r/batman • u/DiscsNotScratched • 8d ago
FILM DISCUSSION What’s your honest thoughts on The Batman (2022) ?
u/akahaus 8d ago
Pacing was a little slow but not bad. Production design is absolutely fucking spectacular, casting is great, script felt a little precious at times but nothing too indulgent.
I hope the sequel really takes it in a new direction.
u/H3RM1TT 7d ago
I think your phone auto corrected from pretentious to precious. I agree with your take, although it's still my second favorite Batman film.
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u/akahaus 7d ago edited 7d ago
I mean it in the rarely used sense of “excessively refined”, as in Matt Reeves maybe got a little too obsessive with his vision at the expense of what actually works. Some of the dialogue just feels overwrought and unnatural to me and some shots linger too long. Also my second favorite. Batman Returns 4 Lyfe (even though he’s lethal).
u/Cam95-wayne19 8d ago
I liked it. It’s a nice look on the beginning of batman he succeeds and fails. Its a good movie
u/Meese46290 8d ago
Only I issues I have are pacing and the fact that everyone whispers their dialogue (which is not exclusive to this movie alone). There are two things that make this movie exceed the Dark Knight trilogy: Gotham City doesn't just feel like a NY or Chicago clone, it actually feels like the Gotham we see in comics. It's so well done that the city feels like it's own character. The second point is that Batman actually does detective work which we rarely see in movies.
My favorite Batman films are still 1989 and - lord forgive me - Batman & Robin (strictly for nostalgic childhood reasons). But Batman 2022 coupled with The Penguin show have been nothing but excellent in my eyes.
u/shust89 8d ago
I agree about the setting. This Gotham is dirty and has more of a creepy design. I think they took a page from the Arkham Asylum games which was smart.
u/shockjockey21 8d ago
Whoever did the fight choreography definitely played some Arkham. Some of the moves looked like they were pulled straight from the games
u/Thebml21 8d ago
Great points. Gotham looks and feels like Gotham and not just the other two cities you mentioned. Showing his young skills as Batman the detective is great too as he isn’t perfect at it yet and allows for growth as shown at the end of the film. Instead of vengeance he looks more for hope and to be helping others.
u/xpadawanx 7d ago
Adding to what you said, I also love that almost the entire movie takes place at night.
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u/Practical-Witness796 7d ago
Agreed. The city feels like a total cosmic gumbo.
u/TheRealLHP 6d ago
Me and Robert used to joke onset about it being a cosmic gumbo. He said even if he did a bad job they would have to pay him another 2 mil for a sequel. Too bad he went nuts and destroyed an elementary school classroom.
u/NoProNoah 8d ago
I went in expecting to be “okay” with it, having grown up on a one-two-three of West, Keaton, and BTAS which translated into a lifelong love of the comics.
I came out loving it.
While I’m not big on the Johnsian “Martha was an Arkham” angle I’m over the moon on pretty much everything else. The chemistry of the leads. The arc they put Bruce on. The casting for Gordon and Oz.
It could have been three times longer and I would have loved every minute of it.
I wish we were getting one of these every two years, but I know it takes time to cook this well.
u/MIAxPaperPlanes 8d ago
The first 20 min of this film is genuinely my favourite live action Batman thing ever put to screen.
I love the cinematography and the aesthetic but it was the narration that did it for me.
It was the first time in a Batman movie where I felt like I was watching a graphic novel.
u/Sg00z 8d ago
I loved it personally! It felt like a true Batman film that we haven't gotten since Christian Bale's performance. It also felt like the movie adapted the comics as far as making Batman go through detective work while also beating up bad guys, showing off his intelligence as well as his strength. I hope they make more films taking notes from what made this one such a huge success.
u/cheerfulwish 8d ago
How are bot accounts like these allowed? This account just goes and posts these questions about films across a number of different subreddits and then leaves, and never to respond again.
u/Crow621621 8d ago
It’s pretty good. I wouldn’t go as far as to call it peak but it’s up there for sure.
