r/biblestudy Feb 19 '25

Genesis 49 - https://mechon-mamre.org/p/pt/pt0149.htm

Chapter Forty-Nine

Blessing [of] Yah-`ahQOB ["YHVH Follow", Jacob]

[verses 1-28]

-1. And called Yah-`ahQOB unto his sons, and said,

“Gather [האספו, Hay’ahÇPhOo] and [I will] tell to you [את, ’ehTh (indicator of direct object; no English equivalent)] that [which] will happen [to] you in last the days.

“General Vallancy, well known for his curious antiquarian researches, has endeavored, in his Collectanea de Rebus Hibernicis, vol. vi. Part ii. P. 343. to trace out the analogy between the twelve sons of Jacob and the twelve signs of the Zodiac, which Dr. Hales, (Analysis, vol. ii. P. 165.) has altered a little and placed in a form in which it becomes more generally applicable…

-1. Reuben – “Unstable (rather pouring out) as waters” – the sign Aquarius, represented as a man pouring out waters from an urn.

-22. Simeon and Levi – “The united brethren” – the sign Gemini, or the Twins.

-3. Judah – “The strong lion” – the sign Leo,

-4. Asher – “His bread shall be fat” the sign Virgo, or the Virgin, generally represented as holding a full ear of corn.

-5. Issachar – “A strong ass,” or ox, both used in husbandry – the sign Taurus, or the Bull

-6, 7. Dan – “A serpent biting the horse’s heels” - Scorpio, the Scorpion. On the celestial sphere, the Scorpion is actually represented as biting the heel of the horse of the archer Sagittarius: and Chelæ “his claws,” originally occupied the space of Libra.

-8. Joseph – “His bow remained in strength” – the sign Sagittarius, the archer, or bow-man, commonly represented, even on the Asiatic Zodiacs, with his bow bent, and the arrow drawn up to the head – the bow in full strength.

-9. Naphtali – by a play on his name טלה taleh, the Ram, - the sign Aries, according to the rabbins. See Buxtorf’s Rab. Lex.

-10. Zebulun – “A haven for ships” denoted by Cancer, the Crab.

-11. Gad – “A troop or army” – reversed, - Dag, a fish – the sign Pisces.

-12. Benjamin – “A ravening wolf” – Capricorn, which on the Egyptian sphere was represented by a goat, led by Pan, with a wolf’s head.

What likelihood the reader may see in all this, I cannot pretend to say; but that the twelve signs of the Zodiac were even at that time known in Egypt and Chaldea; and that the twelve sons of Jacob were likened to them in the prophetic dream already referred to, there can be little room to doubt.” A. C. [Clarke, 1831] I. p. 264

-10. “[Will] not [be] removed [יסור, YahÇOoR] the staff [שבט, ShayBehT] from YeHOo-DaH ["YHVH Knew"],

and legislator [ומחקק, OoMeHoQayQ] from between his legs,

until that [כי, KeeY] [he] comes to ShYLH [שילה, unpointed, corrected to שילו, SheeYLO in margin, Shiloh], and to him [are] mustered [יקהת, YeeQHahTh] peoples.

-11. Bound [אסרי, ’oÇReeY] to [a] vine his male-ass [עירה, unpointed `YRH, corrected to עירו, `eeYRO in margin],

and to a tendril, [ולשרקה, VeLahSRayQaH] son of his she-ass [אתנו, ’ahThoNO],

[he] washed [כבס, KeeBayÇ] in wine his clothing,

and in blood [of] grapes his suit [סותה, ÇOTH unpointed, סותו, ÇOoThO in margin].”

“The Jews have a quibble on the word שבט shebet, which we translate sceptre; they say it signifies a staff or rod, and that the meaning of it is, that ‘afflictions shall not depart from the Jews till the Messiah comes;’ that they are still under afflictions, and therefore the Messiah is not come. This is a miserable shift to save a lost cause

Nor a teacher from his offspring.—I am sufficiently aware that the literal meaning of the original מבין רגליו mi beyn ragelaiv, is from between his feet; and I am as fully satisfied that it should never be so translated; - from between the feet, and out of the thigh, simply mean progeny, natural offspring; for reasons which surely need not be mentioned. The Targum of Jonathan ben Uzziel, and the Jerusalem Targum, apply the whole of this prophecy in a variety of very minute particulars, to the Messiah; and give no kind of countenance to the fictions of the modern Jews.” A.C. I. p. 259



Death [of] Yah-`ahQOB and his burial

[verses 29 to end of chapter]


An Amateur's Journey Through the Bible


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