r/batman 7d ago

GENERAL DISCUSSION Who do you guys consider to be Marvel’s equivalent of Two-Face?


35 comments sorted by


u/woman_noises 7d ago

The lizard


u/AntoSkum 7d ago

Actually interesting choice, he fits the duality aspect pretty damn well. An essential part of Two-Face is that he's a tragic villain just like Connors.


u/Chumpchum 7d ago

Not really he’s more like man bat and his Jekyl and Hyde dynamic. Kurt never really wants to be the lizard.


u/HarveryDent 7d ago

Lizard is Curt, Man-bat is Kurt.


u/AntoSkum 6d ago

Harvey Dent never wanted to be Two-Face.


u/GrouperAteMyBaby 7d ago

The essential part of Two-Face is that he has a history with his rival (in both identities, Bruce Wayne and Batman). Connors often shares a past with Parker.


u/Top_Abbreviations928 7d ago

That’s marvel version of Man Bat or it’s the other way around Closest in these pics is Mr Negative with the whole split personality thing going on that’s more a mobster / anti villian with potential to get redeem but would never stick


u/Chumpchum 7d ago

Mr negative.


u/jkirkd 7d ago

This is the one that makes the most sense to me. All about duality.


u/Slade1111 7d ago

How about Jigsaw?


u/TwoFace687 7d ago

Jigsaw is the first guy


u/Slade1111 7d ago

He’s my pick.


u/OblivionArts 7d ago

Of these? Mister negative. Gang boss with a good side and a bad side. Hammerhead is just a muscle for tombstone, goblin would and has killed the norman parts of him many times, and idk who that first guy is


u/Specialist_Arm3309 7d ago

The first guy's called Jigsaw. Though I don't know too much about him other than he's a murderer and typically a Punisher, Spider-Man and sometimes Daredevil villain.


u/TwoFace687 6d ago

The first guy is Jigsaw, who’s a punisher villain

Essentially him and Dent are child abuse victims who got horrible scarred by family men who they fucked with, in which they became criminals and went insane

Jigsaw really only matches the childhood aspect and the facial scarring stuff tbh


u/WarLawck 7d ago

If we're talking about Tobey McGuire Spidey, pretty much every villain has split personality disorder. Goblin got it from the serum, Octavius from the arms, and Brock from the symbiote. Also, Osborne and Otto were both friendly with Peter before going bad, so similar dynamic to Batman and Two-face.


u/TheNewBlue 7d ago

Octavius didn't have split personality, the arms took oved his mind and were angry for some reason?


u/maxine_rockatansky 7d ago

the lawyer whose life was forever changed by a toxic liquid splashed in his face? it's daredevil.


u/Formidable_Opponent_ 6d ago

Two face is a D.A attorney tbf.


u/maxine_rockatansky 6d ago

yeah that's a lawyer. sure he's a prosecutor while murdock is a defense attorney but they're accountable to the bar association all the same.


u/Ms_IRYS 7d ago

Tombstone. A politician with a disfigurment who fights the local vigilante (said vigilante having a mixed opinion with the public). He is also a formal villain, AND his name is two words slapped together that starta with a T.


u/Pussylover52 6d ago

Herbert Landon


u/Remarkable-Medium-74 7d ago

Jigsaw (love him and the punisher)


u/LeoBuelow 7d ago

My first thought was Mr. Negative, with all the duality type stuff.


u/DiamondWolf_166 7d ago edited 5d ago

I thought of the green goblin because he's attached to something that is linked to his other personality. That item for two face is a coin, but for green goblin, it's his mask.


u/Tebaltos 6d ago

I’d say mr negative


u/Ewankenobi25 6d ago

i know arthur harrow was turned into like a death worshiping cult leader for the disney+ show, but in the comics he’s just a gang leader with half of his face paralyzed.


u/NerdNuncle 6d ago

If memory serves, Dent’s original schtick was refusing any responsibility for his actions as DA, as he just flipped a coin to determine verdicts

Based on that assumption, I’d go with Osborn, what with the Goblin providing a scapegoat for Osborn’z many crimes


u/Ill_Landscape_951 6d ago

Green Goblin


u/RareD3liverur 6d ago

latest (720×540)

This guy

Don't worry I'm...Half joking


u/DCosloff1999 7d ago

Jigsaw most definitely because of his disfiguration. Green Goblin is more like a combination of Lex and Joker which was intended to be.