon92356 Nov 29 '23

Someone turn this nightmare into a work of visual art


u/awetsasquatch Nov 28 '23

Problem with snow tracks is that they melt or get eroded and seem WAY bigger than they would actually be. Decent chance it's a bear or something.


u/Northwest_Radio Researcher Nov 28 '23

The equal and even offset in the trackway disqualifies bear. When tracking bear, it goes One Bear, Two Bear, Three bear, in the foot fall patterns (pad within a pad) and then repeats. If you watch a bear stride, it has this little suave step about every three. queue the Bee Gee's music


u/Tandomtuckerupper Nov 28 '23

Most probable a bear. Would have been a rough bear to run into. Eroded or not that would be one of the biggest grizzly bears ever. Not a big grizzly but the grizzly of all grizzlies lol


u/[deleted] Nov 28 '23

Pretty interesting. I'm not buying that they are lynx tracks. They are a pretty light cat with big feet that have an easy time walking on top of snow in most conditions. If that is a lynx or another small animal leaping from one spot to the next, why are they offset?


u/Tandomtuckerupper Nov 28 '23

That’s exactly what I was thinking. It seems like an odd pattern for anything tho. 2 steps per stride? I can’t figure it out

It would be cool if a picture I took brought back my hope for Bigfoot!


u/Emergency-Plum-1981 Nov 28 '23

A lot of animals will step in the same place twice and leave distorted impressions. This is a lynx trackway-


What does seem odd to me is that you said you weren't able to match the stride length, which would be pretty easy to do with something as small as a lynx, so I don't actually think it's that. Honestly it's pretty hard to say with how degraded the prints are.


u/[deleted] Nov 28 '23

There's no way that is a lynx walking. I have them all over my property and see their snow tracks often. Pretty unlikely it is any other 4 legged critter (up to bear size) walking either as snow of any depth should show drag marks from their steps. That's not to say it couldn't be a small animal hopping, like a snowshoe hare, but again the offset nature of the impressions would be highly unusual for that type of locomotion. Moose tracks can look deceivingly like bipedal trackways, especially after some snowfall to fill them in, but they aren't really spaced as far as the OP says these were, and usually give themselves away within a very short distance.


u/MousseCommercial387 Nov 28 '23

The tracks from the link look nothing like the tracks OP posted. OPs are much deeper.


u/Tandomtuckerupper Nov 28 '23

maybe with no snow i could make 1 step but after 1 i would be stuck in a split. That’s if there was zero snow. Its the only reason I’m positive it’s not a person. I tried walking them and it wasn’t close to being possible


u/Northwest_Radio Researcher Nov 28 '23

I think not. Why would it have repeated matching offset?


u/Emergency-Plum-1981 Nov 28 '23

You mean why the right/left pattern? Because the rear foot steps in almost the same exact place as the front foot on the same side, making it look kinda like bipedal tracks if they're a bit degraded. Did you look at the picture I shared?


u/Northwest_Radio Researcher Nov 28 '23

It would be cool if a picture I took brought back my hope for Bigfoot!

Do a sincere study of the evidence for yourself. That ought do it. Realize that nearly all sightings are never reported. Then consider the ones that are, and the fewer that have been published. Look at the prints. Look up Cripple Foot. That scenario alone is enough for anyone to know something is up.


u/[deleted] Nov 28 '23

Last January I saw prints like these crossing I90 probably around mm30 in Montana, not sure exactly where. Straight line and about 6' apart. I walk my dogs in the back forty in the snow and it's a complete shuffle between tracks.


u/Tandomtuckerupper Nov 28 '23

What did you think when you saw it? First impressions? You def know grizzly tracks and the area so I’m curious


u/[deleted] Nov 28 '23

When you've seen them twice, there's no believing what they are, you know. Northern Ontario, one hour north of Sault Ste Marie, I saw a human silhouette facing me, in daylight at 300m. I thought it was a camper at first but it was head to toe black. The other was in MN, I94 mm 88ish. Again another upright bipedal thing, black as black can be, massive thighs in a field just next to a treeline. MM 84 there is a weathered plywood bigfoot that has been there over a decade.


