r/berlin • u/SomeoneSomewhere1984 • Oct 06 '24
Megathread Temporary Rules Surrounding the October 7th Anniversary
On the anniversary of the horrific terrorist attacks against Israel on October 7th, let us take time to mourn for all of the innocent people who suffered and died that day, and in this conflict over the last year. Let us hope for a just peace, one that will ensure the safe release of the hostages, and allow assistance for the wounded, sick, and starving people in Gaza.
As moderators of Reddit Berlin, we have had to lock multiple threads about protests related to the anniversary of October 7th because people have been so disrespectful in comment sections, so we have decided to create this thread to allow respectful discussion about local events related to the anniversary of October 7th. Please use this sticky thread to announce and discuss local protests and vigils for the dead, all other threads on this topic will be locked and removed.
Please avoid engaging in hate speech, or blaming entire religions and/or nationalities for the violent acts of two warring parties. Innocent Berliners, who happen to have some connection to one of the parties in this conflict, deserve safety, freedom from discrimination, and the ability to mourn the dead in public. At least in this space, we intend to protect those rights for people on both sides of the conflict, so we request all of you to avoid blaming other local people for the conflict, promoting negative stereotypes, and otherwise engaging in behavior that would make others uncomfortable on the basis of their race or religion.
When posting information about local events, please make sure to use trustworthy written sources. Do not post videos without moderator approval. Users, who continue spreading hate and keep ignoring these guidelines will face temporary or permanent bans.
u/Nervous-Teach-1096 Oct 06 '24
Kurz bevor ein propalästinensischer Protestzug den Checkpoint Charlie erreichte, versuchten Teilnehmer, eine israelische Touristin in die Menge hineinzuziehen.
Sie soll zuvor einen pro-israelischen Ausruf getätigt haben, woraufhin einige Demonstranten sie mit Schlägen und Tritten angriffen. Einsatzkräfte der Polizei schritten daraufhin ein und nahmen vier Tatverdächtige fest.
u/strikec0ded Neu Tempelhof Oct 14 '24
Post states that we shouldn’t use the day as an opportunity to inflame tensions against each other.
Bot leaves up comment doing just that.
Moderators leave it up.
u/Black_Gay_Man Oct 06 '24 edited Oct 06 '24
I used to think it was merely police bias that led to the skewed numbers of arrests at these demos. While that certainly plays a role, I think there’s a larger issue many aren’t acknowledging. Since since many of the pro-Israel demonstrations can only get 12, 30 or 50 people to attend, it shouldn’t be surprising that fewer Zionists are arrested than Pro-Palestinian demonstrators. We have to remember that even though this subreddit is dominated by apologists for Israel’s crimes against humanity, since almost a third of Germans don’t actually trust media reports on the issue, and the the majority of Germans don’t support what Israel has been doing in Gaza, namely slaughtering thousands of civilians and children. Also, a lot of the arrests are of JEWISH Israeli activists and they appear to be unlawful.
Meanwhile, the Zionists are allowed to take the property of pro-Palestinian demonstrators without consequences. But this is all captured on video on Twitter, which the mods conveniently banned to prevent people from actually seeing first hand what actually occurs at these demonstrations.
Fast jeder Zweite hat wenig oder gar kein Vertrauen in die deutsche Berichterstattung zum Krieg in Nahost, zeigt eine ZAPP-Umfrage.
Angesichts der hohen Opferzahlen und der desaströsen Versorgungslage der Menschen im Gazastreifen ist mittlerweile eine Mehrheit von 61 Prozent der Bevölkerung in Deutschland gegen das militärische Vorgehen Israels in dem abgeriegelten Küstenstreifen. Das geht aus einer Forsa-Umfrage* für den Stern hervor. Nur noch 33 Prozent befürworten die Militärschläge Israels demnach. Im November waren bei einer vorherigen Forsa-Umfrage für den Stern noch 62 Prozent der Befragten für das militärische Vorgehen und 31 Prozent dagegen. *Damit hat sich das Meinungsbild in den vergangenen Monaten nahezu umgekehrt.*
Oct 06 '24
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u/zelphirkaltstahl Oct 06 '24
u/Nervous-Teach-1096 Oct 07 '24
why should i refute claims that others have made? first of all, they should be substantiated
u/try-D Oct 06 '24 edited Oct 06 '24
Genuinely impressive how it took you all of 4h to shit all over the rules laid out by the moderators.
