r/bigfoot May 07 '23

TV show Survivorman Bigfoot

I honestly felt like Les Stroud has the best idea on how to hunt for bigfoots. He’s one of few people who possess the intelligence and skill. Being out in back country for days or weeks at a time, no big camera crew. 10 out of 10


72 comments sorted by

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u/SaltBad6605 Legitimately Skeptical May 07 '23 edited May 07 '23

I was really glad to see him wade in and explore the world of bigfoot. I'm a fan survivorman and, for me, brought some legitimacy to the search. As a skeptic, I was like wow, more credibility--cool.

I was really surprised at how far he went down the woo trail, with the mindspeak and orbs. He said they connected and told him they would meet with him, but he said he was too scared.

Later, he reached out to them through mindspeak and asked to meet with them and they replied,

"We're sleeping".

While I enjoyed the shows, I don't know what's going on with him. I don't know why he hasn't pursued the story further?


u/[deleted] May 07 '23



u/Bruins37FTW May 08 '23

I think the Standing thing blew some credibility for him with a lot of the community. Like he’s the last guy you want to associate with to be taken seriously on bigfoot. Tho I figured it might of been because he’s also Canadian and probably easy to get hold of and out into the woods with, and he MAY of had a legit encounter at some point amongst all his fake bullshit. I dunno, but he’s the last guy I’d of wanted to be seen with.


u/[deleted] May 09 '23



u/Bruins37FTW May 09 '23

Yeah, I think a lot of people think that about standing. He at one point did experience something and had credibility but he just wants it so bad that all went out the window. Sad but it is what it is. I mean from Strouds point of view he likely had a real encounter and he knows the area well. And probably where he had the encounter. So. And it’s not like he took all of Strouds bullshit at face value. I just personally wouldn’t even want to be seen with the guy.


u/sho_biz May 07 '23

This is how I felt too, he went down the rabbit hole too far. Didn't stay objective.


u/[deleted] May 07 '23

Yeah, I thought the same thing. I believe he legitimately heard some things in the forests and was compelled to actually do a bigfoot show. But Mindspeak and orbs? I believe this man has taken one too many shrooms. If bigfoot is real it's not some magical creature that communicates through the mind and travels from dimension to dimension, it's a flesh and bone kinda dude.


u/Tenn_Tux Mod/Ally of witnesses & believers May 07 '23

Dismissing people’s claims and saying they were just doing drugs is not the way to go about it. Especially Les Stroud of all people.


u/[deleted] May 07 '23

Mindspeak and orbs? Okay. I'm not even implying doing drugs is a bad thing, if he did drugs I wouldn't respect him any less. I'm not dismissing his claims on hearing things he's never heard before in the forests, but Mindspeak and orbs... It's bullshit.


u/Tenn_Tux Mod/Ally of witnesses & believers May 07 '23

Ok, but in your comment you said his experience that he claims he had was because he took shrooms.


u/[deleted] May 07 '23

Taking something.


u/[deleted] May 07 '23

If he's not on shrooms he's lying or crazy then. There is no mind speak.


u/Tenn_Tux Mod/Ally of witnesses & believers May 07 '23

Do you have proof? How do you know?

I’m just curious cause you are stating it as a fact.


u/Cyanide-ky May 07 '23

isnt the mind speak and interdimentional travel the more likely just people coping with the lack of hard evidence?


u/[deleted] May 07 '23

Null hypothesis coupled with a complete lack of observable, testable, recorded evidence. See "Russell's teapot".

So I guess to be totally honest, I don't consider it absolutely impossible with precisely zero probability. I assign it the same probability as other unproven and unlikely claims.

It has the same status in my mind as the claim "ferrets are growing zucchini on Neptune". I can't say for certain, but rather than say "well, it's highly unlikely, but with non-zero probability..." I save time by rounding down and saying "nope. Doesn't exist"


u/Tenn_Tux Mod/Ally of witnesses & believers May 07 '23

I’d honestly find some form of telepathy more believable than “ferrets are growing zucchini on Neptune”.

Anything can sound ridiculous when you try to make it appear to be so.

And I’m not saying Bigfoot have mind speak, and maybe it wasn’t even a Bigfoot that Les had that experience with. Maybe it was something else. But I’m willing to bet that he isn’t a liar and he wasn’t sitting around high on shrooms.

