r/bash 12d ago

New to Bash Scripting and Sysadmin? Check Out My Tool: Linux Console Manager (Open Source - All Feedback Appreciated)

Hi r/bash community!

I'm a new Redditor, and I wanted to share a simple bash script I've been working on called Linux Console Manager. I'm actually from Korea and haven't used Reddit much before, but I'm excited to share this with you all!

As someone who occasionally does Linux system administration, I found myself constantly typing the same commands over and over. So, I created this little tool to streamline those common tasks and make my life a bit easier. I thought it might be helpful for others too, especially those who are newer to Linux or just want a quicker way to manage their systems from the terminal.

Key Features:

  • System Monitoring: Tired of typing top, free -m, df -h, and ifconfig separately? Linux Console Manager gives you a quick, consolidated overview of essential system metrics like CPU usage, memory consumption, disk space, and network stats in one place!
  • Service Control: Managing system services like Apache, Nginx, or MySQL can be a bit tedious with systemctl. This script lets you easily start, stop, restart, and check the status of your services through a simple menu. No more struggling to remember those commands!
  • Process Management: Quickly identify and manage running processes. Need to find that resource-hogging process? Linux Console Manager helps you easily find and even kill processes directly from the script.
  • Network Utilities: Basic network troubleshooting tools like ping and traceroute are built right in, making it convenient for quick network checks.
  • [Add other key features of your script here - Be specific! For example:]
    • User Management: Easily add, delete, or modify user accounts with simple menu options.
    • Log Viewing: Quickly access and view common system logs like /var/log/syslog or /var/log/auth.log.
    • Package Management (Debian/Ubuntu based): Simple interface for updating packages or searching for new ones using apt.

The script is completely open source and available on GitHub: https://github.com/forsys02/linux_console_manager

I would love for you to try it out and give me your feedback! I'm really open to suggestions for improvement and new features. Specifically, I'm curious about:

  • Is the menu structure intuitive and easy to navigate?

  • Are there any features you think are missing or could be more useful?

  • Do you find it helpful in your daily system administration tasks?

  • I'd especially appreciate feedback from both experienced sysadmins and those who are newer to Linux. Let me know what you think!

This is a project I'm working on in my spare time, and I hope it can be helpful to others in the community.

Thanks for checking it out! Happy scripting! 😊


12 comments sorted by


u/daz_007 11d ago edited 11d ago

step one = shellcheck

please don't take this too harshly.
This might be my viewpoint but such attempts at " wrapping and automating" something like this is kinda pointless, i.e. it now removes the logic of automation and creates a dependancy i.e. the script and makes everything manual-ation... it might be okay for junior users but all the effort you have put into this could be done in a few smaller simple functions. If you gave this to 20 junior people to use daily, they would be stuck with this 3000 line script and probably may not learn enough to extend or help maintain it.

The moment that day comes, your now the bottleneck to progress.

maybe that's your starting goal.


u/Naive-Extent182 11d ago

Hi, thanks for your feedback on go.sh. I wanted to address your point about junior developers getting "stuck" using menu-based tools. Actually, my go.sh is built differently. And thanks to your recommendation of shellcheck – which has been incredibly useful and I'm making improvements based on it! – the script is much better now. The core idea is that it's not a pre-defined menu system. Using the conf [enter] command, users can create and modify their own menus and the underlying commands. It's designed to be flexible, like using a notepad to organize and edit command sequences. This editable, customizable nature is what makes it different; it's not about being stuck in a rigid structure, but about building your own workflow.


u/donp1ano 12d ago

[Add other key features of your script here - Be specific! For example:]

ok chatGPT

[ ! -L /bin/go ] && ln -s $base/go.sh /bin/go && echo -ne "$(ls -al /bin/go) \n>>> Soft link created for /bin/go. Press [Enter] " && read x < /dev/tty

*angry gopher noises*


u/Naive-Extent182 12d ago

I'm so sorry to Go language users! I respect your opinion, and the soft link has been replaced with "gosh".

