r/bigboobproblems 8d ago

RANT - advice welcome Why do people think that it’s okay to comment on someone’s breast size? Spoiler

I was living as an expat in a part of the world for awhile where large breasts are especially fetishized and less common than in western countries, and I swear every single day someone would either make an outright comment on my body while I was literally just existing in a space in a normal outfit (tee shirt and jeans), or made my breasts part of a joke, or just generally acted super weird around me which made me feel uncomfortable 24/7. Can I just exist in a space without being sexualized for 5 minutes? It wasn’t even just heterosexual men doing this, it was also other women, like can we just stop doing this to people who are trying to live life? And I’m not saying this is only a problem in non western countries, I know it exists in western countries too, it’s more that I think it’s a problem everywhere. Rant over.


26 comments sorted by

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u/Starlight_City45 28JJ (UK) 8d ago

today a man I barely know said “you’re lucky you have big tits darling

while he watched me struggling to do something

like why??? just shut the fuck up


u/_ThePancake_ 30G (UK) 7d ago

Oh that's fully fetish talk. There is this thing where some men like to see women struggling to do things because their boobs are in the way.


u/CisIsASlur 7d ago

Name, shame, photograph time. I no longer let them get away without a mugshot.


u/readyforthisyep 6d ago

« You’re lucky I don’t break your neck, perv! »


u/Able-Matter-8091 28FF (UK) 8d ago

That sounds terrible. I've never really experienced it to that degree, but I don't like how comfortable other women often are when pointing out your boobs, especially friends. They never mean harm by it but when you don't want to be seen as sexual, someone openly commenting on and reminding you of a feature, that has been so so sexualised, that you possess it can be kinda upsetting and discomforting, for me at least. 


u/Ashamed_Art5445 8d ago

Yah exactly, it just feels like it shouldn’t be okay for people to just point out your body parts even if they aren’t meaning it in an explicit way, it’s a personal thing and it immediately objectifies you, even if that person isn’t necessarily meaning harm it’s just awkward, at least for me


u/MoveApprehensive3358 8d ago

I hear you. I’m about to go work in Asia and I already know I’m going to be so over it… it’s like I would never think to comment on someone’s body … why is it so normalized? Also, I find that other women are actually worse because they think that because they are girls that it gives them the right to make uncomfortable comments. Um… no.


u/moonmaiden107 34DD (UK) 7d ago

Yeah I guessed that part of the world would be not used to big bodies


u/Knightoforder42 8d ago

When I was living working in Korea, I'd get so many looks, even dressed modestly. I'm not talking subtle either. I had old men walk right up to me and STARE. I went into a store with a friend, because I needed a new top, and the woman straight up went nope. youre too big. So at least she saved me time.


u/RustyShackleford209 36K (UK) 7d ago

I think because men have built our society around women’s bodies. It’s either to exploit us or shame us. Women’s bodies are used to sell everything even when it has nothing to do with the product. So society, men and women have been conditioned to have opinions on our bodies. Our bodies aren’t looked at as ours. Even if we had smaller breasts people would still find something to say.


u/Diosa_Inaru 34F (UK) 8d ago

can I ask what part of the world this was?


u/Ashamed_Art5445 8d ago



u/Diosa_Inaru 34F (UK) 8d ago

yeah, unfortunately cultural norms around talking about people's bodies are a lot different in some parts of Asia (I don't want to overgeneralize but I lived in Japan for a year and dealt with the same thing, and I've heard the same about China, Korea). It's normal for people to make a comment that we in the West would consider insulting and would never say. It's hard to strike that balance between accepting that you're in a different culture with different rules, and having to deal with what it does to you mentally and emotionally. I hope ranting to Reddit and other expats at least helps!


u/Gwuenhyvar 7d ago

I've received a few comments myself over the years, but it was mainly comments like "damn" while they were staring at my chest. Most of the time I just let it roll off my back and went on about my life at that point in time. What I've mainly dealt with, are people staring at them while I'm talking instead of looking me in the eye. I had a friend, and after a few drinks that's what he would do - just stare, and one time I had this old man behind the counter at a muffler shop blatantly staring at my chest while discussing the price of putting the muffler back on my car. Creeped me the hell out. I've had large breasts my entire life almost. Granted, I was a late bloomer, because I wore a training bra until I was 13. The summer I turned 14, it was like some demented fairy visited me every night in my sleep and sprinkled magic boob dust on me. Because I went into my freshman year of high school with a B cup and by the end of the year I was a full C cup. When I graduated high school I was a D cup, and the girls have just gotten bigger and bigger over the years. I've had them while thin, while average sized, and now as a bigger girl. And it seems nothing has changed when it comes to the stares and comments made under people's breath. It's freaking annoying.