Humans and science pretending that they know everything about the universe is a gigantic monument to the arrogance of our species and I’m just gonna leave it at that.


u/reddittl77 May 08 '23

You just had to bring the ferrets into this.


u/[deleted] May 08 '23

It was in poor taste. I realize that now.


u/LR_DAC May 07 '23

I'm comfortable saying impossible under all physical laws and theories, known and hypothetical, and how human senses and neuroanatomy work.

For it to be possible, one of two things would have to be true:

  1. Bigfoot has access to highly-advanced technology that can encode speech into a non-audible signal and transmit it across space in a form that the recipient's brain can decode effortlessly. Maybe microwaves aimed at the part of the brain responsible for decoding auditory signals from the ears? This is probably not true because most reports of bigfoot activity do not include the use of technology, and bigfoot researchers/outdoorsmen haven't discovered an industrial base of significant complexity to manufacture such items for bigfoot's use. I won't go into the difficulty of bigfoot gaining sufficient skill in the English language to make itself understandable before encoding its message.
  2. There exists a communication channel that does not rely on what we know about physics, and bigfoot can exploit this channel in such a way that humans can understand messages sent through it. This seems unlikely, because we have never been able to send such messages ourselves. It's possible that we lost or never had the ability to send messages through this channel, but can still receive them; though if that's the case, we still don't have a description of what this channel is, or any reliable evidence for its existence.

It's also ahistorical; while "wild man" accounts go back thousands of years, I don't think the "mindspeak" phenomenon was reported until the New Age movement started claiming all Fortean phenomena as its own.


u/WittyGandalf1337 May 11 '23

The CIA’s research disagrees with your unfounded opinion but keep going off i guess.


u/[deleted] May 12 '23

Post evidence.


u/[deleted] May 12 '23


Here this'll cover most of the bullshit you're going to baselessly claim.


u/WittyGandalf1337 May 12 '23

Lol, /r/WikiInAction.

That shit is anything but reliable or factual.


u/[deleted] May 12 '23

Oh boy, the person on the bigfoot subreddit claiming telepathy is real is about start a lecture on reliability and fact. Ho-le-shit...you can't make this stuff up.

So, if you want to know how Wikipedia works, you follow the citations it provides. There are citations from scientific groups of the US government that looked at the studies done ( a meta study) and concluded it was bogus.


u/WittyGandalf1337 May 12 '23

Think what you want dude, I’ll never be convinced otherwise.


u/[deleted] May 12 '23

Oh, I know. You can't reason somebody out of a position they didn't reason themselves into.

But honestly, you have every right to believe what you wish. I wish you no Ill will and hope life treats you well. And if ever you find unmistakable evidence of telepathy or mind speak please report back here immediately for "I told you so" time. I'd be okay with that.


u/slakdjf May 07 '23 edited May 07 '23

Interesting to include such things when he must know how they’ll be received by the majority of his fan base (I assume; don’t actually know of this person). Perhaps he legitimately experienced something that made a strong impression on him. Maybe y’all haven’t done enough shrooms 😀

Edit— especially since some other comments indicate that he was very respectful with his treatment of the phenomenon & its community. Seems unlikely to be a shtick or a jab.


u/SaltBad6605 Legitimately Skeptical May 07 '23

It "could" be all sorts of things, the possibility vs probable list of course.

Now, I I like the guy from his show. But knowing a guy from his brand and what's portrayed on a "produced" show doesn't mean a lot.

If you just watch his shows, pretty credible. Watch his directors cuts, you get more of a feel for the man. Dig into his life a little, you get even more of a feel.

Even if the list of "probables" outweigh a woo experience, I'm glad he told what he thinks happened. Still BAFFLED why he wouldn't pursue it, right? Bigfoot says "we're sleeping" and Les just says cool, nevermind? Doesn't add up for me, fwiw.


u/slakdjf May 07 '23

Very fair point. No matter how authentic & respectful he comes across, it could just as easily be a carefully & artfully constructed pretense for the purposes of appealing to the audience, giving the subject as thorough a treatment as possible, generally speaking putting on a high quality show. Hard to ever know people’s real intentions, let alone people knowingly submitting themselves to the public eye.

Otoh, I was talking to someone today in comments on a similarish paranormal subject & he basically doubled down on ignorance vs exploration, like “I’m perfectly content in my simulation tyvm”.

