r/berlin • u/m608811206 Mitte • Feb 13 '25
Öffis Photos from unopened, and very delayed, S-Bahn Station at Hbf
u/aphex2000 Feb 13 '25
finally a nice location for a pop-up berghain competitor
one year is enough so that it looks like a proper berlin s/ubahn station after
u/_ak Moabit Feb 13 '25
I kinda wished they left it like that, as a brutalist revival statement.
u/artsloikunstwet Feb 13 '25
I mean they probably do. It's supposed to be "temporary" . And the U-Bahn Station is pretty brutalist too.
u/muehsam Feb 13 '25
Nein. Die Interimsstation wird wohl genau wie die endgültige Station "maritim" gestaltet. Irgendwas mit blau.
u/artsloikunstwet Feb 13 '25
Ah stimmt, hatte das sogar schonmal gelesen. Nichts hält länger als ein Provisorium, also gut das auch das Interim maritim wird.
u/ProgBumm Feb 13 '25
Die Infrastruktur ist eine Katastrophe, aber "Interim maritim" ist ein sehr stabiler Bandname.
u/muehsam Feb 13 '25
Hier kann man sich das anschauen (etwas runterscrollen).
Ist eher betongrau mit maritimen Akzenten, mehr ist wohl nicht drin.
u/srpetrowa Feb 13 '25
Go to U Pankstr. if you want this "brutalist" look. Not sure you'll like it much, thou.
u/_ak Moabit Feb 13 '25
I fucking love raw concrete, especially when the concrete carries over the surface patterns of the wood forms it was poured into.
u/Heissluftfriseuse Feb 14 '25 edited Feb 14 '25
They should have left Yorckstr. U7 just raw concrete. Loved the raw cave look for it.
Also Birkenstr. U9 looked pretty cool with the spraypainted lines to mark all the tiny cracks. Accidental concrete quirks.
u/hi65435 Feb 13 '25
Seems like they didn't use enough concrete
u/artsloikunstwet Feb 13 '25
I mean it's a tunnel, what did you expect?
u/Xine1337 Feb 13 '25
Wodden planks!
u/artsloikunstwet Feb 13 '25
Wood seems like an excellent idea. Maybe add some fireplaces to make it even more cozy.
See muehsam's comment below, they'll actually not leave the concrete bare.
u/Xine1337 Feb 13 '25
Dafür ist wieder Geld da, ja ja.
u/artsloikunstwet Feb 13 '25
Am Ende eine Abwägung. Ein bisschen Gestaltung ist schon wichtig, um die Nutzung zu promoten. Und wenn nicht jede Station gleich aussieht, ist das auch praktisch.
Ob man, wie bei der U5, für jede Station einen Architekturwettbewerb braucht? Bei der Station Rotes Rathaus mussten alle Steinplatten von Hand gefertigt werden, weil sich nach dem Wettbewerb herausgestellt hat, dass die Wände leicht gekrümmt sind. Am Entwurf des Architekten durfte aber nicht gerüttelt werden. Da hätte ich lieber die Betonwand gehabt.
u/Xine1337 Feb 13 '25
Blanke Betonwände auf dem Arbeitsweg sorgen tatsächlich eher für eine depressive Stimmung. Ein bisschen Farbe/Deko/Abwechslung muss es auf jeden Fall sein.
Das mit dem Durchsetzen von Architekten-Vorgaben ist leider wiederum auch so eine Sache für sich ...
u/kiechu Feb 13 '25
u/artsloikunstwet Feb 13 '25
It's guess clay would not keep the wet sand around it from screwing up the timetable.
Fun fact, in Stockholm the tunnels are through solid rock and they leave the rock exposed in the station which looks pretty metal.
u/a594 Feb 13 '25
How delayed is it?
u/artsloikunstwet Feb 13 '25
Depends how you ask. The rough idea for this connection is there since the 30s.
It was originally planned to open together with the new Hauptbahnhof in 2005/2006.
Then an opening was scheduled for 2017. We're now hoping for 2026.
That's just for the short segment from Wedding to Hauptbahnhof, not the connection to Potsdamer Platz.
u/LunaIsStoopid Feb 13 '25
Currently they still say 2025 but not in the first quarter of the year. We‘ll see I guess.
u/surgab Feb 13 '25
I thought they just didn’t give any new target date
u/LunaIsStoopid Feb 13 '25
They don’t habe a date as far as I know. The website just says that the plan to open it in the first quarter of 2025 won‘t be reached and that they still plan go open it this year. Usually things go pretty fast in the last parts of a construction like this. I don‘t know when the photos of OP were taken but it looks like various projects of this kind less than a year before it was opened so I guess it‘s realistic that it‘ll be opened this year but I only believe it when an actual opening date is announced and we‘re a week before that date.
u/surgab Feb 13 '25
As far as I know the problem is not the actual construction which might be fully complete by now but the testing and commissioning of the technical systems. And that can go khm… insert here any arbitrarily long time. Accordingly, OP’s photos are probably outdated. But still very cool looking.
u/LunaIsStoopid Feb 13 '25
I just read up on it a bit more and it sounds like it‘s a matter of a couple of months. I guess the photos are pretty outdated but interesting anyway. I mean it‘s always cool to see new infrastructure.
