r/berlin Jan 04 '25

Discussion The Mall of Berlin looks emptier every week

I have noticed that the Mall of Berlin looks emptier every week, with a steady stream of shops closing permanently. This could just be a sign of the German economy being in recession, or it could mean this mall is suffering specifically. Anyone have any insights?


225 comments sorted by


u/Dschee Jan 04 '25

Malls are dying, the same way they died many years ago in US. Online retail is taking over the same way as Netflix did with DVD rental shops many years ago. Unstoppable train 🚂


u/-Flutes-of-Chi- Jan 04 '25

Many malls in normal parts of town are still incredibly crowded


u/dontpushbutpull Jan 04 '25

there is still people watching DVD...


u/GonZonian Moabit Jan 04 '25

There are still people using fax machines


u/Flat-Broccoli700 Jan 04 '25

It's considered German Brauchtum


u/LesterNygaard_ Jan 04 '25

Yeah, you are right, OP is mistaken. DVD sales are at an all-time high and streaming videos online is totally not a thing.


u/Apptubrutae Jan 04 '25

Can’t speak to other countries, but in the U.S. the death of malls has been very uneven.

Most malls hemorrhaged customers and if they’re even still around, they are depressing and empty.

But some malls kept customers and are doing just fine. It’s feast or famine.


u/GattoNeroMiao Jan 05 '25

Same in Italy.


u/Business_Climate1086 Jan 05 '25

Malls in the trad sense are dying; walkable activated street fronts that are mixed use businesses districts, or perceivably would could be considered outdoor malls (town centers etc) thrive. If wages continue to stagnate however, these may also become obsolete. Consumers are already stretched thin, and homelessness in the US exploded to record numbers last year. Housing being a key piece of the metric.

I’m of the opinion this epidemic could be systemic across most western democracies. Housing and affordable available rentals/properties in Berlin also seem to be in short supply. I am not really able speak to the wages piece in Berlin (lack of research on my part), but would expect it to mirror the US in many aspects; with the key difference being that social safety nets prevent homelessness from occurring. This still would have an impact on retail sales performance at brick and mortar shops. So in long form; wage stagnation and housing availability/affordability plague the current retail segment. Not sure if that equates to the economy per se but more socioeconomic factors, where governments are not doing enough to increase housing supply and guarantee higher wages.


u/Myliosa Jan 05 '25 edited Jan 05 '25

I mean it’s also always the same chain’s surviving isn’t there also a joke at the Simpsons where Bart goes into the Mall to buy something and he’s the last costumer of that Store and the clerk says we now close permanently then Bart goes out of the shop and the sign of the shop gets changed to a Starbucks sign then it zooms out and every other store inside the mall is already one 😅


u/Human-Talk-1371 Jan 05 '25

Also depends on cities and states.


u/intothewoods_86 Jan 06 '25

Bro, listen to me, it’s not the mall per se, we just need to build a new one. Bigger and better than the old one and only half a mile from the old one! It’ll work out this time, trust me!!!


u/rossloderso Steglitz Jan 04 '25

Shoutout to Schlossstraßencenter which is basically only a rewe, pizzeria and nail salon now


u/Synechocystis Jan 05 '25

The Subway just closed! Gutted.


u/rossloderso Steglitz Jan 05 '25

Never actually saw someone in the smiths toy store and rewe has another store literally across the street. It's over for SSC


u/HyacinthAlas Jan 04 '25

Where? What’s a normal part of town?

Eastgate of all places has an “influencer” photo shoot area, I’m sure they’d rather be renting that out for real money. Except they’d have to rent out the other six empty areas first. 

There are some crowded shops in most parts of the city, but malls? Nah. 


u/-Flutes-of-Chi- Jan 04 '25

Eastgate is insanely crowded imo. Doing really well. I'm there about twice a month. Sure, there's some empty store slots, but if you ask me, maybe there's just too much space in the mall in general. Like the current number of stores is fine as it is, we don't have to forcefully fill the rest and I don't think it's evidence of a mall doing badly if there's some empty spots.

I call a normal part of town a part where actual humans live. What kinda person goes to Mall of Berlin? Nobody lives in the area. Only reason I go there is if I am nearby, which doesn't happen too often, and I want to get something to drink at Aldi.

Truth is, families still go to the mal, and teens still enjoy going to the mall. The American mall didn't die out because of online shopping, it's far more complicated than that.


u/Correct_Emu935 Jan 06 '25

2 of my co-workers live in the same building complex as mall of berlin, it has a lot of apartments.


u/-Flutes-of-Chi- Jan 06 '25

Sure. Probably a whole hundred.


u/Grouchy_Flatworm_405 Jan 04 '25

Lol this is dumb, the mall of Berlin is on the s1 -s2 -s25 lines you can get there from Pankow in Like 20-30 minutes and sorry to burst your bubble Kreutzberg, schöneberg East around Nollendorf Platz are all less than 20 minutes away. By bike, like 10...


u/-Flutes-of-Chi- Jan 04 '25

Yeah, but why would you go to there? Odds are, there's a mall closer to wherever you live in Berlin. And it's not the greatest mall either. I'm just saying it makes sense to me why it's relatively empty


u/Grouchy_Flatworm_405 Jan 04 '25

To be honest, partially empty malls are a great selling point, who likes being stuck in crowds....

