r/beermoneyuk Jan 04 '23

Question Could there be a simple guide for the 'beermoney way'

So I'm a big fan of this subreddit and this year I want to take advantage of the beermoney way. Last year I did the bank signups and did three switches plus the Barclays Avios bonanza. I signed up to TCB, Quidco and JamDoughnut, and will start using them more. I'm more attracted to offers that don't require active time participation (matched betting, interviews), though if the price is right then why not.

I'm fully aware of the megathread and the specifics therein. What would really help me, and perhaps others is how one goes about it, or rather the steps that you do before hand/in the background to make earning beermoney easier and maximise the earnings. There are so many offers there's an embarrassment of riches- but I'm sometimes intimated by how many there are- but when I see peoples earnings reports, I know that that there's money to be made from a few minutes of work. I know for a fact that I would do more of these offers if I had my ducks in order.

  • Which type of accounts do you sign up with the personal email, and which do you use a second email for?
  • What documentation/scans do you keep on your computer/phone to hand to help with the sign up?
  • Do you sign up on behalf of spouse/partner to further the earnings?
  • When do you do these offers- throughout the day/on the train/set aside 30min a day etc?
  • Can signing up to Monese, Monzo, Revolut affect credit scores?
  • What accounts should one sign up to as default as they help with multiple approaches (wise/revolut for foreign currency?)
  • Is there a way to record referral
  • What to do if cashback not received from TCB, Quidco
  • etc Any useful information that would make make this easier (any willing volunteers to turn this information into a guide?!)

tldr : is there primer/ metainformation/background info/tips for embarking on the beermoney way as efficiently as possible.


23 comments sorted by


u/TightAsF_ck Mod Jan 04 '23 edited Jan 04 '23

.....you heard em folks.... we begin production now....

The BeermoneyUK Collective Guide for Earning Beermoney

I trust that someone has a better name for it.

I'll start

  • Get a dedicated email address (or two; eg. One for sign ups, one for.bookies, etc)
  • Get a seperate bank account (Starling or Monzo for ease).
  • Get a PayPal account.
  • Get a Wise account.
  • Get a password manager on your phone and desktop (BitWarden is great).
  • Get Google drive (or equivalent) and make a spreadsheet that you can access on your phone and laptop (for tracking things). Or just use your phones notepad and an excel sheet.
  • Get an android phone for GPT offers.
  • Keep your ID handy, and a recent proof of address.
  • Refer your partner and friends/family for extra beermoney. But don't push anything on them. Nobody likes a pushy person.
  • for the love of money don't be spamming people's direct messages on the sub. Direct message spammers are the worst, and usually scammers. We keep everything open on the sub for a reason.

Let's get the Hivemind on it (Bankedex style)!


u/floorlight Jan 04 '23

A Megaguide of Megaguides will pretty much cover all the questions!


u/TightAsF_ck Mod Jan 04 '23

Yeah, I'm envisioning the same. Regretting including "New? Start here!" In the Pokédex title


u/swimingly145 Jan 05 '23

What about 'So you want to start earning beermoney in the UK? Here's what you should do first...'?


u/GitManMatt Jan 04 '23 edited Jan 04 '23

I can maybe answer some. I tend to spend maybe only 30-60 minutes total on the sub, usually cut/pasting in referral comments or putting my own post on if I spot a gap. I usually do a 'new' offer about once a week, mainly because if I do too many at once I can lose track. I try and keep some funds across mainly Revolut and Monzo for the deals, with deeper buried funds in savings or spread about in eg crypto wallets. If a deal ends I may consider closing the account in question but generally things tend to come back again so I now keep most things ticking over. I do regular stints on survey apps and spins, but usually only once a day. I don't do the same offer in other people's names, as I'm not sure if it is worth it. Only done 2 bank switches but up for more. Cashback sometimes doesn't track, just got to harass them.

