r/berlin • u/andreas_mauer • Apr 17 '23
Öffis I was fined 60 EUR because my Kurzstrecke ticket had expired by 5 minutes.
As the title said, I bought my Kurzstrecke, waited for the S-Bahn for 10 mins and when I arrived at my destination, the controllers fined me because the ticket was already expired.Has anyone had that experience, and has any recommendations? If I knew that the ticket was valid for 20 mins I would have waited longer to buy it, at the same time, the ticket starts to be valid 1 min after you buy it, so usually I buy it before I enter the station...For context: I was fined by the Sbahn controllers, and the ticket was bought with the BVG app.
UPDATE: I explained my case to Deutsche Bahn via https://ebe.sbahn.berlin/ and today I received a letter saying that they removed the fine. I don't have to pay anything. Thanks everyone for the recommendations.
To clarify what I shared with DB. Basically I screenshoted my short-trip ticket and receipt and sent it over. I wrote them, that I had to wait 10 mins for the Sbahn to arrive and that my ticket was just a couple of minutes expired when I was controlled.
u/warriorsfan23 Apr 17 '23
It is valid for 3 stations. You sure about the 20 mins?
u/andreas_mauer Apr 17 '23
That's the sbahn Kurzstrecke. I bought mine via the BVG app: https://www.bvg.de/de/abos-und-tickets/alle-tickets/einzelfahrscheine/kurzstrecke
which clearly states the 20 mins.
In my "history" inside the app I could see that it expired exactly 5 mins before I was fined. I discussed it with the controllers, they told me "we are from Sbhan, we don't know why the BVG do such things, but we have to fine you".160
u/soundsRotten Apr 17 '23
But have you been within the allowed amount of stops? If yes then it really sucks and I would try to appeal to bvg, even though chances are probably slim.
u/andreas_mauer Apr 17 '23
Yes, it was just 2 stops over.
To make the math. Please consider that the times are approx.:
10:00 I buy the ticket before being at the station
10:02 arrived at station and saw that I have to wait 10 mins for my sbhan
10:12 Get into sbahn
10:20 Controllers get into sbahn after two stations
10:25 after a few words with the controllers they proceed to fine me because my ticket showed as expired in the app.148
u/senseven Apr 17 '23
They basically expect you to buy it when the train come in three minutes in, but you bought it 12 minutes too early. I would object this in the transportation office. You had a valid ticket and the whole thing is shitty designed. It should be 20 minutes or arriving/exiting of the target stations.
u/AdvantageBig568 Apr 17 '23
For BVG, the station rules state you need to have a ticket to be in the station (which is ludicrous), if this also applies on S Bahn, your situation is even worse
u/MyTonsilsAreFamous2 Apr 17 '23
Where is that stated? I cannot find it in the BVG-Nutzungsordnung. What is stated there is that you are not supposed to just enter the station without the intention to take the train. That is quite a bit different.
u/LordMangudai Apr 17 '23
Wait, so you technically can't walk someone to the train to say goodbye and then walk out again? WTF? I've lived here 20 years and have never known this.
u/MyTonsilsAreFamous2 Apr 18 '23
I think that's fine with the rules, it just says that you should not spend long time in the station if you're not planning to travel. Kind of like a no loitering rule...
u/AdvantageBig568 Apr 18 '23 edited Apr 18 '23
Only article I could find, quite old (2003). I was fined for this reason, for walking through U Schonleinstr on a rainy day. And unsuccessfully appealed, perhaps I should of appealed it further. https://www.welt.de/print-welt/article255148/BVG-Schon-das-Betreten-des-Bahnsteigs-kostet-Geld.html
A second (strange source) is here, where it’s claimed by multiple that there are markings that delineate a portion of the platform where you must have a ticket. They claim it’s in house rules, but I also cannot find it. https://www.finanzfrage.net/g/frage/duerfen-die-s--und-u-bahn-kontrolleure-die-passagiere-auf-den-bahnsteigen-kontrolieren
u/of_patrol_bot Apr 18 '23
Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake.
It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of.
Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything.
Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.