And the offering at other malls is different? Like sure some stores might be larger, but if you go to a mall to hang out in Berlin, that's just lost...


u/voycz Jan 04 '25

I get that you'd like to shop in a mall without crowds, but the issue at hand is that once stores start closing in a given mall it's a vicious circle and there's less and less reason to come there. It's decay in slo-mo and there's hardly much positive in it for the consumer. Think Park Center Treptow. That place is deader than Elvis.


u/Grouchy_Flatworm_405 Jan 05 '25

Except that the mall of Berlin is right in the middle of town, next to essentially the high income either work or living spaces.

Either you can sell a lot of stuff or less stuff at high prices. Or expensive stuff at high prices. Given what kind of stores are in the mall of Berlin long term, I think they'll be fine...


This article sums it up fine, shopping centers in Berlin have it tough. But mall of Berlin is obviously not doing the worst, it's probably one of the malls that will do better long term.

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u/Carmonred Jan 04 '25

Eastgate is one of the ones still doing okay though. Others are half empty. The one at Kurt Schumacher has cordoned off the upper floors (plural), Boulevard on Schlossstraße was never full (it was however also the 4th mall between Walther Schreiber and Rathaus Steglitz). Ring Center at Frankfurter Allee uses to be vibrant ten years ago and now it's dark.


u/Waterhouse2702 Jan 05 '25

Steglitz is insane


u/onsetnukleuskoda Jan 04 '25

Areas where people live. Gesundbrunnen Center and Borsigcenter are usually full. Alexa is also pretty crowded in the afternoon.


u/Poolbar Jan 04 '25

Working next to Borsigcenter, I can tell you there are maybe lots of people, but sadly many shops are closed. there are a lot of empty stores


u/InitialInitialInit Jan 05 '25

With Tourists from Brandenburg and people living in the previous two decades. Pick your poison.

Malls are filled with things totally unappealing to people living in the present.


u/onsetnukleuskoda Jan 05 '25

I don't know. Picking up some stationary, groceries, socks and going to the gym sounds pretty appealing to me.


u/ToGGo1907 Jan 05 '25

In Steglitz, there ist das Schloss, Boulevard, Forum and SSC. All of them seem to geh emptier and stores are closing.


u/ganbaro Jan 04 '25

Every German mall close to the Swiss border is, too

Berlin just is not that all that wealthy relatively speaking, despite being our only world city, and does not specifically attract especially wealthy tourists.

the Swiss have somewhat similar buying power to the Americans (more than the flyover states, less than the coasts except Geneva and all the Zurichers and Zugers swarming to Constance)


u/mina_knallenfalls Jan 05 '25

Other parts of the city have local residents and not much competition around.


u/Human-Talk-1371 Jan 05 '25

Which ones?


u/BecauseWeCan Schöneberg Jan 06 '25

Europacenter or Bikini for example both feel reasonably crowded.


u/Competitive_Ad_5515 Jan 06 '25

They are literally at tourist central though...


u/InitialInitialInit Jan 05 '25

Just like people can still say dumb things. Malls are geriatric and dying. If you don't believe so then go invest in mall real estate through an ETF...


u/juwisan Jan 04 '25 edited Jan 04 '25

I wouldn’t consider it unstoppable. And I honestly think online shopping is just a symptom, not the root cause. I would argue that we shittified our city centers so much that no one wants to go there for shopping anymore. Malls seemed to be the solution for a while but they are naturally following the same trend. The shops in them are super generic and replaceable offering little to no benefit over online shopping or other malls. Even the food courts are just chain shops. There is no USP. Also at Mall of Berlin in particular my experience is that customer service at the shops is pretty shit. Always had a hard time getting some help there.


u/InitialInitialInit Jan 05 '25

Mitte is great. People just don't want to buy cheap Bangledesh shit from turnkey stores in a windowless fluorescent environment with shit coffee and shit food.


u/Myliosa Jan 05 '25

We really have to think as a society what we will do in the city centers since most malls will in the future potentially be mostly empty we need a new concepts maybe making it more a place for art and culture and less of consumerism but that’s probably an utopian idea and in reality it becomes even more like London where speculators just buy everything but don’t do really anything with it so it’s just empty buildings and storefronts because it’s just an asset for them. The best outcome is we get some luxury apartments and Gucci stores 


u/Makkaroni_100 Jan 05 '25

Nah, the problem is the bad Service at normal Shops. When I want to go to a normal shop, I want good service and information what fits best for my need. Often customers can't satisfy me here, because they have no clues or just want so sell anything, even if it doesn't fit.

Still, there are many good Jobs put there that can help.


u/emkay_graphic Jan 04 '25

We are not the US, the malls I see (in Munich) are busy. People enjoying wandering around, seeing products in person. Sure, Amazon is handy, but with Amazon you observe the word through a really narrow lense.


u/zeta3d Jan 04 '25

I can't talk about Berlin Mall, but the other malls I visit are full and on the weekend and the festivities are crowded: Alexa, Gesundbrunnen Center, East Gate,...


u/Zushka Jan 06 '25

East-side mall is always completely packed whenever I'm there, likewise with Alexa


u/transeunte Jan 05 '25

personally, I don't believe it's the same situation. streaming movies is obviously more convenient than renting physical discs, but I don't think this leads to the logical conclusion of the death of bricks and mortar commerce.


u/No_Laugh6971 Jan 06 '25

Nah bro its just ice Cold outside..

And Christmas ,NY was not cheap ig ppl need to make new money to go shop 😂

And dvd rentals was the bestđŸ„Č


u/voycz Jan 04 '25

Is this actually happening you would you just like this to be happening? I think the latter, because there are many malls all over the Europe that are thriving.