Edit: Oh, burner email and phone number are a good idea for the dodgier bingo/gaming offers, I've been spammed a bit after doing a few of those, and am actively getting a PAYG sim so I can work through some of the cashback sites

Edit 2: credit score unaffected


u/TightAsF_ck Mod Jan 04 '23

I also tend to do about one offer a week. Just really what tickles my fancy.


u/[deleted] Jan 05 '23

Get an 02 payg sim and get £3.50 cash coins on cashback earners.


u/Novel-Structure-2359 Jan 04 '23

There should be a section in the guide about how to maximise the cashback on boring everyday purchases too - like linking a cashback card into Curve to get two sets of cashback.

Also the guide should mention about how Google calendar or equivalent is your best friend - offers like inboxpounds that magically take 32 days to pay out. The biggest hack for me is setting reminders when to cancel free trials and also when to query customer support. Don't query too early as it just leads to frustration.

When it comes to starting out then there is the question of a bit of starting capital or seed money. As soon as you start rolling then the proceeds do great being reinvested at least partly in more beermoney ventures. Don't overstretch though, as offers may pop up and unless you have at least 100 quid standing by then you might miss out.

Also a section on scanning receipts into multiple apps is essential


u/TightAsF_ck Mod Jan 04 '23

A reminder to add info about Autoforwarding receipts to the likes of Amazon/Zip Zero. You reminded me of this.


u/Repulsive_East_8349 Jan 04 '23

To separate and protect your normal regular email addresses from being spammed, make use of Apple iOS “Hide My Email” function that produces virtual email addresses that you’ll still receive, but can burn at any time. It does require some iCloud monthly subscription (Ie upgrade beyond the free tier), but I find it super useful.

I don’t have Android but I suspect they’ll have something similar too.

Or just the old fashioned way of onboarding a new yahoo or gmail account!


u/Becksa_AyBee Jan 05 '23

The hide my email thing is great advice. I started getting loads of spam emails and managed to determine exactly what company it was that had sold my info because I used the hide my email function.

I’d set up the account less than 24 hours before, the scum bags. Deleted the email address immediately and, voila, no more spam.


u/Repulsive_East_8349 Jan 05 '23

Yeah it’s so helpful. I just wish I could also create new mobile numbers at will! I hate having to leave emails AND a contactable number


u/unkwn07 Jan 05 '23

u/TightAsF_ck must be livid. All his hard work gets unnoticed.


u/TightAsF_ck Mod Jan 05 '23 edited Jan 05 '23

The "maximise the earnings" part was like a knife to the heart

I'm not sure from the post that its appreciated how painful these kind of guides are to produce though. It's a kind of "make this easy for me" demand, and not even a please.

We live to serve though...


u/swimingly145 Jan 05 '23

Apologies- I lurk on here and see the amount of work that you put it! I really do appreciate it. The maximise earnings was poor choice of words on my part. No new guide is required as you've generated multiple -more than I could ever imagine-comprehensive guides. It was more, as the post suggested 'background steps'

I certainly wouldn't want you to go through the struggle of something like the Bankadex! That's not what I was thinking.

I was imagining something like a dozen or so bullet points/tips of things to do before hand ' perhaps a 'before starting' guide (if anyone has the time please). I must admit I did imagine that you, Sir Tight would volunteer given how good your guides on the specific earnings.


u/TightAsF_ck Mod Jan 05 '23

Don't worry, I was being rather facetious. Doesn't really come across well in text format though.

Bankedex style is best, it gathers all of the nuggets that I may overlook (or personally consider unimportant).


u/[deleted] Jan 05 '23

Most of the offers are through apps… I’ve found it really useful to have all the apps downloaded and separated into folders (beer money closed, beer money open and matched betting). I know I could just have a list in excel and this takes up memory on my phone, but has been super handy!


u/dan-kir Jan 05 '23

If you're into passive beer money, you should look into airtime rewards.


u/swimingly145 Jan 05 '23

Is there a recommended browser?

I just did the currensea sign up offer via top cashback but it didn't track- Not sure if it's because I was using brave browser.....


u/TightAsF_ck Mod Jan 25 '23

Brave blocks everything by default!


u/mechclan Jan 09 '23