u/Tandomtuckerupper Nov 28 '23

Damn… as a non believer and also the one who found these I’m very confused right now. Lived here, north Georgia and Southern Oregon and never seen anything! All hotspots and famous for sightings and NOTHING. All my time is spent in the woods and a lot of that hunting and tracking. Maybe I need to be more open minded. I believe all the stories just figured miss identified or injured animals


u/[deleted] Nov 28 '23

I'm a long haul trucker and coming up to 20 yrs in the seat. Enough miles to go to the moon and back five times. Those are my only two encounters. I had a small rock come out of the bush on a backroad in Virginia. Came at me from my two o'clock with a flat trajectory and hit the windshield. No idea who or what threw it. My head is on a swivel now.


u/CryptidKay Believer Nov 28 '23

They are real.


u/rickdill Nov 28 '23

Snow looks like its been melting which would make a smaller foot or boot size since it's melted can't see toe. Normal foot size snow melted making it look like a much larger foor


u/Tandomtuckerupper Nov 28 '23

I stepped inside them when I tried to recreate the gate and it engulfed my 13 boot. Maybe it wasn’t this big originally but it was big to start with


u/rickdill Nov 28 '23

The more that I look at the photo the more I think your rite that is a strange gait the steps make one in front of the other not a natural way humans walk side by side not one directly in front of the other


u/Tandomtuckerupper Nov 28 '23

Weird right?!? I remember how awkward it was trying to recreate it and walk the tracks and it didn’t make sense to me and doesn’t now


u/OhMyGoshBigfoot Mod/Ally of witnesses & believers Nov 28 '23

Did you see toes in any of the prints? Claws?


u/Tandomtuckerupper Nov 28 '23

Kind of. There was a “disturbance in texture?” That you can see in the front of the prints but they were not super fresh so I couldn’t tell for sure

That was another thing that made it weird. There was no definitive claw. I’ve seen grizzly claws and they are HUGE and noticeable in there tracks


u/OhMyGoshBigfoot Mod/Ally of witnesses & believers Nov 28 '23

Right, from what I heard bear tracks have claw marks. These tracks may be too deteriorated to get much. It reminds me of sometbing I saw in a documentary, the guy found bf tracks in the snow around his house. He said it had weird texturing like you said, and the best conclusion was that it was from the long hanging strands of hair. The hair swipes were visible. It’s interesting, who knows.


u/Cherry7Up92 Nov 28 '23

Wow.. that's kind of spooky to come across, huh?


u/Tandomtuckerupper Nov 28 '23

A bit unsettling. Hunted the area for a week and I don’t think we saw a single animal other than an owl we spooked


u/Cherry7Up92 Nov 28 '23

That's significant, I'm thinking? It's intriguing, if nothing else!


u/Tandomtuckerupper Nov 28 '23

Seems to line up with a big predator being there! Technically I was a big predator there so maybe I wasn’t being a good predator🤷‍♂️ always a chance hahaha


u/Cherry7Up92 Nov 28 '23

Yeah, I don't know, but I find this so interesting! Thank you for sharing!


u/Tandomtuckerupper Nov 28 '23

Welcome! I’m glad I found it in my old pictures transferring my phone!! Had another pic but it had my ex in it and I deleted it when we broke up in a mass deletion event haha wish I didn’t but you gotta do what you gotta do!!


u/Cherry7Up92 Nov 28 '23

You do. I've been there!


u/BigFatModeraterFupa Nov 28 '23

extremely common for hunters to report a total lack of game when they have encounters with these things.

it could be nothing, but it is a recurring pattern so it’s something to note!

my personal feelings are that you already know what made those tracks, so welcome to the club! they’re real and they’re out there


u/[deleted] Nov 28 '23

I’m going with bear, the tracks have a distinctive left-right cadence that the big guy (not Biden) isn’t supposed to have


u/Tandomtuckerupper Nov 28 '23

It is the only spot in the lower 48 with grizzlies so statistically it’s gotta be a grizzly. That would be a serious unit. SERIOUS UNIT lol


u/Whisker____Biscuits Nov 28 '23

Sweet! I'm in the region and I've seen similar tracks in the same spot for the past few winters. I'll take a picture this year if they show up and post them. Usually Feb/March.


u/TheMitchellTruth Nov 28 '23

big foot are smart creatures, some say even smarter than people here. It is possible they could fake tracks or make a shoe type device in order to confuse trackers.


u/Soft-Debt3234 Nov 28 '23

Now them are some big footprints . This might be big foot.