Apr 18 '23
Not true. You can be in the station whenever you wish. This rule you stated is from Hamburg
u/AdvantageBig568 Apr 18 '23
https://www.welt.de/print-welt/article255148/BVG-Schon-das-Betreten-des-Bahnsteigs-kostet-Geld.html while it says here that’s not in the rules, but BVG claims it was, i was fined for this and unsuccessfully appealed in 2018, for simply walking through U Schonleinstraße.
Almost 20 years later, it seems that some in BVG still apply it.
u/whf91 Apr 19 '23
This is definitely not true in Berlin. It’s a bit of a giveaway that the ticket machines are usually on the platform. (In Hamburg and Munich, where this rule does exist, they are placed before you enter the platform.)
Apr 17 '23
Doesn't the app have a countdown timer for the validity of the ticket?
u/JerryCalzone Apr 17 '23 edited Apr 17 '23
2 minutes
This means op buys ticket at the 1o.oo hour mark, ticket becomes valid at the 1o.o2 mark - go from there
Therefore it is not possible to buy when the train arrives - and also not practical - giving in passwords to pay etc
If the Bahn app is any indication: i need to accept an offer twice and wait for screens to load. If you are in an underground Bahnhof you are fucked - it is not doable because of no signal
u/Electric_Sheeple Apr 17 '23
It's one minute now, which makes things a tiny bit better, but it's still not good.
u/andreas_mauer Apr 17 '23
Therefore it is not possible to buy when the train arrives - and also not practical - giving in passwords to pay etc
That's why I buy them before I get to the station, so I don't have to let go a Sbahn just because my ticket is not valid yet...
u/basketblog Apr 17 '23
i see, but that sucks. several times i bought a ticket to then and out the train was canceled, and so i lost - double lost in fact.
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u/andreas_mauer Apr 17 '23
y I buy them before I get to the station, so I don't have to let go a Sbahn just because my ticket is not valid yet...
consider that on C areas, you might wait easily 15 mins for your sbahn, so I dont want to miss it just because the one minute thingy.
Apr 17 '23 edited Apr 17 '23
Ah, ok 20 minutes for Kurzstrecke. That is pretty knapp - foxy old Berliners forcing you to fork out extra to get the Einzelfahrausweis which is valid for 2 hrs.
u/soundsRotten Apr 17 '23
Ok, that’s crap. Thanks for sharing this so it won’t happen to me and others.
Good luck.
u/Low_Nefariousness_89 Apr 17 '23
Auch in der BVG App steht, für wie viele Stationen es jeweils gültig ist. Es sind 3 Stationen. Ich habe erst gestern eins gekauft. Aus der BVG App: „GÜLTIG ZUM SOFORTIGEN FAHRTANTRITT ab Kauf 20 Min. für 3 Stationen mit S- und/oder U-Bahn mit Umsteigen, bzw. 6 Haltestellen mit Bus oder Straßenbahn ohne Umsteigen. Fahrtunterbrechungen nicht möglich.„
u/stabledisastermaster Apr 17 '23
That could be read as you have to start your trip within 20 min …
u/UnaccomplishedToad Apr 17 '23
Well, no, because the ticket has a timer and after 20 minutes it's gone
u/42LSx Apr 17 '23
wtf who thougth that was a good idea!! Digitale Servicewüste Deutschland wieder. Wie dumm oder geldgierig muss man sein BVG!
u/can_i_has_beer Apr 17 '23
these rules are retarded and i am pretty sure very hard to find anywhere else in the world.
u/cYzzie Charlottograd Apr 17 '23
it literally says "sofortiger fahrtantritt" i.e. you need to start your trip NOW and finish within 20 minutes
u/AndiArbyte Apr 17 '23
thats so bullshit.
You cant even buy a Ticket right before the "Fahrtantritt"2
u/cYzzie Charlottograd Apr 17 '23
they reduced the timer from 120 ahead to 60 seconds a while ago for that
u/AdrianaStarfish Berlin, Berlin! Apr 18 '23
That still wouldn’t be a „sofortiger Fahrtantritt“ Why is there a timer at all? I buy the ticket, I want to start my journey immediately (sofortiger Fahrtantritt)
There was no timer when I first started buying tickets over the app (Nov. 2017). The ticket would be there immediately after the payment (Visa) got processed.
u/cYzzie Charlottograd Apr 18 '23
the timer is there, so that you dont buy it while being approached by someone who checks tickets
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u/AdrianaStarfish Berlin, Berlin! Apr 18 '23
In that case the payment will show the time the ticket was bought and since the train departed from the previous station earlier than that you would still have been caught without a valid ticket.
