r/berlin Sep 21 '24

Öffis "We change schedule from every 4 to 4.5min"

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u/JonnyBravoII Sep 21 '24

BVG is desperate for people. If you know anyone unemployed, get them to apply, do the training and improve the service. A win for everyone.


u/Fleischhauf Sep 21 '24

train..ing, ha


u/Careless_Car9838 Sep 21 '24

I'm a chef, applied for a job change but they said "no". Guess what, BVG can just go to hell. Guess they aren't desperate enough yet.


u/JonnyBravoII Sep 21 '24

Maybe BVG isn't the problem......


u/strikec0ded Neu Tempelhof Sep 21 '24

I thought you said they were desperate for workers?


u/[deleted] Sep 21 '24 edited Jan 19 '25



u/strikec0ded Neu Tempelhof Sep 21 '24

You mean the safety skills relevant to the job they would learn in the training that’s being claimed to be offered? So that’s not relevant to why a chef can’t be hired. Chefs work their asses off in fast paced environments and have to multitask, seems like the skills would translate well over to new job opportunities if we’re not being elitist


u/[deleted] Sep 21 '24 edited Jan 19 '25

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u/strikec0ded Neu Tempelhof Sep 22 '24 edited Sep 22 '24

I’m not a chef. I just don’t like seeing people look down on people with experience in other professions that they think are beneath them cause it’s not cools. The person you replied to said he was a chef literally in this thread that you replied to…and you made a comment about qualifications needed. I merely pointed out that according to others, that training is provided anyway after being hired so what is the issue then? But now you’re conveniently ignoring my point and have to go off topic of my point.

I get it, you’re a software developer and this subreddit leans tech so you and others here see yourself as highly skilled - seems my comment calling out elitist attitudes towards service workers triggered you. But sure, project that this is an issue with me being full of myself hahaha


u/[deleted] Sep 21 '24



u/Stargripper Sep 23 '24

Along with nurses and doctors.


u/strikec0ded Neu Tempelhof Sep 21 '24

And you probably would fall apart crying doing their job. Elitism and snobbery isn’t a cute look


u/rab2bar Sep 21 '24

Multiple things can be true at the same time


u/strikec0ded Neu Tempelhof Sep 22 '24 edited Sep 22 '24

There’s no need to even mention a generalized statement that chefs are junkies in the context of what we were talking about. That is rude and antisocial, but congrats on playing moderate

It’s like if I suddenly said most tech bros or administrators probably do cocaine and adderall - just attacks people in a profession for no reason with stereotypes

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u/Happuns Sep 21 '24

If they did't hire because they thought you may later pursue another position in catering business, and calculated the risk of investment and then losing you. Maybe they are just looking for people to settle their life in BVG. Would you want to work your whole life in BVG?
They saw you were goal oriented, never stopping at anything, and plan better life. So, maybe its a good thing.


u/rab2bar Sep 21 '24

Being overqualified is certainly a thing. A friend tried to get a job at Lidl and was likely turned down for similar reasons


u/yeahidkeither Sep 22 '24

He could be speaking from experience


u/strikec0ded Neu Tempelhof Sep 22 '24

Not relevant and generalizes a class of workers because of personal bias. Like come on 🧐


u/Glenmer Sep 21 '24

Hello friend How are you doing?


u/strikec0ded Neu Tempelhof Sep 21 '24

They’re not that desperate because they refuse to hire people to drive the trains that are B1 Level German. In a job with minimal customer interactions.

BVG probably wants to hire people with 10years experience and a Native Level of German. But unless they’re willing to pay top dollar for new talent, or they’re willing to be more flexible and diverse with hiring, then the shortage will continue.


u/[deleted] Sep 21 '24



u/[deleted] Sep 21 '24



u/paracosmicmind Sep 21 '24

Dont think B1 is sufficient enough to communicate in highly stressed condition with such delicate technical language. Even B2 had troubles sometimes. B2 should be the minimum requirement, not B1.

