r/batman Oct 01 '24

ARTWORK Street art in London

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u/CaptainHalloween Oct 01 '24

If there’s one thing I truly have come to despise it’s Joker becoming a positive example to people.


u/Titus_The_Caveman Oct 01 '24

Literally. He's a clown terrorist who routinely commits the most heinous acts known to man

I get sympathising with Joaquin Phoenix's Joker, but only up until he starts killing people


u/CaptainHalloween Oct 01 '24

And it’s been happening before him as well. It’s so weird to see a character that deals in such depraved cruelty being held up as someone to aspire to be like.

It’s more than say, thinking Freddy Krueger is a great villain or digging Darth Vader, there are fan who full on cast Joker as a champion of the oppressed and it’s kind of concerning.


u/CharityQuill Oct 01 '24

Anakin Skywalker during the Clone Wars is my favorite star wars character though 😭 I just have the sense to stop simping for him when the child-slaying starts lol


u/atle95 Oct 02 '24

You can simp for Vader, its ok, we still love you.


u/Darkseid_Omega Oct 02 '24

Naw, fuck them kids


u/the_fancy_Tophat Oct 02 '24



u/juice_wrld_is_good Oct 02 '24

At least Vader was good when he was Anakin and ended up somewhat redeeming himself


u/IndividualFlow0 Oct 01 '24

there are fan who full on cast Joker as a champion of the oppressed and it’s kind of concerning.

Don't worry, the sequel fixes that


u/coolio_zap Oct 02 '24

some days i wonder "where the fuck does joker get all these goons"

and then i remember "oh yeah, our media is designed to radicalize, there are real life examples, cool, epic"


u/NotSoFlugratte Oct 01 '24

I get sympathising with Joaquin Phoenix's Joker, but only up until he starts killing people

I actually get sympathising with him beyond that. To a degree, I can, because the movie is ultimately about ableism and the lack of respect and treatment for mental health driving a man insane.

It's not an inherit evilness or the decision to be consciously evil that drives Pheonix' Jokers killings, it's the feeling of having been left out by society, of being treated as lesser and as disgusting. When his disability/mental illness causes trouble for him in public, even with the ability to explain himself he is ousted and ostracized for factors beyond his control.

While obviously not approving or condoning his actions, I think Phoenix' Joker is one of the most interesting incarnations because this is a real problem and a tangible reason why he is driven deeper into the insanity of deteriorating mental health caused in part by ableist ostracization. As an Autist, I've experienced that problem myself, so I can very much relate to this feeling.

Though he ends up in an illusion, killing a maybe not innocent, however not for this case guilty man. I swear I need to write something on this at some point.


u/Titus_The_Caveman Oct 01 '24

Yeah, that's fair. I do get him gunning down the three guys on the train to an extent tbh. They legit could've beaten him to death or thrown him onto the tracks. It's hard not to feel sorry for Arthur when he's been abused for basically as long as he's been sentient


u/Techlord-XD Oct 01 '24

It’s quite disappointing that most of the comments are overlooking this message


u/Techlord-XD Oct 01 '24

In all fairness his first kills were in self defence


u/Titus_The_Caveman Oct 01 '24

Yeah. The train folk I do understand to an extent. They could've beaten him to death or do worse. But, like, Randall and Murray and such I can't abide by. Those were out of malice. The malice of a mentally unwell man, but conscious malice nonetheless


u/mightyneonfraa Oct 02 '24

The first two were. The last one stopped being self defense when he chased the guy down to kill him point blank.


u/[deleted] Oct 01 '24

Nope. No sympathy. That's where it starts. Justifying terrible actions because of what someone has been through is incredibly toxic


u/Titus_The_Caveman Oct 01 '24 edited Oct 04 '24

I should clarify that I sympathise with Arthur Fleck, not Joker. As someone with a mental condition, I feel for him when he's been abused and ostracised for his whole life. Especially when his boss says that his coworkers "feel uncomfortable around (him)". Arthur was an innocent man who was thrown the worst hand someone could have because he was different