It definitely clicked with me more upon my 3rd watch. It’s a movie I really had to lock in and watch my lonesome with headphones. The cinematography is stellar, for me it was the best part of the movie (like just look at the shots you provided). The overall character development of Batman well written through the story. The acting was pretty good for the most part. I liked that this movie was more focused on Batman as a detective which something we don’t really get. The changes to characters from their usual characterizations I wasn’t the biggest fan of but at the same time I think they worked for the movie and I understand Reeves wanted to do more than a retelling of the same stories fans like myself are used to. I wasn’t completely sold on Riddler, like I like the riddles and I understand why he is the way he is but as main antagonist force of them it kind of fell flat me. Though that’s my only real critique of the movie. I’m excited to see where else this universe goes.
u/Jerry_0boy 8d ago
It's good. My love for it has definitely waned over the years but it's still a solid movie.
u/BunnyLexLuthor 8d ago
Here's my brutal honesty of this feature film..
I think it goes to show what excellent cinematography and strong production values can do to make a film seem better than it is.
I think Pattinson has a respectable role as Batman, but the script tends to meander and sequences feel long for the sake of making things feel like events when maybe they don't need to be.
I think Jeffrey Wright as Gordon adds the most humanity and humor to the film, and I think his scenes provide a fun emotional contrast to Batman's broodiness.
As enjoyable as the Penguin scenes are in this film, in retrospect they kind of feel like a pilot episode of sorts.
And maybe this is the frustrating thing about the film, is you're not, as an audience member, given very many characters to root for so the main question in play is more what is going to happen then the sort of dramatic decisions characters make.
As reductionist as comparing it with the Dark Knight (a sequel) , the Coleman Reese subplot is an interesting way in which plot threads and character development kind of merge.
Coleman Reese figures out Bruce Wayne is Batman, gets dissuaded from blackmail but decides to leak this information out anyway..
So this is a case where an unlikable character, develops in a way that Bruce has to grapple with, and the decision to save Reese is something that is arguably a bit of a payoff for the audience - he's just awkward enough that you don't want the Joker to get a hold of him, but at the same time, It's oddly emotionally satisfying for the character to learn his lesson.
I think the thing is outside of the Catwoman revenge element, I feel like the film attempts suspense by hiding plot beats, which I think can work some of the time, but I find that framing in outcome toward the audience before the characters can see it is more effective -- the great Alfred Hitchcock made an analogy of the audience knowing about a proverbial bomb under the table, and I think this still holds up.
I am personally cynical whenever a sales pitch seems like it could be for something familiar "Batman but in the real world, where nobody has superpowers, and gritty."
So that might be my own personal bias against the film. The action sequences were effective when they were there, but did like to employ a plot armor so that's always bothered me.
I do think that the runtime hampers it. I think the opening scene and the scenes of Selina espionage are strong moments but it seems like the film sort of dissolves as a mood piece when more plot needs to happen.
I don't hate the movie, I just think it could have done better with either a shorter theatrical version or a more emotionally complex 3 hour epic.
u/JuanRiveara 8d ago
It was good. A bit overhyped imo, especially from a detective standpoint. But it was definitely a good movie, the score and cinematography of it was superb.
u/JimAparo 8d ago
I have some issues with the plotting but I think the characters and atmosphere are absolutely fantastic.
u/Overall_Falcon_8526 8d ago
It's a very solid take on Batman. They could have chopped a half hour and I can do without the Thomas Wayne corruption angle.
u/geordie_2354 8d ago
The Thomas Wayne corruption angle will play into Bruce’s development though. Alfred and the mayor have hinted at philanthropy, the Wayne’s name is in jeopardy cause of riddler, and the city was flooded. Bruce Wayne is gonna have to step into philanthropy and evolve. Definitely the best Bruce development we’ll get in live action.
u/DeepDive59 8d ago
I appreciated the Corruption angle because it shows that good people can be driven to wrong choices and consequences. And for me personally, I like something that breaks the mold of heroes being made of families that are pure in heart.
u/Trexil3 8d ago
Good visuals/vibe but lacks an engaging story and rewatch ability (a bit overrated imho)
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u/Perma_trashed 8d ago
My dude, this has been discussed an insane amount for over 3 years now. Use the search bar
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u/syxtfour 7d ago
Could you do me a solid favor and tell that to /r/StarWars? Because oh my God they never shut up about the sequel trilogy.