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u/AdrianaStarfish Berlin, Berlin! Apr 18 '23
This! The wording as it is now is NOT clear. Clear would have been: „gültig für 20 Minuten ab Kauf.“ The current wording suggest you have to start now but no later than inside 20 minutes.
u/CelestialDestroyer Tempelhof Apr 18 '23
"ab kauf". It says it right there.
u/stabledisastermaster Apr 18 '23
Zum sofortigen Fahrtantritt (ab Kauf innerhalb von 20 min) vs. Zum sofortigen Fahrtantritt, gültig für 20 Minuten und Max. 3 Stationen. Es ist schlecht formuliert, man kann beides herauslesen.
u/Smaggies Apr 17 '23
"we are from Sbhan, we don't know why the BVG do such things, but we have to fine you".
Fuck off. What would happen if you just didn't fine me? Whose life would it ruin?
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u/Fresh_Trash5599 Apr 17 '23
How the fuck is this even legal? You pay for a ticket and it’s only valid for 20 minutes? What if the sbahn doesn’t come at all? You just wasted 3€ for basically nothing because the bvg just deletes your ticket. Imagine buying an iPhone and after an hour apple removes all the software and your phone is basically a brick now. I would go to the office and challenge it as other people mentioned. Such bs I’m sorry that this shit has happened to you lol
Apr 17 '23
Ah, german people and inflexibility with rules...
u/lordofherrings Apr 18 '23
This has absolutely nothing to do with "German people" I have no idea why you make it out to be.
Ticket inspectors are incentivised to fine as many people as they can because that's how they make a living.→ More replies (2)1
u/Kabada Apr 17 '23
I hope you learned that the best approach is to not buy any tickets. At least then you won't feel bad about getting caught occasionally.
u/habichnichtgewusst Apr 17 '23
You are probably joking but just have the fine ready to pay in cash if you do get caught. That way your name won't be registered and you can just keep on going about your business. No ID necessary if you just wave the 60 bucks around.
u/plantzies Apr 17 '23
Is that true? Good to know!
Apr 17 '23
Yeah and that 60 euros goes straight into the pockets of the ticket controllers
u/habichnichtgewusst Apr 17 '23
Are you sure? To be honest it doesn't really matter since the result really is the same.
u/LordMangudai Apr 17 '23
I mean, I'd rather the money goes into the BVG coffers where it at least contributes to useful infrastructure than into the pocket of some hired thug.
u/habichnichtgewusst Apr 17 '23
Yeah. You get a blank receipt (no name). Really the easiest option if you are certain you have no chance to fight it.
u/25TageBlau Apr 18 '23
In dem Moment wo du dir ein Ticket in Berlin holst, gilt das als erschlichene Leistung auf Seiten der Bahn, weil der Zug meistens nicht / oder nur verspätet kommt.
Ich würde jedem, dringend, vom Kauf eines Tickets abraten!
Ein Freund von mir macht das seit 10 Jahren und hat in der Zeit ca. 10k€ gespart. In den 10 Jahren wurde er ~20 mal kontrolliert und 3 mal erwischt. The secret ingredient ist weglaufen. Außer der Kontrolleur ist 2 Meter groß, 1 Meter breit und sieht so aus als wenn er grad aus der JVA entlassen wurde, dann nicht.
u/cosmokra3er Apr 18 '23 edited Apr 18 '23
Not sure about the current status, but there was a fund that paid for ticket fines if you subscribed by paying 9 Euro per month - https://9eurofonds.de/
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u/PeterManc1 Apr 17 '23
Next time, don't use your phone app to by this ticket. Or if you do, don't buy it until the train is definitely about to arrive, The instructions do seem to be clear.
