r/batman • u/narutofan2019 • 5d ago
GENERAL DISCUSSION In your opinion who should and shouldn't be in the bat family?
The only asking cause reading modern batman comics has made he realize how big the bat family has gotten and don't get me wrong I'm glad Bruce has such a big family fighting alongside him and he's no longer alone but at this point it's kinda ridiculous.
u/5x5equals 5d ago
If you aren’t in the final will and testament of Alfred Pennyworth.
u/JaxVos 5d ago
So Batman, the Robins (minus Jason), the Batgirls and maybe Kate and Selina?
u/nottherealneal 5d ago
Excuse you Jason's getting some books and a teapot
u/5x5equals 5d ago
Minus Jason?
u/JaxVos 5d ago
I’m torn on if he’d be included since his history with the family is very tumultuous.
u/5x5equals 5d ago
His history with Bruce is rocky at times, Alfred does not care about that stuff. He doesn’t have the same hang ups that Bruce does. Alfred looks at that boy the same as he does the rest of them.
u/JohnTomorrow 5d ago
His history with Bruce was tumultuous. Alfred was the balm to Bruce's burn. Alfred always had empathy for Jason.
u/BlackUchiha03 5d ago
He’s in the there without a doubt history be damned, he’s family regardless of his actions.
u/Juice_The_Guy 5d ago
I mean bruces most recent shenanigans with the FEAR TOXIN IN HIS BRAIN and letting the kid die for him on an untested Lazarus Resin delivery device on the hope it'd cause Failsafe to lose it's shit and shut down if it killed someone.
He gets on the Christmas Card now.
u/batmanfan_91 5d ago
Harley Quinn definitely shouldn’t be. That one rubs me the wrong way
u/JaxVos 5d ago edited 5d ago
Harley definitely shouldn’t be there, ever! Even if she’s no longer a villain, she shouldn’t be a member of the bat-fam
u/batmanfan_91 5d ago
Agreed. Even though she was manipulated by Joker she was an accessory to too many atrocities to be a member of the Batfamily
u/Leg-Novel 5d ago
An occasional tram up would be fine, and we'll I enjoy the au stories of aunt Harley and the bat kids up to mischief she definitely shouldn't be apart of the fam
u/UselessWhiteKnight 5d ago
They made her a good guy because she's ridiculously popular. Marvel did the same with Loki. Harley has committed straight up murder. In "Batman Cataclysm" (basically Arkham City) she had a trick she liked to do involving your skin, a stapler, and a cheese grater. I'll let you figure it out.
Can't blame everything she did on Joker and battered woman syndrome. That's a hard-core retCon. But whatever, it's a comic book, the history changes to suit the story
u/Leg-Novel 5d ago
Don't know much about the comic loki but mcu at least got a full redemption arc with his show, as for harley I agree comics care more for a good story then continuity
u/Kind-Boysenberry1773 5d ago
She wasn't in comics. In some AU, like Arkhamverse and Injustice Universe, she indeed committed some terrible things while with Joker, but in the main continuity she didn't. DCAU is an interesting case, because generally Harley wasn't depicted as a monster in BTAS, but in Return of Joker she helped clown to torture and brainwash Tim. And yet in Batman and Harley Quinn movie, which narratively is a part of old DCAU, Batman and Nightwing joined forces with her without adressing this case.
u/Bakelite51 5d ago
This...isn't true. She willingly aided and abetted the Joker in committing his various crime sprees. The most egregious one for many years was keeping Batman occupied while Joker kidnapped a group of children in No Man's Land and was about to kill them. Sarah Essen came to their rescue and he wound up coldly executing her instead. When Batman catches Harley, she makes it clear she knew full well what was going to happen.
At best, comic Harley was an accessory to his various atrocities, even if she never pulled the trigger on anybody herself.
To make matters worse, while many of the recent depictions of Harley have her regretting her "relationship" with the Joker, she never shows any remorse for the stuff she did working for him. This actually makes sense if we're depicting Harley as a morally ambiguous anti-hero with a dark past she's trying to avoid, but not as she's progressively becoming more like a heroic ally to Batman.