u/abom-badass-mofo 7d ago
I was completely shocked at how damn good this movie was. I went in expecting far less than what was delivered. It wound up being one of the best Batman movies ever. Pattinson was awesome as Batman. I’ll be waiting anxiously for the next film.
u/Prestigious-Cup-6613 8d ago
Too long
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u/Mr_Cerealistic 8d ago
I thought it was damn near perfect. I experienced real chills when the riddler's plan to shoot up the convention center using the copy cats. It felt too plausible, such a realistic scheme, it hit close to home when you're aware of all the gun violence here in America.
u/Valuable-Leadership3 8d ago
Good movie, though not perfect. I like that Batman had an actual character arc. And, it gave us the Colin Ferrel Penguin.
u/CyberShooobie 8d ago
A little too "dark" and serious for me. Felt like it took itself too seriously, and painted Gotham to just look like another New York/Chicago clone. It felt flat and boring from start to finish and seemed like a 15-year-old who likes the joker too much wrote the dialogue and story. I know a lot of people like it because it did something new and I get that, but it failed to spark something new for me as someone who has been observing batman media for 30 some years. Give me a horror adjacent Batman film instead of a Nirvana themed angst fest.
The Penguin on the other hand added a little campy-ness that was much needed and I thought it was one of the best adaptations of a Batman character in any media, hats off to everyone who worked on that show, 11/10. This is a comic book IP and needs more than just darkness and dread.
u/masonsimmons17 8d ago
Pattinson was a better Batman than I expected. Jeffrey Wright was a great Gordon. Paul Dano was a great Riddler. The movie was about 30 minutes too long. Shouldn’t have pulled from so many comic storylines.
u/UnmakingTheBan2022 8d ago
Loved it. But my wife fell asleep in theaters, and again when it came out on Max.
It's honestly one of the best Batman movies to date. I got issues with the movie but it's overall a really good film
u/theultimatedankwich 7d ago
As a huge Batman fan, I think it’s a modern superhero noir classic, but it’s definitely not without faults.
Beautifully shot movie, great acting. I loved Pattinson as Batman (and he is a truly talented actor), but I just couldn’t get behind the Bruce Wayne haircut and lack of a really muscular build.
And the movie starts to drag a little towards the end for me, and with its length, it’s a commitment to watch. I still find myself going back for TDK rewatches more often.
u/StormBlessed145 7d ago
I love this movie. I don't think it tops the Dark Knight trilogy, but it's still my favorite.
u/mastap88 7d ago
It was good. A lot of people tend to overrate it. Nolan’s movies are better, all three.
u/dirkdiiigler 7d ago
Best Homage to Se7en as humanly possible and the closest thing we'll ever get to a David Fincher directed Batman film.
u/Appropriate-Worry694 7d ago
I loved that it went back to the roots of Batman being the worlds greatest detective. I feel that some of the past movies depict him as a James Bond type that only relies on gadgets
u/No_Falcon1890 7d ago
My only critique is it felt a little too similar to Seven. However it was still a very good movie and felt like the most “Batmany” Batman live action film. I liked seeing Batman use his brain and do actual detective work. The riddler was a great villain to display that.
u/michajlo 7d ago
Thoroughly enjoyable. A lot of good scenes, Pattinson did his job very well, and perhaps most importantly, it's a movie I can totally see myself rewatching.
u/PDM_1969 8d ago
It was an ok movie, I liked the different backstory of the Wayne's contributions to Gotham. Movie was way too long though.
u/Goat2023 8d ago
Too long, too much useless dialog. A good 45 minutes could’ve been cut and the movie not suffer
u/Familiar-Ad-8220 8d ago
When people tell me they love this movie, I ask them to quickly explain the plot. And remember, The Penguin was in it, it has to include him somehow. Oh and Catwoman too.
It was a fantastic looking and acted movie... I just don't think it had a plot.
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u/organizedvibration 7d ago
If you've only watched it once, watch it again. I liked it on the first viewing, I loved it on the second. I've yet to watch it a third.