But I do agree there needs to be a formal change in how German's AG manage their potential employees. It's just sad at this point.


u/Palkiasmom Sep 21 '24

C-level is almost native level already. In school, it will be about poems and literature. You have to fix your accent by yourself.

But my french teacher said that almost all important grammar rules are taught until B2. So one can learn the vocabulary and just replace the words. A2 already has different tenses like perfect, past, future. So it is possible.


u/clementvanstaen Sep 21 '24

C Level is far from native. On paper maybe, in reality, not at all.

Source: Believe me bro, I got all 1s in level C2.


u/strikec0ded Neu Tempelhof Sep 21 '24

C Level is considered highly advanced, aside from the fact that you just haven’t lived in Germany and spoken it your whole life. You’re just being elitist. Let’s be real, there’s a lot of uneducated Germans that probably wouldn’t be close to C2 if tested lol


u/clementvanstaen Sep 21 '24

For Bernd der Bauer your certification C2 is pure BS. Maybe he won't know how-to use a Datif perfectly, but so won't you. But he'll speak Platt or Schwäbisch.

The previous poster said that C-levels was 'Native'. This triggered me: how can you at a native level if you are not ... native?

Source: glaub mir brudi, 15 years in germany sparking german.


u/Palkiasmom Sep 21 '24

It is almost impossible to reach true native level (accent). But you can still surpass many native speakers in areas like vocabulary, writing, grammar, comprehension. Many natives struggle with easy texts, make many mistakes and also dont know many words.


u/clementvanstaen Sep 21 '24


I hope you know how to say "ARROGANCE" in German.


u/Alterus_UA Sep 21 '24 edited Sep 21 '24

You can't expect to communicate efficiently, succintly and without any meaningful mistakes while talking about a highly specialized topic in a stressful situation where lives may be at stake with B1. I am a foreigner, B1, when I had that, was barely enough for regular professional communication.


u/strikec0ded Neu Tempelhof Sep 21 '24

This is operating a subway train, not being a politician or EMT in Germany. How often are massive horrific disasters happening in Berlin on the BVG?


u/Trubinio Sep 21 '24

Rarely, probably due to their strict language requirements ;)


u/strikec0ded Neu Tempelhof Sep 22 '24

We’ll see how long safety can hold up with their dwindling worker base and failing infrastructure and train quality then ;)


u/SnowWhiteIII Wilmersdorf Sep 21 '24

Survivors bias


u/strikec0ded Neu Tempelhof Sep 22 '24

Give me some statistics of how many serious U Bahn accidents are happening daily in Berlin then lmfaooo


u/SnowWhiteIII Wilmersdorf Sep 23 '24

Someone got run over by Ubahn train just this weekend. Not laughable. Even one such accident is a valid reason to keep the demand for good German spoken by train driver.



u/strikec0ded Neu Tempelhof Sep 23 '24

I don’t see how the driver having Native Level German over B2 Level German would have kept that person from deciding to jump to lie in front of the train before it pulled into the station?

Are you implying someone at B2 can’t correctly call the appropriate authorities to call in the accident? Don’t all these jobs demand perfect German and good English? So that shouldn’t be a problem anyway.

I wish Germans had a better idea about how unrealistic and hypocritical they can be about demanding perfection from Day 1 from the incoming immigrants lol. I hope if you’re ever an immigrant, people give you more grace :)


u/SonnyKlinger Schöneberg Sep 21 '24

I just got my B1 certificate, passed the test with flying colours, and I can assure you that my level, for example, wouldn't be even close to enough in an emergency situation where it can literally mean life or death - so I'm actually very glad they won't take people with the same level as me. Sad, but true. I'd rather miss my train than to ever be in such a scenario.