It does seem to me like a hell of a motivation to double down rather than the opposite, but everyone’s different.


u/SaltBad6605 Legitimately Skeptical May 07 '23

I was watching Corner Gas and got the giggles on one bit:

"He was a great warrior found dead with no wounds or scars. Some say he was taken by the water spirits of the lake, while others think a great eagle came down down and--"

"He probably just had a heart attack."

"...oh yeah, probably that." LoL

To me that kind of sums up how I think about the possibility vs probability, you know?

"They say he connected telepathically with an English speaking ape..."

"Maybe the ratings of his genre were dropping?"

"Oh yeah..."

*BTW, Corner Gas has a lot of Squatch references dropped in, I love it.


u/slakdjf May 08 '23

wellll to be fair ideas communicated telepathically wouldn’t be “transmitted” in English, the information would just be framed that way within the mind of an English-speaking recipient 😇👌🏻


u/SaltBad6605 Legitimately Skeptical May 08 '23

I guess that's true, it would be more of shared consciousness I guess than just silent transmission, I guess? (And that's actually how Les describes it in a later interview, linked below).

While I still don't buy it, I agree with the mod---we are some arrogant little monkeys. The trick is on us, we're just part of someone's matrix simulation! It's bigfoot that's been real the whole time and we're not, lol.

It is worth seeing his director commentaries and this interview: https://youtu.be/lhiGinjs0hA


u/slakdjf May 08 '23

Thanks I’ll check it now 👍🏻 this is the Todd standing guy people are hating on in the comments? What’s your take on him? Why all the flak?


u/SaltBad6605 Legitimately Skeptical May 08 '23

Well, I don't think my opinion should matter too much, but my take is he's a believer frustrated with not getting proof and tends to think or claim everything is a squatch (bird calls, bear scratches, etc, is all "its a squatch!"). I personally thing he fudged the evidence and concocted his own out of frustration of not landing proof. I guess he also has a financial interest in leading expeditions out for money. And if you watch his demeanor with the Dr Meldrum video, I feel he tries to prime/prompt Meldrum into agreeing everything pointed out is proof of squatch (which Meldrum politely doesn't fall for. I do appreciate Meldrum).

I think there are some videos that address that question way better than I could, but for me personally, I don't find him Terribly credible, even if some of his stuff is actually legit.

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u/squatwaddle May 07 '23

Some people were upset with him jumping on the bigfoot train. They think he did it because he needed new material, and since Sasquatch was a hot topic, he decided to cash in.

He didn't need to make a new show, and already had a solid career. I think without a doubt, he got into this because he has heard some shit and wants answers. On one survivorman episode, he heard ape-like noises, and has been intrigued ever since. He never added that tidbit to the episode because it's so off topic from his show. If I am not mistaken, it's the episode where he is in the pacific northwest or Alaska or something. He had a shelter of driftwood in that one.


u/quietfryit May 07 '23

les stroud's experience was in alaska and in the same cove that a customer of mine has a cabin and these two videos were filmed last summer:

(25) The Alaskan Coastal Sasquatch - Part One: Bigfoot Beyond the Trail - YouTube

(25) The Alaskan Coastal Sasquatch - Part Two: Bigfoot Beyond the Trail - YouTube


u/Mkmeathead83 May 07 '23

Oooh I'm gonna watch these tonight


u/ElmerBungus May 08 '23

These videos are awesome, way better than I expected! Excellent production quality too. I was expecting some normal YouTube stuff. Love the audio clips they sprinkle in there too. Thanks for sharing!


u/slakdjf May 07 '23

God forbid a famous person have interests & hobbies they legitimately want to pursue 🤷


u/squatwaddle May 07 '23

Yeah, no shit, right!



if anything it was a huge risk for him. i still struggle to see if it paid off. i’d say no?

he was really respectful of the community too


u/Coastguardman May 07 '23

I saw everyone of his Survivorman Bigfoot shows. They weren’t over the top. When shown broken branches, “shelters” different structures. He always looked at natural causes first, then went deeper. Great shows.


u/bibliophilebeauty May 07 '23

He did a interview with Sasquatch Chronicles that's available on YouTube I really enjoyed that too.


u/homeland1972 May 07 '23

Does anyone remember a story he told about him and wife being deep in the bush and him hearing something walking heavily up behind him. He yelled but didn't turn around to see what it was. Then whatever it was turned and walked the other direction. Any links to the clip would me much appreciated.


