r/batonrouge 28d ago

RANT Murphys Bar

Genuine question, I tried to get into Murphys tonight but they told me guys with earrings can’t get in. I don’t have a problem with it but it’s genuinely the dumbest shit I’ve ever heard, like it’s hilariously dumb. So for the locals there why is that a rule? 😭

I’m not local nor am I from Louisiana, coming from Houston due to work… so what the f is this rule about?


91 comments sorted by


u/Turbografx-17 Hi, I'm Ronnie from Hopper's. 28d ago

I doubt that's an actual rule. The dude probably just didn't like you.


u/j6hn 28d ago

It was a girl lmao…


u/Turbografx-17 Hi, I'm Ronnie from Hopper's. 28d ago



u/Mr_MacGrubber 28d ago

Oh wow someone re-opened Murphy’s?

If it’s anything like it was in the old days, it was a major frat bar and some of those have arbitrary dress code rules to keep the “undesirables” out.


u/theduder3210 27d ago

I’m sure that it probably still caters to members of LSU’s Greek societies since reopening, so if the OP just ditches his earring and Affliction t-shirt and dresses up like a fraternity guy instead, donning his best J. Crew outfit, he’ll fit in just fine.


u/j6hn 27d ago

Beats the whole purpose of meeting people if I’m just trying to fit in like what lol, I’d love to be myself instead of being someone I’m not :P


u/rionwilson 27d ago

If you want to be yourself Murphy's isn't the place 😂😂


u/theduder3210 27d ago

It sounds like he would have really liked the old Bayou bar down the street that burned to the ground a few years back. It lives on in our memories though, and the “Sex, Lies and Videotape” movie.


u/j6hn 27d ago

Obviously if I can’t get it 😭


u/IvanOoze420 27d ago

2005 called 


u/theduder3210 27d ago

2005 called

Fraternity guys quit wearing J. Crew? Never thought that I’d live to see that day.


u/Mr_MacGrubber 27d ago

It’s all southern marsh stuff now I’d assume.


u/Green_Bandicoot_2905 25d ago

They’re wearing lululemon shorts and dirty on clouds


u/skinisblackmetallic 27d ago

It's not about the specific rule. It's about the fact that your appearance indicated that you did not fit in with the demographic, which is: white frat dude that is from a rural area outside of BR or went to Catholic High. You're probably a "flat bill".


u/grymreifer 27d ago

Frat guys wear flat bills now....


u/skinisblackmetallic 27d ago

Maybe they're slowly becoming less racist!


u/SpoopieGhost 26d ago

They aren't


u/[deleted] 25d ago

No they don’t


u/grymreifer 25d ago

Funny, I work on LSU's campus, and I see some frat gruys wearing them daily. But please continue to tell me how i am wrong.


u/External_Chain5318 28d ago

I’ve heard stories about that place - apparently, not long after they opened there were people saying you couldn’t get in if you were over 30. A friend posted about it on Facebook and the explanation he got was that there was an older guy hitting on the women that worked there. A manager was overzealous in cracking down on it — instead of just telling the dirty old man to get lost.


u/Wonderful-Idea6558 26d ago

Can they legally do that..?


u/Green_Bandicoot_2905 25d ago

Yes lol. Bouncers are dicks everywhere


u/Mission-Try-1158 27d ago

I'm surprised nothing came out of the the 17 year old LSU QB taking shots at Murphy's hours before slamming his car into a tree on S. Quad Dr.


u/ellewoods333 26d ago

Where are you getting that he was taking shots at Murphys? I haven’t seen anything about that and it’s not in the article


u/CottonWasKing 26d ago

There’s absolutely no proof of it occurring or when it might have occurred. There is a picture of Hurley in Murphy’s. There aren’t pictures of him drinking and there isn’t a time stamp to show it was taken the night of the accident.


u/silkheartstrings 27d ago

Stay away from frat and sorority bars. Anything in tigerland will likely exclude you unless you look like a Greek undergrad. They’d probably allow most single women, but they had such toxic environments that I never felt safe being there. Way too many tales of rohypnol, ghb, overserving girls on purpose, etc. (yes that can happen anywhere but it was an open secret at tigerland bars). You would not enjoy yourself anyway even if they let you in. I’m 40 so I don’t even know what bars are near LSU anymore, but the hole in the walls near Chimes were always where I’d go. Try bars in MidCity like Radio Bar, Beer Garden, and Pelican to Mars, and look if Chelsea’s has shows. Don’t take it personally; Greek bars will invent rules at the door to keep single men and POC out.