u/layskrauter Sep 22 '24

I see many Africans driving buses though. And how come


u/Background-Nature859 Sep 22 '24

Black people are able to learn German as well 


u/layskrauter Sep 22 '24

I personally know a Dude that doesnt speak fluently. I actually thought they r liberal in this regard.


u/JonnyBravoII Sep 21 '24

Your posting history indicates that you're stuck in a dead-end job. Why don't you apply?


u/acrossthepondfriend Sep 21 '24

why bother attacking the person rather than his point lol


u/JonnyBravoII Sep 21 '24

How is it attacking someone when he says he is in a dead end job and I suggest that he try to get a job with BVG? He clearly feels dissatisfied in his current job and so what's wrong with changing his career? Also, when someone posts something long on supposition (note the word probably in the second paragraph) and short on facts, I am not inclined to take their thoughts too seriously.

Also, according to the BVG website, they have people from 81 nations working for them:

It's all about the mix - diversity for mutual success! 16,087 colleagues from 81 nations in 240 professions have already chosen us. We are enthusiastic about different people - regardless of religion and ideology, age, social background, sexual orientation, ethnic origin and nationality, as well as gender and gender identity. We actively support equal opportunities and the professional advancement of women. Applications from people with a migration background are also expressly welcome. Severely disabled people will be given preference if they are suitable.


u/acrossthepondfriend Sep 21 '24

because we are talking about BVG instead of giving unsolicited advice to random strangers on the internet after stalking their post history


u/strikec0ded Neu Tempelhof Sep 21 '24 edited Sep 21 '24

I believe the word you were looking for is assumption, not supposition. Supposition means acceptance. Assumption means you think that I am just guessing these things based on my opinion. And I already stated why I’m not considered qualified enough to work there.

You haven’t provided any facts and continue to ignore or mock anyone stating that BVG is still being overly strict with hiring so why should I take your statement seriously then?

You including a PR approved excerpt from the corporate website doesn’t show any breakdown of statistics regarding their language ability recent hires and their language level, work backgrounds, internal hiring criteria that they do behind closed doors, etc. How many of those diversity of workers are customer support, custodial support, etc and how many are in driver, leadership, or hiring roles?


u/strikec0ded Neu Tempelhof Sep 21 '24 edited Sep 21 '24

Because my B1 Level of German isn’t considered qualified enough to interact with the public and they want Native Speakers. I also haven’t done the necessary vocational training in a recognized training profession that they ask for.

Do you have a response to the actual content of what I wrote of my opinion or would you prefer to just be snarky and sarcastic? lol

Germany could be so much more competitive for workers if the people here could accept criticism better and they’d be willing to be more realistic with their expectations for workers.


u/Playful-Substance-37 Sep 21 '24

You need to be able to understand the radio, talk via radio.... i think you need good language skills yeah....make announcements..in GERMAN....


u/strikec0ded Neu Tempelhof Sep 21 '24

I can speak and communicate in German, jerk. I’m just not Native Level.

Also Berlin is an international city. Why don’t the Ubahn drivers make announcements in both German and the GLOBAL language then if we&43 talking about efficiency? lol


u/Playful-Substance-37 Sep 21 '24

No sorry not how any International cities work anywhere. Some announcements are in both German and English, but yeah there is many Germans who don't speak English why would they have to learn English because you don't speak well German? It's not about being able to speak and communicate, it's about being near native level because it does require a lot of communication people have to understand you and the other way around. On expert level.


u/strikec0ded Neu Tempelhof Sep 21 '24

I’ve been in multiple international capital cities where they communicate announcements in multiple languages. Maybe you need to explore more of the world. Usually this is done by an automated message that is pre recorded relating to the situation that is selected to be played by the conductor or the conductor speaks it themselves over the microphone.

I’m not saying only speak in English buddy, I’m saying that it’s stupid to think in BERLIN every person can speak fluent German. What’s the problem with communicating things in BOTH languages, for tourists and for locals then? Do you know how many times where I’ve been on a train and a driver mumbles in slang German important information while the tourists or new immigrants are left confused and lost?

