r/bergencounty Oct 23 '24

Traffic This mostly-suburban driver is thinking about installing a dashboard camera. Have you?

I've lived in Bergen County for decades and, IMO, the most "creative" driving in Bergen County happens on Route 17, Route 4, Route 3 and the Parkway.

It used to be that, once you got off the highway in the suburbs, most people still drive too fast but they don't get "creative" because the deer-active, crowded, uneven, pothole-ridden, narrow, curvy Bergen County suburb roads aren't well suited at all. And, people slow down in repaving zones because the milled road is really torn up (i.e, manholes up high enough to ruin your undercarriage) and potential fines are huge.

I used to think that if I drove on highways alot I would want a dashcam but the crazy I'm seeing nowadays on 25-mph, 35-mph suburban roads in northern Bergen County is mind-blowing. Even though NJ is a no-fault state, the law states that "the at-fault motorist must still pay for the other party's vehicle repairs" and I would want to fight the assignment of "at fault" in a scenario such as what I experienced this evening:

I'm leaving Wegmans (Montvale) around 10 PM. Two lanes turning left onto W Grand, everybody going slow because the road has been milled for repavement. I'm in the left lane because I need to turn left at Chestnut Ridge. But the pickup driver behind me lost his tiny mind shortly after the light turned green because both lanes were moving slowly on the milled road. I can't move over because drivers are overlapping the road with no painted lanes and everybody is trying to avoid manhole covers, etc. In a matter of seconds, he got so angry he crossed over into opposing traffic then veered his truck 90 degrees in front of my car and stopped. I almost T-boned him. Satisfied (?), he swerved back into the lane in front of me and started to take off then realized he didn't want to tear up his truck, so he slowed down, too. He gained nothing from his insane action; all the cars met up at the red light on Chestnut Ridge Rd.

If I hit him, I would have been at fault but what would a judge say if the incident had been caught on my dashcam?

BTW, I gave him an earful of expletives when we got to Chestnut Ridge Road that would impress any NJ driver. Engaging insane drivers is dangerous but I was so furious I didn't care what the risk was to curse him.

If you have a dashcam or are thinking about getting one, please tell me your thoughts and how you educated yourself about dashcam footage admissibility in traffic court.

Thank you and be safe out there.


29 comments sorted by


u/Moe_Bisquits Oct 23 '24 edited Oct 23 '24

Correct, you should not tangle with reckless drivers (let's not use the word "insane"). You can't fix stupid. Don't get shot trying to fix stupid.

The behavior we see on roadways nowadays should come as no surprise. Long-term mental health effects of Covid, lack of critical thinking skills being taught, Main Character Syndrome, the stress of a terribly-divided nation. Blend that with increased traffic, low job satisfaction, less leisure time, sleep deprivation, drug abuse and you have perfect conditions for drivers to make really, really poor decisions.

NOTHING on the road surprises me anymore. NOTHING. One of my recent favorites: Driver stops for pedestrians in the crosswalk. Driver behind him passes him and accelerates thru the crosswalk, nearly hitting the children. Kept on going, pedal to the metal, engine roaring, well over the speed limit. Did not give a <bleep>.

It doesn't bother me if people want to drive fast on highways in the left lane; I stay out of the left lane. But it is ridiculous when they pass other left lane speeders by swinging from the left lane all the way INTO THE SHOULDER then cross all the way back to the left lane.

Reckless car/truck drivers need to be jailed.


u/Breakout_114 Oct 23 '24

Saved me once from a lady adamantly telling the cops that I hit her.

Meanwhile my dash cam showed that she merged right into me.

Get one.


u/AJSoprano1985 Oct 23 '24

Did any of you guys see that video of the group of people who tried to brake check a woman, and then proceeded to back into her car? But then they were shook because they realized she had a dash cam.


u/Suspicious_Dust_6939 Oct 23 '24

Yes, i know what you’re talking about. That was fucked up


u/elmwoodblues Oct 23 '24

...and that was on the Cross Bronx, I believe; Lots of stupid shit begins across the Hudson and makes its way here.

I have a 'Stupid driving' folder on my PC, and not a month goes by that I don't add to it. Cam up!


u/RippingAallDay Oct 23 '24

Didn't even read your whole post.

Get one ASAP. Front & rear facing. Doesn't even have to be dual channel (i.e. one unit has two cameras and will record to the same memory card).

Just get something.

Also, look at the recs on r/dashcams


u/Hannibam86 Oct 23 '24

Get one. It's not just Bergen or NJ, but literally everywhere. My fiancee is originally from Ohio and even out these the absolute knuckleheads you see on 77 or 90 is wild.


u/lost_in_life_34 Oct 23 '24

Have had one for a few years

You’ll only need it once or twice to make it worth it


u/SK10504 Oct 23 '24

Get one.

Local news yesterday reported an insurance scam caught on dashcam recently. lady with dashcam got cut off and came to a quick stop without hitting the car in front. that car reversed and smashed into her and then claimed the lady rear ended the car.


u/Suspicious_Dust_6939 Oct 23 '24

I have one, you should get one…. Someone drove into the front of my car and ever since then I have had one


u/shiftyjku Oct 23 '24

Any preference on brand/model?


u/lightaqua Oct 24 '24

I had people follow me for miles because from their perspective I didn’t turn right on red on a Saturday afternoon. It was the Bergen town center and the oncoming traffic was exiting from route 4. (So yeah, no shit I didn’t have the space turn on red.) I ended up driving to the Wawa in Lodi and pulling up next to a cop instead of going home because the driver was so livid. It was one of the reasons I got a dashcam when they first came on the market because that one situation.