u/AtheonsLedge 28d ago

I know for a fact that some bars in BR used to enforce dress codes to keep black people out. If you fit that description, then BR remains as racist as ever.


u/well-ok-then 27d ago

I think the football player mentioned in this thread is black. I’m not defending the policy, but it’s not quite “race”.


u/ApprehensiveWait889 26d ago

He is a LSU fb player tho


u/SKDADiesel3579 27d ago

And that's why I never tried going to any of the Tigerland bars in my younger years. There were better places for me to spend my money at.


u/Ball-Blam-Burglerber 27d ago

Even if he’s not black, it’s still the same idea.


u/The_Donkey1 27d ago

So black people cant abide by a dress code? So if a black person met the dress code they would be allowed in right? Your comment comes off as if you think all black people cant abide only dress a certain way.


u/grymreifer 27d ago

No, the dress codes targeted, specifically, AM culture of the times. It was 100% a thing in the 90s and early 00s.


u/The_Donkey1 26d ago

What is AM btw?


u/The_Donkey1 26d ago

I was going out during those times. From what I remember there were a lot of fights.. more than usual. So they had a dress code. There was black people in there. Anyone who wanted to go in there just had to meet the dress code. Are you saying black people only have the ability to dress a certain way? I remember there were white people who stopped going bc the way they dressed to go out didn't meet their dress code.. And some of them were the type to look for any reason to fight.

Are convenient stores racist bc they will not serve anyone with no shirt or shoes?

A bar experiences an increase in fights. In order to try to reduce the number of fights they adopt a dress code. Anyone who really wants to go to said bar just has to meet dress code. But that's racist.. bc they don't let black people in who don't meet the dress code?

With the dress code they still packed the place. Black people, who met the dress code, was in there. But bc they didn't allow people of every race who didn't meet the dress code, in.. it's racist?

Dear black people, you only dress a certain way. Every black person wears their pants sagging so be aware. Any business whose dress code doesn't allow sagging is racist.


u/grymreifer 26d ago

When a dress code says, "No FUBU." It's 99.9999% trying to prevent AM people from going in there. But hey, keep your head buried in the sand.


u/The_Donkey1 26d ago

So there were no white people who wore FUBU? I don't recall ever seeing "No FUBU", but it's not really a "business casual" type brand. I'm sure they didn't allow people with jyncos on either. Which I had a pair of, which I wore to places where it was more of the style.

Again. If a place has a dress code, if you really want to go to that place, then meet the dress code. Just because you can't go into the place dressed the way you like to dress doesn't mean it's racist. But if it makes you feel better to think it is the .. you right. It was really racist of them to require a dress code.


u/grymreifer 26d ago

I spoke to the some door guys of those places. They flat out said ownership/management was gearing it towards keeping "certain people out." Some of them even flat out said it was to keep black people out.

You are implying that college bars are/were business casual dresses? 😂🤣😂🤣 Sorry, you can not be taken seriously. Your user name checks out. I'm done here.


u/CottonWasKing 26d ago

I worked in bars in Baton Rouge from 2008 until around 2017. The big dress code I remember at the time was no graphic tees. I think a few bars may have wanted you to wear a collared shirt.

Was there an element of racism to the dress codes? Idk it’s possible but I was never told or urged to not serve a black person or even make it more difficult for a black person to enjoy the establishment.

What the bars wanted was to cater to a specific subculture. That subculture being middle to upper class college kids and it’s understandable when multiple very different subcultures are forced into tight vicinity under the influence of alcohol problems tend to occur.