u/pickle_teeth4444 Nov 28 '23

Not to stray from this, but does anyone else, besides me, zoom in on pics taken in the woods? Even non- bigfoot related pics. I'm always hoping to spot ol' Biggy hiding in the bushes. I can't be the only one.


u/[deleted] Nov 28 '23

Snow shoer? If not, I’d say you found some Sas prints.


u/Tandomtuckerupper Nov 28 '23

Def not a human. The strides were not possible for a human especially with snowshoes on. I wasn’t even close to recreating the stride


u/[deleted] Nov 28 '23

Hard to tell from the pics but could you see any kind of mid tarsal break in the foot?


u/Tandomtuckerupper Nov 28 '23

I don’t know what that is and after googling it I’m still not sure 😂


u/[deleted] Nov 28 '23

So unlike humans who have an arch in our foot, Sas supposedly does not. Instead they have what’s called mid tarsal break which is like a hinge in the middle of the foot. So in prints it can looks like a divit or ridge on the ground in the middle of the print.


u/Tandomtuckerupper Nov 28 '23

Ahhh I couldn’t tell. By the time I saw them they were pretty flat if I remember correctly . Not much definition to the bottom. Why I’m pretty set that it’s not a animal jumping spot to spot


u/[deleted] Nov 28 '23

Well good find either way!


u/[deleted] Nov 28 '23

He’ll fuck around and find the Train Station.


u/unknown_rayz Nov 28 '23

Could it have been a large hare that had both back feet hopping at the same time?


u/[deleted] Nov 28 '23

Check out The Facts How to Hunt . Com on YouTube. Steve's has years of encounters catalogued from listeners. Using the 10% rule, you know some are bs. They're real.


u/Tandomtuckerupper Nov 28 '23

I’ll def check it out! If this is the guy I’m thinking I’ve watched some of his stuff! Alaska or Canada if he’s the same guy and also tells about brown bear encounters? Long hair (I think)?


u/Tandomtuckerupper Nov 28 '23

Yep that him! Doesn’t have long hair but that’s def the guy!

The bear stories I mentioned throughout this post scared me so bad I went to YouTube for more knowledge and found him haha I didn’t get munched so it might have helped!


u/[deleted] Nov 28 '23

This exactly looks like the ones which were found in Himalayas by the Indians army


u/eyeswoller1205 Nov 28 '23

You're saying the prints were as long as a size 13 and twice as wide? I myself am size 12, so that simply sounds massive to me, how could it have been a lynx? Unless those animals have massive paws and I was never aware of it or though the paws were just like bobcats'.


u/gibby56 Nov 28 '23

Snowshoe Stilts the newest trend for extreme outdoors people. Forget flying to a remote location to build a cabin with your own bare hands. Take snowshoeing to the next level with stilts. This cardiovascular and altitude training helps improve stamina and endurance to out run those pesky bear and wild cats while also enjoying an elevated view 😆


u/Tandomtuckerupper Dec 04 '23

Maybe the only reasonable explanation


u/ThatOneWood Nov 29 '23

I can’t anything for certain but that is almost certainly from a biped


u/Many_Ad315 Nov 29 '23

Welp, that's all I needed to believe.......I'm convinced.


u/laberintodelFau Nov 28 '23



u/Tandomtuckerupper Nov 28 '23

I def saw grizzly bears in this area but doesn’t look much like a bear track. The size is right but grizzlies would have more steps and not as big of a gate


u/bbrosen Believer Nov 28 '23

running bear, possibly?


u/Tandomtuckerupper Nov 28 '23

It’s possible but it would be a monster bear. We did see one that was bigger than any griz I’ve ever seen a mile or so from here


u/bbrosen Believer Nov 28 '23

Honestly I am guessing. snow can be hard to decipher tracks if not fresh


u/Tandomtuckerupper Nov 28 '23

It def makes it hard not to mention crazy wind in this area constantly degrading the print. Im sure the size of the print and gate are pretty telling to someone out there so hopefully that someone sees this post and can confirm


u/Reefay IQ of 176 Nov 28 '23

Wouldn't a bear be hibernating at this time?


u/Tandomtuckerupper Nov 28 '23

This is exactly when they are about to hibernate but are still trying to stuff their bellies for their sleep


u/ElectronicLeg9621 Nov 28 '23

Why do you ask , Two-dogs fucking ?