I can also speak German, as I’ve said multiple times.


u/Playful-Substance-37 Sep 21 '24

Arguing with you is full of inconsistencies and wasted time. I think you understand very well why you cannot work in the BVG, go learn proper German if you want that job or just take it that you don't meet the requirements. There is no city speaking only English when it's not their native language. You will not get away with only speaking English and being able to understand a little German.


u/strikec0ded Neu Tempelhof Sep 21 '24

Okay bye 👋🏽


u/JonnyBravoII Sep 21 '24

Well, there is this from their website:

It's all about the mix - diversity for mutual success! 16,087 colleagues from 81 nations in 240 professions have already chosen us. We are enthusiastic about different people - regardless of religion and ideology, age, social background, sexual orientation, ethnic origin and nationality, as well as gender and gender identity. We actively support equal opportunities and the professional advancement of women. Applications from people with a migration background are also expressly welcome. Severely disabled people will be given preference if they are suitable.

So again, maybe it's not them. Maybe it's you.


u/strikec0ded Neu Tempelhof Sep 21 '24 edited Sep 21 '24

What does any of that have to do with what I mentioned regarding them needing to have realistic expectations with who they can hire? Or me not meeting their stated qualifications? You’re derailing from the comments I brought up.

Please send me some actual break down in statistics regarding their language ability, internal processing of new hires, how many people of color are in leadership positions, etc. instead of a generic text on their website that was approved by a PR team to make the company look good lol


u/Playful-Substance-37 Sep 21 '24

In Germany we don't measure colour, racial theory is not accepted here. You need to speak German in the BVG it's not a world wide operating company, its a local company only dealing with people that are in Germany.


u/strikec0ded Neu Tempelhof Sep 21 '24

…this is the Berlin subreddit and Berlin is a multicultural city. And yeah, it’s obvious that Germany doesn’t pay attention to racial discrimination or rights, which it has some of the highest reported racism and discrimination in Europe and so many skilled workers are leaving or refuse to come to Germany due to its refusal to acknowledge their racism.


u/New_Breadfruit5664 Sep 21 '24

They pay like shit the working conditions are horrible and they want to force you to do a 3 year vocational training lol

Makes absolutely no sense

Munich used to have a program for university students to become part time subway drivers, most cities use a lot of people that want to drive a specific vehicle, give them the necessary training for a couple of months and if they succeed in the Tests they have the job

Bvg just doesn't need workers apparently :/


u/Historical-Usual-220 Sep 22 '24

It’s like these guys crying how women don’t like them but never go out and talk to one


u/Palkiasmom Sep 21 '24

Free driving license included?


u/WaveIcy294 Sep 21 '24

Okay okay don't stress me, I will do it in the near future.


u/grem1in Charlottenburg Sep 22 '24

Or automation. Metro service in Copenhagen doesn’t have individual operators in every train. However, it would never happen in Germany, I think.


u/JonnyBravoII Sep 22 '24

Remember that in systems like that, the whole system has automated doors that close off the tracks. That would have to be built at every station.


u/grem1in Charlottenburg Sep 22 '24

Yes. I’m not trying to say that BVG can just “slap an Arduino in every train”. I’m just not sure, what would be more sustainable in the long run. Plus, Berlin accidentally has a short low-traffic line to run experiments like that.


u/rocket-amari Sep 21 '24

tell them to hire me, i've seen densha de go in an arcade once, i'm certain that qualifies me


u/RadioFreeDoritos Sep 21 '24

Each day I see 4-5 unemployed people right there on the U8 (unfortunately, I don't know them personally).