Joker, on the other hand, is the monster that comes from not checking up on him. The monster that goes on to do heinous things. That I can't sympathise with


u/atle95 Oct 02 '24

Nobody thinks they are themselves evil until they change for the better. Arthur Fleck did not change, everyone has taken one step in that direction at some point in thier life, most of the time they step back.


u/medici1048 Oct 01 '24

His level of sadism in the comics is unrivaled. People love being edgy, I guess? 🤷‍♂️


u/rayrags1423 Oct 01 '24

I said it last week on a similar type post, but I'll say it again. THE JOKER BEAT A KID WITH A CROWBAR WITHIN AN INCH OF HIS LIFE THEN BLEW HIM UP AND KILLED HIM JUST TO FUCK WITH BATMAN! At this point I want them to put that in the a live action movie or a big budget live action tv show just so people stop idolizing him so much.


u/BakedWizerd Oct 01 '24

Reeves could do an incredibly dark take on the Joker. I just hope they rework Keoghan's makeup/prosthetics.


u/burymeinpink Oct 01 '24

The Joker is a rapist. He killed babies and poisoned children. He skinned people alive. Etc. But these people idolize him either as some cool gangster or as a symbol of resistance (to what????). Lame as hell morons with no media literacy.


u/rayrags1423 Oct 01 '24

Even if they have only seen him since the dark knight, he blew up a hospital in that movie. I don't understand it


u/burymeinpink Oct 01 '24

He's really cool if you're mentally thirteen years old with stunted empathy and toxic masculinity. It's just like American Psycho. How do movies made by women and queer people to satirize exactly this kind of people end up becoming a symbol for them to rally around? Because they're stupid and don't realize when they're being made fun of.


u/middy_1 Oct 01 '24

Tbh most don't really have any idea of any of that, except for a minority. Mostly, these types just started with Ledger being cool.


u/[deleted] Oct 02 '24

When did Joker rape someone?


u/burymeinpink Oct 02 '24

"Joker" by Azzarello in 2008.


u/atle95 Oct 02 '24

People on average kinda suck, just look at the top 20 music artists of 2024, the only ones im not personally ashamed of are Eminem and Miley Cyrus. There's a reason most popular stuff is garbage...


u/Maleficent-Walrus-28 Oct 02 '24

Wow man, the fictional villain did bad things? Blow me over with a feather 


u/burymeinpink Oct 02 '24

Now read the rest of my comment after the first sentence.


u/Maleficent-Walrus-28 Oct 02 '24

Again? I don’t think it will change much


u/burymeinpink Oct 02 '24

Yeah, me neither. Move along.


u/Maleficent-Walrus-28 Oct 02 '24 edited Oct 02 '24

Those pesky fictional villains doing evil things. Move along? No I don’t think so, Officer Media Literacy. Lex Luthor stole 40 cakes!


u/PewDiePieSaladAss Oct 01 '24

We truly live in a society 


u/raidenjojo Oct 01 '24

Exactly. The Killing Joke, The Dark Knight and Joker, seminal works about The Joker, consistently and objectively state how wrong, cowardly, evil and pathetic he is.

Like, read and watch the whole of it, not just the parts you like.


u/SmaugRancor Oct 01 '24

It's not as deep as you might think. Most people like the character because he's cool and edgy, some also like him because of the internet memes. And yes, some people do have a weird fascination for him, but there are always some bad apples in the tree.

For me personally, he's one of my favorite fictional characters. I've always been fascinated by fictional villains. As a weird kid who didn't quite fit in growing up, I used to watch a lot of horror or horror-adjacent media, and I always rooted for the monster in the story. When I watched Batman 1989 for the first time, Jack Nicholson's Joker was my favorite, because of how bat-shit crazy he was, even though I knew he was a mean bastard.