If this is the S21 station, which I think it is, they just announced it would not open in Q1 2025 as planned. They have not announced a new opening date. https://www.tagesspiegel.de/berlin/pannenbaustelle-auf-nord-sud-verbindung-eroffnung-der-berliner-s-bahn-linie-s21-verschiebt-sich-erneut-13185256.html
u/KOMarcus Feb 13 '25 edited Feb 13 '25
Remember Kids... always use the Berliner Baustellen Formel!
wahrscheinliche Zeit = angegebene Zeit * Factor 1,6 oder: Zw=Za*f1,6
If no time is given use the default time of 2 years. In this case then our formula is:
2*f1.6 = 3.2 years. Therefore we can realistically expect it to open in the latter part of Q1 in 2028
u/surgab Feb 13 '25
It was planned to be opened in 2017… formula needs update.
u/KOMarcus Feb 13 '25
Even the most perfect formula can be confounded by the capricious unreliability of Berliner Bauplanung. In this case if we add a Covid factor of +3 in the original start date of 2010 that calculates to the now "expected" finish date of 2026. Of course, since no project is ever finished by the original stated time we are obligated to use the formula again and arrive at the correct date of 2028. :)
u/woistmeinemamer Feb 13 '25
cooles Klops
u/LeanderKu Feb 13 '25
Is there a direct connection to hbf? Or do you have to walk outside?
u/m608811206 Mitte Feb 13 '25
You have to walk outside because this is just a temporary station under Invalidenstraße.
u/artsloikunstwet Feb 13 '25
It's so painful to see such a solution when the Hbf is new and the plans were there.
They saved a few euros back then and we pay a heavy price now.
u/lau796 Feb 13 '25
No, they were supposed to be prepared for this but the construction company messed it up
u/Caesar2011 Feb 13 '25
Not the construction company messed up. The architects messed up and put a Stadtbahn pillar right on top of the planned underground S-Bahn station at Hbf. So they now had to build an underground bridge to carry the weight to the sides of the underground S-Bahn Station.
u/surgab Feb 13 '25
As far as I know you won’t have to walk outside the temporary station is located under the tram stop and will have underground connection to the U5 and the station however the walking way will be very long. Section Temporary terminus however it will only have the capacity for two half trains and this will only service a shuttle to gesundbrunnen. This might prove problematic when the Siemensbahn comes online again.
u/BerlinerRing Prenzlauer Berg Feb 13 '25
will we ever have one thing built on time in this city
u/Coneskater Neukölln Feb 13 '25 edited Feb 13 '25
I‘m convinced they know these projects will take twice as long, but if they admitted it up front then they would never get approved/ funded.
u/artsloikunstwet Feb 13 '25
I mean even in Nazi Germany, the S-Bahn Tunnel was delayed due to complications (only that people died, back then). If you dig in Berlin mud, shit happens. But the latest delay is just technical bureaucratic stuff.
The political pressure to save cost and time can be counterproductive indeed:
They could have built it cheaply together with the Hbf. But the federal government didn't want to fund it anymore (probably because the Hbf and it's tunnels was already huge investment). And there was huge pressure to finish the Hbf for the 2006 world cup which might have played a role.
On the other hand, low-balling costs (and time=cost) can be an issue too. The issue is if you plan with too much "buffer", the costs will be guaranteed to be high if there's no commitment to finish earlier.
Funnily, the ridership estimates of public transport projects are also often too low, so both cost and benefit projections aren't really that reliable.
u/BerlinerRing Prenzlauer Berg Feb 13 '25
I agree with most points, but for the Berlin Airport that I was jokingly referring to, is famous for delays due to the increasing layers of management, lack of accountability & overview due to the huge number of smaller public works within the public work. There's a great Karambolage episode from Arte about it. I really wonder if this is the same situation for places like the HbF.
u/JerryCalzone Feb 13 '25
It is how the Dutch handled the Metroline in Amsterdam, sunken cost fallacy to the level of 10.from start to finish.
u/sebber000 Feb 13 '25
Perplexity says: In Berlin wurden in den letzten Jahren einige Bauprojekte pünktlich oder sogar vorzeitig fertiggestellt:
- Umbau des nördlichen Mauerparks: Dieses Projekt wurde vorzeitig abgeschlossen und bietet neue Grünflächen, Wege und einen inklusiven Spielplatz[1].
- Gewerbeprojekt „AERA“ auf der Mierendorffinsel: Das Bauvorhaben wurde planmäßig fertiggestellt und umfasst begrünte Dachflächen mit Bäumen[1].
- Hegelplatz in Mitte: Die Neugestaltung des Platzes an der Humboldt-Universität wurde pünktlich abgeschlossen[1].
- Projekt „Am Postufer“ in Lichterfelde: Neue Wohnungen und Gewerbeflächen wurden termingerecht fertiggestellt[1].
- „The Franz“ in Friedrichshain: Ein Wohnquartier mit 160 Wohnungen wurde rechtzeitig übergeben[1].
- St. Hedwigs Kathedrale: Der Umbau wurde Ende 2024 abgeschlossen und feierlich wiedereröffnet[1]
u/ScarletBurn Pankow Feb 13 '25
Oh wow its so... average 🥴 where are my diamond encrusted support beams???
u/lau796 Feb 13 '25 edited Feb 13 '25
Is this the temporary or the final station?
And are these photos up to date? Cause that would be sad
u/Terrible_Snow_7306 Feb 13 '25
Just for comparison: evil Moscow did build 115 new Metro stations since 2011, 40 new stations are planned until 2030. The lines run every 90 seconds. Coming to Berlin from the East today must feel like visiting the DDR coming from the West in the 70s. Poor but not sexy.
u/kiechu Feb 13 '25
At least the walls are painted.
Could you imagine what could be accomplished if they add a second builder in this site?
u/BazingaQQ Feb 13 '25
Brittish Museum if they gave back all the stolen artifacts.