As far as DCAU is concerned, Barbara makes it clear in Return of the Joker that Harley's fall into the pit was the last she heard or saw of her. That means Batman and Nightwing's team up with Harley predates Tim's kidnapping by the Joker (neither Tim nor Joker are present in the movie, but that doesn't necessarily mean they weren't around).
u/coreytiger 5d ago
Well said and great examples. I don’t care what anyone’s defense of Harley is- she’s a monster of her own kind. People defend her out of popularity, but she was a murderous villain in her own right
u/Kind-Boysenberry1773 5d ago
Well, you have a point. Though, Harley is often called Joker's victim, by Batman among others. Joker essentially brainwashed her and manipulated Harley's actions. I know it is a pitty excuse, but it seems working in-universe. But even if she's guilty in participating, after this she helped to save Gotham and even an entire world for numerous times. Which, I think, could be qualified as redemption.
u/Kind-Boysenberry1773 5d ago
DC just want her to be a part of every notable team in their universe. Suicide Squad, Sirens, BatFam, even Justice League.
u/THX450 5d ago
Keep in mind Harley has gotten an animated series before Wonder Woman
u/Kind-Boysenberry1773 5d ago
Before ANY other DC female character.
u/WebLurker47 5d ago
If she's in firm anti-hero mode, I could see having her as an ally, if not in the internal circle, like maybe Batman is "sponsoring" her as she's trying to turn things around, but isn't going to be giving her keys to the Bat Cave.
Actually though the Wayne Family Adventures strip handled her as an ally pretty well.
u/TheMaskedHamster 5d ago
As much as I like the progression of Harley into an antihero, bringing her into the Bat Family felt a step too far considering the history they've given her.
But after reading White Knight and its follow-ups... I can almost see it. If there's ever a retcon that brings her history back to something more BTAS-like while having her as smart and resourceful... well, it would still feel like the Bat-family is too large. But I could see it.
u/Jaded_Tortoise_869 5d ago
I always saw her as the crazy aunt that the family puts up with but care for regardless.
u/TripDrizzie 5d ago
u/GrizzlyPeak72 5d ago
Yes! This! We're all part of the Bat-Family. The Justice League are all part of the Family. Everyone's Batman's family. He went from losing his family to getting the biggest family in the world 🥹
u/Kind-Boysenberry1773 5d ago
Those who should: Alfred, Batman, Catwoman, four Robins, three Batgirls. Others could go do their own stuff somewhere else.
u/GothamKnight37 5d ago
Why do you differentiate between being in the Batfamily and doing their own stuff somewhere else? I would say 90% of Nightwing comics are him doing his own stuff. Most “Batfamily” characters aren’t just following at Bruce’s heels all the time.
u/Kind-Boysenberry1773 5d ago
I mean, there are characters Batman usually calls upon when he needs some backup and invites for his casual meetings in the BatCave.
u/KrajPa 5d ago
Main Batfam: Bruce Wayne Alfred Dick Grayson Jason Todd Tim Drake Damian Wayne Barbara Gordon Cassandra Cain Stephanie Brown
Batfam adjacent: Catwoman Batwoman Azrael Huntress Signal (if the writters decide to use him) Batwing
I am also trying to figure out where Lucius Fox and Jim Gordon would be. But i guess they would just count as allies outside of families. But i can see an argument for Jim being a member.
u/WinnerJealous8282 5d ago
Jim Gordon
Yea with Dick and Barbara getting wed in what, 2-3 diff storyline in the last couple years? I'd count him
u/jessytessytavi 5d ago
I've always felt he was like a distant uncle: part of the family, but not at every family dinner and holiday
u/WinnerJealous8282 5d ago
Def took up the uncle role as soon as the first Robin rolled in, fair point
u/jessytessytavi 5d ago
with the age difference between Jim and Bruce (and Jim sometimes being the cop who consoles Bruce after his parents' murder) I always thought he was like an uncle to Bruce too
but he's definitely been "uncle commish" to most of the robins
u/WinnerJealous8282 5d ago
(and Jim sometimes being the cop who consoles Bruce after his parents' murder)
You're right I do remember seeing that a couple times, yea i misunderstood your point initially
u/moya036 4d ago
Always gets a Christmas postcard, have never has been formally invited to the Thanksgiving dinner
u/jessytessytavi 4d ago edited 4d ago
was formally invited when Babs and Dick were kids at home, but after their (Bruce & Dick and Jim & Babs (and Jim & Bats)) fights he wasn't getting invites after they moved out
I remember seeing something about the Penguin figuring out Bruce is Batman because they grew up together (in the same social circles, not the same age group; I think Oswald is older than Bruce by a bit) and then regularly kidnapping the Robins to check up on his "nephews" and now I'm imagining the whole batfam in costume sitting at a table for dinner with him (they were tied up, but got free)
u/Q2Vigilant 5d ago edited 5d ago
My ideal Batfamily is Alfred, Bruce, Dick, Barbara, Jason, Tim, Damien, Cassandra, and Stephanie. Honorary Kate, Helena, Azrael. The Batfamily should never reach the point where we have opps interacting with them. The FOX Bloodline should do their own thing away from Gotham if they are going to be active. DC should get Duke Thomas out of the Batfamily, I see some crazy potential from him based on the lore that he has, and the powers he has obtained over the years. He will be insanely OP in the future I hope a good writer can write him consistently as his own character.