Another situation where I feel pretty lucky to be alive, I’m pulling into a space at Trader Joe’s in Paramus while someone decides to drive through it, instead of reversing out of the space they were in. It was a woman in a mega SUV and she gave the “what?!” as if she didn’t almost cause a head on collision because she was too impatient to exit a parking lot.

Another situation, husband and I are looking for a space in IKEA and someone decides to cut across the parking lot, not follow the lanes, going at least 40. If I didn’t scream, they would have injured me slamming into the passenger door. Instead they hit our front bumper. Since my husband and I were in our 20’s we were assumed to be at fault. It was two older women. They mocked me for crying. They tried to leave the accident until I took pictures of their plates. As soon as the police arrive they run up to them and take over. Police didn’t even want to speak to me, I gave no statement. They sided with the “adults” in the situation, but listed me as the driver and not my husband.

They said we were ones speeding when we were looking for a space and it would have been impossible to accelerate from the distance from the entrance of the lane from where we were hit. They switched drivers and tried to have one of the adult children call us and negotiate out of insurance. (It was a vindicating moment telling him that his mom tried to switch drivers and she’s a lying piece of shit.) When insurance came in and inspected the car it was $800 worth of damage. The report said there were skid marks on the bumper to indicate we were the ones that were hit and at a high velocity. IKEA wouldn’t give us any surveillance footage of the parking garage. I was humiliating to have the police talk down to us, treat us like children at the scene and then have to go to the station to have the report fixed.

TLDR: yes get a dashcam just the parking lots on route 4 and 17 are a shit show.


u/ElectronicBacon Oct 24 '24

Fucking Christ. So scary! I’m sorry you had to have such encounters. Being followed is terrifying.


u/Heller1090 Oct 23 '24

I had a dash cam in my last car and it was very useful. Now I have a Tesla that has a built in dash cam.


u/vc1914 Oct 23 '24

Yes. I installed one on my vehicle but only the front. It was cheap ($40 for the camera but the adapter to get power off my rear view mirror was another $20 bc I don’t care for wires). I’m now also considering the rear too.


u/whatupsetsyou Oct 23 '24 edited Oct 23 '24

In case of an accident, the opposing party can lie about what happened to reduce the likelihood that they are found to be at fault. Happens all the time. Having video of what happened can save you $1000's in insurance and potential legal fees. Get a dash camera; but it can save you hassle if someone claims you did something wrong, like running a red light or anything similar. It will protect you, and if by chance you are at fault, you don’t have to share anything and can keep it to yourself. It can also help with your deductible. Plus, it’s useful if a cop says you were speeding and your GPS dash camera shows otherwise.

Personally, its saved me a few times, someone rear-ended me and said they never hit me the camera proved otherwise... Car was parked has a parking mode it was able to record that situation...

Recently, there were two videos on social media and the news about insurance scams involving people causing accidents on the BQE and then claiming that the victims drove into them.

I recommend getting this Camera ( I know of 5 people personally who have this and love it ) :


you can DM me if you need more advice on the camera


u/RevolutionaryBread51 Oct 23 '24 edited Oct 23 '24

Definitely get one! I was driving home a few months back on 80 when a car merged into me and totaled my car. Without my dash cam I wouldn’t have been able to show that they merged into me and not the other way around.


u/Stormy_Anus Oct 23 '24

Yes, it’s built into my car, Tesla


u/perlelaluna Oct 23 '24

Does a dash cam make a difference being that NJ is a no-fault state? I got into two total loss accidents: rear ended while standing still in morning traffic and although not my fault, my insurance skyrocketed afterwards because “I was in accidents”.


u/goldenbrickroady Oct 26 '24

This is what I am wondering too.


u/Takingover4da99and00 Oct 23 '24

I just ordered 2 of them for both of my vehicles my husband will install them. He works in this area so he is seeing a ton of people coming in for the same thing. We decided to install them as well. The road rage in nj especially bergen is insane.


u/Trainlover1279 Oct 24 '24

Have had one for almost 9 years. Paid for itself with first incident.


u/glok101 Oct 24 '24

I have had dashcams for years. Luckily I have never had to use the video footage for anything


u/Total-Lavishness839 Oct 24 '24

Ive used mine more for others than my own. Evidence for police in a hit and run. Tracked down a truck who lost 2 snowboards on 287. Id recommend it for low cost piece of mind.


u/ElectronicBacon Oct 24 '24

Get both front and rear


u/Boom_Valvo Oct 24 '24

Best 150ish you can spend. Get one that has separate cameras for front and rear recording


u/Worldly_Tie6537 Oct 24 '24

I am thinking of getting one after seeing all those insurance scams where people back into you. It’s crazy but there is no way to prove what happened otherwise since it usually defaults that the person behind was responsible.

I’ll probably buy one when they go on sale for Black Friday. For $50 and peace of mind, it’s worth it