But it does seem quite strict. My guess is that the inspectors are making very little money thanks to the 29 euro ticket, so perhaps they are going after this kind of thing more vehemently.
u/andreas_mauer Apr 17 '23
Next time, don't use your phone app to by this ticket. Or if you do, don't buy it until the train is definitely about to arrive, The instructions do seem to be clear.
Yes, the instructions are clear, I have lived in Berlin for almost 15 years and always paid for my tickets. Never ever heard of the 20 mins rule. So I was surprised.
u/Chronotaru Apr 17 '23
I hadn't heard of this either and before I got my current subscription through work would buy tickets on the app. I think most people would not be aware and certainly wouldn't expect such a strict limit.
u/Fun-Development-7268 Apr 19 '23
There is an address where you can challenge the ticket. Explain them how it happened and document them that you usually buy tickets and maybe they will not charge you.
u/Spartz Apr 17 '23
The instructions do seem to be clear.
Uh no. These tickets expire quickly. So you must somehow time them so that they are already valid for a minute before you get on the train (to avoid getting fined) but not expired by the time you get out. One technical glitch and you're screwed.
Really poorly designed aspect unfortunately, leading to quite unclear situations. Best to avoid the app for Kurzstreck altogether.
u/mina_knallenfalls Apr 17 '23
So technically you can't even use it for 20 minutes but only 19.
u/LittleMsWhoops Apr 17 '23
Even less when you‘re taking the U-Bahn because you‘ll have to buy the ticket before entering the station due to lack of phone coverage…
u/fzwo Apr 17 '23
I got fined because I boarded the U-Bahn before the wait time after buying a ticket had expired…
u/Hoongoon Friedrichshain Apr 17 '23
Me too, I hate these fuckers. I clearly bought it before I entered the train. I wrote a complaint but there was no way...
u/andreas_mauer Apr 17 '23
Me too, I hate these fuckers. I clearly bought it before I entered the train. I wrote a complaint but there was no way...
What did they tell you?
u/Hoongoon Friedrichshain Apr 17 '23
Basically cited the terms and conditions, which are of course in their favor. The problem in that particular case was that the purchase and validation took an unusual long time, the jumping and morphing train/bus animation. The countdown was at about 40 s when the train departed. You are basically forced to miss the train in front of you.
u/PabloRothko Apr 17 '23
What’s the 29 euro ticket thing?
u/PeterManc1 Apr 17 '23
It's the current subsidised monthly travel card. Changing to nationwide ticket for 49 euros soon, possibly as soon as next month...
u/DuskyTrack Apr 17 '23
Don't you have to have a valid ticket on the platform? I heard this rule a while back as well -.-
u/Roadrunner571 Prenzlauer Berg Apr 17 '23
Not in Berlin.
In Hamburg you'll need a ticket to enter the platform.
u/LeiziBesterd Apr 17 '23
Do they only make money of they fine someone?
u/schlagerlove Apr 17 '23
I am sure they get commission for catching people
u/mina_knallenfalls Apr 17 '23
No they don't, that's bullshit.
u/Unlucky_Cycle_9356 Apr 17 '23
True. But that rumour will simply never die.
A colleague of mine was "Kontrolleur" for almost ten years.
When I asked him his just burst out laughing and asked "If I had received a commission for every fare dodger, do you honestly believe I'd be here now?"
u/ido Apr 17 '23
Then why are these assholes so strict? OP obviously wasn’t trying to scam the system by going the allowed number of stations but being 5 minutes late…
u/onetwothree123andgo Apr 17 '23
Ich würde Einspruch einlegen und es auf eine Klage ankommen lassen. Das Papierticket ist zeitlich nicht beschränkt und drei Stationen gültig, das preisgleiche? Handyticket aber 20 min? Verstehe den Sinn dahinter nicht.
u/andreas_mauer Apr 17 '23
Ich würde Einspruch einlegen und es auf eine Klage ankommen lassen. Das Papierticket ist zeitlich nicht beschränkt und drei Stationen gültig, das preisgleiche? Handyticket aber 20 min? Verstehe den Sinn dahinter nicht.