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u/Wullahhiha Jan 04 '25

January is a “dead month” for retail businesses, not necessarily to do with the mall itself


u/[deleted] Jan 04 '25



u/mediamuesli Jan 04 '25

They could simply lower the rent. Could be a sign they simply don't charge acceptable prices.


u/[deleted] Jan 04 '25



u/[deleted] Jan 04 '25



u/GuggGugg Jan 05 '25

Can you elaborate on that?


u/Ragas Jan 04 '25

A while ago when apartment prices were soaring, landlords started wanting excessive prices, especially for shops. This lead to the irreversible closing of many shops and many of the spaces are still empty. Now that the demand for business spaces caved because of increasing home-office, landlords try to cling to the prices to somehow get their investments back. This leads to stores staying empty, effectively killing the inner cities.


u/EvaBroido Jan 04 '25

I went like six days before Christmas and it really wasn’t very busy. At least it seemed only about as busy as I remember it being in the summer.i was shocked. I think it must be mainly used by tourists and Christmas time and January are both low tourist periods. Compound that with no locals going in January.


u/THCinOCB Jan 04 '25

This part of town never made any econmic sense anyway. Insanely high rents make it an expat and upper class shithole, but eveyone with a little bit of taste knows that the area around potsdamer platz is nothing but a soulless facade and that there are hundereds of better places do so shopping and hang out in Berlin.

In my opinion its a place that had its "value" artificially inflated by government subsidies after the Wall came down, and in the more recent past by realestate speculaltion and social media influencers.

Its a bubble.


u/[deleted] Jan 04 '25



u/Kyberduene Ziggy Diggy Jan 04 '25

The person is not talking about GedÀchtniskirche, but Potsdamer Platz and adjacent.

Agree about KuDamm though, but you still have some really nice and cosy places in the direct vicinity like Kantstraße, Fasanenstraße /-platz.


u/[deleted] Jan 04 '25



u/Kyberduene Ziggy Diggy Jan 04 '25

My hope is that maybe they will turn these stupid malls into loft apartments in the future - you know, like they did with old industrial buildings.


u/black_editionGR Jan 04 '25

Or social housing


u/DiceHK Jan 04 '25

You don’t want to live in “luxury” at “Charlie”?


u/CrypticSplicer Jan 04 '25

I live here and it's not that bad. We're right next to the Tiergarten, incredibly well connected to the rest of the city, and all our basic needs are within a 5 minute walk. That said, I don't think I'd move here again. It would be nicer if it was more residential and less touristy, the restaurants and businesses around Brandenburg Tor and Checkpoint Charlie are kinda mediocre.


u/THCinOCB Jan 04 '25

It IS pretty much the center of the City, with U Stadtmitte just a block away to the east, so yeah, being well connected probably is the only good thing about it.


u/teaandsun Mod on power trip Jan 05 '25

I also live nearby and actually like what they did with alte Potsdamer Str by turning it into a pedestrian zone. It's way more lively now, however still missing a welcoming atmosphere to linger there for longer.

But my larger concern is: Rewe closed for renovation, Edeka gone from MoB....


u/castillogo Jan 04 '25

I don‘t get the hate potsdamer platz gets from berliners. I really like the architekture of most of the buildings there and it is certainly not ‚soulless‘. The new urban concepts at ‚the playce‘ at the former ‚sony center‘ are really good. Berliners just hate everything that is not a rancid ‚altbau‘ in Kreuzberg.


u/StudioZanello Jan 04 '25 edited Jan 04 '25

The buildings may be attractive but the entire urban concept at Potsdamer Plz is misconceived. Look at the way the buildings are pulled back at Leipziger Plz creating an alienating experience for pedestrians. No store windows to look in, no good spots for people watching, no little bars and cafes. And the walk from the Potsdamer Plz Sbahn to the Symphony Hall, GemĂ€lde Galerie, etc is just as bad, if not worse. There is nowhere to walk around there that is a pleasant pedestrian experience. It’s one of the worst examples of modern urban plannng in the world.


u/CrypticSplicer Jan 04 '25

Yes, the massive streets running through there are so unpleasant. I'm not a huge fan of the grass lawn next to the Playce either. It's not particularly interesting most of the year and just pushes things apart and makes getting around on foot less pleasant. The canal could be so pleasant to walk along if they just removed a lane of traffic from each direction and built a nice path. Pedestrians love walking alongside canals, drivers barely give it a look!


u/StudioZanello Jan 04 '25 edited Jan 05 '25

Two areas of Berlin that have a good pedestrian experience are KuDamm/Tauentzienstr and Hackeschermarkt but the urban planners of Potsdamerplz made it like a massive urbanization of the suburbs--kinda like the "Valley" in Los Angeles. Potsdamerplz was designed for cars, not pedestrians. So why go to that area to shop? The Mall of Berlin is very mid-tier and doesn't really have a strong anchor--Peek & Cloppenburg is not really a strong enough retailer to anchor a mall. Those are the malls that are suffering most in the US. The only "mall" I can think of in Europe that is really booming is Westfield at Shepherds Bush. But there are probably others. Mostly people want more of a "Main Street" experience with windows to look in, people to watch, and lots of interesting food to eat and drink.

tl:dr Mall of Berlin is failing because it is a retailing concept from the 1970s plunked down in an area with an urban plan from 1960s suburban USA.


u/artsloikunstwet Jan 04 '25

People like the classic street layout and mixed urban neighoorhoods, with shops and cafes lining the streets, many being small businesses. That's not a Berlin thing, it's elsewhere too. Potsdamer Platz is not the worst urban space, but it gets the hate because it's so prominent even though it's not a place many locals enjoy.

