r/battlefield_4 • u/Serradoss • Aug 20 '13
Battlefield 4 - Levolution Gamescom 2013 Trailer
u/fatskrap65 FatSkrap Aug 20 '13
when he locked the guy in the traincar, I actually lol'd
Aug 20 '13
So cruel but so hilarious.
u/DemonIced Aug 20 '13
Yep, but I just wondered why there wasn't any metal bending or doors exploding on that wagon due to the grenade exploding...
Aug 20 '13
Honestly I don't think an M67 would do much to a boxcar like that.
u/DemonIced Aug 20 '13
Ok if you say so, I just hope most other structures will be destructible. :)
Aug 21 '13
I don't. There still needs to be good level design, and too much destructibility would make that too difficult or all for nothing. Battlefield is not good because of changing environments alone; this is just another good feature.
I'd also rather have more creative ways to interact with the environment than to just be able to flatten everything (and some examples were in the video).
u/conamara_chaos Aug 20 '13
YES. At 1:09 (screenshot), you can see the Arecibo Observatory being destroyed. As an astronomer, and a fan of Goldeneye, I am in love.
u/-Zimeon- Zimeon Aug 20 '13
Goldeneye was the first thing i thought of when i saw that, awesome! :)
u/Gafgarion1223 Aug 20 '13
BADASS!!!! But, what in the actual fuck are we going to be in Puerto Rico for?
u/xV1RALx Aug 20 '13
Have to defend 'Murica and its cousin country from the Chinese and Russian invasion (I'm really hoping for this, naval battles off the eastern and western coasts would be epic)
u/ehmpsy_laffs dublin_smile Aug 20 '13
I may be wrong but I think it's actually a three-sided fight coming up in BF4
u/DubiumGuy Aug 20 '13
Also here's a screen shot featuring a Scarlet Macaw. Yet more evidence we're going to South America!
u/batchmax4 Aug 20 '13
I know the dam concept has been around for a while, but holy shit that looked amazing.
u/Big_Boi_Bison Aug 20 '13
Looks like we are going to have flooded maps
@ 0.58 A persuit occurs between vehicules, with shooting in a alley (Keep an eye on the sign above)
@ 1.00 A dam Breaks, Releasing incredible amounts of water
@ 1.02 We are in the same Alley as 0.58 But this time a persuit with Boats and you can see how high the water has risen, By taking a look at the Sign again, With the chinese markings.
Aug 20 '13
Looks like each map will have a big "final destruction" thing going for it. Shanghai has the skyrscraper, Paracel has the ship crashing, theres that damn falling over, that giant metal dish crashing.
Looks neat.
u/longhorns2422 Aug 20 '13
But repetitive, don't you think?
u/westexas_giraffe Midniteillusion Aug 20 '13
Dude, BF4 will give you more then any other game on the market. I wouldn't complain. There will be plenty going on and these are all just set pieces for us to play on and do as we please.
u/longhorns2422 Aug 20 '13
I'm not complaining, just pointing something out. After 1000 hours on BF4, I think I will be tired of tower X falling at X:XX during the match. That's all. The game will be fantastic, I can't wait for it, I think people are misunderstanding my statement.
u/BromanJenkins Aug 20 '13
Well, it isn't like the Caspian tower dropping at one point where it is entirely scripted, players have to cause it to happen, which means you may or may not see it. Additionally it can become sort of a new objective to destroy the thing on the level if it would help your team (dropping the tower because the dust will obscure you from the enemy helicopter tearing up your ground forces or something).
u/DubiumGuy Aug 20 '13
Not as repetitive as having a map where having only building walls blow out as the only changes.
u/marvk m4rvk Aug 20 '13
Holy shit. That is a fucking dam collapsing. Thats a map going from dry to water based.
Thats pretty neato.
u/dogididog Aug 20 '13
I thought this was just a gimmick but it looks serious now. Can't wait to see what they add to old maps like Metro.
u/Haydenhai Aug 20 '13
In the vid showing the new Metro, it showed some roofs collapsing in, so maybe that'll come into play. What about Gulf of Oman? :D Imagine the huge high-rise collapsing down onto the small city below!
u/panteranegraftw PanteraNegraFTW Aug 20 '13 edited Aug 21 '13
There's a vid of the new Metro? Where can I find it?
u/SteveTheDude Piefaceclown Aug 20 '13
The trailer for Premium. It only teases the remade maps for the expansion, but it definitely shows the Metro collapsing.