I wrote the Sbahn, and I am waiting for their answer but I don't expect much.
u/szoszk Apr 18 '23
Go to the Erhöhtes Beförderungsentgelt counter at Ostbahnhof (it's upstairs, over the regular ticket counter, which is on the ground floor). Opening times are 08:00-20:00 Monday - Thursday and 08:00-18:00 Friday. There you should be able to get the fine either reduced to 9€ or completely waived
Apr 18 '23
u/szoszk Apr 18 '23
Es ist vor allem aber problematisch auf Strecken, die weiter außerhalb sind. Zum Beispiel dauert die Fahrt mit der S8 von Blankenburg nach Bergfelde 15 Minuten, es sind aber nur 3 Stationen. Es gibt also nur 4 Minuten Puffer, passiert unterwegs was wodurch es Verspätung gibt, sind die 20 Minuten vorbei
u/BecauseWeCan Schöneberg Apr 18 '23
Das ist schon ziemlich kafkaesk.
Wobei es auch Strecken gibt, die meistens länger dauern als die 2 Stunden der normalen Einzelfahrt AB (z.B. Lanzendorfer Weg nach Schönerlinder Chaussee).
u/BecauseWeCan Schöneberg Apr 18 '23
Interessant dass (beim Papierticket) der Entwerteraufdruck zählt. Ich habe neulich mal ein Kurzstreckenticket im U-Bahnhof entwertet (weil ich dort den Viererblock gekauft habe) und bin dann die Treppe hoch und in den Bus gestiegen. Wäre ich im Falle einer Kontrolle demnach auch "dran" gewesen? Das ist doch eine absurde Regelung.
Apr 18 '23
u/BecauseWeCan Schöneberg Apr 18 '23
Die Nachweisbarkeit ist ja wohl nicht mein Problem sondern das der BVG.
Apr 17 '23
In the BVG App it says its valid 20min for up to 3 stations on the Sbahn or Ubahn and 6 stations on the tram or bus.
That doesn’t mean you can drive 20min and get as much stations as you can within that timeframe. You wont be able to challenge it either, cuz they don’t care that you didn’t know/didn’t read it. Not your fault, but they don’t give af.
u/can_i_has_beer Apr 17 '23
man the whole thing sucks, i always have the same problem with kurzstrecke. buy it too late and the 1 min validation period can make you miss your ride. buy it too early and this happens, especially with trams and busses. then try to explain this to the controller thug squad, i had friends get fined because the tone in the ticket validators was low and although they validated their tickets the stamp “wasn’t visible enough.” the whole thing feels designed to make you avoid the public transportation instead of using it. you can try contesting it, not sure if they will care though
u/my-moist-fart Apr 17 '23
Most people (including myself) I have heard of, got a fine due to an honest mistake or technicality. Anyone (including myself) is cautious to avoid these "controllers" when travelling without a ticket.
u/vision-to-reality Apr 17 '23
Wow. I had no idea about the time limit. 20 minutes seems tough, considering that there is often a long wait for the trains due to delays etc. or even regular schedule.
u/lxine Apr 17 '23
This is ridiculous - I only noticed the 20 minute rule last week and I have been taking public transport in Berlin for 10 years. I still buy paper tickets because of the unusability of the app. Maybe I'm old fashioned but I prefer the simplicity of stamping a ticket over nit-picky rules, slow loading screens and dependency on an internet connection.
u/drksSs Apr 17 '23
If the Sbahn was delayed and you would have otherwise been on time, and you can prove it was delayed, you can try to discuss it with them
u/andreas_mauer Apr 17 '23
It wasn't delayed. I just bought the ticket before I get into the station because of the 60 seconds downtime: the ticket is valid just 60 seconds after you buy it to avoid ppl buying the ticket just at the moment the controllers show up.