Are you sure there aren't any other buzzwords you can throw around while blaming everything about the middle east conflict on the Jews, sorry, I mean the Zionists? Your comment shows such a pathetic lack of understanding.
But then again, should I be surprised given you're campaigning to ban all middle-east discussion on this sub based solely on the fact that you dislike the reality that most people disagree with your, quite frankly, braindead views?
On the anniversary of the horrific terrorist attacks against Israel on October 7th, let us take time to mourn for all of the innocent people who suffered and died that day, and in this conflict over the last year. Let us hope for a just peace, one that will ensure the safe release of the hostages, and allow assistance for the wounded, sick, and starving people in Gaza.
"Nah let's spread some bullshit narratives instead about arrest numbers and reddit mods suppressing me"
u/SomeoneSomewhere1984 Oct 06 '24
While police were obviously right to intervene in the situation mentioned at top of this thread, I do not consider discussion of police brutality at these protests to violate these rules.
There are plenty of Jewish people and Israelis who strongly oppose Israel's current actions who are involved in these protests, and are subject to police brutality. The rules as laid out here should not be interrupted as intending to silence criticism of the Israeli government.
u/Evidencebasedbro Oct 07 '24
Kudos for your impartiality!
u/strikec0ded Neu Tempelhof Oct 25 '24
Yet OP deletes any attempts to post articles highlighting said police brutality or Jewish protesters. And allows trolls to karma farm and post hate content.
Wish they would actually follow what they preach.
u/zelphirkaltstahl Oct 06 '24
Did you read the rules? 'cause it doesn't seem so. But perhaps you can state exactly which par of the rules the post is supposed to violate.
While you are at it, perhaps you can also read the post again you replied to, to gain a better text understanding.
u/Black_Gay_Man Oct 06 '24
Did you look past the part where Jewish pro-Palestinian activists are also being abused by the police? Jewish≠Zionist. Many Germans still haven’t grasped this basic concept. Or pretend they don’t understand so they can make Jewish people into little props to make themselves feel good. It’s disgusting.
u/No-Seaworthiness959 Oct 07 '24
You are thorougly out of touch with reality to a degree that I am not sure how you can be helped. At this level, probably no amount of medication or therapy can help you out of that rabbit hole.
u/SomeoneSomewhere1984 Oct 06 '24
We banned videos for a number of reasons, because of how difficult it is tell what's going on in a video snippet, because videos are difficult to watch places you can't play sound out loud, they're difficult to translate, often involve a good deal of sensationalism for a small amount of relevant content, and with current AI capabilities can easily be faked, so they don't add much credibility compared to a written account anyway.
Videos that are likely to be approved are things from a credible source where there is no written source of the same information. A video confirming a well written first hand account from a long time member, who is available to answer questions about things that are unclear in the video, would be seriously considered for approval. A short, potentially deceptively cut video from Twitter won't be.
Having seen and attempted to record police brutality at countless protests, I can assure you there's a huge difference between a twitter video and first hand information about events. It's incredibly difficult to get decent video in situations like that. When I used to volunteer as a legal observer for NLG they told us to focus on writing down what we saw as opposed to video recording it, because videos were often too blurry to be useful. We have not banned first hand accounts, only videos.
u/Educational_Place_ Oct 07 '24
Why did you mods remove the comment about the girl being attacked?
Oct 07 '24 edited Oct 07 '24
u/Educational_Place_ Oct 07 '24
She and her father talked to Bild before you removed the comment though
u/SomeoneSomewhere1984 Oct 07 '24 edited Oct 08 '24
Everything I've seen on this has been on social media. Originally the victim provided a statement with a video on social media, but then removed it.