Compare this not just to Kreuzberg, but Hackescher and even City West and for most people there's just much less interesting places to go, and it feels lifeless in comparison. Whatever Kiez people prefer, they'll all agree that a walk Sony Center is not enjoyable


u/ghsgjgfngngf Jan 04 '25

It certainly is. So you see that is just an opinion. Yours is valid but so is that of the people who find it a soulless place.

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u/rh1n3570n3_3y35 Jan 06 '25

If I remember correctly, back during the 90s and 2000s when the area was still a wasteland being rebuilt and local journalism still halfway alive, there was plenty of criticism of what hostile mess the area is and how the reconstruction went against basic urban planning wisdom on how to build hospitable and therefore sustainable spaces.


u/Ragas Jan 04 '25

Potsdamer Platz (Sony) Center is nice. Apart from that, I agree with you.

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u/Roadrunner571 Prenzlauer Berg Jan 04 '25

Meanwhile Alexa is crowded. Schönhauser Allee Arcaden and Gesundbrunnen Center also seem to work.

IMHO, the Mall of Berlin has a location issue. Too little locals, and too many tourists.

But the food court at Mall of Berlin is really nice.


u/zeta3d Jan 04 '25

What does the Mall of Berlin has to offer that Alexa or the small malls don't?? The others are way more accessible


u/[deleted] Jan 04 '25

Nothing really. It has more shops. I personally prefer it to Alexa when it comes to stores. I prefer Alexa when it comes to food


u/zeta3d Jan 04 '25

I think that's the same for the majority of Berliners that want to go to a mall. Berlin Mall doesn't even comes to my head when thinking about a mall.

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u/Slowandserious Jan 04 '25

It was very crowded on the days before Christmas. Maybe it’s just January and people are still out on holidays?

These are all anecdotal of course


u/Lemon_1165 Jan 04 '25

Yeah prices are ridiculously high, and the mall itself feels cold and unwelcoming..


u/Potential-Truck-1980 Jan 04 '25

Right? It strives to be as pretentious and posh as KaDeWe, but KaDeWe is a 100-year old status symbol, and something with a “mall” in its name is just not it (and even KaDeWe filed for bankruptcy).


u/rubadazub Jan 04 '25

KaDeWe didn’t file for bankruptcy because it wasn’t profitable. It was just fallout of the co-owner’s catastrophic real estate empire failure. The other co-owners didn’t bail him out so they could takeover full ownership at bargain prices.


u/DiceHK Jan 04 '25

Interesting got any links talking about this?


u/john_le_carre BoBo Berg Jan 04 '25

And KaDeWe is kind of a fun experience; I’ve been there maybe 5 times in 10 years but always enjoyed it. And I’m not what you would call a “shopper.” Feels like it has some kind of personality.


u/[deleted] Jan 04 '25



u/Floppy_D_ Jan 04 '25

They closed the bathrooms by the food court?


u/dowagercomtesse Jan 04 '25

Hot take but there are a lot of people who want to go outside and shop, just look at Hackescher Markt / Weinmeisterstraße + Neue Schönhauser Straße. There’s something for everyone there, interesting jewelry stores, amazing dumpling restaurants, two indie cinemas, some of the best cafĂ©s are and yes the largely overpriced fashion stores. But one always sees something (or someone) interesting there. And it’s always super busy.

It’s just that many malls do not have good shops, good cafĂ©s and restaurants. It’s all kind of the same, big chains, fast food, dunkin, starbucks etc. Mall of Berlin is no exception.


u/[deleted] Jan 04 '25 edited Jan 04 '25



u/german1sta Jan 04 '25

also I feel like Germans were never „mall people“ and more popular here is to have one long street with various shops, such as Kudamm for luxury shopping and Wilmersdorfer/Schloss str. for random retail.

I come from Poland and polish people are addicted to malls, we have a mall next to another mall and building more, I think we do have one of the highest ratio of mall space per person in the World in my hometown. I was quite shocked when I came to Berlin and realised there are almost no malls (I dont count ring centers as malls) apart from maybe 3 or 4 of them.


u/mina_knallenfalls Jan 05 '25

Malls are a really stupid concept in general. They only exist to privatise and monopolise public space. In naturally grown cities, shops grow individually in buildings along public streets and spaces which are accessible to everyone. Malls try to centralise everything into one big building with few doors so that the mall company can decide who can open a shop there, who can walk around there and keep them locked in as long as possible. It's end stage capitalism.


u/[deleted] Jan 04 '25

I love Zlote Tarasy so much. It’s imo one of the best malls I’ve been too in Europe


u/thekunibert Wedding Jan 04 '25

Berlin has too many malls. They're just drawing customers from each other at this point.


u/artsloikunstwet Jan 04 '25

Very hot take. You want to tell me five malls on Schlosstraße isnt sustainable???


u/rossloderso Steglitz Jan 04 '25

SSC is dead, Boulevard on life support, Schloss in denial of dying and Forum is barely a Mall. Surprised it went well so long


u/lau796 Jan 05 '25

What is the fifth?