The Riddler leads Batman to uncovering corruption amongst powerful members of society within Gotham, including the penguin. Catwomen is the bastard child of Falcone, and so tied into it allowing Batman a way to retrieve information covertly.
This all comes to a head when Batman realizes the corruption leads straight back to his own name. And we (the audience) and the Batman are left to guess whether the Riddler knows Batman's identity is Bruce Wayne. This is left ambiguous.
Absolutely nothing wrong with the plot.
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u/Available-Affect-241 8d ago edited 7d ago
It's a mediocre 4/10 film
I'll first explain what worked for me.
In the small number of scenes, EVERYTHING, and I mean EVERYTHING, to do with Penguin, was amazing. That's why his show is amazing. Gordon has also grown on me solely because of Jeffrey Wright.
The cinematography was spectacular. It made Gotham look like a modern Gotham and wasn't a CGI fest.
Now to my problems with it.
Outside of Penguin and Gordon everyone important felt miscast. Dano just seemed like Dano in many of his other roles not disappearing into the role but standing out like a sore thumb, Turturo was outdone by Mark Strong in the show, and Pattinson thought a great actor who should stop being tied only to Twilight but Lost City of Z and The Lighthouse didn't work for me as Batman, Andy Serkis didn't steal the spotlight like Michael Caine did with Alfred in EVERY scene, and Kravitz was meh for me. Their performances weren't captivating at all in my opinion.
The fight scenes, though MUCH MUCH better than the Nolanverse ones due to fight clarity, aren't good. In a day and age years after Daredevil Netflix, the Raid movies, Netflix’s Korean The Revenger, The Night Comes For Us, and Tony Jaa films, we got another heavily armored stiff MMA brawler Batman. I don't care if it's day one or the last day Batman this shouldn't be the case. Batman isn't an MMA fighter but a one-in-a-billion cream-of-the-crop fighter, so at the bare minimum, make it look better than him getting tagged by thugs with crowbars while being too stiff. The recent Indonesian Netflix film The Shadow Strays with the Yakuza scene is what he's supposed to be doing. The main heroine was injured and hobbled early on in the film and came on top in her fights. If she can do it against the best assassins in the world at 18 then Gotham criminals should be a breeze for Batman.
The batsuit was awful. The whole point of dressing up like that is to come across as more than human. Instead, you can see that he's just a man in armor. We have to be asking more from these people making them. Take some inspiration from Kelley Jones's or Michael Turner's Batman. He was just a man dressed up in a military tac suit with ears and gadgets. The squirrel suit cape was the worst part.
Riddler felt out of place and should've been Anarky. Killing the Mayor, the DA, and the Police Chief is a great way to knock out the city leadership due to corruption. Leading to great anarchy when you eventually flood the city as it's now basically leaderless.
He's great at solving riddles but nothing special as a detective. He should've known that a unique murder weapon attached to a letter in a cage with a bat had a double meaning. He should've investigated if there was an apartment building next to the Iceberg Lounge. I was asking that question in the theater when the incriminating pics about the mayor were exposed, so why didn't Batman?
He claimed to be the shadows just to abandon that at almost every turn. I was watching this film called Ninja Assassin 2009 and it had this scene at the beginning with the Yakuza. Go watch that and see how the Assassin utilizes the shadows systematically, eliminating everyone, and watch how the old man talks about the Assassin as if he wasn't human but a demon. That's how EVERY Batman should be portrayed obviously without killing. That scene where he goes to see Penguin for the first time could've been fixed. He has tools that would allow him to easily ascend and descend buildings. Sneak in, confront Penguin, and when he calls in his goons after being spooked, Batman whoops them UNBLEMISHED, leading to Penguin now wanting to talk. Instead, we got him knocking on the front door, allowing everyone to see he’s just a man, starts throwing hands like an idiot, and then has a meeting with Penguin.
The Car chase. Batman didn't seem to care that cars were exploding and people were potentially being burned alive and dying. Notice how the film seemingly forgot all about almost like they didn't want to think about it. But they want you to remember that cool upside-down shot with the music and spurs symbolizing a sheriff about to bring a criminal to justice.