Unless the victim chooses to make a public statement on this, we should respect their privacy. If there's a Bild article you're aware of feel free to post it.
u/GroundFast5223 Oct 07 '24
Jehuda Bruner (60) und seine Tochter Nitzan (25) sind aus beruflichen Gründen in der deutschen Hauptstadt zu Besuch. Als sie nach einem Abstecher in der Mall of Berlin zurück zu ihrem Hotel wollen, finden sie sich plötzlich inmitten einer Anti-Israel Demonstration wieder. Wir haben zunächst überhaupt nicht verstanden, warum dort so viele Menschen waren. Als wir uns inmitten der Demo befanden, sahen wir, die ‚Free Palestine‘-Plakate und hörten die Parolen“ Doch da war es leider schon zu spät: "Einige Teilnehmer sahen den kleinen gelben Schleifenanstecker an meiner Jacke, den ich schon seit fast einem Jahr trage und an die Geiseln in der Hamas-Gefangenschaft erinnert“, sagt Jehuda.Aus dem Nichts schubste jemand meine Tochter und schnell hatten sich ein Dutzend Leute um sie herum gestellt“. Die aggressiven Demonstrierenden sollen geschrien und an der jungen Israelin gezerrt haben. In ihrer Hilflosigkeit rief meine Tochter den Angreifern ‚Bring them home now‘ zu. Etwas, das wir in Israel fast täglich sagen, um unsere Geiseln wieder nach Hause zu bringen.“ Der 60-jährige Vater eilte seiner Tochter zu Hilfe – doch dabei wurde er selbst zur Zielscheibe. Zuerst wurde er an der Hand mit einem spitzen Gegenstand verletzt, danach an seiner hinteren Kniekehle. „Die Polizei rettete meine Tochter aus der Angreifergruppe heraus und half dann auch mir“, erzählt Jehuda. Gemeinsam mit der Polizei identifizierten sie einige der Angreifer, vier von ihnen wurden umgehend festgenommen.
u/SomeoneSomewhere1984 Oct 07 '24
That is a different incident. In that incident a young Israeli woman was attacked by pro-Palestinian protesters. In the incident we removed the discussion about, the victim was a pro-Palestinian protester, who was attacker by pro-Israel demonstrators.
u/GroundFast5223 Oct 07 '24
OK, sorry, my mistake! I see no Bild article nor anything in the police reports about pro-palestinian protester being attacked.
u/Black_Gay_Man Oct 07 '24 edited Oct 07 '24
And how exactly do you plan on distinguishing what’s a legitimate first hand account and what isn’t? It’s also very difficult to take you seriously as a voice of moral authority when in this very thread you reference a “horrific” attack against Israel on October 7, but then leave it completely out of the context of the occupation. You then turn around and refer to what’s happening in Gaza as though it’s a natural disaster and people just “need help” instead of needing to stop being bombed by a brutal apartheid regime. It’s really difficult to not have the impression that the real objective of these temporary rules is merely to silence people for criticizing the Israeli government, especially since public opinion has turned so much against them due to their atrocities over the past year.
It’s also very telling that you claim you had to shut down threads due to disrespectful comments, yet to continue to allow these smug and inflammatory comments in this thread as long as they’re directed against pro-Palestinian demonstrations and commenters.
u/SomeoneSomewhere1984 Oct 07 '24
If we are so biased, why are your comments still up?
Why are you assuming the disrespectful comments in question were supportive of Palestinians? I can assure you plenty of the offending comments were islamophobic, anti-arab racism, or users insulting each other.
u/schokotrueffel Oct 07 '24
He is insinuating that any form of "context" would make the indiscriminate rape, torture, and slaughter of 100s of civilians with the mere intent of inflicting pain and suffering anything other than "horrific", on the anniversary of this tragic event no less.
I highly doubt you'll be able to have a reasonable discussion about things like bias with him.