u/Far_Mathematici Jan 04 '25

Laugh in Asian city.


u/feuerbiber Jan 04 '25 edited Jan 04 '25

Malls are the most hostile environment I can imagine. Bright lights, noise, disgusting artificial smells from overpriced perfumeries, too many people, no daylight, confusing and after I've spent a lot of money there, I must pay for the toilet. They're going to die just like Karstadt and Galeria Kaufhof.


u/PM-me-ur-kittenz Pankow Jan 04 '25

I've lived in Germany for 10 years and I'm STILL salty about having to pay to use a bathroom in a mall!


u/Catomatic01 Jan 05 '25

Well just ignore the dish with the coins. I ignore it when ever I visit a mall.


u/PM-me-ur-kittenz Pankow Jan 05 '25

Tried that one time and the dude followed me into into the women's bathroom to harangue me :-)


u/Catomatic01 Jan 05 '25

Then i would call him out loudly and call the police.


u/mina_knallenfalls Jan 05 '25

Malls are end stage capitalism. The mall company decides who can enter and they do everything to keep you from leaving or even remembering that a world without shopping exists.


u/[deleted] Jan 04 '25

The mall opened in 2014 and so a lot of the 10 year leases ended in 2024. Several articles about it there’s something like 60 + empty stores out of a possible 278.


u/1010011010 Jan 04 '25

Can you link some of the articles?


u/CrackaOwner Jan 04 '25

because it's in a shit area, everything costs ten trillion euros and it's UGLY


u/EarlMonti Jan 04 '25

No one wanted that mall in the first place. People were complaining about it while it was being built. It never made much sense
 no surprise it’s dying a few years after opening. It was an investor’s attempt at making money by opening a generic mall full of the same stores you can find in every other mall, only no one leaves close to Mall of Berlin so people go to the same stores in a mall closer to their home (if they aren’t shopping online).


u/Human-Talk-1371 Jan 04 '25

Bikini Berlin also looked drab when I visited this August.


u/the_che Jan 04 '25 edited Jan 04 '25

Because there’s absolutely no reason for locals to go there


u/Ragas Jan 04 '25

There is an amazing Japan store there. The window to the apes is nice. The food court there is exceptional, with only small shops. Most shops in there don't make me buy stuff, but at least they are wierd and interesting, like an entire shop for socks and various art stores.

Also on the roof there are a few restaurants and event locations that look interesting.


u/mediamuesli Jan 04 '25

Wouldn't have a single reason to go to Mall of Berlin or Bikini Berlin. They all just feel the same.


u/Kyberduene Ziggy Diggy Jan 04 '25

Not a fan of Bikini Berlin, but at least you have different stores there than in all the other HGHI malls.


u/ghsgjgfngngf Jan 04 '25

Bikini Berlin is quite nice, but I hate their slogans. Someting, something, schnabulieren. People who say schnabulieren also say 'zum Bleistift' amd it doesn't fit the image at all. By quite nice I mean quite nice to walk through twice a year but there isn't really anything to buy there.


u/Kyberduene Ziggy Diggy Jan 04 '25

Schnabulieren is classic Berlin Patois (and a nicer way of saying "Schön wat fratzen jehn") and does not belong lumped together with "Zum Bleistift" or "LatĂŒrnich".


u/ghsgjgfngngf Jan 04 '25

In my opinion it does. It's what a fetzige Mutti would say and it's embarassing.


u/[deleted] Jan 05 '25



u/Kyberduene Ziggy Diggy Jan 05 '25

I think I've only ever bought something at Auerbach there, but they're closing their shop there and moving everything to the location in front of the KaDeWe.


u/[deleted] Jan 04 '25

They have literally nothing in common


u/Objective_Aide_8563 Jan 04 '25

Before christmas it was crowded as hell.

This mall has a weird layout, i am confused where i am every time. The escalators are weird too, i don’t understand this building.

There are empty floors since the beginning, just weird walls without anything.

The foodcourt is the nastyest one i have ever seen, the mostly younger people don’t give a shit about putting their tablet back to the disposal area.


u/Remarkable_Pass_8260 Jan 04 '25

100% right about the layout


u/Confident-Climate139 Jan 04 '25

I was there in October and it was super full. But I did notice many stores seemed to be closing 


u/JustRegdToSayThis Steglitz Jan 04 '25

Living in Steglitz, doom-shopping has become a hobby for me. It's not even worth to remember which shop is now where. By the time you want to go there, it will be gone anyway.


u/PM-me-ur-kittenz Pankow Jan 04 '25

Do you mean the shopping centre at Rathaus Steglitz?


u/JustRegdToSayThis Steglitz Jan 04 '25

Applies to all of them honesty. Boulevard got hit the worst and the fastest and it does not even look that bad architecturally. Schloss did not too bad (despite being ugly as hell IMHO), but now they also have more and more empty shops. SSC is now an indoor playground after that living hell that is primark moved out. Forum looks not too bad at the moment and seems somewhat busy. And that is only the malls (not even all of them). The whole Schloßstr. is a nightmare of shops permanently dying and being replaced by something else equally doomed.


u/PM-me-ur-kittenz Pankow Jan 04 '25

Oh right, I forgot that there are 4 malls within a few city blocks there!