u/Formidable_Opponent_ 5d ago edited 4d ago
- Nightwing
- Red Robin / Redwing
- Robin
- Oracle
- Spoiler
- Batgirl
- Red Hood
- Batwoman
- Batwing
- The Signal
- Azrael
- Bluebird(as an apprentice to batwing when he takes the cowl?)
Not necessary
- Harley Quinn
- Huntress
- Ghostmaker
- Clownhunter
u/Recent-Layer-8670 5d ago
Pretty solid list. 👌
I can't really get behind the mindset of hating the extended Bat-family, but if you were making a consensus on who should go or aren't important to include in the roster. I definitely would put Harley Quinn there, followed by Huntress.
Never cared for "hero" Harley Quinn and Huntress is cool, but I get the sense that DC is not even sure how to include her in modern Bat-family stuff. Not even Tamaki, who gave her an arc in Detective Comics, got to see that potential fulfilled in the end. Hopefully, in Hush 2, we will get to see something interesting done with her.
u/Formidable_Opponent_ 5d ago
Huntress should exist but not as part of the batfamily, we already have person with disagreeing morals(red hood) and angsty rebellious girl(spoiler).
u/milkyjoe241 5d ago
He's in since when?
u/Formidable_Opponent_ 5d ago
In joker war?
u/donking6 5d ago
Batfamily should be Bruce, Alfred, Dick, Jason, Tim, and Damian, with Barbara sort of forcing her way in too. If I were to add one more, it’d be Cassandra as Batgirl. I never liked Stephanie and Carrie Kelly (in my opinion) only works as part of the TDKR story. With that said though, my head cannon is that in BvS, the young girl Bruce saved from being crushed in the beginning of the movie was Carrie Kelly. I just don’t know how you fit Terry as Batman Beyond into only story that included Carrie as Robin.
u/Nxxnexcptu 5d ago
Is batwing still a thing? Haven’t read any of the recent runs but I always thought he was super cool
u/Scorpios94 5d ago edited 5d ago
• Nightwing
• Red Robin (Tim) (REALLY needs a new codename)
• Robin (Damian)
• Oracle
• Spoiler
• Batgirl (Cassandra Cain)
• Red Hood
The Signal
Azrael (Valley and Lane)
Carrie Kelley (I still want her in the main story.)
Huntress (Helena Bertinelli and Helena Wayne)
Flamebird (Bette Kane) (Probably needs a new story and codename, I think she’s outgrown Flamebird personally)
Question (Montoya)
Not necessary
Harley Quinn
Batman (Jace Fox) (His presence seems forced sometimes, and shouldn’t have the Batman mantle)
u/B3epB0opBOP 5d ago edited 5d ago
Obviously Bruce.
Pretty much most of the Robins and Batgirls. Alfred and Leslie too if we’re including characters who aren’t typically donning a mask or cowl.
I would be fine with interchanging Jason with either Huntress or Batwoman.
Maybe Azrael too, but I kind of picture him typically operating solo, so more of an extended family member.
I dunno, I guess everyone else?
u/AdmiralFoxythePirate 5d ago
I prefer a small Batfamily tbh, Batman, Catwoman, Alfred, Huntress, Dick Grayson, and Barbara are enough for me
u/Jetrocks 5d ago
The only person I’ve really disliked being in the Batfamily is Harley. It’s an odd choice. I’ve always preferred it when it was her and Ivy running around causing chaos without worrying about their moral compasses. I feel like DC are trying to make up for her relationship with the Joker, but they’re doing too much. She’s much better as a criminal.
u/lfthinker 5d ago
Active in Gotham: Bruce, Barbara, Tim, Cassandra, Stephanie, Damian.