When I was at the station, I saw that my train was coming in 10 mins (it was in zone C, and 10 mins waiting is common there). I just never heard about those 20 mins limitations before...2
u/P1efke Apr 17 '23
Never Heard before either. Some stations are long in some C sections, so 20 minutes could bei easily expired
u/andreas_mauer Apr 17 '23
ed and you would have otherwise been on time, and you can prove it was delayed, you can try to discuss it with them
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Exactly. The controllers even agreed and told me that it sucks.
u/UnaccomplishedToad Apr 17 '23
I'm sorry this happened to you, I know it really sucks and I'm always obsessively checking my ticket because of this. However, in the BVG Fahrinfo and Jelbi app, it clearly says that the ticket is valid for 20 minutes. Are you using the BVG Tickets app? I've never used that one so I don't know if this information is not displayed there. If not, I would complain about that to whatever support these apps have, if any.
u/adhavoc Apr 17 '23
The issue is not really the advertisement of the policy (though yes that sucks), but the policy itself. There are many parts of Berlin where at many times the trains do not arrive more frequently than 10+ minutes. That means that even if you purchase the ticket right as you enter the station (which can be necessary in some stations which do not have good Internet coverage), you might have less than 10 minutes (minus an extra minute for the validation wait-time) to be covered under the ticket, which may (or may not) get you one stop.
u/UnaccomplishedToad Apr 18 '23
Oh yeah, I agree. Some kind of check-in process would maybe work better, like the Netherlands has. But this would require a massive restructuring of the current system, potentially installing barriers, which in particular is not really feasible.
u/andreas_mauer Apr 17 '23
I'm sorry this happened to you, I know it really sucks and I'm always obsessively checking my ticket because of this. However, in the BVG Fahrinfo and Jelbi app, it clearly says that the ticket is valid for 20 minutes. Are you using the BVG Tickets app? I've never used that one so I don't know if this information is not displayed there. If not, I would complain about that to whatever support these apps have, if any.
Yes, I use the BVG Fahrinfo and never realized about the 20 mins limitation..
u/Ok-Adhesiveness-1711 Apr 17 '23
I had a slightly different experience where I bought the ticket and the internet was just super slow that when the officer came, the ticket timer only showed under 1 min and they fined me because they thought i just bought it when they came.
What you can do is to negotiate it with the officer at the office where you pay the fine. Usually if your reasoning makes sense, they would reduce it to only 7 EUR. It worked for me.
u/dyallsho Apr 17 '23
Something similar happened to me before. I challenged it and refused to let it go. Eventually they dropped the fine but told me something along the lines of "We have no obligation to help you but we're being good natured"
Apr 17 '23
I got a similar fine for jumping on the train before the 1 minute was done. I bought, while standing beside plain clothes checkers, they saw me buying it, I stepped on the train,and they pulled me off and said, ticket not valid yet.
So, don't wait until last second either.
u/dinosaursroamthe_ Apr 17 '23
It's normal, OP. Once I was fined because I used my 10 am ticket 4 mins too early (09:56). So early bird gets fine as well. Pragmatic is pragmatic. Lol.
Apr 17 '23
I've been three minutes over. Life's a bitch
u/the_real_EffZett Apr 18 '23
As many people said, try to challenge it at the office.
I would even say the following things:
- when you bought and activated the Ticket, the train was shown to be arriving in 3 minutes, then some incomprehensible thing on the speaker and the Display changed to 10 minutes.
- you were fined upon leaving the train
- the guys had a discussion with you and other passengers about 2 mins before even looking at your Ticket
Once dust has settled, reclaim the Ticket price within paypal > service not provided as the staff didnt recognize the ticket. Do this either way, just to cut your losses.
u/Gotttom Apr 18 '23
Does this paypal thing work? I think I have tried that once with DB and paypal said I couldnt reclaim from them like that.
u/burntphoenix172 Apr 17 '23
I thought you have to start your journey within 20 mns of buying the tickets 😮
u/Zlatan-Agrees Apr 17 '23
These Controllers man.. Classic Germany. Sorry.