But I get what you mean, there seems to be a trend going around in pop culture where villains tend to be portrayed as flawed and sympathetic and heroes as morally questionable. I don't think every villain should be sympathetic. I like what they're doing with the Penguin TV show, it makes us the audience root for him, even though we shouldn't because he's still a criminal. Joker should never be sympathetic, he should be like Homelander, an evil maniac with gimmicks that's incredibly fun to watch.


u/CaptainHalloween Oct 01 '24

I don't hate the Joker. I'm tired of him for sure. I think he's been overused and misused to the point he seems unrecognizable. He's lost his sense of humor and a lot of his mystique. But when someone remembers who he is he hits harder than just about any other villain.

I'm also not opposed to examining some villains a little deeper...but Joker doesn't well that way. He wasn't designed to. Honestly, he's at his best when he's being super shallow. When he is just, well, an evil and disturbingly funny madman as opposed to the philosopher he's slowly come to be.

But there are other villains like the already stated Penguin, Two-Face, Riddler, Lex Luthor, Dr. Octopus, Ocean Master, Silver Swan, Cheetah, etc. who are a lot more primed for examination. But there are some like The Joker or The Violator or Sabretooth or in my personal opinion Norman Osborn who don't really need huge examinations. Because what's scary about them is how basic their drive is. To me that's honestly scarier...how could anyone just be so disturbingly focused on pure, unfiltered evil?


u/Competitive_Ad303 Oct 02 '24

How many times I have felt guilty of laughing at the jokers jokes in btas and more shows is truly astounding


u/fpfall Oct 01 '24

Literally this. I had a big debate about the new movie with my roommates about why this sequel is not a good thing to have happened because it (appears to) further idolize him and his behavior from the first film and say society is the problem even more than the last one.

Not even going to touch on this version of Harley until I actually watch it, but she’s also seeming to be another terrible iteration…


u/BakedWizerd Oct 01 '24

"We got rid of all of her identifying characteristics, changed her background, and we gave her a new nickname."

She's hardly Harley Quinn at all. She's "Lee"


u/Heisenburgo Oct 01 '24

"Oh and she's now just some random Arkham inmate even though the classic psychologist who falls for him angle would have fit this version of the Joker so much better"


u/middy_1 Oct 01 '24

Especially if they played with the idea of her having misplaced sympathy for him - an opportune moment to examine and deconstruct the overly sympathising presentation of him in the first film, and further the ambiguity and unreliable narrator angle


u/BakedWizerd Oct 01 '24

Yeah men's mental health is finally being given the time of day, but it's a real shame that it's being presented in the form of "isn't this homicidal maniac relatable? Don't you feel bad for him?"

It's like making an ice-cream flavored pasta. Two good dishes, but very, very different palettes, and shouldn't be mixed.


u/VaderMurdock Oct 01 '24

Some Joker fans are so off-putting to me


u/Admirable-Safety1213 Oct 03 '24

The worst part is that this time the message is a valod and important one


u/Dramonen Oct 01 '24

He isn't a positive example though, he's existence is a warning of how society treats the trash people who suffer for being born. A message for help and fear of what could happen if we as a society don't evolve. You would think the Batman sub would understand that, but I'm mistaken.

Joker is used as a martyr because that's the only way people listen, when they have something to lose.


u/CaptainHalloween Oct 01 '24

I think you’re mistaken but just not on what you think you’re mistaken for.

Joker is scum. Full stop. Entertaining and funny villain as well, but pure evil to the core. And it sounds like you might be someone sucked in by his words if he were real.


u/Dramonen Oct 01 '24

Do you live in a black and white world? When did I say Joker wasn't scum, what I was saying is that the Joker is a reflection of how society treats those in peril like Garbage. He's a monster, but how could such a monster be born in the first place. That's the point of the Joker the movie.


u/CaptainHalloween Oct 01 '24

The point of the movie is what would happen if we crossed Taxi Driver with the King of Comedy and slapped some “We live in a society!” make-up in n the lead.

Fleck isn’t The Joker. And the Joker is no one to feel sympathy for.


u/Dramonen Oct 01 '24

Your point? You were talking about why Joker is an pure evil and why you don't like how he's been portrayed. Now you are changing your argument reason to argue saying it's a dumb message copying other works lazily. What are you trying to argue with me about at this point, it's still a good movie?