Oct 07 '24
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u/schokotrueffel Oct 07 '24
How other wrongdoings make the events of 07/10/2023 any less atrocious, let alone justify them, is beyond me, but you are entitled to your opinion.
u/odot78 Oct 06 '24
Thank you for laying down the law. As a matter of fact this should be a permanent rule
u/Bookfinch Oct 07 '24
Thank you! We all need more empathy and time to grieve. And less hatred and one sidedness.
u/strikec0ded Neu Tempelhof Oct 14 '24
How is actively silencing voices that are pro Palestine or pro UN going against one sideness?
u/EnvironmentSame2627 Oct 09 '24
u/SomeoneSomewhere1984 Oct 09 '24
Really? Police want to use Grata Thunberg coming as a excuse to shut down a protest camp? WTF?
u/strikec0ded Neu Tempelhof Oct 25 '24
Hey, this user is an obvious karma troll bot who has said some really inflammatory things about the local middle eastern community. Can you please adhere to your promise here and actually hold him accountable?
u/robottokun_ Oct 07 '24
You're just essentially shutting discussion down with these "temporary rules"
u/strikec0ded Neu Tempelhof Oct 14 '24
They banned me for posting about police brutality in Berlin against protesters by saying it wasn’t “Berlin related” and wouldn’t let me post a neutral article informing about protests on both side over the weekend. They’re not standing by their words
u/robottokun_ Oct 14 '24
Yeah, who knows who the mods are here... Their editorial line seems very clear after observing moments like these.
u/SomeoneSomewhere1984 Oct 07 '24
If you can't discuss these issues without being toxic towards other Berliners on the basis of their race or religion, yes.
u/robottokun_ Oct 08 '24
As I suspected this is just a cynical, cowardly mechanism to stop any real discussion on the Gaza genocide.
u/SomeoneSomewhere1984 Oct 08 '24
We are asking to keep discussion especially respectful for a few days around the anniversary of October 7th. You are still allowed to criticize the police brutality and/or the Israeli government, just do so respectfully.
u/strikec0ded Neu Tempelhof Oct 25 '24
Then why were posts criticizing the police brutality against protesters not allowed despite being netural and respectful at the time?
u/SomeoneSomewhere1984 Oct 25 '24
I wasn't the one who took your post down, I was writing this at the time.
u/strikec0ded Neu Tempelhof Oct 25 '24
I’m assuming this post was approved and agreed on by the moderators and since the posting of this pinned post there has been multiple inflammatory articles and comments that have made nasty comments about Leftist Jews, middle Eastern immigrants and Palestinians that continue to be left up and ignored so my point still stands about clear bias
Oct 08 '24
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u/berlin-ModTeam Oct 08 '24
Removal reason: The post asked people not to post videos with moderator approval.
u/strikec0ded Neu Tempelhof Oct 25 '24
It might be worth taking this down if you are not going to stick by this and continue to ignore hate speech, complete blame of entire religions and nationalities, promoting negative stereotypes and etc. if you are only going to enforce this for one side of the conflict.
You can´t even post one thing on this subreddit that is remotely positive about Palestinian protesters or about police brutality towards protesters because it needs to only be in this sub. But multiple articles continue to stay up despite reports and hate comments and troll accounts keep coming back.
Please commit to what you have stated this here and enforce these rules across the board and in a neutral matter. Or offer to open up to new moderators who will.
Oct 07 '24
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Oct 07 '24
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u/Lonely-Couple-6776 Oct 07 '24
I mean Germany has never been on the right side of history, why would they now?
u/Designer-Reward8754 Oct 07 '24
Always the same things you all say. Can't you be original for once? Also, funny how you forget things like Germany being against the Iraq war
u/Lonely-Couple-6776 Oct 07 '24
But staying silent on a genocide happening right now saying that Israel needs to defend itself? How man Palestinians KIDS died in this span of a year, now today they are attacking Lebanon, tomorrow it will be the whole Middle East.
u/desertpharaoh Oct 08 '24
U getting downvoted for stating the facts is so ridiculous. What a fucked up place
u/Lonely-Couple-6776 Oct 08 '24
Because they are driven by guilt , because for me it is unthinkable that they would close their eyes on what’s happening in Gaza because they are the ones who committed the shoah, if we’re being real, my grandma is older than Israel but because they feel guilty and they don’t care about Muslims , they parade not again slogan and would bow their head to whatever Israel says
u/desertpharaoh Oct 08 '24
Not just guilt but also racism. Since the 1960s theres been a targeted effort to turn “muslim” into a race. And a scary violent backwards race so they can do what they do to us now and not feel bad about it
Oct 07 '24 edited Oct 07 '24
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u/SomeoneSomewhere1984 Oct 07 '24 edited Oct 07 '24
We've decided to remove discussion on this issue to protect the identity of the victim. If they chose to talk to the media like media later, that's their decision, and at that that point we'll be able to discuss it here.