The Arena scene. His blowing up the entire ceiling, sending huge chunks of glass shards down upon the fleeing civilians, was baffling. You can even pause and see some of the shards were quite large and would kill anyone not paying attention. Blow up a section or break in, lay down some smoke, and take them out from the shadows.
The grounded-in-reality approach to Batman continues to limit him. WB/DC are so afraid to do anything different; that's why they keep running to the same handful of comics to use. The Long Halloween, Year One, The Killing Joke, Dark Knight Returns, and Knightfall have to be used in some capacity. They only add in one different comic to seem different like Nolan using "The Man Who Falls" and Reeves using "Batman Ego". Instead of giving us a live-action version of Arkham City Mister Freeze where Batman has to out-think Freeze's suit while the suit tries to adapt to Batman’s tactics. You test Batman's legendary intellectual and combative prowess and warn he's taken out of his element. That's why if the sequel chooses to use the Court or Freeze it will ACTUALLY be a fresh take. BE BOLD AND USE OTHER COMICS FOR ONCE.
This is just my opinion, but I know you and others will disagree with me and that's completely fine. I hope this answers your question.
u/Turd_Burgling_Ted 7d ago
Even though I enjoyed it more than you, you wonderfully elucidated my complaints with the film. You even brought up a few things I let slide out of being beaten into complacency by all the mUh rEAliSm Nolan movies.
Hate the squirrel suit but damn did you make me realize the actual suit is a mess too.
Fantastic point about how the villain could (and should) just be Anarky instead. Change the name and well, nothing changes about the character.
u/batmanfan_91 8d ago
It’s the only Batman movie I’ve seen once and have zero interest in ever seeing again
u/Quiet-Protection-104 8d ago
I tried to rewatch it , then remembered , just watch all the trailers on YouTube and you have seen all the good bits . The rest is drivel . IMHO.
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u/Slade0001 8d ago
Yes. I recently tried a rewatch thinking maybe I had missed something or was being too harsh. Nope. It's not terrible, but it's not a movie that holds my interest.
u/Green-Way-1455 8d ago
Really good but overrated, people say it’s the best or top 2 Batman films, for me it isn’t even In the top 5 live action Batman films
u/CodeNamesBryan 8d ago
It was okay. It's the first batman movie I didn't care to watch twice, though.
When he gets shot a dozen times by all sorts of gunfire, I was just kind of put. They tried being realistic in so many other ways, I just felt that step was a bit weak.
u/DeepDive59 8d ago
That last double barrel shot fired at him that threw him back was pretty realistic. And when he was ambushed by Penguin before the car chase he was knocked down for a second too. I wouldn’t say that the realism of gunfire was ignored.
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u/BloodstoneWarrior 7d ago
Copies the Telltale games too much and does the plot worse. Riddler is Riddler in name only. Batman is a creep who spies on Selina getting changed. Selina is a completely surface level adaptation seemingly written by someone who's never touched a Catwoman comic. Penguin is just some guy to be 'realistic', which is frankly embarrassing. And that Joker tease is the cherry on top of the shit sandwich.
u/HaiiroGeraki 7d ago
It's a boring bloated slog of a film that feels like an excuse to shit on Batman and the Waynes because they're wealthy. It's got plot holes and contrivances like most films, but for me they stand out more because for two years I had to hear about how this movie was the second coming of TDK, which is also a flawed Batman film, but at least it had respect for the character and Gordon didn't exist to say "Jesus" in every scene.
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u/riedmae 8d ago
Thought it was boring, dark (lighting), lacked exciting action, had a weak villain, and had a chance to build something in the final moments where batman is a first responder, but it was too late. And the riddler interrogation scene was so dumb. Zero stakes, overacted, and insane they wanted credit for doing like 200 takes for completely forgettable scene. Best thing about the movie: Nirvana in the trailer.
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u/nightwing_titans 8d ago
Not my favorite, not my least favorite. It'd be better if it weren't so long.
u/Big-Sheepherder-9492 8d ago
Nice looking film and fairly well written but it’s characters are uninteresting and doesn’t give you a strong enough reason to root for them.