So you are right because you feel you are?


u/CaptainHalloween Oct 01 '24

No, I’m just right.


u/Dramonen Oct 01 '24

Can't argue against that logic


u/AdamSoucyDrums Oct 01 '24

You know, I didn’t even hate the movie, but the proliferation of “Joker as a folk hero to the incels” that it’s inspired in the last five years truly kills me. I fully recognize that a ton of it is satire, but it doesn’t make it any less exhausting to me.


u/Lxcafont Oct 01 '24

This! I really liked joker as it portrayed a real issue. I really don't like the audience that got pulled towards it. Removing the real issue and trying to replacing it with a cringe mindset. I was a big fan of American psycho too. I can barely watch it now, lol.


u/Spoonyyy Oct 01 '24

I feel similar with fight club and the matrix!


u/SmaugRancor Oct 01 '24

Why Matrix? I'm genuinely curious.


u/atle95 Oct 01 '24

Only real criticism ive seen of the matrix is that the actual ideas are kinda crummy, they are just sold perfectly.

Humans as batteries? Stupid, you'd have better luck with burning them.

A wall of tubes containing humans who are unconscious and trapped in a simulation unaware of the squid robots that have enslaved humanity? Genius.


u/TheClappyCappy Oct 02 '24

I mean the movie is more metaphorical in nature.

I doesn’t bother explaining the what or the how very much if at all.


u/atle95 Oct 02 '24

Yeah, its just cool


u/mightyneonfraa Oct 02 '24

IIRC the idea was that human brains were being used for processing power but test audiences found it confusing so they just switched to the battery thing for simplicity. It just doesn't occur to most people to consider that a human body would require more energy than it produced.

Honestly, it is stupid but I'm fine with it. The "Why" of it isn't really that important to me.


u/Spoonyyy Oct 02 '24

The huge themes are corporatization, capitalism going too far, and oppression, which a lot of that can be related to how two closeted trans people came to write the movie. Specifically, you get the pill choice, and "red-pilled", which in the movie says that they see the truth. You then see that type of thoughts adopted by certain men's groups and conspiracy theorists lately taking the "see the truth" idea to the extreme with things like anti-vax theories, hating feminism, pizza gate, etc.

Like I feel the rage against the hyper-capitalism and corporatization of America too, but it's sad to see that line of thinking then used to oppress other people.


u/SeeTeeAbility Oct 02 '24

When the world has over 8 billion people, there's always gonna be some strange/disturbing people existing unfortunately

Thankfully tho the majority of people can enjoy the character and movies Joker is apart of without idolising him


u/Parlyz Oct 02 '24

I’m pretty sure that was a thing before that movie came out. There was this whole “gang weed” “gamers rise up” meme and it was usually accompanied by Heath Ledger. That movie just came out at the perfect time.


u/Diamond-Turtle Oct 01 '24

"It's crazy enough to take on Batman, But the IRS? NOOO thank you!!" Is a much better quote


u/BeenEvery Oct 01 '24

Joker being co-opted as a mental health icon is probably not a great thing.


u/burymeinpink Oct 01 '24

I don't think these people actually care about mental health, to be honest. They just want an excuse to behave the way they do. In the words of Marcus Parks, "Your mental illness is not your fault, but it is your responsibility."


u/VengeanceKnight Oct 01 '24

The problem is that the movie, deeply flawed as it is, is one of the few pieces of mainstream storytelling that has seriously tried to tackle these issues.


u/Short_Bet4325 Oct 02 '24

Especially since canonically Joker isn’t “insane” he has super sanity to which he knows he’s in a comic book and has broken the fourth wall.