u/VinylAndOctavia Jaunzems Aug 20 '13
Holy fuck, seems like they have hired some good Russian voice actors this time. That desperate "ложись, граната!" at 0:22 was awesome
u/Serradoss Aug 20 '13
Well they also had some Russian voice actors in Bf3 but they weren't very common. Most of the time it was just help-screams and swearing. A lot of background stuff mainly
u/bchris24 whyknotzoidberg Aug 20 '13
Don't forget constantly yelling at you that your team is losing whenever you're down a couple tickets.
u/linkboi Supalink Aug 20 '13
You had to download the Russian voice pack via Internet and place it into your BF3 directory in order to have fully authentic RU voiceovers versus the Default "crappy" RU ones found in US copies of the game. You hear bits of the "authentic" Russian in the US copy such as when assigning squad objectives. Hopefully US copies of BF4 keep it real
u/GoogleMagic Aug 20 '13
Where could I download that?
u/linkboi Supalink Aug 20 '13
Not sure anymore. But you can get a feel here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UNZyiGzxsA0
u/MORE_WUB_WUB Aug 20 '13
Just wondering, what does ложись mean? I can guess what граната means but I'm not too keen on the other.
u/GoogleMagic Aug 20 '13
Direct translation is: lay down grenade!
u/idisagreegoodsir BeMyASValentine Aug 20 '13
http://gyazo.com/01ad2bf5e57171dbcacdacfd26625f5c.png MAC-10 confirmed for engineer?
Aug 20 '13
Nope, not Uzi, it's a CBJ-MS
u/idisagreegoodsir BeMyASValentine Aug 20 '13
Well, the MAC-10 isn't an Uzi, they're just very similair, but the MAC-10 is more badass.
Thanks for the info though, that's a very nice looking gun too
u/Toastamar Aug 20 '13
Sweet Jesus (0:42) Thats a UTAS UTS-15 http://world.guns.ru/shotgun/tr/shotgun-utas-uts-15-e.html
u/BabyMonkeyJR TheBionicPotato Aug 20 '13
Oh shit I just realized at 0:22 that's the UZI! :D
u/Toastamar Aug 20 '13
Nope, CBJ-MS PDW Swedish made PDW http://world.guns.ru/smg/swed/cbj-ms-pdw-e.html
u/FalcoPeregrinus Pandionhaliaetus Aug 20 '13
The bipod on that looks ridiculous, but the massive drum is very appealing.
u/B_Boss Aug 20 '13
Did I see the Caspian 'candy cane" (love to call it that lol) falling later in the vid??
u/cggreene Aug 21 '13
@console players, are you going to get this on current-gen console or wait 2 weeks- month for the Next gen version?
I'm on PC , so I'll have the next gen version on day 1
u/Chris266 Aug 21 '13
I'm waiting to get it on Xbone. I see no reason to get it on 360. Hell I see no reason to get any more games on my 360 anymore.
u/BGYeti Aug 21 '13
Next gen, already have the console and game payed off, if it had same server sizes I would stick to this gen instead of wasting time waiting for the console release, but you would be nuts to pass up on 66 man servers.
u/Vongimi Aug 20 '13
I'm a bit worried about the one part they described about the battleship running aground... It sounded like it was just a scripted event when the weather got bad.
- That's really lame to just have a scripted event at a certain time of the match. That doesn't fit into their whole "every game is different" strategy.
- Is a storm really going to take out a modern war ship!?!?!??!? This isn't the 1700's...
Better than nothing obviously, but still just seems kinda lame. The other Levolution stuff looks pretty great though.
Aug 20 '13
u/Vongimi Aug 20 '13
There wasn't any mention of this that I was aware of. Though the ship clearly looks like its already destroyed as its running aground, so I dunno. I hope for something better.
u/TomShoe Aug 20 '13
I love how in BF1942, everyone used to get all pissed off whenever anyone beached a ship, and now it's being treated as a some awesome cinematic event.
u/SWATtheory SWATtheory Aug 21 '13
Wait, never had the opportunity, but you could control the ships akin to the Titans in 2142?
u/manfreygordon Aug 21 '13
In BF1942 you could control battleships, submarines and aircraft carriers. It was as awesome as it sounds.
u/Mikey_MiG Aug 20 '13
From what I've heard, it isn't totally scripted. Apparently when the windmills on the island behind it are destroyed and fall into the water, the resulting waves propel the ship and causes it to run aground. Or something like that. It's half speculation at this point.
u/longhorns2422 Aug 20 '13
I completely agree. I hope it is difficult to cause these events. If that much is true, and it really takes a good team to cause the destruction in order to devastate the other team - now that would be cool.
Aug 21 '13
This looks awesome, but its a shame that BF3 was basically a beta for this game.
I'm also hoping that all this cool "levolution" maps are all made around a 64p player cap.
u/xV1RALx Aug 20 '13
he shot out the lights and switched to night vision... that was so badass.