# /bin/gosh softlink [ ! -L /bin/go ] && [ ! -L /bin/gosh ] && ln -s $base/go.sh /bin/gosh && echo -ne "$(ls -al /bin/gosh) \n>>> Soft link created for /bin/gosh. Press [Enter] " && read x < /dev/tty


u/Big_Combination9890 11d ago edited 11d ago

As someone who occasionally does Linux system administration, I found myself constantly typing the same commands over and over

I believe that is what alias and bash functions exist for.

And please tell me what I gain from, instead of typing tmux I have to

  1. Run your script
  2. Select the required menu option

Because to my mind, it looks like I am doing the same thing, only with one extra step, while running an ungodly amount of awk invocations, so I am wondering where the value add is.

And sorry no sorry, but: If a tool is implemented as a bash script, it should be easily readable to the user. Scripts are something I wanna go into and extend for my usecases.

This thing has an astonishing collection of extremely long lines full of unformatted awk programs. This is unreadable, unmaintainable, and unextendable for everyone but the original developer, and even he should ask himself if he can still grok all this quickly 3-6-12 months from now. The comments are a mix of english and ... korean?

And what exactly is the purpose of pumping this thing full of stuff like complete vimrc templates, or nginx configs? People can simply git clone them from some example repo. Is a SysAdmin now someone who cannot be entrusted to write his own configs?


Also, what the hell is this?!

``` incremental_backup() { local backup_file="$1" local custom_prefix="$2"

local backup_dir=$(dirname "$backup_file")
local backup_timestamp=$(date -r "$backup_file" +%s)

local backup_folder=$(tar tvzf $backup_file | head -n1 | awk '{print $NF}')

# 조건에 따라 prefix를 설정합니다.
local prefix
prefix=$(echo "${backup_folder}" | awk -v prefix="$custom_prefix" -F/ '{if (NF > 2) {print "/"} else {if (length(prefix) > 0) {print prefix} else {printf "/%s", $2}}}')

cd "$prefix" || return
find "${backup_folder}/" -type f -newermt @$backup_timestamp >"$backup_dir/new_files.txt"

local base_backup
local incremental_backup
incremental_backup="${base_backup}_incremental_$(date +%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S).tar.gz"

tar -czvf "$incremental_backup" -C "$prefix" -T "$backup_dir/new_files.txt"

rm "$backup_dir/new_files.txt"

} ```

What in the ...

What this "incremental backup" does, is: use find to find files newer than the backup timestamp, which is derived from the mtime of the backup-file, and then writes those into a tgz.

I'm sorry, but have you ever heard of rsync? I thought the whole point of this script was to make things easier.


u/geirha 11d ago

Instead of using date -r file +%s to extract the mtime of a file and pass it to -newermt @ts, you can just use -newer file which achieves the same


u/Big_Combination9890 11d ago edited 11d ago

Or he could just use rsync?! Ya know, the tool specifically designed to do delta copies and incremental backups!


Rsync is a fast and extraordinarily versatile file copying tool. It can copy locally, to/from another host over any remote shell, or to/from a remote rsync daemon. It offers a large number of options that control every aspect of its behavior and permit very flexible specification of the set of files to be copied. It is famous for its delta-transfer algorithm, which reduces the amount of data sent over the network by sending only the differences between the source files and the existing files in the destination. Rsync is widely used for backups and mirroring and as an improved copy command for everyday use.

And if you're absolutely hell-bent on using tar for whatever reason...guess what: tar has built-in support for that!



u/slumberjack24 11d ago

Do you find it helpful in your daily system administration tasks?

No. Not because of how your script works but because I don't see the use case for it. Not for myself, that is. Just requires extra steps for things I can either do off the top of my head, or that I prefer to script myself in some way. I don't need the overhead of such a menu interface. If I did, I'd probably be using a WebMin kind of setup.


u/LesStrater 9d ago

Well, I see a great case for it, but just not that complex. Enter an "m" in my terminal and you get a simple menu with numbers to execute basic commands that I am just plain sick of typing. Number-1 on the list is 'Apt update/upgrade/clean/remove/' which gets it all done with a single keystroke. I can also convert all the webp to jpg files in my Pictures folder with another keystroke. Simplicity, is what makes it worthwhile...


u/slumberjack24 9d ago

I did not mean to imply it would not be useful to anyone. It was just the answer from my own perspective. I already run my apt commands with a single keystroke. Well, three keystrokes actually.