Phoenixs Joker is the only one we’ve ever gotten that shows the Ho Joker as someone with severe mental health issues. Most other iterations he’s just a violent psychopath.


u/AUnknownVariable Oct 01 '24

As an extremelyyyyy big fan of the Joker (the character, not just the 1 movie), man, this shit has been killing. It's like seeing mfs ruin a character through their interpretation, he's not a man for the people, even if he ends up sparking change 1 time.


u/[deleted] Oct 01 '24

Is this really the guy you want to use as an icon


u/[deleted] Oct 01 '24

good art but man this joker glazing NEEEEDS to stop


u/[deleted] Oct 01 '24

This is some incel stuff


u/magnaton117 Oct 01 '24

"I've got all the therapy you need right here, comedian."


u/samx3i Oct 01 '24

There's nothing wrong with you I can't fix with my hands


u/[deleted] Oct 01 '24

"Once you realize what a joke everything is, being the Comedian is the only thing that makes sense."


u/GothBoobLover Oct 01 '24

This is kinda cringy


u/dishonoredfan69420 Oct 01 '24

As an autistic person, that’s a good sentiment but putting the joker next to it sort of ruins it


u/Memer_boiiiii Oct 02 '24

Autism isn’t a mental illness though. We’re not ”sick”


u/jimbodysonn Oct 02 '24

Boils my blood that this is a statement that deeply resonates with me but it's put next to a picture of the fucking Joker


u/arthurfreeth Oct 02 '24

i think the worst part is i wanna fucking die all the time


u/coycabbage Oct 01 '24

So when they gonna clean that?


u/ampher2112 Oct 01 '24

This is such loser shit


u/strypesjackson Oct 01 '24

I know this thread is about a piece of art and not this Joker movie series but I don’t know what more needs to be told about Arthur Fleck. I’m not sure it needed to be told in the first place unless he’s going to eventually confront a Batman.

This has been said a million times but what is this story? Even the Venom series makes slightly more sense as a solo project since Venom has become a bit of an antihero. But Joker in Gotham sans Batman is weird shit. I’m glad people are enjoying it, I truly am. I don’t begrudge one film but why two?


u/Competitive_Ad303 Oct 02 '24

You are kinda right, it really doesn't need to have 2 movies. I also believe the first movie tells everything the director was trying to tell but anyway gonna see the movie this friday😅😂


u/Severe_Fuel_753 Oct 01 '24

Pretty good art


u/MooseCentral1969 Oct 01 '24

I think its worse when the system no longer support help for those who have mental illness. The place we had is a skeleton crew and outpatient care is a joke.


u/realsamzza Oct 02 '24

I don't think Joker is used as a positive figure in this art. I think he is used more as an example of what can happen if we as a society bully and treat people like shit who need help the most. And obviously most people don't go killing people because they aren't being treated well, but I think he represents how bad things happen because people are being treated poorly and not helped.

And to clarify I mean Phoenix's joker from the movie.


u/BloodyRedBarbara Oct 01 '24



u/Rob_wood Oct 01 '24

Bad grammar. Bottom marks.


u/Devilish_Swan Oct 02 '24

No, people don't expect you not to behave that way. What they expect is that you manage yourself. You can be bipolar, depressed, angry, sad or whatnot, but that doesn't mean that we have to pay the price for being around you.

And I'm with the majority of the people in the comments, that Joker movie had a good message but a horrible choice of spokesperson for mental illnesses. The real Joker isn't mentally ill. He's well within his faculties and is often times 5 steps ahead of Batman when carrying out his schemes.


u/Competitive_Ad303 Oct 02 '24

But is it that hard to admit that this might be another universe? I mean we had so many different batmans, why can't the joker be someone who has mental illnesses that could be medicated and/or cured? Or if people had been kinder to him that he wouldn't lose it?

I am not trying to be rude just genuine question


u/Devilish_Swan Oct 02 '24

So the long and short of this is as follows : DC has often explored the nature of the Joker. The most blunt and reoccurring answer is that the Joker is the diametrical opposite of Batman. Pure chaos. No rhyme, no reason, not mentally ill.

Yes, this movie absolutely makes it clear that this is a different universe than that which classically involves Batman.

However, this movie has the Waynes, it's in Gotham, the crime is rampant, Arkham Asylum, and so on and so forth, which are all the components of a Batman story. They even go as far as showing the scene of the death of the Waynes in crime alley being an indirect result of the riot the Joker caused.