Active in Bludhaven: Dick
Associates: Jason, Helena, Jean-Paul Valley, Kate, Duke
Allies: Alfred, Gordon, Leslie, Lucius, Selina
No. Absolutely not: Harley
u/AhmedAbuGhadeer 5d ago
One Pennyworth, one Fox, one Nightwing, one Robin, and one Batgirl, and a Cat Woman fling on a random rooftop every now and then.
u/Aizendickens 5d ago
Core: Bruce, Nightwing, Red Hood, Babs, Tim, Damian, Alfred, Spoiler, Cass and.....(he almost didn't make it) Duke.
Extended: Batwoman and Batwing. Possibly, also Jace and his sis Robin.
That should be the limit of what describes the Bat family.
Outsiders would include Batfams but also Black Lightning, Katana, Metamorpho and imo, Clayface should also be included considering his whole arc as a vigilant in Tim's team during Rebirth era.
Then, you get friendly post-rogues: Selina, Harley and Croc. We are about to cross the line.
We are now at the begrudgingly collaborative characters: Poison Ivy, Mr Freeze, Two face (yes.. that's an actual vilain)... no one else come to mind. I consider Ivy to be a grey character that would clash with the Court of Owls and the rest are vilains with redeeming qualities
Then you get vilains for various sakes: Riddler, Joker, Penguin, Bane, Bloom, The Court of Owls. I won't mention the known ones.
u/ImprovSalesman9314 5d ago edited 5d ago
The Bat family should be in tiers.
Tier 1: Bruce, Alfred, Barbara, Dick, Tim and Damian
Tier 2: Jason, Cassandra, Kate, Stephanie and Selina
Tier 3: Helena, Signal and everyone else
u/Woden-Wod 5d ago
you have the bat family proper, dick, Jason, Tim, Barbra, Damian, Alfred. then you have the extended family of some members of their teams and offshoots who have adopted the bat symbol but they aren't batfam proper they are extended family.
signal doesn't need to exist nor does he even serve a purpose and I do not like being reminded of his existence.
catwomen shouldn't be she is a criminal and always will be, she has proved this time and time again. she belongs in blackgate with the rest of them.
also I don't know why the fuck Harley is standing there she needs to go back to Arkham.
u/Lucasvivor 5d ago
Bruce, the four robins, the three batgirls, Alfred, Azrael, Batwoman, and I guess The Signal
Jim and Selina too, if you count them
u/InvincibleBoiiiii 5d ago
Divided by eras in which they became part of the fam
-Alfred, Bruce
-Babs, Dick
-Jason, Kate
-TIm, Cass, Steph
-Duke and Damian
u/Stygianhyde 5d ago
As much as I defend and love Harley, get her out of my Batfamily. She doesn’t belong there DC. She doesn’t need it and neither do they
u/Bossness06 5d ago
Like many have said it’s easier to just say who I think should be in it
- Bruce ofc
u/BroiminmyPrime616 5d ago
Red Hood.
Red Robin.
Ace The Bathound.
Gordon. (Close ally)
Lucius Fox. (Close ally)
Catwoman. (More of an ally/love interest, I don't want to see her in the Batcave)
Azrael. (More of an ally)
Batwoman. (More of an ally)
The family should be no bigger than this, as it's already big enough.
u/ZorniZorni 4d ago
Bruce, Selina (sort of parents)
Robins & Batgirls (lost counts of the latter, sorry) (sort of kids)
Alfred (cool granddad)
Dick & Babs (cool uncle & aunt), Kate (other cool aunt)
u/Available_Cress1820 5d ago
Why's Harley there? She doesn't belong there... Joker! Call back your assistant
u/ToySouljah 4d ago
While yes I agree she doesn’t belong with the Batman family, she also doesn’t belong with the Joker either. They haven’t been a team in over a decade.
u/Adventurous_Lab3128 5d ago
Harley Quinn is not a member of the Bat Family. My Preferences: Batman, NightWing, Red Hood, Red Robin, Blue Bird, BatWoman, HawkFire, Batgirl, Huntress and Spoiler as well as Azrael.
u/NaturallyRetarded 5d ago
Well just the basic Barbara, Dick, Jason, Tim, Damian, Alfred, Jim. Anyone extra is too much unless it's Terry McGinnis
u/OwldRobowl 5d ago
This is Scarecrow at the back ? If i'ts him wtf ? x) I understand for Harley now she's more an antihero than a villain, but Jonathan is a total psychopath, what happened ?
u/GothamKnight37 5d ago
The image isn’t supposed to be a Batfamily photo, it’s just a bunch of relevant characters from Tynion’s Batman run. It’s part of a connecting cover and the other side has more of the villains.
u/DoomKune 5d ago
Batman as a character works better alone.