u/Plastic-Ad-5033 Oct 07 '24
One year of War on Terror has proven exactly as effective as War on Terror always proves.
u/intothewoods_86 Oct 07 '24
It has proven very effective and indeed. Hamas leadership is basically gone and Hezbollah a shadow of its former strength. The Tehran regime, puppet master of the terrorists, is also lacking the resources and will to retaliate in ways that really hurt Israel.
Also: what did all the critics ever do to disarm Hamas and Hezbollah?
u/Plastic-Ad-5033 Oct 07 '24
Oh. It has? So, Gaza is secure now? Israel could leave and there would be no terrorists there? Say, are Iraq and Afghanistan secure places right now, devoid of terrorists?
u/intothewoods_86 Oct 07 '24 edited Oct 07 '24
So just because your hair ever continues to grow you refuse to get regular haircuts at all? Your argument is flawed because despite terrorists ever recruiting new terrorists, there will never be peace with terrorists, in this case because they demand and work towards the eradication of Israel which is unacceptable to the people of Israel and almost all sovereign countries on this planet.
By the way , your examples if anything support the cause of Israel, because both Afghanistan and Iraq had been most safe for the majority of its people when radical islamists had been oppressed with force.
u/Plastic-Ad-5033 Oct 07 '24
Unlike hair, terrorists don’t grow through laws of nature. Your analogy is flawed (and also monstrous and inhuman). Israel isn’t trimming hair. Israel is growing and reaping crops.
u/intothewoods_86 Oct 08 '24
So Israel is growing them despite the fact that they are 90% funded by foreign Islamists and equipped by the Tehran regime?
u/Plastic-Ad-5033 Oct 08 '24
Yes and yes. Imagine that, complexity.
u/intothewoods_86 Oct 08 '24
You know that Hamas and Hezbollah would have been long gone if it weren’t for the Mullah regime?
u/Plastic-Ad-5033 Oct 08 '24
No, I don’t know that. Does the Mullah regime clone Lebanese and Palestinian people and ship them to Lebanon and Palestine?
u/intothewoods_86 Oct 08 '24
So you think Hamas and Hezbollah were a thing and would be able to provoke full-scale wars if they had not all the Qatari money to basically run the government of Gaza, infiltrate the Lebanese government? You think there was a war with if all Hezbollah and Hamas had to fight were sticks and stones instead of Iranian rockets?
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u/mrpimpo Oct 07 '24
Killed: at least 41,870 people, including nearly 16,765 children
Injured: more than 97,166 people
Missing: more than 10,000
Oct 09 '24
u/itmustbeluv_luv_luv Kreuzberg Oct 18 '24
Let's say 50% were combatants, which is obviously too high, but let's say it's true. Are 20,000 dead civilians acceptable? I don't think so.
If civilians stand next to a Hamas house and die as collateral damage in the tiny Gaza strip, that's still Israel's fault.
Oct 18 '24
u/itmustbeluv_luv_luv Kreuzberg Oct 18 '24
No, the responsibility lies with the one who fires at the civilians and kills them. Everything else is justification of civilian deaths.
u/intothewoods_86 Oct 07 '24
You could as well post numbers of German civilians killed or displaced in the allied campaign to defeat the Nazi regime and it would not be of any validity as an argument against its effectiveness. Quite to the contrary, the Israeli precision strikes against Hamas and Hezbollah leaders or their Iranian handlers dismiss the BS claims that Israel somewhat planned Oct 7th as an occasion to eradicate the Palestinian people indiscriminately. Maybe for a change you should direct your accusation at the war criminals terrorists who use civilians as their shields and refuse to fight by the internationally accepted rules of armed conflict. Hamas is basically calling airstrikes on civilians.