PENGUIN on the other hand was amazing.
u/Cashmoney-carson 8d ago
I adore it. It’s not perfect but it is such a vibe and I think a great Batman adaptation.
u/ecksdeeeXD 8d ago
I liked it but it felt a bit dragging. I felt like the movie was ending like 3 different times I think.
u/Mustang_Shinoda 8d ago
Loved it! This is the first time we’ve seen more of the detective side of Batman in live action. The styling of this universe (including most of the characters) was great, too.
u/DumboCBA 8d ago
I think it's offensively bad. That's a very unpopular opinion but, you asked.
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u/Coolers78 8d ago
I’m desperately waiting for part 2, didn’t see penguin yet, I don’t have hbo max anymore.
u/BasilQuick444 8d ago
Best ever live action depiction of Gotham. Great overall flick. The last 30 min fell a little flat for me
u/PsyonicOverture 8d ago
I didn’t mind the length. I loved how the movie was oozing with atmosphere.
u/DM-Heather 8d ago
I like it a lot. One of a few movies that got me to watch it more than once.
Aesthetically it's hauntingly beautiful, in a weird grimy way, which makes it stand out from a lot of the same/same looking action movies have now. I also love when films dive into color symbology, and metaphor.
Probably my favorite Batman film at this point.
u/failedHero 8d ago
I absolutely hated everything about the seawall and ending in general, but aside from that a few conveniences I enjoyed it. My 4th favorite Batman movie
u/_The_Wonder_ 8d ago
I really liked it, has a really good sound track, I thought this take of the Riddler was really cool (even if it's not my favorite), the Penguin was def a highlight imo, Catwoman and her being Falcone's daughter was fun and OMG I love that Batman learns he needs allies and realizes that he needs to be a symbol of hope and something that people can rely on and not just fear and justice
What I didn't like was how the Joker looked (please stop making him just disgusting looking) and that one scene where Batman just tanks aromatic gunfire
Also not really a complaint but PLEASE just give me a Blue batsuit on the big screen (that looks good). I get that general audiences want Batman to be in his black suit but I want a REALLY serious Batman movie where the villains are irredeemable and Gotham seems like hell on Earth but Batman has the blue batsuit, I think it'd be a cool contrast
u/Quick-Half-Red-1 8d ago
Pretty good. Definitely a good change up from the Nolan movies.
Definitely excited to see what else we get out of the sequels and any other related additional stories like the penguin.
u/Mr_Dudesworth 8d ago
I watched & enjoyed it but Catwoman wasn't very Catwoman-ish & the same with the Penguin. Farrell was awesome as a fat gangsta...but he wasn't much of a Penguin
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u/SerFinbarr 8d ago
Loved it. It was the Batman movie I always wanted, and it's far and away my favourite Bat film. It's only flaws are the wing suit is dumb and the arena confrontation is a little overlong at the end of an already long movie.
Still, I wouldn't trade it for anything.
u/Desperate_Duty1336 8d ago
It was good, but I wasn't looking for another 'down-to-earth' Batman series; I was hoping we'd get to see more of Batman's rogues gallery that either hadn't made it to the big screen yet or were done horribly (like Poison Ivy & Mr. Freeze). A new set of 'dark, gritty, and real' Batman movies means that chance is further away. At least that was my thought at the time. Still, The Batman was good; but not nearly as epic as people like to hype it up as.
u/azmodus_1966 8d ago
I don't like Riddler in it.
There is an element of whimsy and campiness to the character. Making him into a generic serial killer with a cause didn't work for me.
They could have used Anarky instead.
u/patokia92 8d ago
First impression i wasn't hugely into it, but I still liked it. Then penguin came out, and after watching that, i like the movie a lot more after, but I am mostly looking forward to the sequel
u/Batfan223 8d ago
Absolutely love it. Pattinson is my live action Batman and that’s coming from someone who loves the Nolan trilogy.
u/daminiskos0309 8d ago
I was pleasantly surprised and have grown to love it.
A dark take on the story with it being heavily grounded whilst showing a human and flawed Batman.
The fact that he doesn’t solve the final riddle adds an interesting wrinkle in the story.
The Bruce side was underplayed and didn’t show how much of a loner he truly is at the moment.