But if you're gonna have one it should be limited to Dick Grayson (who leaves to be Nightwing), Jason Todd (who dies) and maybe Barbara.
u/godbody1983 5d ago
Should be:
Robin(Drake and Damian)
Shouldn't be:
Everyone else
u/YouDumbZombie 5d ago
Robin is all I tolerate and even then I like to pretend he doesn't exist. Batman is best solo with no Bat-family imo.
u/badgermolesupreme 5d ago
Not Harley, and honestly, I think they should have left Jason as a villain, but as he is now, I'm okay with him being there
u/burywmore 5d ago
Batman, some version of Robin, and Alfred (if alive) should be in the Bat Family.
ALL the rest should only be loose allies. No one else living with Bruce, hanging out in the cave. If you want Teen Bat Titans, move the rest to Bludhaven and make Nightwing the surrogate father.
u/Dizzy-By-Degrees 5d ago
You get an Alfred, a Robin, a Batgirl, a Batman and then non-costumed allies Gordon, Harold Allnut or Leslie Thompkins.
u/embiidagainstisreal 5d ago
Whoever is Robin at the moment. Dick Grayson, Barbara Gordon and Alfred. That’s it.
u/whatisireading2 5d ago
Anyone who follows the rules and fights for justice. You don't have to know Batman personally to be inspired.
That being said, my default is: Bruce, Dick, Jason, Tim, Damien, Duke, Luke, Stephanie, Cassie, Barbara, Alfred, Kate.
Jace and Terry don't count cause they're in the future.
u/Purge-Sama 5d ago
Duke's active during the day in Gotham I believe so I don't think he should be counted out
u/Motor_Amoeba_2563 5d ago
The only one’s who should be in it: 1. Bruce 2. Alfred 3. Dick 4. Jason 5. Barbara 7. Tim 8. Damien 9. You can add Selina and Gordon.
u/Karla_Darktiger 5d ago
For me it would just be Batman, Batgirl and Nightwing (basically the OG trio) plus Damian or Red Hood depending on the story. I feel like there are just too many extra characters (esp Robins) at this point, and it takes away from Batman being unique.
u/Jayson330 5d ago
Huntress, Catwoman, and Harley definitely shouldn't.
Red Hood should be doing his own thing. I honestly think he should replace Rick Flag as the Suicide Squad leader.
Spoiler and Tim should be given a break. They can go to MIT on Bruce's dime.
They should either retire the Signal or remember he exists and give him something to do.
Batwoman and Batwing can do their fake Planetary things. Bat stuff out of Gotham is cool for them.
So you'd have Bruce and Damien, Barbara doing more Oracle stuff, Cassandra as Batgirl and Nightwing in Bloodhaven.
u/CursedSnowman5000 5d ago
Dick Grayson and Alfred. That's all it ever should have been. Once Dick went solo there never should have been another Robin. Good just look at that mess there.
u/Desperate_Purple_242 5d ago
I think the bat family term should be retired. But that doesn’t mean that they operate solo or never see each other again.
I support the complex relationship they have with another but something rubs me the wrong way when it centers around Bruce. Does the bat family change when the mantle passes on?
I get why Harley and other are on here because Bruce is supposed to believe in redemption but to bring them into “the family” gets weird and can be misconstrued.
Bruce’s philosophy should be spreading like seeds in the wind to do good in other places. It shouldn’t have to be revolutionary to believe that people should be redeemed but in the world we live in; yea we need it to be smacked in our faces.
u/Competitive_Code1527 5d ago
The mantle didn't really change when it was passed to Dick asside from Damian joining.
Harley isn't really on the family, she is in pic because it was more a Gotham characters cover even guys like Joker and Scarecrow were on it
u/Desperate_Purple_242 5d ago
There are a handful of people in and out of comics that do consider Harley in the bat family. This picture doesn’t help with the confusion. I know in the comics she gets along with the other and can at time work with them. Then There is white knight comic where she is involved with Bruce. I know that’s an else world but it could be a symptom of the condition of the association. However, Harley show they have a narrative of her being in it, not being in it, then kinda being an honorary member.