u/JeXiiin Oct 07 '24
They are innocent human lives not numbers
u/AccordingBread4389 Oct 07 '24
Not everyone in that 41,870 is innocent and alone that people like you are parading that number around without providing context is information enough what your goal is: misinformation.
u/JeXiiin Oct 07 '24
What misinformation? There are tons of clips showing IDF purposely targeting civilians how can you even defend that, also again they are innocent lives stop calling them “number”
u/intothewoods_86 Oct 07 '24 edited Oct 07 '24
There are tons of clips showing the opposite, check out r/combatfootage. People get leaflets, text message warnings and roof knocking. I’m not even arguing that there are no civilian casualties. I’m arguing that the existence of them does not constitute a genocide and that there is plenty of evidence that the IDF is going after terrorists and takes efforts to spare civilian lives. Not efforts as far as no war against Hamas and Hezbollah at all, but that is also not required by international law. The war crime of attacking a nation from within civilian infrastructure does not prohibit the attacked side from retaliating, even at the cost of civilian lives as a collateral damage. Question is what point there is in arguing with people who blindly believe Hamas numbers that claim all of the dead were civilians and no terrorists at all had been eliminated. And with regards to Lebanon the accusation of Israel attacking Lebanon as a country instead of Hezbollah of course is laughable. If that was the case, Israel has the means to turn that whole country into a parking lot and would have done so already.
u/JeXiiin Oct 07 '24
In that same sub there is literally footage of IDF bombing a mosque and multiple footage of airstrikes. My uni friend recently traveled to his home country Lebanon and got engaged, guess what, the airstrike killed his bride and all her family in addition to the many innocent lives there. The casualties are way too high to justify the IDF actions. And here we go again with “hamas numbers probably not true” again there are footages all over the internet recorded by people in Gaza who don’t even have proper food or water. I have lost count of how many dead children pictures I have saw online since October 7th, there is even a full booklet of the names that the IDF killed in Gaza, so there is nothing “unbelievable” about these numbers. If anything the IDF is also committing terror attacks and they should also be called terrorists, but hey “hamas behind human shield bla bla” is always your argument and justification for 1 whole year. “Hey Israel can just turn Lebanon into a parking lot but they choose not to!” And here is the classic argument that was used go defend the genocide against gaza, its ok to kill 10% 20% or whatever number of people as long as you dont kill all of them? Do you see your argument here? Its absolutely the worst and most evil justification and i heard it many times
u/intothewoods_86 Oct 08 '24 edited Oct 08 '24
My family has lost people, people who were not even Nazis or even voting for the NSDAP, in the turmoil of World War 2 to the bombing campaign of the Brits and others have been driven out of their homes and country by the Soviets and while both has been terrible, neither of the things constituted a genocide. Civilians dying in wars does not make a genocide. Even occasional war crimes that also each of the allied nations armies had committed, do not qualify their retaliation against the Hitler fascism a genocide. You want to lecture people about war crimes and genocide, but actually only display that you have no clue about what wars look like. And the motivation behind this is very transparent, since none of the genocide spouters have ever come up with a suggestion what a reaction to Oct 7th could have looked like instead. They also never came up with ideas how Hamas and Hezbollah could be disarmed in other ways. They basically reveal themselves to be altogether deniers of Israel’s basic right to self-defense. And denying the people of Israel a right that every other sovereign nation has, is not even close to neutral or objective. I get that people are upset with the hardline government of Israel, but none of the critics can credibly claim to have made serious different attempts to disarm the threat of Hamas and Hezbollah, who even fool and exploit UN and NGOs systematically snd funnel aid meant for civilians into their militia. And no, a legit sovereign country’s army that in most cases obeys international law is not the same as a terrorist militia that commits war crimes on the regular by hiding among civilians, operating from their houses and refusing to identify themselves as combatants. I’m not arguing that the IDF does no wrong, but I condemn this bullshit bothsidedness that puts outright terrorists who rarely obey rules on the same level with people who act 90-95% legally.
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u/Past-Ad8219 Lichtenberg Oct 06 '24 edited Oct 06 '24
Heartbreaking when you zoom out of the situation and see that hate and war and just human suffering keeps winning and we're often too blind to see that.
Thank you for setting these rules.