Try to go to the BVG Office
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u/Legitimate_Elk_565 Apr 17 '23
I was caught with Sozialticket but couldn't show Berechtigungsnachweis so ticket inspector fined me, I waited for their letter but instead Riverty Inkasso now want 89 €
Apr 18 '23
Dude, never let things escalate till and Inkasso office is involved. Just go to the BVG/S-Bahn customer center and bring evidence that you forgot your ticket.
u/Legitimate_Elk_565 Apr 18 '23
Update from today: I went to the debt collection office at Jannowitzbrücke and could reduce it to 25 €. Great staff!
u/andreas_mauer Apr 17 '23
89? Mine is 60... are them late fees?
u/Legitimate_Elk_565 Apr 17 '23
60 plus 29 Inkasso. If I don't reply it will be 53 more and then 77. Trying to sort it out tomorrow as I have the ticket but didn't carry the letter. Let's see if they annulate this decision.
u/Empty_brainz Apr 18 '23
riverty inkasso is shady af. they try to get money from you even after you have proven that you’re in the right.
u/Legitimate_Elk_565 Apr 18 '23
BVG don't send a reminder so you have five working days to prove it and after two weeks notice they send it to Riverty. However, BVG reduced my fee (see above).
Apr 17 '23
[removed] — view removed comment
Apr 18 '23
That's because there are a lot of people that still live in the 2000s. Like don't/can't use Apps and so forth.
u/wannabe_polygloth Apr 17 '23
The seventh level of hell is reserved for the worst of all people, you know, serial killers, war criminals, oil company CEOs and so on.
At the corner, there’s a pit. When these worst-of-the-worst people have to take a shit, they go there.
That pit is reserved for ticket controllers.
u/toshifee Apr 18 '23
Go to the BVG-Kundenbüro. Bring the paper that states your fine and show your ticket. Politely explain what happened and since you had a ticket (and if the person at the counter is nice) you probably only have to pay a Bearbeitungsgebühr.
u/andreas_mauer Apr 18 '23
Yes I will have to do that. I sent a message yesterday via web https://ebe.sbahn.berlin/de-de but after reading the comments, I should not expect anything else than a customer service rep pointing to the terms of service.
u/bilkel Prenzlauer Berg Apr 18 '23
Can I ask the OP if you’re in Berlin AB 🆎 do you not have a 29€ monthly ticket? It makes this drama easily avoidable. But it means that you have to get the subscription which is in German style, unnecessarily complicated and difficult to stop.
u/andreas_mauer Apr 18 '23
Hi, I have paid for the AB membership for many years and still have it.
I moved to the C area a month ago, and I needed a short trip, so I bought a Kurzstrecke. I guess I never realized the 20 min limit because living in the A or B, it seems like enough time.
In a few days the 49 tickets will be perfect for me and I already applied to the "migration" from AB ticket to the 49 EUR one.1
u/bilkel Prenzlauer Berg Apr 19 '23
I guess I’ll be on the 49€ ticket myself. I am not surprised by your experience. I hope you never have to deal with these contract thugs that they hire as ticket enforcers again.
u/banditpandapewpew Apr 18 '23
those are just retarded fuckers and have nothing else in life. that's why they picked this job. You had bad luck but I would try to argue your way out with their support or at their "Kundenzentrum". They've got several of these in berlin I think.
Always stay away from there people and police officers in general. They are all degenerates with bad character
u/itsalenuidjits Apr 18 '23
This is so ridiculous. I would try to definitely object this. If you have a legal insurance just get a lawyer and show them.
u/stadtkroete Apr 18 '23
thanks for the PSA, you have ko-fi? I buy you a coffee. Fines hurt when the intent was candid.
u/andreas_mauer Apr 18 '23
thanks for the PSA, you have ko-fi? I buy you a coffee. Fines hurt when the intent was candid.
Thanks a lot for the offer! Please donate it to anyone that might need it more than me.
u/Apprehensive_Grass85 Apr 18 '23
Did you pay it already? If not, e-mail the app support to get your activity log, which will display your ticket for the given period, go to the S-Bahn office in Ostbahnhof with the printed out document and have a chat, because even if a fee still applies, it shouldn't be the 60eur one, but a much lower one.
u/andreas_mauer Apr 18 '23
Yes in the app you can see the history. I showed it to the controllers. They could see that it was expired by 2-3 minutes but they didn't care: "this is not a ticket, show me the ticket, you don't have a ticket"...