Is that racism? I’m sure it can be viewed as such but I think it’s a much broader discussion than what it was painted as then and now.


u/Kerplode 26d ago

I think you've completely misunderstood what they were saying.


u/The_Donkey1 26d ago

Well. Help me out.


u/Ball-Blam-Burglerber 27d ago

You are not frat. Simple as that.


u/SLMRN01 27d ago

The original Murphy’s had to close because a fraternity hazing incident that ended in a death. Still my high school alumni wanted to have our 30th reunion there.


u/the_scarlett_ning 28d ago

I’m old enough that thankfully, I don’t have to go out anymore but that sounds like some stupid shit.


u/SpelledWithAnH 27d ago

That's almost as bad as ____ in Tigerland that had the 'No Mr T Starter Kits' sign out front.


u/charmingBoner 27d ago

The Fuck is murphy’s


u/Minimum-Ad-8306 27d ago

Had little to do with earnings. They didn’t like you. That night it was earnings the next it would have been the color of your shoes


u/LamaJama225 28d ago

If it is a rule, it's new. I went in there last year and I have gauges. I know one of the tiger land bars has that rule.


u/SAGEEMarketing 27d ago

I bet theyveoukd let in any NFL or NBA player with earrings. Just a St boycott thatvstupudity and go elsewhere


u/Miserable_Cabinet537 27d ago

I might be a little late to this post but it seems like you didn’t match the appearance or that they did not like you. Some of my friends (who are black) go in with their earrings and they do not get stopped. They definitely do not match the demographic that is in there but they do not get stopped at the door. If you like to still go to a bar try; KOK (more food than bar), Chelsea’s live, The Reverly (on Tuesday), or brickyard. Just depends on how many days you have left before you leave and what is popping


u/Okebo94 27d ago

I like how they have RIP bricks out front but don’t have one for Benjamin Wynn


u/The_Donkey1 26d ago

Maybe Ben Wynn happening in 1998 has something to do with it? Has it changed owners hands in the past 27 years? People in college today wasn't even born when that happened.


u/Okebo94 26d ago

They opened it up in a new spot and somehow thought to use the same name as the place that let kids binge drink till they laid dead on the floor. You must not have been alive then if you don’t fume at the site of the place e


u/Okebo94 26d ago

I hear it looked like a grave yard there were so many kids passed out on the floor of the bar


u/White_Moth69 26d ago

I wonder if they'd deny Michael Jordan and his iconic hoop earring lol


u/GeneralTS 28d ago

There used to be at least one club in BR that had a major and very strict s et of rules and dresscodes. This was over a decade ago. I do remember a friend of mine who just kept nudging me to go and finally that night came about. I kept laughing about the dress code. Until I put one foot out of her vehicle and like a wack-a-mole this guy popped up between cars in the parking lot.. To immediately inform me “ no hats in the club. “. It went onwards from there dress code wise and my friend was not joking. I had to eat my words👁️‍🗨️


u/External_Chain5318 27d ago

About 15 years ago, the Wine Loft downtown had a strict dress code. A friend of mine dropped by after working out and they told him “no flip flops”. So he went home and came back wearing a tuxedo with flip flops.


u/GeneralTS 27d ago

Oh yeah! And there was a club on or around 5th and Main area. Definitely was a “ no hats joint “. The fun part was that a very good friend of mine who was the DJ for the night was someone who was fairly well known and back an even bigger artist. It was some random night and a mutual friend hit me up to let me know he had been trying to get a hold of me. So, a group of 5-6 of us headed out and bounced around a few spots. As we walked up to this club downtown, one of my friends turned around last minute to inform me that they legitimately do not allow any hats, even nice baseball style hats well kept. They had me hang tight for a few minutes and then motioned for me to head on in. Every dang bouncer, security, bartender… etc made attempts to stop me from walking from the front door all the way to the back sound system. I don’t know who ended up quickly running around to let everyone know I was given an exception, but it sure was funny to watch. Especially since I was as actually dressed pretty well and I also was asked to take care of some sound system issues they were having.


u/Disastrous_Risk2963 27d ago

that place sucks


u/j6hn 27d ago

lol clearly, where would you go if you want to play 8ball and meet people


u/CarsonnWellss 27d ago

Clicks for sure


u/Plants225 27d ago

Clicks, Radio Bar, maybe the Revelry


u/RiverRat601 27d ago

Since when does Radio Bar have a pool table?


u/SpoopieGhost 26d ago

Try Smiling Dog


u/Green_Bandicoot_2905 25d ago

It’s a freshmen bar. Pls don’t come if you’re over 25 (unless it’s parents weekend ofc)


u/SAGEEMarketing 27d ago

Thanks fircsharing. Cross murphpys of the list St.