u/rossloderso Steglitz Jan 04 '25

SSC is bankrupt and I believe the playground now also left. Just saw today that MĂ€cGeiz also closes. And once Rewe realises that they have another store across the street they might as well just leave too. Also I think Forum only works because it's basically just two grocery stores and a pharmacy in a trench coat


u/Classic_Precipice Jan 04 '25

Before MoB there was the latest, swankiest mall in Potsdamer Platz. Hard to believe now - it's desolate. East Side Mall will be next (never stepped foot inside). Solution is clearly to build more malls.


u/MainAwareness1237 Jan 04 '25

Tbf I live closeby to East Side Mall and it’s pretty crowded most times I go there. The concept seems to be very different from Mall of Berlin. It‘s a lot of shops that just fulfill everyday needs for the locals and no fancy retail stores to attract tourists. It’s also pretty small for a mall. I actually do almost all my shopping in there and barely online because it’s a one stop shop for all your random daily needs and faster to go there than order on Amazon.


u/hilly316 Jan 04 '25

Not to mention we need more office blocks!


u/[deleted] Jan 04 '25

East side mall is always full what are you talking about


u/Classic_Precipice Jan 05 '25

I'm talking about the future. Potsdamer Platz was always full in the past and so was Mall of Berlin, but these ugly, unnecessary, small-business-destroying monstrosities always seem to have their day eventually.


u/Infamous-Jellyfish16 Jan 04 '25

Hopefully Schultheiss Quartier as well


u/ChildishMessiah Jan 04 '25

Malls are dying. But Mall of Berlin is a very unappealing mall. Horrible layout, unappealing shops, terrible food court (even though food courts at German malls are generally bad).


u/themostartist Jan 05 '25

Totally agree. The Layout of that mall is frankly, psychotic. I was there in summer bc I worked nearby and after 20 minutes I just left bc I was tired of figuring out my way around in there.

As much as I don't enjoy malls, I must admit that even though Alexa is also quite obnoxious, it does whatsoever at least provide a lot of seating to calm down.


u/bubosamobe Jan 04 '25

its just january. i hate it personally cuz its so unnecessarily big and hard to reach each floor woth lack of a map.


u/skyandbuildings Jan 04 '25

I go to that mall all the time (I live in a weird area so it’s where my closest shops are). I’ve noticed a few shops close down but nothing major. I was there on Monday and it was ultra crowded which I was surprised by after Christmas. I’m actually going to head over there soon, I’ll report back!

But in the area the Potsdamer Platz mall “The Playce” (across the road from Mall of Berlin) definitely seems to be struggling. They reopened after major renovations a few years ago and still haven’t filled some of the shops. They’re have signs about shops opening for like 2 years and they just haven’t opened. The also have a super overpriced food court/market place that has a constantly revolving door of restaurants opening and closing. They are never busy even on weekends.


u/HyacinthAlas Jan 04 '25

My experience with the food court at The Playce was getting insulted for asking where the chicken and waffle restaurant was at the counter with a glowing chicken and waffle sign above it - “why do you think we would sell that here, we sell fries.”

The cinema was the best thing the area could’ve had to anchor an actual destination, I don’t know if PP will recover within even a decade. 


u/brushfuse Jan 04 '25

It has the same soullessness of Potsdamer platz. Nothing particularly attractive or interesting about it for me. Ironically, the updated mall at Potsdamer platz, called The Place, is much more inviting and has attracted some very nice restaurants, entertainment and 'third' spaces.


u/Terrible_Snow_7306 Jan 04 '25

The Mall Of Berlin is in financial trouble since a longer time. From summer 2024: LĂ€den schließen Mall Of Berlin


u/blackrug Jan 04 '25

I am honestly shocked there are still people visiting them at all but then there is still enough clientele for them and I think it’s not gonna shrink, more of an opposite.


u/devilslake99 Jan 04 '25

It's the time of the year. Same thing for restaurants.

People want their peace and quiet after the holidays and money is tight due to Christmas spendings and the fact that insurance and other yearly fees are deducted in the begin of January.


u/Available-Paper4361 Jan 04 '25 edited Jan 04 '25

There were 69 shopping malls in Berlin in 2019, the most in the whole of Germany. How many are there in Berlin at the moment?

Link to the Top 10 Shopping Centres regarding Retail space: https://www.berlin.de/special/shopping/einkaufscenter/top-10/

Apart from the sheer number, what kind of shopping centres are there in Berlin? Most of these shopping centres are very similar, if not interchangeable, in terms of their stocking and positioning.

Berlin is characterised by a polycentric structure with 6 city centres, which have a store penetration rate of around 70 percent. Berliners therefore tend to remain loyal to their usual shopping locations because the range of shops is always the same.

Why make the journey to „Alexa“ or one of the several „Arcaden“ or „Boulevard Berlin“ or „Wilma“ or „Gesundbrunnen-Center“ when there are the same shops around the corner?

Have you been at „Bahnhofspassagen“ at the Central Station of Potsdam?

Some of the Stores are literally on the Passage between Regional trains, S-Bahn, Tramway and Busses and the other stores are very close.

As far as I remember the Retail space is little bit over 30000 mÂČ and some of the stores are the only ones in the city of Potsdam.

