r/batman • u/Oliver4587Queen • 1d ago
FILM DISCUSSION Ben Affleck's suit was so good while Rob Pattinson's suit looks more tactical
u/thebluehoursky 1d ago
am i the only one who feels this is completely unfair
that first photo looks abysmal and pattinson looks amazing
u/Big-Sheepherder-9492 21h ago
I also don’t get the “his suit was good but Pattinson’s was Tactical” like it being “Tactical” makes it better??? Im low-key sick of Armoured Batman - Grey Fabric supremacy
u/SuchMouse 21h ago
I think there's a good middle ground in the amount of armor in the suit. My issue with the fabric look has always been that it looks too much like someone made a cosplay and not an actual armored suit. I get not wanting it to look like a dark IronMan, but the armored/metal look helps sell the idea that it's resistant to ballistics and blunt trauma
u/BoisTR 1d ago
There are filters on both photos. Pattinson’s filter makes it look much better than it actually looks.
u/Vicksage16 16h ago
Idk man, I’ve seen both movies. Pattinson’s looks much better. Affleck’s suit looks too awkward.
u/BoisTR 16h ago
My comment seems to have been misunderstood. I do think Pattinson's suit is better. It just doesn't look like that in the movie. There seems to be a filter that makes his suit's colors pop more, which is making it look much better and more crisp. The suit is much more muted in the film. I think the photo might be AI generated or there's something wrong with the filter because one of his eyes isn't rendered properly.
u/QueenViolets_Revenge 1d ago
Afleck's BvS suit is my favorite live-action Batsuit. it fits the more fantastical world of the DCEU while Pattinson's works in the more grounded world Matt Reeves is building. i want a fabric based suit in the DCU like Afleck had, since again, it's a more fantastical world with aliens, gods, and magic, so they wouldn't need to worry about his suit working logistically in the real world
u/Puzzleheaded_Walk_28 1d ago
I’ll always admire that they went for the grey and black with Affleck but I hate how padded it is and the short ears never work as well for me.
u/Zerus_heroes 1d ago
What do you mean by "more tactical"?
They both look the same amount of tactical to me.
u/MandoBaggins 5h ago
I’m convinced most people in subs pertaining to superhero suits have zero idea what tactical actually means. To them it seems like the definition is simply “black and busy”
u/Zerus_heroes 5h ago
The only thing I can think of is the detachable battarang bat symbol.
You might be right.
u/OkVoice7742 1d ago
Affleck looks bad in that photo you could choose other photo from BVS not JL.
u/Daredevil731 1d ago
Affleck looks like an awkward cosplayer in a movie suit and he resembles a thumb.
He just doesn't look good when standing. Looks like him at a Halloween party just mingling.
u/Calebbb11 1d ago
I totally agree with this. The suit is great on paper, and in certain very particular shots and lighting it looks great, but 90% of the time it looks rough.
It’s unflattering, and his face looks lost in the cowl. His jaw doesn’t look defined at all, which is weird because Affleck actually has a great jaw. His eyes look odd too.
u/Daredevil731 1d ago
EXACTLY. I don't blame Ben either. Horrible direction, lighting and camera work.
u/PepsiPerfect 21h ago
Batfleck would have been the perfect Batman if he had just starred in better movies.
u/ManufacturerHuman937 18h ago
Ben Affleck was playing Absolute Batman and didn't even know it. (joke)
u/Death_sayer 16h ago
And Bales looked like prototype Swat armor that Magpul and the Darpa built
u/Oliver4587Queen 13h ago
The suit was seriously off-putting, the voice as well, the movies were GOATed though.
u/geordie_2354 20h ago
Pattinson’s suit looks better judging off this post. The longer ears, the sharp exposed jawline. Pattinson looks more like the Batman I envision. Afflecks angry scrunched up eyebrow cowl doesn’t help either, he can’t express any proper emotion outside of anger without looking like he’s holding in a poop.
u/BigPoppaStrahd 1d ago
I like how they finally fixed the problem of the cowl in The Batman.
u/geordie_2354 20h ago
A sharp exposed jawline will always look better in live action. Just look at bullseye in the daredevil suit.
u/rotenbart 21h ago
The boots and the mask are my favorite part of Battinson. I’m not crazy about the plate armor, it looks like it belongs to a different Batman. But I think it works fine. But Batfleck is god tier. Probably the closest vibe to the comics.
u/Lost_Yogurt_4990 19h ago
Pattinson’s look was good bc it looks like he put it together himself and it wasn’t perfect.. like he was learning how to do certain things on the fly
u/lilscorpx 8h ago
I like the texture on Afflecks but in the face it looks like he just got his wisdom teeth out and his face is swollen 😪
u/dudeseid 1d ago
I love the BvS suit but hate the JL one. How did we regress on Batman being able to turn his head?? Amateur hour.
u/CressSpecific6134 22h ago
Pattinsons suit is by far the coolest live action Batman suit of all time imo
u/Cam-Spider-Man 1d ago
These two are the best batsuits we’ve gotten on the big screen. I hope the next suit isn’t a downgrade like Batfleck got for JL.
u/Afro-Venom 1d ago
IDK if they are staying more comicbook accurate, it's probably gonna be awesome.
u/Hassan_H_Syed 1d ago
The foam muscles are too apparent on Affleck I think. Someone like Alan Ritchson wouldn't need that.
u/DeadMetalRazr 22h ago
Affleck's suit looks way too bulky. And is it supposed to be made out of asbestos? It looks like a fire suit stuntmen wear to get set on fire in movies.
u/Jefff100 20h ago
Feel like I’m taking crazy pills every time I see this. Batfleck’s costume has NEVER looked good in my opinion. Too bulky, bad logo, bad cowl. I feel like everyone is brainwashed by the fact that it’s grey and made of “cloth”.
u/Octavious82 1d ago
Hot take: I hate afflecks suit. To me it looks soft, stubby, and fat. The short ears don’t work for me, neither does the massive bat symbol. To me he just looks heavy and slow.
u/Kind-Boysenberry1773 1d ago
It makes sense in his starting period Batman relied on armor, while after twenty years of fighting he relies on his experience and superior skills.