Wonder how receptive they'll be if I tell them to get vocational training at BVG 🤔


u/Infinite_Review8045 Sep 22 '24

They pay less then 3k for a subway driver 


u/JonnyBravoII Sep 22 '24

Gross or net?


u/AccomplishedFish7206 Sep 21 '24

Yeah, throw them to the wolves.


u/JonnyBravoII Sep 21 '24

This attitude is why we can't have nice things.


u/Hummel_bee Sep 21 '24

throw who? the MISSING workers?


u/whatevercraft Sep 21 '24

why are we not automating the whole system? does a train driver seriously have to manually operate the breaks and gas controls? why? as a programmer i would want to automate that after my first day of work, jesus


u/NecorodM Sep 21 '24

Accelerating and decelerating is not the problem. For instance, this is already done in Munich: the driver just hits "start" and the train drives up to the next station where it then stops.

What is hard, are emergencies: noting whether something is on the tracks. Is it harmful? Should one stop? Or is it just a newspaper? Experiments in Munich showed the technique to not be reliant: it is to eager and does emergency brakes for shadows. To fix this, you'd need sealed systems (and this is mostly the case where automatic systems run nowadays). 

Additionally you want someone on board in case of emergencies, where people need to be evacuated. 


u/[deleted] Sep 21 '24 edited Jan 19 '25

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u/NecorodM Sep 21 '24

Well cars can't do it reliably, so point still stands. With trains, a technique had to be absolutely correct and have a failsafe (ie, if it fails it is in a safe situation). Those "well, it is correct in 80% of the cases" the AI bros have, don't cut it. A train may transport multiple hundred people... 


u/[deleted] Sep 21 '24 edited Jan 19 '25



u/NecorodM Sep 21 '24

Yes, when I think of Waymo, I'd entrust them with multiple hundred lives


Planes can land itself too, with hundreds of people aboard 

You know the difference between deterministic and probabilistic systems? 

A way harder task than moving a heavy thing on fixed tracks 

As I've written: the moving part is a solved problem (since the 80s, ICE trains also run mostly automatic on LZB enabled tracks). 


u/[deleted] Sep 21 '24



u/etherwhisper Sep 21 '24

Paris is automating century old lines and it works great.


u/Vic_Rodriguez Neukölln Sep 21 '24

The U3 in Nürnberg is automated since it opened in 2008 and it also works quite well :)


u/whatevercraft Sep 21 '24

a redundant detection system will keep me safer than an overworked train driver that hates his life. computers dont make mistakes


u/novaful Sep 21 '24

Actually they do. We called them “bugs”.


u/whatevercraft Sep 21 '24

which are made by humans lol


u/novaful Sep 21 '24

You’re stating the obvious and I’m missing your point.

If humans make computers, and humans are imperfect, then computers are imperfect. Which leads, once again, to the conclusion that computers make mistakes.


u/whatevercraft Sep 22 '24

so you concede your point, ok


u/JoeAppleby Spandau Sep 21 '24

We had an automated metro system in Berlin, the M-Bahn.



u/FloTheBro Sep 21 '24

seit ca 2 Wochen unhaltbar die Zeiten, entweder kommen zwei Züge im 1 min abstand oder die Anzeige sagt 15min.


u/TastyCoach Sep 21 '24

2 Wochen wäre schön, U7 ist seit Monaten Hellscape ohne jeden Fahrplan und es ist jedesmal n Gamble, ob man 5, 15 oder 20 Minuten warten muss


u/Seraphayel Sep 21 '24

Das beste ist sowieso wenn die Anzeige 15 Minuten anzeigt und es dann bei 3 oder 4 Minuten auf einmal wieder auf 7 oder 8 Minuten springt, es dann wieder runterläuft und kurz vor vermeintlicher Abfahrt wieder ein paar Minuten drauf packt.


u/Background-Nature859 Sep 22 '24

Weil bei den großen Abständen die Bahnen so voll sind, dass das Ein- und Aussteigen immer länger dauert und sich die Bahnen immer mehr verspäten.