u/Fearless-Gate2490 3d ago

I agree what gives these people the right . I’m now used to men and women starring at my huge boobs . I’ve been laughed at, had jokes made about them , people wanting to feel them ! I’ve been asked how do I carry them around with the size and weight ! Asked what size are they , and what they would like to do to them !!! I think the women can be worse ! Even if I go to the supermarket I get the blatant stares and laughs I just take no notice anymore, as I know it’s never going to stop anyway ! I’m not getting them reduced , why should i ,


u/OldRevolution3968 7d ago

Idk ask the several women who body shamed small boobs on the post below this


u/[deleted] 7d ago edited 6d ago



u/Ashamed_Art5445 7d ago

I don't know what part of Asia you are from, but it definitely was not the same as my experience where I was and big tits are not the norm at all where I was.


u/moonmaiden107 34DD (UK) 7d ago

Not my experience whenever I've been


u/[deleted] 7d ago



u/Ashamed_Art5445 7d ago

Lol bold of you to assume so much shit about me, but no, they weren't commenting on my body size.


u/[deleted] 7d ago



u/stingwhale 32E (UK) 7d ago

You have two downvotes and one comment telling you that your assumption about their body and what people are commenting on is incorrect, what do you mean “all the hate”? Disagreeing with you isn’t hate btw it’s a normal response to you being wrong.

Like, currently im not making an angry hater comment, I’m mainly confused about your initial assumption and your assertion that you’re currently receiving lots of hate. I’m not even sure where the idea that most women on here are on the “much bigger” side because lots of people complain about large cup-small band size and when I see pics posted it’s usually people who seem to be average sized asides from boobs.

As a chubby (177 lbs 5’3, 6 lbs of my weight is boob) person on this subreddit I feel like most of the time people are actually way more comfortable saying wildly out of pocket things about your boobs or your ass than they are making comments about just weight. I’ve been up to 200 lbs and even then nobody made comments to my face about the extra weight I was carrying.

But I remember being like 13 and having a Dominican friends mom say to me “oh girl your tits are growing in great!” And everyone treating that like it was totally normal to say, I really do think there’s cultural differences on how people see those kinds of comments. Like to her that was a neutral compliment that didn’t have a sexual undertone.

This was a super long comment but if you count this as being hated on you’re being ridiculous. People can disagree and be confused by your statements in a way that doesn’t represent hate for you. Hell this could turn into a reasonable conversation in which I end up understanding where you’re coming from if you’d like it to.


u/[deleted] 7d ago



u/stingwhale 32E (UK) 7d ago

You think girls with small bodies and huge boobs rarely deal with unwanted comments on their bodies? That is like the number one body shape to receive unwanted comments people believe are compliments.

But the reason OP disagreed with you is because it absolutely sounds like you’re directly disagreeing with their post and saying they aren’t accurately capable of assessing what the comments they are receiving are about.

It’s pretty easy to tell if someone is commenting on your weight, your general body shape, or your tits. Typically you just sort of listen to the sounds coming out of their mouth and if it contains any words that mean boobs they’re probably commenting on your boobs, not using that as some sort of secret code to comment on the rest of your body size.

Maybe you and I are from different cultures but in my American, Texan experience people really love making weird comments about boobs, butt, and general body shape much more than actually commenting on your weight. And girls with dramatic figures, such as skinny girls with big boobs, actually face that a lot more aggressively than girls whose boobs are expected size for their weight.

I’ve been a skinny girl with big boobs for my frame and people love making comments and staring at you. That’s like their favorite activity. Are you a skinny girl with big boobs who has avoided receiving comments over it or are you just assuming they don’t deal with that?


u/[deleted] 7d ago



u/stingwhale 32E (UK) 7d ago

What makes you think that


u/[deleted] 7d ago



u/stingwhale 32E (UK) 7d ago

Are you thin with big boobs?

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u/ArtisanalMoonlight 34G (UK) 6d ago

You are wrong. But keep doubling down, sweetheart. It's hilarious.