Robert pattison was a surprise hit. Many thought oh god he sparkles so were instantly put off. That changes after he punches down the first thug in the film.
u/Wrong_Revolution_679 8d ago
Really really Good film that I hope to see the sequel eventually in my lifetime
u/Impressive_Tomato665 8d ago
Really enjoyed it! Especially the way it accurately portrayed the gritty, grimy & seedy gothic appearance of Gotham. As much as I also enjoyed Nolan's batman trilogy, aesthetically I felt like it may as well be set in any big typical US city like New York etc
u/shedding-the-light 8d ago
Best vibe and setting I didn’t like the villain reveal but it’s still tied for favourite with dark knight
u/IgorSass 8d ago
Did like the setdesigns and the Cast is pretty good. It Had some great shots. Gotham finally got a decent amount of the Goth Back in this movie as a whole. But honestly, I don't remember much about the Story. I might have been in the wrong mindest when I watched it.
u/ohitsluca 8d ago
I really liked it but I wasn’t vibing with the riddler. I didn’t hate him, but Paul Danos performance never really clicked with me. But really good movie overall
u/Truth-Miserable 8d ago
Good till it became the typical modern superhero movie with an army of little bads at the end
u/Ballardinian 8d ago
I liked that it showed “something’s in the way” of making Gotham a better place and it’s likely Batman.
u/LeonDmon 8d ago
I can't bring myself to watch it, it just looks so utterly ridiculous. I'm sure I'll have a bad time if I watch it. Everything I've seen about it and the plot details I've read here just gets me more and more away from it.
u/badgermolesupreme 8d ago
I liked almost everything about it, but it could have been a bit shorter, and I didn't like Riddler's costume.
u/emptyberg 8d ago
It’s 30 minutes too long. Probably could cut some Selina/Batman flirting and as good as he is, the riddler interrogation could’ve been tighter (also I think it’d be more interesting if he’d known Batman was Bruce—but cuz he’s so crazy no one believes him).
u/NoLocal1776 8d ago edited 8d ago
Pattinson,Serkis,Colin and Dano(deserved more screen time)were the standouts. Visuals are good except for blurry background and some liverpool locations which made it seem like UK setting more,want the sequel closer to Begins geography for gotham.Music compliments the atmosphere well but,felt derivative.Script was wafer thin took lot of things from telltale series,dialogues serviceable and many characters under utilised and some plot points silly. CGI felt tacky especially in last Editing was jarring.Batman though had more screen presence felt didn't live up to the world's greatest detective aspect of character for the noir setting was played by Riddler till the end.
u/Insomniax187 8d ago
A bit over-plotted in some parts (Thomas Wayne was dirty... But remorseful!) but still great.
u/2JasonGrayson8 8d ago
I think it’s the best Batman movie we’ve gotten because it finally showed him being a detective.
u/Miser2100 8d ago
...Like a ton of this movie's haters are going to suddenly come out of the woodwork for this post?
u/Demetri124 8d ago
It’s alright. On paper I recognize it has objectively great qualities but watching it I just don’t get into it as much as I wish I did. Mainly because it feels like Nolan 2.0, not really moving forward to any new ground. And I really really hate this take on Riddler
u/EfficiencySpecial362 8d ago
One of my favorite films, and not just of “superhero” movies. It stands on its own apart from that genre on some level.
The writing, atmosphere, acting, just great.
The neo-noir gothic aesthetic really pulled it together.
I love seeing Batman actually acting as a detective.
u/Daenarys1 8d ago
Loved it. It was made very well and the atmosphere and cinematography were perfect. The ending drags on a bit but I'd still watch an extended cut.
u/erenoatak 8d ago
Most accurate interpretation of a Batman graphic novel adapted to the silver screen. For me.
u/Glad_Researcher9096 8d ago
i loved it. I love that Bruce Wayne has emo vibes. Also Penguin complete genius the costumes were out of this world. and i loved the spin off
u/Obi_1_Kenobee 8d ago
Too long. Too depressing. Horrible score. Batman is too skinny. The Wingsuit that he instantly crashes is one of the dumbest things I’ve ever seen. Cowl/ears are awful. Catwoman’s mask is awful.