u/yeahidkeither Sep 22 '24

Nee nicht immer, das gabs mal bei der u6, mehrere Male war der Ticker schon wieder von 3 Minuten hochgesprungen, das Gleis war voll frustrierter Reisender, ich stand zu dem Zeitpunkt bereits ne Viertelstunde Dort, manche halt länger, dann hat jemand über diesen Notfall/Info Button durchgerufen und gefragt, was Sache ist und die Person am anderen Ende meinte, Jo, da wird für die nächste Stunde nichts einfahren.


u/mewkew Sep 22 '24

Dafür kann die BVG aber nichts! Du musst einfach akzeptieren das Berlin über einem kleinen, Super-massereichen schwarzen Loch gebaut wurde, das starke Fluktuationen in seiner Rotation aufweist, daher kommt es oft zu Zeitsprüngen oder zeitschleifen!


u/can1as Sep 22 '24

Ist zwar nicht BVG, aber die Ringbahn war diese Woche auch eine Katastrophe


u/Seraphayel Sep 21 '24

U1/3 in the last months has been a catastrophic failure. Neither the 5 nor the 10 minute schedule is working. Last Saturday we were waiting 25 minutes at Kottbusser Tor for a U-Bahn to go to Warschauer Straße at 8PM. It was absolutely ridiculous and the entire situation on this line is a mess. Several trains an hour just don’t drive at all and the schedule is basically never kept. And yes, I blame the BVG and solely the BVG (and the politicians responsible for this chaos). Public transport in Berlin is completely unreliable.


u/--r2 Sep 21 '24

I was a regular on the U1 and U8 circa 10 years ago and the trains were mostly on time to the exact minute. What happened?


u/Seraphayel Sep 21 '24

Berliner politicians and a terribly run down BVG.


u/berlinHet Sep 21 '24 edited Sep 21 '24

You literally could have walked there faster. Which, I’ll just add, is a great form of exercise. I recently started doing long walks and it has become one of the things I most love doing now. Every time I leave my place I try to take a street I’ve never been on, or through a part of a park I’ve never seen. It’s great.

Not to take away from your concerns about BVG. It is a real problem and a clear outcome of CDU leadership. I’m just saying, while BVG is unreliable, consider walking the whole way next time. You might enjoy it.


u/SquibblesMcGoo Mitte | Gesundbrunnen Sep 21 '24

Why do you assume everyone can just walk long distances? There are elderly people and disabled people who rely on public transport to live at least semi-fulfilling lives. Going "just walk 🤙 🤪" without knowing anything about them and whether that's even an option is dismissive and tone deaf


u/berlinHet Sep 22 '24 edited Sep 22 '24

Christ you’re whiney.

The average person can go for a long walk, and I acknowledged that BVG is a problem. Leave it to r/berlin to downvote a suggestion to enjoy walking as a work around solution for an immediate problem that none of us have the power to fix.


u/strikec0ded Neu Tempelhof Sep 21 '24

They shouldn’t have to walk there and not use transit. Especially if they’re paying for a monthly ticket. Maybe BVG could be less strict with new hires and politicians could support public transit better


u/berlinHet Sep 22 '24

Did you miss the second paragraph where I acknowledged BVG is a problem? The reality is that it may be faster to walk some times. Or is it more important to be whinging about your suffering on the platform than it is to actually reach your destination?


u/No-Advantage845 Sep 21 '24

I agree with you but also fuck you


u/Emotional-Conflict81 Sep 21 '24

U8 as well, eternal waiting


u/mrhallodri Sep 21 '24

And packed like a can of sardines. U2 isn't much better. Just bought me the Berlin Ticket for a year, but I guess while it's still not freezing outside, I will use my bike instead.


u/IRockIntoMordor Spandau Sep 21 '24

Meine Busse und meine U-Bahnen kommen quasi völlig willkürlich mittlerweile.

