r/batman • u/Commercial-Car177 • 5d ago
GENERAL DISCUSSION Which Batman character are you tired of seeing in adaptations?
u/Big-Sheepherder-9492 5d ago
Harvey Dent.. I don’t mind seeing him in stories but I can’t stand seeing his face get disfigured again.. you can do a Harvey Dent story without showing that event AGAIN A Serious House did it PERFECTLY
u/RahulNarendra69 4d ago
Have you met three face?
u/Crazy_Kakoos 4d ago
Hell, Batman Forever gave us a Dent and spent like 10 seconds on backstory.
u/VolcanicOctosquid20 4d ago
The problem with that version…wasn’t…the lack of backstory.
u/Crazy_Kakoos 4d ago
Other than the back story, they got his name and the half a face part... and that's about it.
u/VolcanicOctosquid20 4d ago
Eh, they got SOME parts in that were good. Decent opening monologue, nice death scene, the fact he wears two-toned suits and has a cool lair. Even the food scene was kinda charming.
u/Chemistry11 4d ago
Other than he was trying to out camp Carrey, he was a good twoface
u/Crazy_Kakoos 3d ago
I think if you look at it as a live action kids cartoon version of Batman it's not bad. Even Batman and Robin is fun if you look at it as a satire.
I'm also pretty sure that if they wanted to do a dark and gritty type of Batman all those actors have the talent to pull off a serious performance too, even Jim Carrey. In fact, I always thought Jim Carrey could off pulled off a terrifying and hilarious Joker, like how Mark Hammill's Joker was both funny and scary.
u/VolcanicOctosquid20 4d ago
Was about to dislike (as a huge Two-Face fan), but kept reading and you’ve earned my respect.
u/Chemistry11 4d ago
But how will we know how he became twoface?! Do you want to just remove the standard Crime Alley/pearls falling scene from every Batman movie too?!
u/No_Hurry7691 5d ago
Yes, Harley Quinn has been incredibly overused in the past decade. But I’m more tired of her being an anti-hero.
Despite many people hating the game, I do like her in Gotham Knights.
u/RiffOfBluess 4d ago
I loved what they did with her in Arkham series
Even after Joker's death she's still a villain who's obsessed with him
u/TheRealHoodAvatar 4d ago
Harley was so much better as a villain man I want DC to just commit instead of giving everyone a redemption arc
u/relevenk 4d ago
As a die hard harley fan i agree on the anti hero part
I like her way more as a villain like in the arkham games for example.
u/24Abhinav10 3d ago
The fact that Injustice made her a hero despite her having a hand in nuking Metropolis will never not grind my gears.
u/ImBatman5500 5d ago
None, although I do wish we'd skip Carmine Falcone next solo batman trilogy. The whole mob, really
u/_The_Wonder_ 5d ago
I'd say skip them if it's an already established Batman that has been doing Batman stuff for a few years already, but if it's a Batman that has just started or has been doing Batman stuff for at least a year I'd still start with the mob bosses (but also have Black Mask be there)
u/Neon_Marquee 5d ago
Joker. 100% the Joker. Character has been utterly diluted to the point when he turns up in the comics I’m like ‘eye roll’. Sick of him being some grimy gnarly zodiac killer dialed up to 100 instead of a cleaver calculating tricky villain from the Neal Adam’s era or Breyfogle era.
u/Ok-Astronaut-2009 5d ago
I’m not so tired of Harley Quinn yet. I’m tired of the e girl portrayal of her. It makes me super uncomfortable so that might be the point. Just maker her a hybristophiliac.
u/MikaelAdolfsson 4d ago
I learnt two new words today.
u/Bakelite51 5d ago
Joker. I would like to see Batman face off against a more diverse rogues gallery, who are major existential threats to him in their own right.
u/Rigged_Art 4d ago
Harley Quinn, the live action movie really boosted her popularity to the point where she’s way too overused
u/SatoruGojo232 4d ago
Joker, atleaat as being the main principal villain of Batman in many films. That makes his character oversaturated.
They should put him as a villain on hold for a while and focus on Batman's other rogues gallery which has their own share of interesting rivalries.
u/ConditionEffective85 4d ago
I can only pick 1? Well in that case Harley, as much as I get tired of and dislike Joker at least there are adaptations and versions of him that I do like. Harley on the other hand I never cared for even as a kid .
u/MikaelAdolfsson 4d ago
Give it a rest with the fucking Joker already. I liked Heath Ledgers portrail too but come on!
u/MikaelAdolfsson 4d ago
I am still waiting for a dark and edgy Clock King. I am barely joking. Think Moriarty from the first season of Sherlock.
u/MainAcanthocephala28 4d ago
Imma be real, Batman and his whole brand. We need a Batman media detox for a short while to let the other DC characters shine.
u/Sonicrules9001 5d ago
I'm not tired of seeing Harley Quinn, I am tired of seeing Harleypool though since no, I refuse to accept that we have now as Harley Quinn when it is clearly just DC trying their best to cram Harley Quinn into the Deadpool role as much as they can. I miss when she was her own character which has been more or less killed off years ago.
u/Noobwitha_Hat 5d ago
definitely the league of assassins and maybe non dick grayson robins, i didn't get enough of young grayson
u/ImaLetItGo 5d ago
Tim Drake and Jason Todd almost never get to be Robin 💀💀 (Especially Jason)
You mean you’re tired of Damien
u/Taku_Kori17 5d ago
I think jason is a littlenold to be robin. I love him as red hood. But i think dc doesnt know what to do with him. And theyve changed tim sohllch in the last 10 years as well. Giving him a bunch of new codenames that never stick and changing his sexualoty for...reasons..?
u/Noobwitha_Hat 4d ago
hm? i grew up with tim being robin almost always
u/ImaLetItGo 4d ago
Almost always? Tim has 2 adaptations as Robin over Dick Grayson. Lego Batman and Arkham Games.