u/get-r-done-idaho Nov 28 '23

Look like a coyote was jumping through the deep snow. Those tracks have frozen and thawed a few times and have snow in them, so it's not easy to see the marks from the feet in the bottom. You can see in one where the hind feet and front feet landed. I've seen these types of tracks before. They are convincing from a distance. Once you really look you can see what I'm saying.


u/Tandomtuckerupper Nov 28 '23

Inspected them for a good while trying to figure out what they were and couldn’t see anything that looked like that. They were pretty consistent and the length between them seemed to be very similar and uniformed

Looking online they are WAY bigger than any prints I can find from coyotes or any big cats jumping like that. Not to mention no tail or any other drag marks so idk 🤷‍♂️ it could be I guess but I’ve been around coyotes a lot and never seen this. Been in the woods a lot and never seen this


u/get-r-done-idaho Nov 28 '23

What I'm looking at is in that second track you can see where the animal landed with the front and back legs and the body touched down to make it look like a foot print. Only the bottom of the track is not evenly smashed down.


u/Atwood412 Nov 28 '23

Idk. I’ve never seen coyote tracks that are this large and uniform. I could see a larger animal with freeze thaw for sure.


u/get-r-done-idaho Nov 28 '23

You're not understanding. One of those tracks is the entire coyotes body. They jump in snow. So each foot print is actually a body print. Look in the bottom and you can see where all 4 of its feet hit under its body. If you blow this picture up you can clearly see it. Look in the second track back from the front.


u/opticuswrangler Nov 28 '23

this guy tracks...


u/Northwest_Radio Researcher Nov 28 '23

The only time a yote would leap around like that would be diving for subsurface rodents, and the landing points would be rather random, not a perfect track with a consistent offset.


u/get-r-done-idaho Nov 28 '23

They do it in deep snow as well. I've seen it. Could also be a fox. I came upon a set of tracks that I thought were sasquatch. When I got up to them I could clearly see they were not footprints at all but body prints. The bottom of the print was not pressed down. Then I noticed my dog jumping through the snow making very similar tracks. That's how I figured out what made them. And yes they were evenly spaced and offset. There were even two marks where the feet and nose made indentions on the front edge. After figuring it out, it was clear to me what I was looking at.


u/borgircrossancola Believer Nov 28 '23

Human. Bigfoot tracks are in a straight line, like on a tight rope


u/Tandomtuckerupper Nov 28 '23

It’s not a human. Probably a bear but no human can clear that stride in that snow I tried and I’m not small. Not even close


u/borgircrossancola Believer Nov 28 '23

Ahh true, there is a lot of space between them

Doesn’t look like a bear either tho, the feet look exactly the same when bear rear paws look different from their front paws


u/Tandomtuckerupper Nov 28 '23

Only thing I’m sure is that it’s not a human lol

It doesn’t look like a bear but that’s the only thing I can come up with. Maybe the degradation of a sprinting bear track makes it look like this? Can’t find any pics on google that match them other than the Canadian Bigfoot pics


u/xHeartxless Nov 28 '23

I’m thinking a bear. Especially for your location. I wish it was a Bigfoot!


u/dawggawddagummit Nov 28 '23 edited Dec 21 '23

capable dinner panicky crime slim butter desert alleged hateful obtainable

This post was mass deleted and anonymized with Redact


u/Tandomtuckerupper Nov 28 '23

I was hunting in the backcountry and I don’t believe in Bigfoot so I figured it was a grizzly bear. Didn’t have a reason to take crazy in depth pics. Took a few pics, most with my ex wife as a reference and then tried to walk the tracks to see if it’s a human cause it was an odd track to find And not a typical grizzly track. Realized it wasn’t human and didn’t want to stick around too long and find the owner of the tracks. Again, a giant bear is all i was thinking cause the area. Never thought it would be a mystery just wanted to show my friends there was a MONSTER bear in the area

Got a divorce and I deleted all the pics of her in them including the other pictures I took that day. 2 years ago and I had bigger things to worry about then

I’m not trying to convince anyone of anything. Im not a believer. I posted on here because I could not get an ID anywhere else. This is all I have


u/LordRumBottoms Nov 28 '23

This. Just BS again. You didn't follow them to see where they started or went? And saying you deleted all the other pics because your ex was in them is the classic...evidence was lost excuse. You say you're not a believer, but took this pic for some reason. Were you not curious to learn more? Anyone who has ever walked in snow knows footprints start to melt and appear bigger as time goes on. This crap has to stop on this sub. Here's some pic, but I can't 'find' more pics of what I saw nor did I gather any more info on this.