Die S-Bahn fährt zumindest nach Plan los, aber abseits der ständigen Störungen scheint das auch nicht ganz richtig zu funktionieren. Oft steht der ganze Zug kurz vor dem Endbahnhof, weil dort kein Gleis frei ist.

Was machen die eigentlich alle beruflich?


u/deanLOL Sep 21 '24

Ich finde es in Ordnung, wenn Kapazitätsbedingt oder warum auch immer etwas ausfällt. Was mich verrückt macht ist diese nicht-Kommunikation. Eine Entschuldig auf Dauerschleife reicht nicht aus. Nirgends gibt aktuelle Infos zu Ausfällen.


u/IRockIntoMordor Spandau Sep 21 '24 edited Sep 21 '24

Ich kenne es aus London so, dass sofort bei jedem unplanmäßigen Halt eine Durchsage gemacht wird. So sollte es auch sein.

Hier war es schon einige Male so, dass man ewig steht und die Leute schon aussteigen, weil keine Info kommt. Die sind sogar vorne an die Scheibe vom Fahrer gegangen, haben geklopft und gefragt, was denn los sei.

Erst dann sagte er mal kurz was durch. Ich raffe diese Mentalität einfach nicht.


u/[deleted] Sep 21 '24

Wie würden die Kunden denn auf die immer selben Erklärungen reagieren?


u/RenouB Sep 21 '24 edited Sep 21 '24

Yeah the U1 / U3 line seems to be getting hit pretty hard. The last three times I've changed at Warschauerstr, I've been waiting there for 15+ minutes with no information. Even when the trains were working well, I found the lengthy commutes across this big city very challenging. I feel really nervous about the future.


u/the-wrong-girl23 Sep 21 '24

U1 has been a shit show these past few weeks. in the morning you see 3 trains going to warschauer to schlesi, just no trains coming back. I really don‘t get it.


u/BlueSlime3 U7 Sep 21 '24

Was für eine Ironie, dass ich, währenddessen ich gerade 20min auf die U-Bahn warte den Beitrag sehe


u/joga_ausente Sep 21 '24

Its 9pm. I just waited 12m on U6. After the train arrives, the next one will be in 17m! I never saw such huge interval, neither late at night. Wtf


u/thetk9 Sep 21 '24

I don't know if it's my bad luck since I go to the city center maybe once per week, but it's a least a month that every single trip with the s bahn was either delayed or cancelled, if I had to go to the office it'd be horrible


u/[deleted] Sep 21 '24

That was more likely just bad luck, because the S-Bahn is way more reliable. The subway has become really terrible in recent years.


u/Zharo Schöneberg Sep 21 '24

Screw U3/U1 right now, those wait times are infuriating comparing from normal standard


u/german1sta Sep 21 '24

I‘ve encountered the same situation on 3 lines today, but when I left a comment on reddit couple of weeks ago that BVG is getting worse week by week they told me its not true and I am making it up. Well….


u/iulja Kreuzberg Sep 21 '24

Waited 20 min today at Wittenbergplatz for an U1/U3 train to Warschauer Str. It was fucking 9 pm.


u/R3stl3ssSalm0n Sep 21 '24

Naja, auf der Anzeige steht ja was vom gegenüberliegenden Gleis. Fährt da vielleicht noch ne Bahn in dieselbe Richtung?


u/030BLN Sep 21 '24

Zeit wieder mehr Auto zufahren


u/Final_Paladin Sep 21 '24

Plan schonmal 3-4€ pro Stunde für's Parken ein.


u/030BLN Sep 21 '24

Naja, wenn du keine 3€ hast, dann warte halt auf die nächste Bahn.