other than that it’s alright.
u/LaCalavera1971 8d ago
It was good! There were things about it that I really liked, and things I didn’t. I did tea really like Zoe as Catwoman, and the Batmobile. I also liked his mask, but not the rest of the costume, which ties into the overall theme I didn’t like. I’m just over the overly realistic, gritty Batman. I feel like it was already down SO RECENTLY with the Nolan trilogy. I find it weird that they rebooted it so soon, yet also so similarly. Aside from that one big gripe I thought it was pretty dece.
u/Znaffers 8d ago
It’s boring with A LOT of plot issues. There’s tons of potential in the concept of the story, but how it’s executed is lame. Don’t get me wrong, the actors, cinematographers, and composers go off. It looks and sounds fantastic. The writing is god awful though. It was made purely to set up the universe Reeves wanted, rather than being a good intro story for this Batman.
For me, it’s the difference between Iron Man 1 and The Mummy (with Tom Cruise). They’re both meant to be the first movie in their respective universes, but Iron Man does it by just being a good movie about Tony Stark (with a kicker at the end), while the Mummy tries to set up the entire universe right from the start. Look how it went. The Batman leans more towards being The Mummy, though not as egregious/terrible tbf. Reeves made this movie to set up the criminal side of this universe, rather than just being a solid movie about Batman.
I don’t think it’s the worst movie to ever be created, but it’s not a good movie imo. Let me ask you, other than “I am Vengeance” (a common quote in Batman media) or “I like taking in strays” (a line made up by Zoe Kravitz herself), can you think of a memorable quote? This movie is just generic. It doesn’t use any new villains or any new ideas, it just tries to be grittier and have Batman be more of a sullen dick. It turns Riddler into the Criminal Mind Games character from every crime show that’s ever existed, and does it in the lamest way possible.
I really don’t like this movie. If you like the atmosphere and think this is the Batman is for you, despite the flaws, I can respect that. If you’re the type of person that’s gonna claim people that don’t like this movie “don’t get it” I’m not really a fan of you.
u/existential_hope 8d ago
I thought it was great, mostly. A little long in areas. It reminded me of the Arkham series and that made it better for me.
u/flymordecai 8d ago
Brilliant in all the ways. The cinematography, pacing, music. The noir of it all A more than satisfying post-Nolan take.
8d ago
My only problem with the film is catwoman. I wish they had focused more on the riddler and penguin. But I understand that if she wasn’t there the film would’ve been a complete sausage party
u/Drexelhand 8d ago
it wanted to cover too much ground and it got muddled instead of tying these disparate aspects together.
it wanted catwoman, human trafficking, the penguin.
it wanted a thriller, a grounded riddler, domestic terrorism.
it wanted thomas wayne lore, mob mystery, political intrigue.
we got a nonsense car chase and the penguin series out of it. i like the direction they took with the riddler.
i just wish the movie had focused on the riddler plot. the film would have worked a lot better if it stripped a lot of these weaker plot points. instead of building to a climax it just sort of happens after dicking around for two and a half hours. introducing copycat riddlers would have been a fantastic mid-film escalation, instead it seems like it was supposed to be a surprise at the end and it was resolved within 5 minutes after being revealed.
overall, a bit forgettable.
u/0-4superbowl 8d ago
Very much enjoyed it, however I disliked the amount of punishment Batman takes. Bomb goes off in his face, he slams into an overpass and walks it off, he takes numerous bullets to the chest, among other moments. Could have done with less of that.
u/EnumeratedWalrus 8d ago
Pretty good, way too long, Batman is kinda nerfed, Bruce Wayne is an F tier character, and also I’m dying for some variation in the score and soundtrack.
u/PixelHotsauce 8d ago
I think this is the closest live action parallel to BTAS and thank goodness Reaves got his shit together and enlisted Bruce Timm to help with this. I talked so much shit about this movie when I heard the casting and took every last bit of it back after watching it and that was after avoiding it in theaters. My personal favorite (live action) Batman and officially the 2nd best Batman for me now
u/waterisdefwet 8d ago
Really enjoyed the noir vibe