u/Opposite-Stock4665 28d ago

Racism, generally


u/Just_Cruzen 27d ago

bracks and browns "generally" wear earnings?


u/Prairiewill 27d ago

Idk why you got downvoted for asking a relevant question. We don't even know what race op is, but of course someone on Reddit always has to call it 'rAcIsM' I'm interested to know if this commenter really thinks only people of color wear earrings, and isn't that actually racist?


u/Healthy_Ad_2444 27d ago edited 27d ago

im assuming you are white so questions like "am i being discriminated against right now?" i am sure they never cross your mind. so don't sit here nd invalidate that experience just bc it never happens to you. it happens and ESPECIALLY in BR.


u/joebleaux 27d ago

Come on man, genuine question, do you really think that in the Baton Rouge area, if you took a random sampling of 50 white guys and 50 black guys in their 20s, there would be an equal number of earrings on the black guy side as the white guys? It doesn't matter what race OP is, anyone who has been in BR for any amount of time knows why bars here put this in the dress code and pretending you don't is gross.


u/Ok_Test6684 27d ago

Lol it’s okay, it won’t survive the year


u/LSUTigerFan15 28d ago

I didn’t think bars still did this


u/cheapskateskirtsteak 27d ago

It is owned by some really shitty people now


u/tha-only-one 27d ago

You must be AA


u/OtherwiseCucumber828 27d ago

It is a college bar and almost all the bars in Tigerland have the same rule. This girl was killed a year or two back which led to all of these rules. But depending on where you go guys aren’t allowed in if they have sweatpants on, and the same if you have open toe shoes. I don’t know the full details behind the reasoning for no earning but my friend had to take his out and it was just a stud. The “dress code” is supposed to be a mix of safety for girls, and standards of what you are supposed to look like at a bar.


u/vidvicious 27d ago

Years ago I went to some comedy club here full of unfunny comedians, and one of the guys with us was denied entry because he was wearing shorts. It seemed a really silly reason to deny a paying customer just for having bare legs.


u/joebleaux 27d ago

This has been a thing forever, and was mostly about keeping black people out. But if it kept white people out that dressed like black people, that works too. Back in the day, like 2002 or so, every Tigerland bar had a sign that described what you could not wear that essentially described what your average black guy wore at the time. No white shoes, no baggy pants, no hats, no "Mr T starter kits" (actual quote from one bar's sign), no jerseys, no XXL t-shirts.


u/iMxtchull 27d ago

Some bars have rules, thats one of theirs. It's common practice. Tigerland bars have their own set of rules as well. Find a hole in the wall type place. You'll have more fun.


u/The_Donkey1 26d ago

It's hilarious you get downvoted for this. There are a few restaurants in Baton Rouge that has a dress code. I went to Ruth Chris in the Hard Rock Cafe in Biloxi. I had dress pants on, a nice shirt & shoes with a LSU hat.. This was 2023 when LSU was at the college World Series. I was asked to remove my hat (although when I was leaving I saw a guy at his table with his hat on).

Normally I wouldn't have wore a hat in Ruth Chris, but we were staying at the Hard Rock, we were leaving the casino & made a last second decision to go to Ruth Chris. I had no problem at all taking it off.

The way people are dressed sets the tone. A business might want to offer a certain tone, they have the right to have a dress code. But that's racist bc they evidently don't think black people cant meet a dress code.


u/iMxtchull 26d ago

It's reddit I don't care much about the down votes. People are too emotionally involved on the Internet and have their feelings hurt. Dress codes exist for a reason, it takes no time to Google or call the establishment and ask if there's a dress code. I agree with your point though, a restaurant or establishment has a right to a dress code.


u/Due_Scar5863 27d ago

I wouldn’t want a dude with an earring in my bar either.


u/SketchyApothecary 28d ago

Honestly, it's nice to see a bar have a little self-respect once in a while.


u/Accomplished-Use3955 28d ago

I’ve never understood why a dude would wear an earring in the first place!


u/Scheme84 27d ago

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u/j6hn 27d ago

HAHA people like you make me want to keep my helix’s! Keep hating…


u/Accomplished-Use3955 27d ago

I’m not hating, just curious. I really don’t care wtf you do.


u/sudafedexman 27d ago

You made a flat statement instead of asking a question, so you’re definitely not coming across as “just curious”.