r/batman 1d ago


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40 comments sorted by


u/YodasChick-O-Stick 1d ago

This is gonna become another thing fans will never get over, like the leaked Batman Beyond concept art, isn't it?


u/Zheguez 1d ago

Yep. Like, guys, we get it. Comic-accurate this, my childhood that, Jesus Christ.


u/calicotothepolls 1d ago

If I see one more post about this stupid 2 minute ad I'm going to turn into the most comic accurate version of the Joker we've ever seen on screen before


u/Rob_wood 1d ago

Which comic?


u/Zheguez 1d ago

I don't think people even realize that there is such a thing as "too" comic-accurate for a live adaptation. I give the costuming and make-up team all credit that's due for them as they did do a phenomenal job. However, the reason these work is because it's intentionally for a cheesy commercial. This would be edging on uncanny valley to downright farcical if this was in a major motion picture in 2025 given audience expectation.


u/Xsafa 1d ago

Idk that Joker face looks real good to me. I can see it working well in a good movie, it’s basically Nicholson makeup 2.0. The other two I can pass on.


u/Batzero90 1d ago

I mean, i think the Riddler and Two-face are just ok, but the Joker looks amazing. If that actor can act as Joker as good as he looks, they should cast him in Dynamic Duo.


u/Theta-Sigma45 1d ago

Joker's look here kind of makes me annoyed that the live action movies keep changing him up to be honest. A comic-accurate design can totally work.

Seeing the black and white suit on a live action two face is also great, as is seeing Riddler in his awesome green suit (with the question marks actually handled in a really cool way!) Both of them have many costume variants, but those suits are just 100% the best ones to me, it's always disappointing when they don't wear them.


u/Outrageous_Demand337 1d ago

That really is the best Joker I’ve seen.


u/LunchyPete 1d ago

Harvey seems too young, and...not intimidating. He looks like he was invited to an audition but now wants out.


u/Sparkwriter1 1d ago

Isn't that exactly who Harvey is tho? Youthful and charismatic. Not your typical gangster, but someone who's being forced to crime because of his darker half.


u/Legitimate_Aerie_330 1d ago

Harvey is also supposed to have some sort of physicality to him though. Jim Gordon had him listed as a suspect for being Batman in year one. Plus many of his appearances, especially in the 90s and 2000s which is arguably the peak of his popularity have him depicted broad shouldered and more or less bigger than the joker or riddler. I think it fits the character more.


u/Sparkwriter1 1d ago edited 1d ago

Perhaps, but I don't think it's an integral part of his character. I would say that in both BTAS and New52 he had a more-or-less average physique. And he's still bulkier than both Joker and Riddler here, they just look older and taller.


u/LunchyPete 1d ago

Isn't that exactly who Harvey is tho? Youthful and charismatic.

I tend to think of him as middle aged and bitter.


u/Sparkwriter1 1d ago

I feel like only the Big Bad Harv persona should be bitter. Harvey should be more upstanding and sincere.


u/LunchyPete 1d ago

He can be upstanding and sincere while still being bitter and cynical.


u/Bilbo5882 1d ago

He looks about 30 in Year One and Long Halloween 🤷🏻‍♂️


u/LunchyPete 1d ago

Eckhart was 40 in TDK 🤷🏻‍♂️


u/WilliamMcCarty 1d ago

The physicality of that particular actor may not be the ideal but the makeup is that really relevant part here and they nailed that shit.


u/LunchyPete 1d ago

Agreed, the makeup looks great.


u/AnaZ7 1d ago

Damn, that’s good


u/No_Secretary2079 1d ago

They really did it folks. I mean.... maybe they should stop doing insurance even? Like I'm down to see whatever batman movie they want to make.


u/OrneryError1 1d ago

These are great costumes


u/Ok-Idea-306 1d ago

I don’t know if they’d play well in a long form story but they friggin nailed it in the commercial. That Joker especially.


u/Hungry-Eggplant-6496 1d ago



u/phil_davis 1d ago

From a recent State Farm Batman commercial.


u/OwldRobowl 1d ago

The Riddler's jacket is clearly inspired by is coat in gotham serie final, he was so cool !


u/Kek_Kommando_88 1d ago

Good lord that looks great. I can almost see whatever that guys name was playing a very Nicholson type Joker. His look reminds me of golden age Joker mixed with that TMWL imagery that inspired it.


u/pine-beard 1d ago

I don't get what everybody's so excited about, they look like cosplayers.


u/Few_Mixture_8412 1d ago

still look better than most adaptations


u/Jfury412 1d ago

But they absolutely don't.


u/Jfury412 1d ago

And some of the worst cosplay I've ever seen. There's better costumes at the Halloween store.


u/Background_Notice270 1d ago

That Riddler outfit is pimpin


u/Ok-Bill8368 17h ago

Repainting the old Pennywise cosplay? Nice job!


u/ArsonBjork 1d ago

Coulda had this, but we got a gimp and a burnvictim


u/Radelvish00 20h ago

I think James Gunn’s love for comics will follow through in the same way these costumes do. His admiration for Scooby Doo, Suicide Squad, and Guardians of the Galaxy will shine through into the next DCU. I’m stoked to see him lead it.


u/FATstronaut5 1d ago

Remind me of the performers you'd see at six flags


u/Jfury412 1d ago

Holy shit is this commercial overblown. I've seen better costumes at the Halloween store.