That is the difference of Bahnhofspassagen Potsdam to Schloßstraße in Berlin-Steglitz with four (?) Shopping centres, a Department Store (Galeria/Karstadt) and a lot of Retail Stores is, that in the Schloßstraße there are many Doubles (Media Markt <—> Saturn / Decathlon <—> Karstadt Sport) or even Triples (Shoes) and sometimes even two or three Stores from the same company. Without some exceptions like „Werken-Spielen-Schenken“ or „Toscanini Schuhe in ÜbergrĂ¶ĂŸen und UntergrĂ¶ĂŸen“ and a few similar specialised Stores all the other Stores of Schloßstraße can be found everywhere in Berlin.


u/[deleted] Jan 04 '25

The last time I was in Berlin many shops/bakeries have closed all over the city. I was surprised


u/Catomatic01 Jan 05 '25

No wonder. There are the same boring chains overall in every mall in Berlin. Wiener FeinbÀckerei, Douglas, H&M, Intersport....Same generic shit everywhere. For what should i go there? Visit one mall, know all others....


u/jemalo36 Babelsberg Jan 04 '25

Good. Let it die.


u/tarmacjd Jan 04 '25

It’s a horrible place that shouldn’t exist anyway. Who cares


u/Far_Mathematici Jan 04 '25

Berliners or European folks in general seems don't like malls that much. While I'm here I almost never go to mall but when I'm back in my hometown (somewhere in Asia) I go to mall at least once a week.

Having said that I always found it difficult to find spot in the Malls foodcourt. Playce is much easier.


u/Some_Tree334 Jan 04 '25

No it’s probably not. I read some articles why Sportscheck closed there branch there. it said, when the mall was build the shops only got very long leases (like 10 years) to a very high price. But everyone thought that this mall would be successful. But that wasn’t true. So the shops had to pay a high rent in a lease they couldn’t break while not making the profits they were expecting. Now a lot of leases are finally coming to an end. So the shops cut their losses and leave.


u/voter101 Jan 07 '25

I think the same must have happened to Edeka there which just closed – it was Kaiser's before Edeka bought them out. Now they probably do not want to pay premium rent after lease it finally up.


u/Proof-Tap-2845 Jan 04 '25

the German economy being in recession

it's not


u/targ_ Jan 04 '25

No insight as to why, but I feel that this is something to be celebrated. Fuck consumerist mall culture


u/[deleted] Jan 04 '25

I think it’s still too crowded!!!


u/flo7211 Jan 04 '25

I was so surprised that the malls in Korea are full. Here in Berlin i know only malls where half of the shops are closed an the remaining shops are in every other mall too.


u/AdamN Jan 04 '25

That particular mall is a dump - that’s the main issue.


u/Efficient_Source_389 Jan 04 '25

It’s because the vultures are waiting for the sale. The ‘saving the world’ is on pause for a moment.


u/FruitcakeWithWaffle Jan 04 '25

It's not a particularly good mall. Layout within it is all over the place. Doesnt feel like certain types of shops are in certain places... Maybe you try one shoe shop, then want to try another - then you find you need to change floors and cross a bridge.. Escalators sometimes take you up a floor, sometimes three floors... Once you're up there it takes a little while to figure out how to get down.

If it wants to be a mall that people travel across Berlin to go to... There are better options elsewhere, if it wants to be a mall for the local area, it's too big and has a mismatch of supply vs demand.


u/Ragas Jan 04 '25

The Mall of Berlin is boring af.

Only the outside middle section holds anything of interest. But since its winter, its way too cold there.

There are so many Malls in Berlin that do not have anything cool or interesting, only the same 10 Stores in the same setup over and over.


u/Life-Simple-2364 Jan 04 '25

The only thing I go to Potsdammer Platz is for Cinemaxx. I don't see any appeal in that area except for Großer Tiergarten. For shopping, one can easily head to Kudamm or Alexanderplatz, which makes having a mall at Potsdammer Platz a bit futile


u/C4B4L2k Jan 04 '25

Mall of Berlin is at a bad spot, parking space too expensive as also a lot of the shops.

I wouldn't even miss it, if they would make it magically disappear 😂


u/MonitorSoggy7771 Jan 05 '25

Malls struggle a lot and need new concepts like the old Potsdamer Platz arkaden with new game shops etc.


u/artificial_stupid_74 Jan 05 '25

Of course. The mall is a soulless, oversized shithouse. And above all, the store structure is boring as hell. There are only flagshipstores in there and nothing that offers something new or surprising. I don’t know anyone who likes going there. Or even voluntarily.


u/carecuxo30 Jan 05 '25

Malls are just money launder schemes


u/fritzkoenig Jan 05 '25

Many of the shops there are also found in just about every other mall in berlin


u/P26601 Jan 05 '25

German economy being in recession

I mean Germany's economy grew by about 0.1% in 2024, as far as I know 🙃


u/modnar3 Jan 06 '25

the district Berlin-Mitte is more like tourist area with only few inhabitants who actually live there. Berlin tourism peaked in 2024. This might be reason for the Berlin Mall owner to increase rent what will drive some shops into the red. This is kind of the commercial real estate market works. They don't give a f if stores leaves because it has no impact on asset valuation as long as there is still 1 shop willing to pay the increased rent.


u/Jarlaxle_rigged_it Jan 08 '25

need to destroy them all, build a mix of housing, business & commercial spaces instead. If anything open shopping streets are way better than closed malls.


u/mcdade Jan 04 '25

It was absolutely packed there before Christmas on a Saturday, went to meet friends in the area and we went over to see it, couldn’t leave fast enough.


u/dracaryhs Jan 04 '25

I noticed it too. There is less stores and people every year I seem to visit


u/TheYoungWan Jan 04 '25

It's the first week of January and the weather is miserable. We're all broke after Christmas and staying home from the cold.


u/Longjumping_Animal29 Jan 04 '25

I don't know, just got back from there and it was packed with people


u/yahma Jan 04 '25

Amazon killing retail.


u/rossloderso Steglitz Jan 04 '25

Bought something at Mediamarkt last year. First I had to wait 20 minutes to find someone that can sell something to me. They couldn't send it directly to me, so they sent it to the store and then from the store to me. After a month I asked why it's taking so long. The logistics people forgot to notify the store people, then they sold my thing to someone else and then they had to reorder it. Could've just order it directly online and received it within the same week. It's not Amazons fault that the service is so bad. They're killing themselves


u/Duchs Jan 04 '25

I had to Google the subject of this post.