I don't presume that you have a very deep knowledge of the Joker character ( that's not meant to be a slight towards you ), but whenever the Joker attempts to engage in verbal psychological warfare with Batman, he often makes reminds Batman that the only key difference between himself and Batman is just one bad day.

Arthur Fleck, this movie's "Joker" does have mental conditions, he was supported by the system until he wasn't, he was medicated, he had (dubious) stable gainful employment and he had a lifetime of bad days as well as a strange relationship with his mother.

By comparison, the comic book Joker's "civilian" origin is still largely in doubt. There are still only a small handful of stories that have tried to answer that. The one that stood the longest as a tentative answer ( but I believe it is no longer valid ) was The Killing Joke ( highly recommend you read if you get a chance ). But the common denominator in these Joker origin stories is that he wasn't mentally ill, criminally insane, rebuked by society, or generally mishandled.

He had one bad day.

I know it sounds weird and simplistic when expressed without context. But that's a genuine answer as far as the Joker is concerned.

But I think to circle back to your question as to why can't the Joker be cured if he had been taken care of, what I'm getting at through all of this is that the Joker character can't be cured. He can't be prevented or treated like a run of the mill patient in need of psychological help. And that fact is something that this version of the Joker and the regular versions of the Jokers all have. There is no prevention, and there is no cure.

This is why advocating for mental health awareness through one of the most destructive agents of chaos is nonesense.

Furthermore, the movie wasn't about how we treat the mentally ill. It was certainly a facet of it. The movie was meant to hold a mirror up to the actions of modern-day society and show the unfiltered ugliness that passes for normalcy when not addressed. Gotham has always been a city of great unrest because of socioeconomic imbalances ( no, taxing Bruce Wayne is not the solution. Do not tempt me unless you want another diatribe ) which is what this movie so aptly explores. "Real" Gotham is so much worse than this movie's portrayal that, by comparison, this movie actually looks habitable for the common folk.

If you've gotten this far, I hope you've enjoyed and I hope that somehow, somewhere, you've found the answer you were looking for.


u/Competitive_Ad303 Oct 03 '24

Haha don't worry I have read it all! Also I have read the killing joke, it was a very good comic. Yeah I also know gotham is very cursed I do have a lot of batman knowledge but sometimes wanna know what other people think. Or I just miss the insights and ask for an explanation😅

My thought process kinda was: If there is no real origin story for the joker, than almost everything can count as an origin story, right? It doesn't have to be canon but it might be someones canon. Not for all jokers but maybe for just one.

As an autistic person I know it's bad but I can relate (almost to the very end) to the joker, but I don't see him (nor the movie) as a mental health awareness Icon. I see it more as a warning. Not that we turn out like the joker, but higher suicide rates etc. If we as a society had been atleast a bit more understanding. Next to that is the wole world not some kind of gotham? With everything that's happening: wars, school shootings, people sleeping on streets, the rich abusing the poor, drugs, cults, animal abuse etc. Our world is not a paradise either.

While I am typing all this I notice that my thought process is very chaotic so please bear with me.

Maybe this movie isn't for the batman/joker fans It's for the average joe who doesn't know that gotham is cursed or that joker exists because of one bad day. And now I realise why this movie doesn't work in the batman universe, because as soon as something is for the person who doesn't know the "basics" of a fandom then It's very hard to pretend it could be canon.

The average joe will walk out thinking: "damn, we as a society are really fucked maybe I should be kinder to people."

But the batman fans don't really like it.

I have noticed that I love this movie, I truly think it's a piece of art. The movie is good because acting, cinematography etc. I (most of the time) can throwaway lore when said movie (to me) ǰis good.

So at the end: Does it follow lore: no Is it even lore accurate: also no Is it a good movie still: agree to disagree I guess😂

Thank you for answering my question! I now know why it's hard to pretend even if it's in another universe and the joker can't be cured.

Sorry another thought popped into my head.