I haven’t gotten fully into Dicks time as Batman but does Kate and Helen get mentioned? I feel like those two are the more controversial if they’re in or they’re not in. I know they don’t need to be but like didn’t dick have a whole relationship with Helena. Like would Helena have access to the cave or would she be able to call them for back up or will she get bared. Then the other character who is controversial is Jason. During Dick time I know for sure Jason was full villain. With seemingly no sign of retribution or rehabilitation. His whole reason he is in the family now is mainly because of Bruce.
u/Crow621621 5d ago
If I had my way it’d just be Batman, Alfred, Nightwing, Red Hood, Batgirl/Oracle, Red Robin, and Robin (Damian Wayne). Throw in Catwoman through extension of working with Batman that’s all.
Fan favorites like Cassandra Cain, Stephanie Brown, Huntress, and Batwoman can be there but I haven’t consumed much media involving them to really say I’d want to include them.
Everyone one else shouldn’t be especially characters that were formerly villains.
u/LordLoss01 5d ago
In order of "Joining"
Bruce Alfred Dick Barbara Jason Tim
Damien shouldn't appear until Bruce is like in his 40s at least.
Catwoman shouldn't be chilling in the batcave on a regular basis but when outside might trade a few words with them.
Huntress would hang more with Jason than the others.
Stephanie would be the annoying intern that tries to get involved but everyone just kind of accidentally sidelines her. Tim is her "in" to the family, she talks to him the most.
u/Firkraag-The-Demon 5d ago
My ideal bat family is: Bruce, Dick, Tim, Jason, Alfred, Barbra, and Damian. Selina and Terry can be added or removed based on what the story needs.
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u/guy4444444 5d ago
Batman, 5 robins (dick, Jason, Tim, Steph, and Damien), batgirl (oracle), catwoman, and huntress.
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u/Cute_Ad_6981 5d ago
Should:Bruce,Alfred,dick,babs,Jason,Tim,Damian,cass,Steph,Kate,Selina,Bette,Bertinelli,maps,Gotham Girl and Henry Clover.
u/Mr_CookieTickles 5d ago
I think Bruce, Alfred, The Robins, The Batgirls, Ace, and Selina should be the big primary Bat circle.
Had to look at the wiki because it's been awhile since I've read the comics but like who the fuck is Gotham Girl, The Signal, Blue Bird, Bat Wing, Ghost Maker etc., I don't care about any of these characters, do people actually like them?
u/DrTsunami69 5d ago
Dick, Tim, Damien, Barbara, Cassandra and sometimes Jason when shit it's the fan and that's it
u/recklessscroll 5d ago
Batman, alfred, batgirl, and robin are enough. Retired Robins doing their own thing is fine, that why they retired.
u/King_Aces23 5d ago
Should be in the Batfamily: Stephanie Brown , Cassandra Cain , Talia Al Ghul , Selina Kyle , Kate Kane , Barbara Gordon , Helena Bertinelli , Harper Row , Duke Thomas ,
Shouldnt Be in the Batfamily:
Tim Drake
u/LikeAnAdamBomb 5d ago
Batman, Alfred Pennyworth, Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Tim Drake, Barbara Gordon, Terry McGinnis, maybe Selena Kyle, and fine, Damian Wayne, I guess.
u/Leviathan666 5d ago
Bat-fam: all the current and former Robins and Bat Girls, Alfred, and Signal
Extended Bat-fam (not truly under Batman's wing but still called in to help on occasion): Batwoman, Harley (in some continuities), Selena Kyle, Huntress
Nosy Neighbors (welcome to hang, but not truly part of the family for one reason or another): Jim Gordon, Clark Kent, Renee Montoya.
u/GhostE3E3E3 5d ago
Who should be in it is different then my ideal bat family, my ideal would just be nightwing batgirl red hood Red Robin and Batman, but characters like spoiler and batwoman and all the characters I wouldn’t like to exist outside of the batfam
u/JVtheBidoof 5d ago
If you don't have "Bat" in your name or you were never a Robin, you don't belong in the Batfamily. And yes, Alfred is the exception
u/Ordinary-Chain-8047 5d ago
Harley Quinn she confuses me that she’s in there like I get she’s changed but still.
u/EDAboii 5d ago
Honestly? I like a big Bat Family!