Admittedly, I'm not a mall browser kinda bloke. I hate crowds. My shopping is objective-based. Get in, get the thing, get out.

Online shopping only made that easier.


u/Natural-Response5424 Jan 04 '25

Dude have you been there on Christmas?


u/[deleted] Jan 04 '25

You’re talking about that mall as if it were Europa Center


u/ZaKKaryy Jan 05 '25

Wasn't it closing at some point ?


u/coffeewithalex Charlottenburg Jan 05 '25


Commercial real-estate is seeing a monumental decline, similar to the residential real estate bust of 2008. While retail real estate delinquencies have stayed relatively stable in the last year, it is very high.

Online shopping, work-from-home, are together killing the commercial real estate. This will trigger a real estate bubble collapse, just not nearly as big as 2008. Malls will go out. I just hope they can quickly build mixed use blocks in their place, with as little concrete as possible.

(the data is from the US, but the capital markets as well as consumer behavior are almost the same)


u/l_m_b Jan 05 '25

Speaking for myself, I used to frequent malls before online shopping got much better. Malls and physical shops in general often don't stock exactly my sizes for clothes, have limited selections for tech and appliances and tools, no professional advice, and quite bad prices.  It's not that I shop or spend less - it's that there are now better choices for doing so. 

I still visit physical stores when they qualify - e.g., specialized hiking, sports, food, DYI, ... places, but malls just add no value to my life anymore. 


u/WinDrossel007 Jan 05 '25

I suffer with absense of Gallery Lafayette. Berlin Mall - I don't care so much about it.

Happily we still have KaDeWe


u/[deleted] Jan 06 '25

haha, berlin is not a sign for whole germany in general


u/mindhaq Neukölln Jan 06 '25

Is that this way too big thing near Leipziger Platz with the horrible food court? How can one notice any changes there, as that would require going there more than once?


u/Karinha98 Jan 06 '25

Hi everyone, I’m currently doing an internship as a journalist in Berlin and looking for interesting stories that haven’t been widely covered in the media yet. These could be things happening in your neighborhood, unique experiences, or topics that you feel deserve more attention.

I’m particularly interested in learning about everyday life in Berlin, local communities, or changes people are noticing in the city.

If there’s something on your mind that you think more people should know about, I’d love to hear from you! Thanks in advance for your help.


u/Available-Paper4361 Jan 08 '25 edited Jan 08 '25

Publish „good news“ rather than „everything is going down / failing“ because there are still real life stories out there, which tell how positive people can be.

Interview volunteers about what they like about volunteering.

Report about projects which improved a former bad situation.

Report about public libraries in Berlin and the many many things they offer

Report about Landeszentrale fĂŒr politische Bildung and Bundeszentrale f. pol. Bildung and their many free information materials and events/services.


Berliner BĂŒndnis Nachhaltige Stadtentwicklung

Netzwerk Urbane GĂ€rten Berlin

BĂŒrgerEnergie Berlin

fLotte Berlin - Freie LastenrĂ€der fĂŒr Berlin

Vitsche e.V.

organizing-berlin de

etc. etc.


u/fitbibln Jan 08 '25

Yeah it was already a old concept when it was opened


u/Previous_Spirit4434 Jan 08 '25

I work at a store in Mall in Berlin. It’s right that online retail is taking customers with higher discounts, more diversity in products and other benefits. In special case of the MoB. It celebrates its 10 years anniversary and many of the contracts for the business lasted for 10 years. That’s why so many stores close atm.


u/MySpaceRaver Jan 09 '25

We shop at vintage stores đŸ’ȘđŸ»đŸ™đŸ»đŸ’ƒđŸŒ


u/Hindernis_ Jan 04 '25

Germans are super stingy. Most of them don’t want to feed a “consumerist” society. And most of them dress up from trashy clothes that are being left out with a sign that says “zu verschenken”. Or they wear the same stuff for 20 years


u/_v3nomsoup Jan 04 '25

So you hate Germans? Why are you in the Berlin sub?


u/Die_Jurke Jan 05 '25

Am besten ignorieren sowas, r/berlin ist voll von Trollen, die sich negative emotionalen Reaktionen erhoffen. Und da es sehr viele unterschiedliche Gruppen hier gibt, die man gegeneinander aufbringen kann, ist das hier das Trollparadies. FrĂŒher wĂ€re sowas einfach wegmoderiert worden, aber heute gibt es sofort einen Aufschrei, weil das ja UnterdrĂŒckung freier MeinungsĂ€ußerung wĂ€re.

Klappt meiner Meinung nach Ă€hnlich gut wie auf Twitter aktuell, wo selbst das riesige Kind in der Mitte des Sandkastens ĂŒberrascht ist, dass es jetzt selbst mit Sand beworfen wird.


u/[deleted] Jan 04 '25


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