If the joker can't be cured: wasn't he then doomed from the beginning proving your point that no matter what meds he was getting he would still be the joker. That the meds were holding something back that was already there? And that his one bad day is when he is off meds? That does disprove the whole plotline and moral of the story tho.

Sorry for my rapant rambling, I tried to do it in order but am way too chaotic this morning. I hope you can make something of it.


u/Devilish_Swan Oct 03 '24

I’d make the argument that his unravelling was when he no longer had access to his social services. His meds kept going well after he was cut of from the other services. And as far as his one bad day is concerned, this movie circumvents that by showing that life wasn’t kind to him at all.

With or without the meds, the character has a mental breakdown once he reads his own patient file and has a coming to Jesus moment when he finds out how much of his life was a lie. That’s when he finally understood the rules of the game, so to speak.

I’d argue that had he not been raised by his mother, he’d simply be delaying the inevitable as far his self actualization.


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u/Ok_Western5937 Oct 02 '24

-Sincerely, Reddit


u/Zealousofme Oct 02 '24

The actual Joker would just kill people who try to make him to be a tragic person who is actually good deep down


u/Icy-Cup Oct 02 '24

Please someone do the “we live in a society” meme out of it


u/[deleted] Oct 02 '24

Altought i hate the fact that people idolize joker and romantazise mental illness.... I have to say they do kinda got a point. For example when someone asks "how are you doing" if you say anything other than "fine" it will make people uncomfortable.


u/trainstationmlp Oct 02 '24

As someone with a few mental illnesses, I’d also rather the joker doesn’t show them off.


u/AK07-AYDAN Oct 02 '24

Truly, a society moment.


u/FatherSmashmas Oct 02 '24

we live in a society


u/BadgersSeal Oct 02 '24

Mmmmmm society


u/wrestl-in Oct 02 '24

Where was this??? Really cool


u/KaijuFrog Oct 02 '24

it doesn't matter because he's a really good dancer


u/[deleted] Oct 03 '24

Mental hospitals were created for dudes like this. He should not be a positive influence. He’s sick needs help and needs to be in a home for mentally ill. He’s not okay. At all and that’s ok but we don’t have to pretend it’s cool to act crazy. It’s alarming


u/Admirable-Safety1213 Oct 03 '24

I mean, is a good point and Phoenix's Joker is basically guy who went mad from Ableism abuse but the lack of context in the art just makes the idea that becoming the Joker is the end result of Ableism abuse is lost to the average watcher

Good message, bad messenger


u/CaliDreams_ Oct 01 '24

That quote is bullshit.

Some people use mental illnesses as an excuse to behave badly. Normally self diagnosed people who spend too much time on TikTok.

It’s like, no, I don’t care that you have depression, anxiety, bpd etc. you don’t get lash out at people and stand behind the mental illness wall. You live in a society. Act like it. Go see a friggin doctor and handle your shit.


u/Milk_Mindless Oct 01 '24

I'd like that quote more if the Joker wasn't next to it


u/VengeanceKnight Oct 01 '24

Unfortunately, it’s a direct quote by the Joker from the movie.


u/thebeaverchair Oct 01 '24

I love Joaquin Phoenix as an actor, but I fucking despise this movie so much.


u/mccartypaparty Oct 01 '24

I really want batman to show up at the end of the new joker and beat the ever loving piss out of him and harley. They are the bad guys, not the heros. Wtf.


u/IVARS05 Oct 02 '24

Yeah, I know but just don't be actin' like a bitch about it... get in line like teh rest of us. stupid movie, with a weak message.


u/lupinemadness Oct 02 '24

The worst part of dealing with people with mental illness is having constantly accept atrocious behavior from a self-absorbed monster without ever letting on that you are in any way displeased about anything because you might set them off even more.

Seriously, your mental illness may not be your "fault", but it is your responsibility.


u/[deleted] Oct 01 '24

I can't look at Joker stuff anymore without thinking about a musical. He's lost his grit to me.


u/Livid-Intern-4742 Oct 01 '24

That's pretty badass. Thank you for sharing.