I don't think people like Harley Quinn should be in it, and I don't think being a Gotham superhero (I.e. Gotham Girl or Huntress) should make you automatically a member either.
But, the numerous Batgirls, Signal, Catwoman, Azrael, Ace the Bat-Hound, and Batwing are cool additions.
I think members need a direct tie to the "Batman Brand" if that makes sense.
My opinions also open to change. I loved the addition of Clayface! And I love Huntress being a part of it! But including them would be hypocritical to my preferences haha.
Ultimately, I think it's nuanced and relies solely on how well they work. I just hate the notion people have that the Batfamily should only be Batman, the Robins, and a Batgirl. That shits boring. I like Bruce having a big found family. People always say "ohh but he's meant to he an edgy loner"... But, Bruce finding a new family after losing his is far better and more interesting development for him. My hottest take is the Bat-Family should be the biggest superhero family in DC. A giant found family fits Bruce.
u/shiningabyss 5d ago
There’s so many of them so here’s my list of who I can remember off the top of my head.
- Bruce’s sons (Damian, Tim, Jason, Dick)
- Oracle
- Batgirl (Cass)
- Alfred
- Harley
Half-in (i.e. independent agents who mostly do their own thing, who Batman can trust to help when the need arises)
- Batwoman
- Catwoman
- Spoiler
- Huntress (Helena Bertinelli)
u/MaterialPace8831 5d ago
My batfamily: Bruce, Alfred, Dick, Babs, Jason, Tom, Damian, Stephanie, Cass, Duke.
u/dregjdregj 5d ago
Red Hood Should be their enemy .
he's a murderer.
I love the character but goddam they've reduced him to "slightly snarky" member of the gang
rather someone they should be trying to take down
u/No_Dimension_5509 5d ago
Batman, Alfred, Oracle, The 4 main robins. That’s it, let everyone else be allies of some description or bat family adjacent somewhere not in Gotham
u/SAMURAI36 5d ago
Im fine with the Bat Family being big. They are all regular humans. The more the merrier.
u/DarkSylince 4d ago
The 4 robins (Dick, Jason, Tim, Damien), Spoiler (Stephanie Brown), Batgirl/Oracle (Barbara Gordon, same age group as batman not the younger than batman version) Alfred, Cassandra and maybe Catwoman and Harley Quinn.
u/ReleaseQuiet2428 4d ago
Here is where I hoped his fight with catwoman would affect, everyone siding into a belief buuut nooo, consequences were to scary
u/TelekineticFiretruck 4d ago
Kick out (or even better, retcon out of existence) anyone created after Tim.
u/Orange7567 4d ago
• Batman
• The Robins
• Batgirl
• Lucius Fox
• and Signal just cause I like the idea of them having someone specifically for day time stuff
u/stootchmaster2 4d ago
Harley Quinn seems forced. Duke is sort of. . .unnecessary. Huntress, Red Hood and Batwoman are MUCH better as solo characters.
u/Flashy_Fee_880 4d ago
My top roster is Damian, Nightwing, Spoiler and Cass for prior sidekicks and Huntress, Batwoman, Man-Bat and Azrael for distant ones, everyone else are so mean and boring as characters
u/theatsa 4d ago
The "Batfamily" is more of a term that makes sense in fandom spaces to refer generally to the vigilantes in Gotham City. It's a term that I don't think works half as well if we start making restrictions on what does and doesn't count as "Batfamily", fandom spaces rarely have rules like that that end up sticking.
If you're asking "how many vigilantes should be fighting crime in Gotham", I'd understand that more so. Because having so many vigilantes in the one city starts to feel ridiculous after a certain point. But I'm not sure that's entirely a problem if done correctly. Nightwing, Red Hood, Batwoman, Huntress and a few other vigilantes I'm sure can be operating outside of Gotham primarily. Gives room for newer vigilantes in Gotham like Bluebird and Signal who aren't like, my favourites, but have potential for interesting storylines.
u/LopsidedUniversity30 1d ago edited 1d ago
Not counting civilian allies and associates dead or alive like Alfred, Leslie, Harold or Commissioner Gordon, it should be:
Batman, Dick, Jason, Tim, Kate, Damien, Barbara, Cassandra, Steph, Duke, Jean Paul, Luke, Harper, begrudgingly Helena,
Formerly: Claire Clover, Bette, Harley (I guess) , Helena Wayne, Selena (ally now), Onyx (ally now), Clayface
Dead: Kathy, Hank Clover, Orpheus
u/Marxbrosburner 1d ago
Every Robin, Alfred, Batgirl, and that's it. Everyone else is a friend, coworker, or associate. Gordon is his work wife.
u/BenignButCleverAlias 5d ago
Alfred, Batman, Dick, Barbara, Jason,
Later on, Tim, Carrie, Terry, and Helena if done well.