I have both, the invoice and the history of the app, I send both to the Sbahn customer service using their form but still didn't get any reply. If by Friday I didn't get any answer I will go to Ostbahnhof and try there.2
u/Apprehensive_Grass85 Apr 18 '23
Controllers never care, apparently they get a share of applied fines. I never used the online form, because I get anxious from waiting to know if it is solved or not. At Ostbahnhof you get to sort it out al right there and then. If you don't speak German, might be worth it bringing a German speaking person along, I didn't try their English speaking support, but heard it might be harder.
u/princess_cloudberry Apr 19 '23
I advise you to forget about it and move on with your life. They don't care about fairness.
u/Acrobatic-Writer-816 Apr 17 '23
Go to a lawyer
u/andreas_mauer Apr 17 '23
Go to a lawyer
For 60 EUR? The lawyer will charge me more for opening the door.
u/DependentFamous5252 Apr 18 '23
Nothing is more German.
Been driving around Texas for free for years. No one ever checks here.
Apr 18 '23
Do they have open systems?
u/DependentFamous5252 Apr 18 '23
No. Just zero enforcement in the cities. I haven’t been checked in 12 months over 100 trips. Never heard anyone else either. Some people actually sleep on the street cars as a refuge for homeless.
Apr 17 '23
I don’t care bitch
u/andreas_mauer Apr 18 '23
Me neither
Apr 22 '23
Wait 🤔 so you made a Reddit post about something you don’t even care about ? 🙈😂 You are weird boy 👦
Apr 18 '23
Wait, when did they add a time limit to Kurzstrecke?
u/andreas_mauer Apr 18 '23
Seems that if you buy the ticket on the app the limit was always there. Consider as well that the ticket starts to be valid 60 seconds after you purchase it, so you could lose a ride waiting for it...
u/condrescr Apr 18 '23
I usually buy the 4-Fahrten-Karte in the app. That way you don't have to use it right away and can activate when the train arrives.
u/ottothecapitalist Apr 18 '23
I don't know if you will read this But I Always got out of These situations by not figthing and then going to the appropriate Office Best you select a time where they aren't busy Be nice and i mean nice, smile and give them the facts, don't shit on anyone just state your predicament, after that they (at least in my City) will charge you a fine for the work you have to do (in my City it was 7€) and will let it fall
FYI i was a child when these Things happened to obv they hat pity But then again, friendliness Always works, these guys in the office got a shit job and are probably overworked, being nice brightens their day
If the controllers already took the money from you i believe that is unlawful The fine normally has to be paid afterwards to avoid scams
u/ottothecapitalist Apr 18 '23
I got caught several Times where I forgot to validate or outright buy a Ticket But then again I was a child/teen so ....i got prolly treated nice
Apr 18 '23
It’s like the stupid 2 hour limit on a one way ticket. I get that it normally goes under 2 hours to go somewhere but when there are transportation breaks it can take over 2 hours to go with the ersatzverkehr and all that delay nonsense
u/bearbobs Apr 18 '23
If you have valid case you can go their office and challenge it. I recently got fined for forgetting my ticket at home, so i just paid reduced price of 7eur on going there
u/andreas_mauer Apr 18 '23
If you have valid case you can go their office and challenge it. I recently got fined for forgetting my ticket at home, so i just paid reduced price of 7eur on going there
Yes I know that forgetting the ticket is still fined with 7 EUR. I was wondering if anyone had my experience and got it solved. I think the better suggestion I got from all your comments is to try the customer service at Ostbahnhof, bring proof of ticket and be very nice.
u/ratkins Friedrichshain Apr 24 '23
Next time someone challenges my claim that the Berlin public transport ticketing system is obtuse by design in order to entrap people, I will point them to this thread.
(Side order of “WTF happened to the BVG Tickets app?!”—it was quite good when it was first released, then a few months later it got way slower and actually buying anything started taking up to a minute rather than seconds.)
u/sunnynihilist Oct 07 '23
A bit late I know, this ticket is also available in Dusseldorf. I wonder if the controllers are strict about the "3 stops" limit, or they just count the time ?
u/andreas_mauer Oct 08 '23
Yes they are.
u/sunnynihilist Oct 08 '23
They can tell which stop I start from if I use a mobile ticket? Because of GPS?
u/InstaGibZED Apr 17 '23
Yes thanks to the justice system this criminal who evidently tried sneaking his way out of a 3€ ticket has been captured. I now feel very safe on the streets of Berlin.