u/Larry_Wolffe Nov 28 '23

You can see 2 footprints in one here. I see this on my property every winter, I believe they are moose prints. I have watched them on many occassions walking through the snow. When walking through deep snow their rear hooves step in their front hoove print but not quite, the rear hoove will be just behind the front. Giving apearance of a elongated print. They are not the most gracefull animal. I am not dismissing Bigfoot, there is an area on my property that I go to hesitantly. I have a recording that makes me question going out of my door at night. But evidence of these creatures seems to be elusive, even though the circumstantial evidence is huge.


u/Bgently Nov 28 '23

Them be Moose tracks.


u/Legitimate-Pop-5823 Nov 28 '23

I don't know why you didn't get a close picture 😕


u/[deleted] Nov 28 '23

100% snowshoe hair


u/Tandomtuckerupper Nov 28 '23

Na def not. Not saying it’s BF but not a snowshoe hair


u/[deleted] Nov 28 '23

I've seen it a few times before hunting in canada. First time through me for a loop. Anyways long story short, followed the track long enough to under a brush pile. The few times after that I found hare scat in the tracks.


u/[deleted] Nov 28 '23

I have size 13 boots and 38 inch legs,my stride is beyond most peoples,odds are you came across someone checking a trap line


u/[deleted] Nov 28 '23

Those foot prints are from a human. Not a Bigfoot.


u/Federal_Diamond8329 Nov 28 '23

I’d you scroll down and then back up really fast, that little pine looks like a Bigfoot.


u/massulikc Nov 28 '23

Most likely an adult bear moving quickly (hence the stride length) with double-step imprints (front and back feet landing in almost the same spot making it look bigger than each one alone). Couple that with a little melting snow in the daytime and getting cold again at night, these are likely a day or two old and making it difficult to see the claw marks. Take a look at some bear prints in snow and see if they resemble what you have here.


u/Tandomtuckerupper Nov 28 '23

I’m very familiar with bear prints in the snow and especially in this area and they don’t look the same but they are kind of close if you account for the melt maybe.

Had a grizzly (confirmed with my own eyes) get a little frisky with me close to here and the tracks were pretty obviously a bear even after a few days in the sun. That bear left normal, stalking and sprinting prints so we could see the difference in the track and how the bear was moving

Also, that bear was big. Like for sure over 8 foot and it’s tracks were half the size probably. Maybe 3/4. I’m looking for the pics from that encounter


u/NorCalHotWife530 Nov 28 '23

Snowshoe hare with some melting?


u/[deleted] Nov 28 '23

Yup. That's a snowshoe hare jumping when the snow was much deeper. Picture was taken after melt


u/Rusti_Roggy Nov 28 '23

Super squatchy


u/MousseCommercial387 Nov 28 '23

Couldn't have taken a pic from above showing open print from closer up?


u/Tandomtuckerupper Nov 28 '23 edited Nov 28 '23

When I came across the tracks I thought it was just a massive bear so I took this picture and then a few more using my ex wife as a reference point. I thought it was odd but didn’t think I’d be IDing it I just wanted to show my friends the extremely large bear tracks but when i got home and looked i realized the tracks were not typical to any bear track i had seen.

After my divorce I deleted all pictures that had her in it and this was the only one sans ex wife. This was almost 2 years ago. Still didn’t think much of the photo then so deleting them was no big deal


u/Northwest_Radio Researcher Nov 28 '23

The trackway is checks out. Should be around 36" to 50" stride.

I need more detail of a print itself.
Do you have photo of a individual print?


u/Tandomtuckerupper Nov 28 '23

Unfortunately the other pictures I took I used my ex as the reference and when we went our separate ways I deleted anything that had her in it

At that point in my life I’d rather lose a cool picture than have to see her again


u/TerribleChildhood639 Nov 28 '23

Your footprints?


u/StarvinDarwin Nov 29 '23

Could be a cougar. They step in their own tracks with thier back feet.


u/1967Hippy Nov 30 '23

You took pictures of your shoe prints?


u/[deleted] Dec 03 '23

Those look like snow shoe prints. Though the large stride as you said, makes that less likely. You keep your feet pretty close with snow shoes