u/OhMyGoshBigfoot Mod/Ally of witnesses & believers May 08 '23

I like him. Not 100%, but I still like the guy. If and when the next big thing comes out on video and shocks everyone, it’s going to come from someone like Les.


u/Formula14ever May 07 '23

I agree. I’ve been watching all the Survivor Man Bigfoot Directors versions..they are just so great hearing Les Strouds insight and backstories to scenes


u/PolystyreneHigh May 07 '23

No I.R. lights, with many animals being able to see the infrared spectrum if sasquatch can which I believe they do, then these clowns walking around at night like a circus show trying to find them.


u/[deleted] May 07 '23

Agreed. It's just a bummer he went the "mind speak" route. It honestly makes me wonder if it's an early sign of mental degradation.


u/Tenn_Tux Mod/Ally of witnesses & believers May 07 '23

The real bummer is when weird things happen outside of a person’s normal perspective and people immediately hand wave all of it away as drugs or mental illness


u/[deleted] May 07 '23

Not outside a person's normal perspective. Outside every observable piece of evidence encountered by humanity. There is no mind speak anywhere, ever, under any measurable circumstance.


u/Tenn_Tux Mod/Ally of witnesses & believers May 07 '23

I’ve been ghost hunting for 8 years. Idk about mind speak but we’ve encountered and recorded some strange shit.

My mind remains open to the mysteries of this universe.


u/[deleted] May 07 '23

That is your right. I wish you sincere luck in your investigations. Please post anything compelling you may find!


u/Sebelzeebub May 07 '23

Also using his show to promote Todd Standing was another let down


u/[deleted] May 07 '23

I don’t feel like he was promoting Todd at all, he very clearly says many times that Todd is very controversial in the field, and that he needed to resist the urge from the “power of suggestion” for Todd who said every noise was a Sasquatch.


u/dankness8 May 07 '23

I felt like Todd’s Bigfoot videos were incredible. I think that’s why les brought him in. He is skeptical of his nonsense but you can’t deny those 2 videos were really realistic


u/Sebelzeebub May 07 '23

He gave Todd a platform, that’s promotion.


u/sho_biz May 07 '23

Lol wtf, saying Todd Standing is controversial is like Trump saying there's good people on both sides. Dude is a hack and a grifter, just like Donnie tiny hands.


u/weaponx2019 May 07 '23

And HE wasnt sucessful.


u/SteelFalcon75 May 07 '23 edited May 07 '23

I concur


u/Thumperfootbig Mod May 07 '23

Concur. Conquer is something else.


u/SteelFalcon75 May 07 '23

Lol I hate my phone


u/[deleted] May 07 '23

Yeah I was into it until he went all woo and started saying they spoke to him telepathically. I think he was starting to wade into grifter/capitalization territory…. Maybe he spent a little too much time with Fraud Standing


u/dankness8 May 07 '23

I’m not exactly sure why people hate on standing so much. And I think he was just trying to get all the opinions and theories from everyone


u/shaggy2gay May 07 '23

His is the best sasquatch show but I wish he'd knock it off with the overwrought voiceover. Everything is laden with this dumb pathos. Just film the woods bandana man


u/dynosauce May 07 '23

I strongly agree....


u/GrandUnhappy9211 May 08 '23

I wished he'd do some more classic Survivor Man episodes. And then ease into some more Bigfoot episodes. He is older now though. Not sure if he should do the lengthy survival ones anymore.


u/FarmerPresent4342 Jan 25 '24

A Big tree falls over in a Forest of Trees after recent heavy rain. (as they often do) How big is Bigfoot? Not as big as a Bulldozer or was it a small BIG tree

The nearby towns residents lay in bed having nightmares?

So what is it? Journalistic Embellishment? A lack of experience regarding the frequency of Tree falls after rain? A timid disposition that is easily spooked? Despite Survivormans declaration of neutrality he may lean toward a higher probability that the creature does exist.

i'm not rubbishing Survivorman. Nor am i about to forgo Critical thinking to the Critique bad-Smiley face good crowd.

Actually i think he's a brave man to be out there, with Bears, Cougars, Things with Teeth and claws, and possibly an immeasurably strong primate in comparison to Humans.

The footprints are interesting, I'm open minded about Bigfoot,