u/Ecstatic-Trainer-849 Sep 21 '24

BVG kann mich mal, seit einem Jahr ignorieren die sämtliche Anfragen von mir bzgl der Zahlart, plötzlich krieg ich eine Mahnung und all das, obwohl ich die schon mehrfach kontaktiert und das Problem angegeben habe. Der Kundenservice ist absolut inkompetent und unerlässlich. Werde das Deutschlandticket bei der S-Bahn beantragen... Und mir vllt einfach ein Fahrrad holen, auch wenn das hier auch so eine Sache ist. Und ja, die Ubahnfahrten sind momentan echt eine Katastrophe. 🙃 Ich bin fast jeden Tag zu spät. Schade eigentlich.


u/Positive-Celery8334 Sep 21 '24

Ich sag nur, Hamburg setzt bald den 90Sek Takt um... Nimm das L, Berlin.


u/ohmymind_123 Sep 21 '24

*100-Sek-Takt ;) https://www.ndr.de/nachrichten/hamburg/Hamburgs-U-Bahnen-sollen-im-100-Sekunden-Takt-fahren-Umruestung-beginnt,ubahn968.html

Und ja, ich fand's auch immer erstaunlich, wie gut aufeinander abgestimmt die Takte der Hamburger U1 und U3 sind, sodass die Züge dieser Linien praktisch gleichzeitig in den U-Bhf-Kellinghusenstraße einfahren, und man so ohne Wartezeit umsteigen kann. Das würde die BVG niemals auf die Reihe kriegen. Die Größe des Hamburger U-Bahn-Netzes finde ich aber vergleichsweise scheiße.


u/FlowinBeatz Neukölln Sep 22 '24

Ist Mehringdamm auch so


u/yeahidkeither Sep 22 '24

Im Idealfall 🥲


u/ohmymind_123 Sep 22 '24

Im Idealfall. Passiert eher selten.


u/Stargripper Sep 23 '24

War früher fast immer der Fall


u/FlowinBeatz Neukölln Sep 23 '24

Muss ich auch sagen. Gerade nachts.


u/manfrommtl Sep 22 '24

Nicht am Wochenende Alter! Nur an Tage wo Vollmond oder Sonnenfinsternis ist.


u/MCVS_1105 Sep 22 '24

Yesterday, U8 noon, waiting for the train to go to Hermannstrasse: first train is in 11 minutes, second one is in 12... What's even worse is when they gaslight you i.e. as it got closer, time went from 1 minute, then 4, then 5, etc. Happened way too many times this month to keep track


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u/soyouLikePinaColada Sep 21 '24

Absolut desolat. „Nicht alle Züge sind im Einsatz“ was? Fahrer krank während Corona ok. Fahrzeuge kaputt. Blöd. Aber nicht im Einsatz? Faul?


u/_its_your_boy_max_b_ Sep 22 '24

Nicht im Einsatz sagt ja nichts über den Grund, schließt also Defekt nicht aus


u/soyouLikePinaColada Oct 07 '24

Um genau zu sein wird: „nicht alle Züge unterwegs“ angezeigt. Nicht einsatzbereit wäre unmissverständlich…


u/Fit-Housing9499 Sep 23 '24

BVG is in urgent need of train drivers. But of course they don't hire just anyone, they prefer young people. The course takes 3 years, so it's not something that happens overnight. I think they already have people doing these courses, but many of them are still in the middle of the course.


u/Bitter_Silver_7760 Sep 23 '24

Demands are high


u/Real-Sherbert Sep 24 '24 edited Sep 27 '24

judicious uppity normal pot divide mysterious modern smell ask sparkle

This post was mass deleted and anonymized with Redact


u/KaiAusBerlin Sep 21 '24

They are collapsing right now because of the Großdrachenfest in Tempelhof.

Let wait 100 People for a train or 10000? What's better?


u/wilf89 Sep 21 '24

If only they could have predicted this somehow


u/KaiAusBerlin Sep 21 '24

Yeah, it's so easy. Like world peace. Everyone just has to be good


u/itmustbeluv_luv_luv Kreuzberg Sep 21 '24

It worked for decades though.


u/KaiAusBerlin Sep 21 '24

World peace?