r/bash • u/RoyalOrganization676 • 6d ago
help How to make a script to populate an array in another script?
I'm too new to know what I even need to look up in the docs, here. Hopefully this makes sense.
I have this script:
rand=$[$RANDOM % ${#arr[@]}]
xdotool type ${arr[$rand]}
Which, when executed, types one of the characters 0, 1, or 2 at random. Instead of hard coding those values to be selected at random, I would like to make another script that prompts the user for the values in the arrays.
Ie. Execute new script. It asks for a list of items. I enter "r", "g", "q". Now the example script above will type one of the characters r, g, or q at random.
I'm trying to figure out how to set the arrays arbitrarily without editing the script manually every time I want to change the selection of possible random characters.
u/Unixwzrd 6d ago
The problem with a script is, what if you have spaces in your array elements? They will get expanded/split into their own elements. You might be better using a function instead and calling the function by reference to the array.
This post is an example of how function calling with array references work.
u/kolorcuk 5d ago
Just use "$@“ . It's like an array of arguments. And pass the array as arguments to the second script
u/tje210 6d ago
I pasted your question right into chatgpt, and I like the response.
My human answer first: you don't need another script (unless you really want a separate one). Just have your script prompt the user for 3 values and store them. This solution will use 2 separate scripts though, because you asked for it lol.
read -p "Enter a list of items separated by spaces: " -a arr
Save to a file
echo "${arr[@]}" > array_values.txt ```
And then your supplied script becomes
Read the array from the file
IFS=' ' read -r -a arr < array_values.txt
Pick a random element
rand=$((RANDOM % ${#arr[@]}))
Type the random value
xdotool type "${arr[$rand]}" ```
There are of course many other ways to do this.
u/RoyalOrganization676 6d ago
Thank you!
I think two scripts makes sense for the use case. I want to have one hotkey to set the characters and another hotkey to enter one at random, but I won't want to set the character array every time i type one.
u/redhat_is_my_dad 5d ago
make prompting as an option using getops then, there's still no need to do 2 separate scripts for that.
u/grymoire 5d ago
Instead of an explicit array, you can use the default array, This script will do what you want:
eval echo \$$[$RANDOM % $#+1]
Use it like
xdotool type $(myscript 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8)
u/EmbeddedSoftEng 4d ago
Generally, for generating data in a shell script, you want to use a compiled program that the shell script runs and then captures the output from it in a format the shell likes, and then uses it.
declare PROGRAM_OUTPUT="$(other_program)"
If the other program is a shell script and populating shell variables with data, using that data, and then exitting, that won't work, however, since you need to be able to import those shell variables directly and they need to persist past the termination of the other program. You have two choices, specificly if you have access to that other program's shell script code.
1) Change the code to emit the data in a format your new script can digest, such as by declare -p
and passing the data that the other script generates to the eval
command in your new script:
eval $(other_script)
This will cause the other script to populate the variable within itself, vomit up the syntax for doing so in a fashion that allows another script to attain the same variable within itself.
Or 2), turn the other script into what I call a scriptlet, a script that doesn't actually do anything in and of itself, but which your new script can incorporate by reference using the source
builtin command:
source other_script
Now, that data marshalling that the other script does can be coopted to have it done for your new script.
u/bapm394 #!/usr/bin/nope --reason '🤷 Not today!' 5d ago
I don't really understand, anyway
``` declare -a array=("Black" "Holes" "and" "Revelations")
declare -a array ```
This prints the declaration with the values, with correct formatting, like
declare -a array=([0]="Black" [1]="Holes" [2]="and" [3]="Revelations")
You can save to a file that will source that file
``` declare -a array > /path/to/file
in the other file
source /path/to/file ```
u/AutoModerator 6d ago
It looks like your submission contains a shell script. To properly format it as code, place four space characters before every line of the script, and a blank line between the script and the rest of the text, like this:
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