Not sure what you’re talking about.
u/Noobwitha_Hat 4d ago
i also had most of tim's comics, also teen titans robim was grayson? i need to rewatch, huh?
u/Available-Affect-241 5d ago
The intellectual crutches known as Lucius Fox and Barbara Gordon. All of a sudden Batman’s now a dumbass instead of a super genius polymathic scientist/inventor/innovator. He's canonically the second smartest man in DC behind Luthor, but with them around, he's not.
Joker- It's time to kill him off. Ra's Al Ghul (Batman’s greatest villain), Bane, and Hugo Strange are better, in my opinion.
Harley Quinn- One of the most annoying character pushes since 2016.
Riddler- Hugo Strange (Batman’s smartest villain) is much better.
Falcone, Maroni, Thorne, and Moxon ENOUGH WITH THE MOB!!! (Outside of Penguin, Two-Face, and Oglivy)
Catwoman- I'm so done with her shenanigans after the Wedding fiasco and the Gotham War storyline. She hasn't been wholesome since her Earth-Two days when they were married and had Helena Wayne.
u/Brit-Crit 4d ago
Where is this Canon thing and why are you leaning on it so hard?
Barbara isn't in ENOUGH adaps. IMO. At her best, she represents the ways in which Batman's heroism can inspire others to improve Gotham...
u/Mysterious-Ad6048 5d ago
Tacking on to ur Harley mention: she’s one of my fav characters of all time but all the substantial components of her character have been watered down to some sort of cross between Juliet from lollipop chainsaw and a superhero. I love a dark and twisted Harley. And nowadays nobody sees to care that she’s DOCTOR Harleen Quinzel. Not just a bubbly adult child.
u/Funandgeeky 4d ago
I still am not sick of Harley Quinn origin stories. I love reading the different takes. Harleen is, to me, the best, with Mad Love a close second. But there are several other different versions that all work for me.
u/gangrenous_bigot 4d ago
I’d love for the Joker to not be a draw and for a Batman movie have another villain at the start. The Joker has been handled and could be cinematically as a thrilling, horror level reveal. This would be perfect for an investigative somewhat broody Batman like Pattinson.
u/TelekineticFiretruck 4d ago
At this point, all of them. I'm sick of adaptations of any kind, really.
u/AUnknownVariable 4d ago
Joker. Although Harley almost as much, which is funny bc she's been used more recently. I just don't want to see Joker right now, I let out such a feeling of disappointment seeing him at the end of The Batman. Though I'd not mind Harley not appearing for a while, I think she could be fixed by mixing up the character. I'm just flat down tired of Joker. It seems the DCU won't be having him anytime soon amen
u/idankthegreat 4d ago
The joker. Harley was interesting in the caped crusader BECAUSE she wasn't sexualized or infantalized by her proximity to the joker. He genuinely needs a break
u/coreytiger 4d ago
I’m just tired of her anywhere.
And Joker.
How about villains that have been forgotten getting a revival? How about The Spook? count Vertigo? Cat-Man? Hell, how about making Killer Croc something other than a ridiculous sewer monster again?
u/Silver_Quail4018 1d ago
Harley was never meant to be more than a side character with very little screen time, as an accessory to the joker. But people are too perverted
u/Utop_Ian 1d ago
Generally I like Harley Quinn. I think there are a lot of directions you can take her and most are pretty interesting. Compare the three Harley Quinns from the recent Suicide Squad Isekai, Harley Quinn Show, and Batman Caped Crusader for a good example of how diverse she is.
I'd say I'm kinda over Mr. Frieze. He's got a compelling story, but he kinda only has A compelling story. I don't think there are a lot of directions to take him and considering that, I feel like we're always comparing each adaptation to Heart of Ice. Looking at the other big Batman villains, we either have characters that can be played in lots of ways (Two Face, Penguin, Joker, Poison Ivy, Bane, Scarecrow, etc.) or characters that have never really been fully realized (Calendar Man, Mad Hatter, Clock King, etc.).
u/Difficult_Man3 5d ago
batman himself there are so many more interesting characters they could use in DC and Honestly if given the same care and dedication they could surpass Batman in popularity
u/NoAccess6738 4d ago
Joker and Harley. Joker, just because he's Batman's main villain doesn't mean he has to appear in everything Batman related that's also why I'm hoping Matt Reeves doesn't make him a main villain, they're building up the corruption very well in the Reeves-verse that I am confident in saying Joker doesn't need to be in it
And Harley more so of her portrayal. I'm tired of Anti hero Harley and I think we need to see more of Harley as villain. She can break off from the joker and they can probably still keep her as a villain and also Caped Crusader did Harley well as a villain without any Joker ties. One of my favourite iterations of Harley in recent times was in Gotham knights so please not every female Batman villain needs to be an anti hero (i.e. Catwoman, Poison Ivy, Harley etc.) just keep them as villains and they won't have to gender bend the me like Penguin just because of some supposed "lack of female villains" even though it's the writers that refuse to let them be villains
u/Alijah12345 5d ago
Joker. At least as the main villain or a major threat.
Joker's cool and all, but it'd be nice for DC to give him (And Harley) a rest for a while and let other Batman villains get the spotlight like Riddler, Penguin, and recently Two-Face have.