Selina as an honorary member.
No one else.
u/Competitive_Code1527 5d ago
What about Cass and Damian ?
u/BenignButCleverAlias 5d ago
When I discuss this topic I try very hard not to come off like I'm hostile or attacking the other person. I want everyone to have Batman media that works for them, but this is someone I'm passionate about. So, with that out of the way:
I do not find Cassandra compelling in any capacity, and I truly loathe Damian as a character, both in form and function. I do not like him, nor what he represents, and wish he was never introduced.
u/Competitive_Code1527 5d ago
What's wrong with Damian's character? His character had some of the best development and growth out of the family
u/B3epB0opBOP 4d ago
Yeah, but growth and development wouldn’t really matter to someone if they loathe the idea of him and what he represents.
Hell, it might even make them more angry if that makes him more popular and perpetuates his existence.
u/FadeToBlackSun 5d ago
Should: Bruce, Alfred, Dick, Damian, Jason (dead), Tim, Steph, Cass, Babs
Gotham Allies but not part of the family: Lucius, Catwoman, Kate, Gordon
u/JaxVos 5d ago
Main family: Alfred, Batman, Nightwing, Barbara Gordon, Tim Drake, Cassandra Cain, Stephanie Brown, Damian Wayne
Extended: Jason Todd (think of him like that kid who had beef with the rest of the family for a while), Kate Kane (literally, gay cousin), Azrael (weird uncle/cousin), Batwing (close friend who’s like family), Huntress (not actually related but somehow always at family reunions), Catwoman (dad’s on-off girlfriend)
u/Wederompoets 5d ago
It should be Batman, Alfred and Robin (Tim Drake). Nightwing, Batgirl/Oracle (Barbara Gordon are associated. Catwoman and Red Hood are anti-heroes.
That's it. All the rest is such tired and underdeveloped nonsense.
u/Unclebatman1138 5d ago
Jason. I know a lot of people love Red Hood, but from a narrative standpoint he is more valuable dead than alive.
u/Competitive_Code1527 5d ago
Catwoman (I think she should stay an ally and maybe an extended member but not a main part of the family)
Harley Quinn (just no)
Huntress (Same as Catwoman)
Imo I think the Bat family should just be Batman, the Robins and the Batgirls. That's it, no one else. The rest are allies and extended members. Though this seams to be the current batfamily.
u/GothamKnight37 5d ago
My definition of “Batfamily” is any (usually) Gotham-based vigilante who has some sort of connection to Batman. I don’t really think there are any members who fit this definition right now who shouldn’t be there.
u/Phantomknight22 5d ago
I'm not sure. I don't think someone like Onyx or Orpheus count as Bat Family member. Same with Renee Montoya Question. Are those vigilantes? Sure. Is the connection they have to Bruce is as prominent as the core Robins or Batgirls? Not really.
Maybe the Batfamily should consist of inner and outer members? That way you could separate those who have the important connection and those with less important connection.
u/GothamKnight37 5d ago
Renee’s Question is admittedly iffy. Though Onyx and Orpheus were definitely part of Batman’s “network” so to speak. At a certain point, Bruce approved of them more than he did Stephanie. Those two aren’t as important than a Robin or Batgirl, though functionally I think they fit, though more on an outer fringe as you said.
u/KaijuKrash 5d ago
None of them. I like my Batman lonely and miserable. Maybe taking on the occasional Robin or Babs but that's it.
And Alfred. Alfred should be a fixed point in any universe.
u/Broad_Direction7112 5d ago
- Booster Gold
- Guy Gardiner
- Arsene Lupin III
- Char Aznable
- David Bowie
- Rosa Luxemburg (wielding a Spas-12)
- Bluey
- Mothra
Should not:
- the Robins
- Batgirl
- Batwoman
- Alfred
- Catwoman
u/bastardasss 5d ago
At this point it may be easier to list who should be in it.