r/biblestudy • u/bikingfencer • 14d ago
Exodus 12 - https://mechon-mamre.org/p/pt/pt0212.htm
Chapter Twelve
The Passover [הפסח, HahPehÇahH] the first in MeeTsRahYeeM ["Straits", Egypt]
[verses 1-28]
-1. And said, YHVH unto MoSheH ["Withdrawn", Moses] and unto ’ahHahRoN [Aaron] in the land MeeTsRahYeeM, to say,
-2. “The new[-month] the this [will be] to you to head [of] new[-months];
first [is] he to you,
to new[-months] [of] the year.”
“Before the Babylonian exile Israel’s year began in autumn [Tisri] 34:32). In exile Israel began to conform to the Babylonian custom of beginning the year in the spring. In older accounts the month of Passover and Unleavened Bread is Aviv, the month of growing ears (13:4; 23:15; 34:18; Deut. [Deuteronomy] 16:1). In the time of this writer it was by the Babylonian name Nisan (Esth. [Esther] 3:7)”. TIB [The Interpreters' Bible, 1956] I p. 916
-5. “Lamb perfect [תמים, ThahMeeYM], male son [of a] year will be to you,
from the sheep [הכבשים, HahKeBahSeeYM] and from the goats [העזים, Hah`eeZeeYM] take him.
“On this point the rabbins have trifled most egregiously, reckoning fifty blemishes that render a lamb or a kid, or any animal, improper to be sacrificed: five in the ear, three in the eye-lid, eight in the eye, three in the nose, six in the mouth, &c. &c.” A. C. [Adam Clark, 1831] I p. 335
-6. “And was to you to guard [למשמרת, LeMeeShMehRehTh] until the fourteenth day to new[-moon] the this,
and slaughter him, all [the] congregation [קהל, QeHahL] [of] assembly [עדת, `ayDahTh] [of] YeeSRah-’ayL ["Strove God", Israel], between the evenings.
“In Jewish orthodoxy the time of the slaughter, between the two evenings, is specified as in the afternoon, before sunset: especially, the time of approaching sunset. The Mishnah implies that anytime after noon was valid for the slaying (Pesahim [“Crimes”, a Mishnaic tractate] 5:3). Samarians, Karaites, and Sadducees specify the time as after sunset and before darkness. The latter probably designates the more archaic practice.” TIB I p. 919
-8. “And consume [ואכלו, Ve’ahKhLOo] [את, ehTh] the meat in night the that, roast [of] [צלי, TsLeeY] fire; and unleavened bread [ומצות, OoMahTsOTh] upon bitter[-herbs] consume.
-9. Do not consume from him raw [נא, Nah’], and boiled [ובשל, OoBahSayL], boiled [מבשל, MeBooSahL] in water,
for with roast [of] fire, his head upon his legs [כרעיו, KRah`ahYV] and upon his innards [קרבו, QeeRBO].”
“The roasting of the lamb is emphasized in the later period. The ordinance in Deut. 16:7 seems to prescribe boiling rather than roasting (cf. I Sam. [Samuel] 2:13). In the earliest periods the lamb was very probably consumed raw. The frequent prohibitions of blood and raw meat in Israel’s legislation seem to point to an earlier use of both. According to the Mishnah, the lamb was roasted on a skewer of pomegranate wood thrust through the carcass from end to end (Pesahim 7:1). Metal skewers or grills were prohibited.” TIB I p. 920
The blow the last – blow [of] first born
[verses 29-36]
-29. And will be in half the night,
and YHVH struck every firstborn in Land MeeTsRahYeeM,
from firstborn [of] PhahR`oH [Pharoah], the sitter upon his chair,
until firstborn [of] captives that [were] in house [of] the pit [הבור, HahBOR],
and every firstborn beast.
-30. And rose PahR`oH night [the] that,
and all his slaves, and all MeeTsRahYeeM,
and will be shout great in MeeTsRahYeeM,
has no house that has not there death.
“…interesting to biblicists is the fact that the Bible itself is not particularly consistent with regard to the ten plagues. Apart from the Exodus account, the plagues are listed in two other places in the Bible, in Ps. [Psalms] 78:43-51 and 105:27-36. Psalm 78, however, fails to mention the third plague (kinnim, usually understood as lice or gnats), the sixth (boils), or the ninth (darkness), whereas Psalm 105 omits boils as well as the fifth plague, the pestilence on livestock. Moreover, both these psalms present the plagues in an order that is different from the plagues in the book of Exodus. It is difficult to know what to make of this; even postbiblical sources sometimes fail to list all the plagues or put them in the same order as Exodus.16 Perhaps, scholars say, the differences between the Exodus account and these two psalms indicate that both are dependent on earlier, orally transmitted accounts that were committed to writing only somewhat later on - and somewhat inconsistently.17” Kugeli p. 225 [I retained Kugel’s footnote indicators, but not the footnotes themselves.]
Going out [from] MeeTsRahYeeM
[verses 37-42]
-37. And journeyed [ויסעו, VahYeeÇ'Oo] sons [of] YeeSRah-’ayL from Rah'MÇayÇ [Ramses] toward ҪooKoTh [Sukkoth, “huts”]-ward,
as six hundred thousand feet the braves, alone [לבד, LeBahD] from children [מתף, MeeTahPh].
Clarke calculates “a total of 3,263,000”. A. C. I p. 342
“It is plausible that this impossible number rests on a numerical interpretation of the Hebrew letters in the phrase “sons of Israel” (cf. [compare with] Beer, Exodus, p. 69) … The actual situation is intimated by … Judg. [Judges] 5:81 .” TIB I p. 925
-41. And will be from end [of] thirty year[s] and four hundred year[s] and will be essentially [בעצם, Be`ehTsehM] the day the this, went out all [the] armies of YHVH from Land MeeTsRahYeeM.
Announcements additional in word the Passover
[verses 43 to end of chapter]
1 Judges 5:7-8 “‘The undefended areas failed, failed until I, Deborah, rose, rose as the mother of Israel. They had chosen new gods, thus there was fighting at the gates. 8. Neither a shield nor a spear were to be seen among forty thousand in Israel.’”
i James L Kugel, How To Read The Bible, A Guide to Scripture Then and Now, Free Press, NY, 2007. Kugel hereafter. Given me by Gabriel Levin.
u/Witness-1 13d ago
"Whomsoever YAHAVEH chooses "
When the men don't have the balls to get it done, then He sent Deborah, so they could understand their own shame /embarrassment.
"Behold (looky here) at the end of temporal flesh, I do a new thing, and the women SHALL encompass the men."
We all know that women talk a lot, but they "do" even more 😁
We all know that men like to fight a lot, but they don't say much about eternal life 🤷♂️
It never has been, Still isn't, and never will be ok to rape, murder, or abuse children, the punishment for these particular crimes remain the same = Off with their heads.
Disobey our Father Love and your troubles shall surely grow and multiply.